DiRT Rally

DiRT Rally

DiRT Rally - Frame time and v-sync issue
"For some reason I can't force v-sync ON from the Nvidia control panel. With the in-game v-sync option frame time jumps between ~17 and ~34ms like there was no triple-buffering.

Discussion: http://steamcommunity.com/app/310560/discussions/0/487877107134742733/"
It's Not Me Dec 22, 2015 @ 1:41am 
u you have refresh rate 59 ;d
Meszes  [author] Dec 18, 2015 @ 1:25am 
Show me a 144Hz UHD TV. :P
A Red Sunset Sunsation Dec 17, 2015 @ 7:04pm 
Pff just run it at 144hz with 432 fps cap, should be fine!
Meszes  [author] Dec 17, 2015 @ 2:21am 
Thank you for the response. I did exactly what you said, everytime I changed something in the CP I exited the game first, tried the per-game settings first without success. In the video I changed nothing in CP by the way, just showed that despite forcing v-sync ON it has no effect on DiRT Rally.
Tex-Rec Dec 16, 2015 @ 11:13pm 
Try to add it on the DiRT Rally.exe and not to global , and after you setup your control panel restart the game to be active with that options , you can use nvidia control panel while you ingame.. i mean you can but it wont change anything that way..you have to restart game.

Also in short: Dont change in global tab , go in the programs tab there and select DiRT exe , add it , change what you want , save it , start game and it should be fine , if this not do it's job , i still prefer the great nvidiaInspector.