1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum

1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum

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Dream of Nigel Walkthrough
By Raye Skylark
Step by step guide on how to achieve the "dream of Nigel" ending.
Getting on Nigel’s path
Nigel is the first guy that Sadie will meet in the game. Once they realize who the other one is (Sadie being the daughter of Henry and Morgana Keating and Nigel being Sadie’s archaeology professor), then his capers will be activated. To pursue Nigel’s path, you need to complete both the capers that are related to the “dream of family” path as well as the capers that are related to Nigel’s path. You will need to do these capers in Egypt, Australia, and India as well as any that are activated in New York.

Unlike for Ahmose, Felix, and Roland, the option to begin a romance with Nigel cannot be activated at Christmas. However, Sadie can choose to spend time with Nigel on this holiday. It would be a good idea to do so if you don’t have at least 30 relationship points with him by this point although it isn’t necessary to do so in order to activate his romance later.

Once Sadie arrives in Peru, there will be the option to start a romance with Nigel by starting his caper. You will only have two chances to choose the option so if you refuse both times, then you can only continue a friendship with Nigel.
Getting Nigel’s best romance ending
Once you decide to start a romance with Nigel, Sadie’s “dream of family” will change to “dream of Nigel” and your starting value will be zero. However, this will quickly increase by successfully passing the obstacles that are related to Nigel’s capers. I should note that it isn’t necessary to do the other capers although you may choose so at your own discretion. As long as you pass all of the obstacles for all of Nigel’s capers in Peru, New Orleans, and Turkey, you will get his best ending.

Below are the choices I made (marked as “x”) once Sadie arrives in Peru as well as how many dream points I earned when I passed the obstacles. (I’ve done the same for New Orleans and Turkey as well.)

Check in with the Professor (Story Nigel: The Main Adventure)

Choose “I’m tired of just reading about us. We’re worth a real try.”

Adventure with Nigel in Peru

You bet. I still can’t believe you set this up for me. x
• Thank you so much, Nigel. I can’t wait.
• SO excited. I can’t believe it.

Well, you are my go-to guy when it comes to adventure! x
• Oh, that’s just my natural coloring.
• And I take it that you are also up for a little adventure today, Nigel?

Do I know you? x
• Oh, wow, what is this? Do I have to kiss your hand now?
• What do you think you’re doing?!

• Yes, I think that you could be a great help. If you’re willing to assist me, I would greatly appreciate it.
You’d be willing to help me? x
• Wow! You think you could?

I know, but something about Samuel is bothering me… x
• I think Samuel might be a fraud. Did you see the furniture in his office?
• I hope you’re not offended, Nigel, but I don’t like this Samuel guy…

1st obstacle
• Awareness (+7 Dream of Nigel)

• Self knowledge

• That’s odd…he didn’t say much about you.
• Thank you.
Really? What else do you know about him? x

• Hmm. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m just making mountains out of molehills.
A lot like theirs? How much? x
• It’s just…something about him. You don’t think I’m crazy, do you?

Oh, come on. She knows perfectly well that you can take care of yourself. x
• You’ll survive, Nigel. Besides, my aunt already knows everything she needs to know about you.
• Everything she needs to know about you she can read in the paper.

That Bolivar got us on a wild-goose chase? Yes. I still don’t know why, though. Maybe it has something to do with the museum. x
• That maybe now is a good time for lunch?
• I don’t know, Nigel. That depends.

Go for it. x
• Look for alternatives.

(If you choose to go for the alternatives option, there is a different obstacle than the one below. It’ll involve that you either choose repair or perception.)

2nd obstacle
• Deduction (+7 Dream of Nigel)

• Perception

Ok, now you’re just teasing me. x
• You know, I’ve heard that New York’s considering that.
• That’s a great idea!

No, no, Nigel, it’s…it’s very cute. I only have one question. x
• I love silly. Especially when I’m trapped in a cave.
• No way, Sherlock. Maybe you can solve the mystery on how we’re getting out of here?

• Oh, it’s secure. I learned my tying skills from a sailor.
• All this hesitation is making me doubt your trust in my knot-tying skills.
Don’t worry. I’m sure this will hold a big guy like you. x

• I’d love to find a mummy. Now that would deserve to be in a museum.
• OK, Professor. I’ll definitely let you know if I crawl into a mummy.
I’m not afraid of mummies, Nigel. You remember how many we saw in Egypt. x

• You think someone went under that boulder, took the vase, and then moved it back? x

• Oh wow. That would be a fantastic way to end this day.
• Oh my. I really hope not.

