Gotham City Impostors: Free To Play

Gotham City Impostors: Free To Play

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How to make frags without being "good"
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Okay, considering there's a lot of low level players in this game I will try to guide the newer members of the community in the right direction towards becoming a "better player". You don't have to have decent game-sense or aim to apply these "strats" / "playstyles", because they're easy to grasp with little to no ability - well i guess map knowledge could come in handy. You could even use an Xbox 360 pad if you want as using a mouse and keyboard isn't necessary to perform well with these builds. Not to forget this guide is also fairly straight forward so you'll be playing like the "best players" in no time!

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L33t class setup
So why the class choices? Simple. They're the most broken classes in the game and they require no skill to get started!


Ready Weapon: Jackhammer (Penetrator Ammo)
Backup Weapon: Persuader (Penetrator Ammo)
Support item: Body Armour or Energy Drink
Gadget: Glider Rig
Character: Burly/Mighty
Fun Fact 1: Wallflower or Horse Healthy
Fun Fact 2: Kinda Bulletproof
Rampage: Tough As Nails
Psych profile: N/A


Ready Weapon: Thunder Dragon (whatever mod you want)
Backup Weapon: Witch Doctor (Deflective Charge)
Support item: Body Armour or Energy Drink
Gadget: Jet Pack/Glider Rig/Inflatable Insoles
Character: Burly/Mighty
Fun Fact 1: Wallflower or Horse Healthy
Fun Fact 2: Kinda Bulletproof
Rampage: Tough As Nails
Psych profile: N/A


1) avoid high level players.

2) hunt players of lower skill level than you > dive bomb them > jackhammer them > rinse and repeat until you get a rampage.

3) once you acquire your rampage you track down the better player and divebomb them > whilst divebombing activate your rampage > gun them down with the jackhammer in your almost invincible state (PS. If you use Burly with Body Armour and activate your rampage in time you are invincible for the duration of your rampage - broken mechanic)

4) worst comes to worse and you run out of jackhammer ammo you switch to the persuader and spam them close range.


If you would like to consider yourself a "sniper" then switch Persuader to Buccaneer > rampage feed off lower skill level players (they usually stand still) with the Buccaneer by camping / hiding in the map > go to 3).


1) hide in a room with only one to two ways in, preferably one with a healing station > stay close to the health station > spam the entrances with witch doctor projectiles when you know an enemy is near by > jet pack up when enemies enter the room and continue spamming away.

2) use step 1) but with the Thunder Dragon instead.

3) acquire rampage > use rampage when overwhelmed > repeat step 1) and 2).


If you're feeling confident - use the gadgets listed in the class option and proudly prance around the map spamming to your hearts content. Or stay in the room (again, preferably one with a healing station) and use your teammates as meat shields as they come to heal their salty wounds.
Build your ego
When you finally get good enough with these classes and implementing these methods into regular playtime (which i'm sure won't take long at all) you can now officially start taking screenshots of people you have nemesised and adding them to your profile. Don't worry - people hate being nemmed becase it clearly proves how much better you are than them at the game.

Like top-tier GCI veteran Leroy mentioned, "you become a specialist when mastering these classes". So wear your pro badge (provided below) with pride and tear up players in Gotham City Imposters with style.

Good luck! MLG needs you!
11 Komentar
MooN 12 Nov 2017 @ 3:39pm 
my loadout is basicly soldier from tf2 but with the glider and 322 hp.
[CC]Deroga 25 Jun 2016 @ 7:31pm 
I call option 2 the "Douche" setup
 [pembuat] 5 Apr 2016 @ 1:32pm 
I know :) Gnome and Hatchet is a great counter, but when people play a very pathetic and passive style throughout the entirity of the game in order to farm a rampage it can be pretty ineffective. you could hunt them for sure, but man how boring would that be. With the current state (or forever incomplete state) that the game is in it's just easier to pick that class and follow a very narrow-minded and obvious play-style. of course the game screams creativity, but no one wants to be creative... especially with how bad peer to peer hosting is too (hit reg issues etc.). best thing now is to take something like bow / gatekeeper / speedy or similar and challenge yourself. i think the best players are the most versatile and non-linear.
UltiMATE GroundHog 5 Apr 2016 @ 8:52am 
Try my sniper build.
Bear Stalker (lence)
Falcon Blade

This is challenging yourself. :snaggletooth:
I rainbowed all the other 2 snipers far too fast and haven't used them ever since.

This game shrieks of the "be creative" factor.
Whatever gamestyle you want to play you can.

Another thing to counter these power monger builds.
Simply use the GNOME!!! :cupcakeelf:
Works on all fliers, rollersaktes even, double jumps and spring boots.
If memory serves it works on grapplers too.
 [pembuat] 5 Apr 2016 @ 6:07am 
people encourage themselves really. this game has literally become a teenagers spat at who can achieve the better KD by divebombing and jackhammering. it's a young boys ego thing. most people are that bad at this game that if they used anything else their precious KD would diminish and their "oh so valuable" reputation would crumble along with it.
UltiMATE GroundHog 4 Apr 2016 @ 12:58pm 
We have enough power gamers already. Why do you encourage people to do this? :sbangry:
 [pembuat] 28 Nov 2015 @ 9:47pm 
come to think of it you're right Wall Flower would be more useful, but HH on its own is still ok. nevertheless, HH/ED is more effective. Wall Flower is only useful if you have one determined saddo following you around for most of the match if a player is tagging.
bednoises 28 Nov 2015 @ 9:17pm 
ED/HH. horse is nothing without ED, 0/10 tactics
BEZQ 27 Nov 2015 @ 9:23am 
Be a good boy and wear your badge, Olek :)
 [pembuat] 27 Nov 2015 @ 1:13am 
nah i forgot to write this 2 weeks after i started the game.