Axiom Verge

Axiom Verge

28 ratings
Axiom Verge Weapons Guide
By Thomas o Kawaiiness
How to find all the weapons.
The weapons

This guide is really for the few weapons that are difficult to find. Many of the weapons can be found through normal game progress. I'm just doing this because there was no other Steam guide for actual gameplay that I could see.

A couple of the weapons require entering secret worlds, whose locations are randomized depending on your new playthrough (as opposed to it being randomized every time you load up your saved game). This guy's page has an excellent detailed map that shows many potential secret worlds.

Here's a video of attaining every weapon.

Here's a 100% item speedrun that might help for other items as well.

Axiom Disruptor: The first gun, can't miss it. Found in Eribu.

Nova: You find this by playing the game.

Kilver: You find this by playing the game.

Firewall: Found in Kur, check the map under this paragraph. Requires you to pass up this location first and get the high jump upgrade. Then you can jump up to the left platform here and walk through the invisible wall.

Data Bomb: Found in Absu, the left most column tunnel, all the way at the bottom. You need the drone + drone teleporter, and the trenchcoat or red coat. Drill through the ground that the skeleton is laying against, then go through it with the drone, then drone teleport yourself to the chamber below, and then phase through the floor where there's two darker purple tiles (near a doorway). Can't miss it.

Lightning Gun: In Eribu. You know that "arrow" transition door that goes to Ukkin-Na? The Lightning Gun is in a room directly to the left of that. Can't get it until you have at least the drone teleporter though, and I think it also requires a bomb (the one that hacks an entire screen when it detonates).

Distortion Field: Found in Edin. Requires drone + drone teleport, and the trenchcoat. The rightmost save point, it's in the room directly to the left.

Flamethrower: Found in Eribu, upper left area, near where you start the game, though you can't get to it until you are almost finished with the game.

From the game's first save point (the one where the right door in the save point is blocked by red bubbles) go left all the way until you hit the dead end where you got the original Axiom Disruptor. The upper left wall can be drilled through (or Red Coat through it). Requires the Red Coat (one of the final upgrades, lets you teleport 3 spaces) and the Password Tool. Open the password tool and input the password DINGER-GISBAR and the wall will disappear, letting you get to the flamethrower.

Heatseeker: Found inside a secret world, and apparently the locations of secret worlds are randomized? Or it seems that the Heatseeker can be found in a random secret world, and you have to find as many as you can to stumble around it. Here's a video.

Here's another video.

I think these are two locations of secret worlds, and either one has a random chance of having the Heatseeker. There are a few other secret worlds I've found myself but I forgot where they are, I'll try to add their locations later.

Ion Beam: In Kur, the big 5 x 5 squares area, in the 3rd square down, and 4th square to the right, there's a gap in the walls that you can phase up or down to, it's right above a falling rock dispenser. You can phase into it with the trenchcoat, but in order to get the Ion Beam you need the red coat because you have to phase from that big central gap to the left, where there is what appears to be a gap that's filled with rocks that sort of forms a skull shape. Phase into it with the red coat and you'll bust through a bunch of rocks, which will have the Ion Beam.

Orbital Discharge: Bottom left room of Eribu, in the top left corner of the room you have to activate the password DALKHU-SUBTUM to open a secret passage.

Tethered Charge: [From the comments] I found another gun in Kur. You know that dead end at the bottom-right of it where there's a little spot for your drone to dig? Well, above further above that is more drillable blocks. You'll need at least the Lab Coat to get through the solid wall at the end of it.

You could use the Red Coat to bust out the edge, or you can launch your Drone, pop it mid-air, drill, and repeat to chip away at the wall until one of the blocks breaks giving you access. You will also need Drone Teleport.

All rights reserved of the owners of the videos linked. The videos used in this guide are not my own, and thanks goes to the people who made these videos.
Thomas o Kawaiiness  [author] Apr 5, 2016 @ 11:24pm 
It's probably in that big video of guns. :(

I got really lazy once I found out I could just embed that video.
Sensei Le Roof Apr 5, 2016 @ 9:54pm 
No mention of the Multishot? If I'd known I would've kept better track of where it was.
Thomas o Kawaiiness  [author] Mar 17, 2016 @ 8:09pm 
I lazily added that to the list, thanks. :3
Thomas o Kawaiiness  [author] Mar 17, 2016 @ 5:24pm 
I'll change that, thanks. I did get really lazy with this guide once I realized there were just a bunch of youtube videos that did the work for me. :3