• Yeah…Vines…
• You’re right…these walls aren’t safe.
Hmm…I feel an idea coming on. x

3rd obstacle
• Grace (+7 Dream of Nigel)

• Climbing

Three! You caught me! x
• Hey. What’s new? How are you feeling?
• Oh, the look on your face!

• What do you mean?
• Aha! I knew it! There was just something…off about his hairstyle. So, what did he do?
You don’t say? What did you learn about him? x

How did you even get out of that tomb, Samuel? How did word of this story never get out? x
• You almost killed my father. How should I repay the favor?
• You’re a hack, Bolivar! It’s a miracle that no one’s caught you already!

4th obstacle
• Fisticuffs (+9 Dream of Nigel)

• Magic Tricks

You just threatened to kill us with a machete. Did you forget that already? x
• Oh, you hear that, Nigel? He’s a good guy. Let’s just let him go!
• If you’re not a bad man, Samuel, I don’t know who is.

• Oh, I doubt that.
Nigel, you’re better than normal. I think you’re great just the way you are! x
• Then those people weren’t worth your time!
New York (after Peru)
Below are the choices I made after Sadie returns from Peru.

Check in with Professor Hemsworth

• I like that idea. You know, we make a great team. x

• What? You do paperwork while I fall in giant holes?
• That’s very sweet. It’s good to know you’re thrilled by paperwork.

• There’s no time for doubt! Just don’t take any wooden nickels!
Let’s hear some positive thinking! Erase all doubts from your thoughts! x
• Oh come one. How could this plan not work? After all, it took me a good two minutes to think this all up!

• Sounds like we need to pay him a visit. Pip pip, old bean.
• Big Daddy Dan should know better than to steal from me. This is my city.
I think I know where we’re spending Mardi Gras, Nigel! x

Valentine’s Day

• I was beginning to worry!
• Not a problem. We only just got here ourselves.
I might forgive you…for a price. x

• Let’s look around the lobby.
• Let’s ask the staff if someone’s turned it in.
Let’s check back in the theater. x
New Orleans

Again, these are the choices I made once Sadie arrives in New Orleans.

Scout Gangland Mansions with Nigel (Story Nigel: The Main Adventure)

• That’s very sweet. x

• No, I’m not corrupted. Just extremely twisted.
• Just me and Gatsby.

Adventure with the Professor in New Orleans (Story Nigel: The Adventure in New Orleans)

• When in Rome…right, Nigel? People need a reason to celebrate…especially in these hard times.
You mean to tell me that you’ve never been to a bacchanal, Nigel? I find that hard to believe. x
• Oh, don’t be so harsh, Nigel! It’s a party town!

• I thank you for taking the time to listen to us, Captain Moreau.
• I hope you’re not too busy, Mr. Moreau, but we have a serious problem…
We need your help. Some things have been stolen from us, and we’re pretty sure where they were taken. x

• But, luckily for you, I’m a big fan of bad ideas!
• But I’ll be darned if I let him get away with this!
But I know that you aren’t the type to run away when things seem a little dangerous. Right, Nigel? x

• Isn’t this stuff fascinating? x

• Oh, I’ve studied it. Extensively. How else am I supposed to put spells on unsuspecting young men?
• You look a little pale, Nigel. Don’t tell me that this stuff scares you.

• Oh, I’m invited. He just doesn’t know it yet.
• It must be lost in the mail. Besides, Big Daddy should know that it’s not a party unless I’m there!
As if that could ever stop me. x

1st obstacle

• Diplomacy
Moxie (+6 Dream)

• Maybe I do, Big Daddy. I have a reputation for being quite dangerous. x

• Of course I do, Daniel. I’m one of them.
• Me? No, I never associate with such a…dubious crowd.

Ooh! What’s this? It’s beautiful! x
• My goodness, this is lovely! I do declare that I’ve never seen anything like it!
• I don’t suppose you hunted this down, too, did you?

2nd obstacle
• Awareness
Courage (+6 Dream)

3rd obstacle

• Magic Tricks
Grace (+6 Dream)

• I’ll just stay here.
Don’t keep me waiting, Daniel. x
• Make sure to give them what for, Big Daddy!

Big Daddy. Do you call yourself that because you treat everyone else like children? x
• My my. Look what we have here-a spoiled child throwing around his toys.
• Daniel! You put him down, right now. He didn’t do a thing!

Oh no! Unhand me, you masked man! x
• Ransom? Oh no! Noooooo! You’ll drain my family dry!
• My my, crook. You certainly are strong. I’m utterly helpless!

