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How to create a Hurtworld Server
Looking to make your own Hurtworld server or just want to play single player and not worry about getting killed by people who have ben playing for hours when you just started well this is my little guide on creating your own server
How To Video
Below is the guide to using my automated tool to create your own server without having to do anything more than just type in the location you want it installed and your Steam 64 ID to make you the admin.

You will need to download the tool from the more info section below the video
Manually create a server
Incase you don't want to use the auto server creation tool above you can always do this manually.

To do this first you must download SteamCMD from SteamCMD Download page

Once you have done that you need to unzip it to an easy to access location, I would recommend the root of a drive.
Next you need to open up a command prompt, to do this in Windows click the Start button (windows button) and in the Run dialog type in cmd and press enter.
Now type in cd and the drive letter you placed the steamcmd in followed by a :\ for example

cd c:\

then press enter this should switch you to that drive now type in the following replacing the text in the square brackets with the directory to us e.g. c:\hurtworld-server\

steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir [directory to install server into] +login anonymous +app_update 405100 validate +quit

this will now install an additional copy of the game to be used as a server.
Now you need to open up notepad and save, browse to the folder you installed into and in the file name put start-server.bat
now copy the following into notepad and then click save again.

Hurtworld.exe -batchmode -nographics -exec "host 12871;queryport 12881;servername HurtWorld Server;addadmin [your Steam 64 ID] -logfile "gamelog.txt"

you need to replace the text in the square brackets with your Steam 64 ID which you can get by going to and entering your account name.

now just browse to the directory you installed the server into and double click the Start-Server.bat and hey presto you now are running a local server.
How to join your server
To join your server just load up Hurtworld and then press F1 when at the main menu, this will pull down the console.
and press enter (this is a loop back ip), your client should now start attmepting to connect and log you on to your server.

If you want friends to also be able to join yur server you will need to do a couple things.
First you will need to ensure your router is forwarding connection to the Hurtworld server ports to your computer, this is done differently for easy type of router and if you don't know how to do it then I suggest going to and locating your router and following the instructions and adding the ports 12871 and 12881.
Secondly get your ip which you can easily do by going to and copy that as this will be the ip your friends will need to connect to using the above command to join.
KreatorB Feb 8, 2018 @ 11:05am 
you mention "Hurtworld.exe -batchmode -nographics -exec "host 12871;queryport 12881;servername HurtWorld Server;addadmin [your Steam 64 ID] -logfile "gamelog.txt"" and when I run the steamcmd.exe and fllow your steps the hurtworld.exe file is never there.... I have all kind os files that download and update but I never recieve the server file. And when I copy my hurtworld.exe over to the server folder I get an error saying I am missing the anticheat. any ideas???
KreatorB Feb 8, 2018 @ 8:25am 
okay, i was so happy when this was passed onto me so that I could make my own server and have a bit of learning time for the game. But after watching the video, trying the link which is refered to get the auto install(page not located) and then trying manually I found iot uselesss to say the least. I tried several attempts and the directions for manual are not very clear. They assume you know your way around a cmd promt and that you have knowledge of all the inner working of WINDOWS. Sorry, I am not very skilled, but I can read and follow instrusction normally. But these seamed to be written in haste was all. Anyway I was not succesful in getting the server running. Thanks but I would suggest looking else where for help. Thanks for trying! :Sebastian:
darienn123 May 24, 2016 @ 2:18am 
Downloaded your file and it never had the install server .bat file
emp456 Mar 11, 2016 @ 11:47am 
My own server kicks me because i don't have EAC. I'm trying this and play with the new game option 'without EAC' but no luck. Everytime i got kicked from my own server :P

Is there something we should add to the bat to avoid asking for EAC?

Thank you
TylerTheCameraMan Feb 16, 2016 @ 1:32pm 
Hey IDED when i load into my own server it dosent load any textures i can tell you the error that pops up if you need it
mikeyperion Jan 18, 2016 @ 4:13am 
How do I do this for Mac?
Paladin Jan 15, 2016 @ 2:37pm 
awsome thanks!!
IDED  [author] Jan 15, 2016 @ 12:53pm 
make sure your firewall isnt blocking and the server will need internet access first time to resolve ip then you can play without internet until next time you restart server
Paladin Jan 14, 2016 @ 7:02pm 
Well I got a bit farther.. Looks I saw start-server.bat in cmd after I enter my steam 64 ID.. Started game and entered but couldnt connect..
Paladin Jan 14, 2016 @ 6:51pm 
If iI run it again it will go through completely and ask for my stea 64 ID which I put in but then no Start_server.bat file