• Ha. I’m just happy you repaid the favor.
Oh, I didn’t do much at all. x
• Hmm…I must have missed you. I was trying so hard to convince him to let me in.

No point in dilly-dallying! x
• Maybe we should reconsider this.

4th obstacle
• Perception
Problem Solving (+6 Dream)

• Looks like Big Daddy’s going to have to repair his reputation tomorrow morning. x

• This’ll go down as the party of the century.
• Poor thing. He’s trying to find the right ‘masked man’ at a masquerade.

You mean a man coming after us with a rifle to hunt us down? x
• Maybe it’s the cops. I’ve never wanted to see one more in my life!
• Oh, sure. It’s probably just someone going on a relaxing evening stroll.

• You poor man…
Are you okay? How did this happen? x
• Big Daddy isn’t going to get away with this…

I hate being helpless, Captain. I just paid Big Daddy a visit and he…lost his mind a little. x
• Whatever do you mean, Mr. Moreau? Is there trouble down the road?
• How kind of you to think of me. Are you going down to arrest him?

• I’ll be waiting for you, Daniel!
Oh, Daniel, don’t tell me you’re some kind of criminal! x
• Don’t worry, Daniel-nothing can scratch a real diamond!

• Of course. We had to make sure you were fine. After all, spending two days tied up in the bayou is bound to make you feel a little sick.
• It’s just nice to have another witness to prove that everything that happened last night was real!
Anything for the guy that guided us out of the bayou. Thanks again, Maurice! x

5th obstacle
• Strength (+6 Dream)

• Deception

• Wow. It’s a good thing we’re in a hospital-he’s out cold.
My hero! x
• He can’t hear you, Nigel. He’s unconscious.

• You bet. He was such a frightening and angry man.
• Why? You’re not in the mood to play rogue again?
I bet he wouldn’t like to see you again, Nigel. You really clobbered him! x
New York (after New Orleans)
Again, these are the choices I made.

Check in with Professor Hemsworth

• Well, maybe there’s a little too much testing. x

• If I don’t, will I get an ‘F’?
• As long as you’re grading on a very generous curve.

Easter Holiday

• Certainly! After all that madness in New Orleans, I think taking it easy for a while is a great idea. x

• Relaxing? Where is the professor we all know and love?
• Don’t overbook your vacation, now. You better make some time to see me!

Yes. But with very little music. And with considerably more delusions of grace, gentility, and finery. x
• A parade of pretension. I’m sure you can base an anthropological study on it.
• It’ll be the silliest parade you’ve ever been to.

No, really, Auntie, it’s fine. x
• Oh, that’s fine. I’m sure you have time to paint a painting.
• Nigel? He looks cute next to anyone!

• Safety first-I’ll get everybody outside and then decide what to do from there.
No one steals my Aunt’s things and gets away with it-time for confrontation! x

• Musket? No, no. You just stay here, Auntie. We can handle this.
• How did you get a musket? They still make those?
No, we don’t need to be so dramatic. I’m sure I can handle this. x

• Chase after the dog!
Talk to Nigel about what to do next. x

• We’ve had worse problems, Nigel.
It’s okay, Nigel. We’ll find something else to eat. x
• Well, at least something got to enjoy it.

• Oh, I’m up there.
Only if you’re mine, Nigel. x
• Everyone within reach of a paper is your number one fan, Nigel.

• We’ll hit Main Street-there’s bound to be food there.
We’ll go check the countryside. x

• A little. But the company made up for it.
As if any of that could bring me down. Not when you and I have so much fun. x
• Oh no. I live for little adventures like these with you.

Again, these are the choices I made.

Check in with Nigel (Story Nigel: The Main Adventure)

• Get your hands off me, you big brute!
• Hey-hey, that better not be a gun in your hand.
You don’t want to do this, Daniel. You don’t know what I’ll do to you. I’m dangerous. x


• Escape Artistry
Strength (+5 Dream)

Adventure with Nigel in Turkey

• Big Daddy wasn’t going after you. He came after me. x

• I-I-know you didn’t have to do what you did. Not many people would do that for me.
• Nigel, I’m just…truly lucky to have a nice guy like you watching my back.

• So, who are you?
• But enough about me. I’m more curious to hear all about you.
Nigel and I are practically partners. Now, who are you? x

• Ha…Sure, Professor. But can I ask you something for a moment? In private, if you don’t mind, Dr. Krause.
• Before we make any big decisions, I need to talk to you, Nigel. That OK with you, Lorelei?
You know I can, Nigel. But…can I see you for a moment? Alone, if you won’t mind, Lorelei? x

1st obstacle
• Problem Solving (+5 Dream)

• Poise

• You know what, Nigel, if you want to meet Dr. Krause, go ahead. I’ll stay with the rest of the class. I guess I was just…afraid of the responsibility.
• Don’t you think I’m a little young and irresponsible to handle a class on my own? I mean…I’ve never handled this kind of thing before.
Nigel, I don’t know. I have a bad feeling about- x

Wow. She’s coming on pretty strong!
Oh, he’s real all right. He’s got to see through her! x
• She’s a desperate one, isn’t she? I like Nigel and all, but he’s not exactly Zorro.

2nd obstacle
• Negotiation (+5 Dream)

• Dangerous? For Little Lucky? I-I-I know he’s around here somewhere. Oh no, I’m going to have to call the police to help me. He couldn’t have gone far…
But if I can’t find Lucky, I’ll have no choice but to call the police. Maybe I’ll need their help. x
• Surely a big, strong man like yourself can help me. If not, I just might have to enlist the help of the local constable…

Make an effort! Push him! x
• Take an easier route and try something else. I think I might lose points, though…

3rd obstacle
• Empathy (+5 Dream)

• Moxie

• Yeah. Go with her. Or, better yet, go home.
Please…please don’t be your usual, hyper-suspicious self! x
• If he stays around here any longer, the bandits will catch all of us!

Surely, he’s not going to fall for that again. x
• Unbelievable. Flirting again!
• Nigel’s not that desperate for recognition, is he?

4th obstacle
• Climbing
Strength (+10 Dream)

• Whoa!
• What the-?!
Unbelievable! x

• Only one chance…please don’t miss!
Aimed and ready…now all I need is a little luck! x
• Please please let this work out! I don’t have a plan B!

Phew! Now, Nigel, get out of there! x
• Well, that was loud. I hope they don’t find me!
• Yes! Take that, you bandit!

• Who’s Nigel dating?! Oh…is she talking about me?
• That’s impossible! I know all the young heiresses-Oh, she’s talking about me!
Ah, so she does remember me! x

5th obstacle
• Stealth (+10 Dream)

• Grace

• Shhhh.
• Just be more careful. Don’t let anyone see you.
You just make sure to get out of here safely. x

• WHAT?! He has no idea how to use that!
This is hardly a fair fight. x
• Ah! That’s my kind of weapon. As for Nigel…

• You like to mess with archaeologists, huh?
• You think you can take two of us, tough guy? Let’s see it!
You challenge one of us, you challenge both of us! x

• Ninety percent bluffing.
I did whatever I had to. I-I couldn’t let him hurt you, Nigel. x
• It’s one of my best talents.

• (German) Just some millionaire girl.
Ah, so you do remember me. x
• He did more than bring me. I followed you, Lorelei.

• No!
Really, Nigel? She nearly got you killed. You’re just going to let her get away with all this? x
• This isn’t good enough! Krause, you can’t really think that makes everything square, can you?

• What can I say? I’m a free spirit.
I thought it would be a nice change of pace. x
• I’m sure they all wandered off to the library or something. Probably studying as we speak.
Conclusion and Tips
Following these steps, I was able to obtain 100 “dream of Nigel” points and thus achieve his best ending. I found it quite sweet although the very ending has me a bit mystified. However, I won’t reveal what it is, as that would clearly spoil the ending for anyone wanting to find out for themselves. Certain options are important in order to obtain certain obstacles and, of course, you need to pass all of the obstacles to obtain the best ending. As usual, I didn’t state the point values needed to pass the obstacles, as they may differ depending on the difficulty level you choose to play. However, if you raise your stats well and obtain good inspirations, it is possible to pass all of the obstacles presented and obtain the best ending.

I’ve done my best to make this walkthrough as complete as possible but if there is anything I missed, please feel free to comment below and I’ll make any necessary changes. I hope this will help everyone who has wanted a complete walkthrough for Nigel’s path. ^^
Eris Sep 20, 2017 @ 9:25pm 
Here are some point values to help you make sure you aren't missing anything:

By New York after Peru you should have: 30 Dream points
By New York after New Orleans you should have: 60 Dream points
By New York after Turkey you should have: 100 Dream points (+5 from Nigel's Main Adventure, +35 from Turkey)
GuignolSaint Nov 25, 2015 @ 4:21pm 
You are amazing Callista :D
Vidservent Nov 25, 2015 @ 4:45am 
Great, now I can finally get his achievement :D
Raye Skylark  [author] Nov 25, 2015 @ 4:30am 
Now that the bug in Nigel's path has finally been fixed, I can make and upload this walkthrough. :essiqueen: