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Guide for Shadows of Evil [2020 updated]
Vytvořil: FreeMetal
This guide will help you survive through this unpleasant journey to Dimension 63's map, Shadows of Evil.

Updated 2020, it does regroup every interesting things, gameplay-wise, that the community has found over the years. Heck, you'll even find less interesting things !

Have a good reading !
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Hello fellow zombie hunters, welcome to this summary guide of the secrets of the map Shadows of Evil.

You can easily spot in the table of content of the guide what you are looking for, wheter it is the Main easter egg quest, Equipment crafting, Side easter egg or Preparation steps

Easter egg can be done no matter the amount of players UNTIL the last step wich requires 4. Roughly 2-3 hours

Some screenshots may be in french language instead of english. Don't forget to like if you do, have a good reading time and a nice day. :)

I won't accept invitations anymore as i can't play with everybody.

Let's begin

Concerning the map, it is roughly separated in 3 districts, the starting alley, a main plaza and an underground room.

Bellow is a guide made by a fellow zombie player regrouping very great looking maps for Shadows of Evil, please go support his guide. Here are a few maps he made.

Items needed for the rituals

Layout of the map with Perks and PaP machine:

To begin with the secret quest, you will need to perform 4 rituals, one in each district, the fourth being located above the starting area. Each ritual will require you to have picked up the Summoning key (see below) and 4 different particular items, linked with the story of the characters.

First of all, interact with a purple torch. This will transform you into a beast, allowing you to grapple and power-up generators. Begin by breaking the crate on the truck. You'll find the Summoning key that is required in every rituals.

Rituals can be done in any order, items can be picked up in any other. The only restriction is that you can only do one at a time.
Preparation - Nero's ritual
Open the door and you'll find yourself in the Junction between every Districts. Find another torch, and activate the powerbox on the crane in the center, near the candy machine.

It will release a crate that blows itself open, giving you Nero's item, a feather pen.

Now, still as a transformed beast, look upstairs near the starting alley, you can grapple up there.

Pass through the hall, continue on the roofs, you'll find another power switch. Activate it to let the stairs drop, so you can access it in human form.

Once you've reached the sacrificial room, place the item on the table.

Reactivate it to begin the ritual. Corrupted Keepers will spawn and you must survive inside the room for a time, depending on the number of players inside the room vs in the game. I advise you to not kill the Keepers and just navigate safely in the room. If you shoot them, they will respawn and might actually block you / spawn behind you.

Once the sacrifice is done, grab the portal worm.

One down, 3 more to go.
Preparation - Jackie's ritual
The next ritual is located in the Canals.

Use a curse torch to become a Beast and walk down in the canal. Run until the end of it, you will find a wall that you can pass through. There is a power switch behind, power it up.

Then, backtrack in the canal, a grid that was blocking a crate has been opened. Break the crate and (As a human) grab Jackie's item, a police's badge.

Now, open the door that leads to the train station.

Transform yourself, you will see a hook on the cabaret's roof.
Go down the stairs until you find the switch powering the stairs.
Now as a human, come back in the cabaret and place the badge to begin the ritual.

Survive then grab the worm.
Preparation - Jessica's ritual
Footlight district: Find a torch to enter beast mode; grapple on the hook and power up the stairs.

Near the perk machine, you can observe a crate on the neighboring's edge. Jump on it and push the box with your juicy tentacles.

Jessica's item will be on the floor; a wig.

Open the door that leads to a road full cluttered with cars. Transform again into a beast and hook on the Tower named Black Lace Burlesque. There is a switch opening the door once powered up

Place the item and sacrifice the bald man. Pick up the worm once done.

Preparation - Floyd's ritual
Head back to the main intersection, open now the Waterfront district.
Move forward down the stairs, look above. You will see a grappling spot.

Grab Floyd's item after pushing the crate; his Champion belt

Open then the door leading to the train station, move down near the harbors. Use your beast form to open the doors of the gym room and proceed with the ritual.

Pick up the worm
Preparation - The opening of the portal
Now head to the underground, you have to pass through a rift portal. One is located in each district behind a door breakable only in beast form. Down there, there will be a wall with shiny symbols on it. If you did every rituals, the wall should disappear by walking near it.

Once in there, you have to place the worms on the four altars.

Wallrun on the sculpted walls to cross the gap.

When all 4 worms are in place, you must use the last ritual altar in the room. Just like a regular ritual, you must survive until the end. However this time, you have a lot of place to move around and an epic music ! Just make sure not to fall down while wallrunning.

Once over, the Shadowman will exchange a few words and reveal his true form. He is not going to help you save your dimension.

The Pack-a-Punch machine will appear from a portal. Second step is done.

You'll notice that outside, the background skies have changed a little bit; doom is imminent !

Preparation - The Swords
/!\ You can start this step after or before the opening of the portal /!\

A special weapon, a sword, will be required to continue on your journey.

There are three train stations. One in the Canals, in Footlight and in Waterfront. The railway is connected to a point in the center of the map. You have to find symbols by travelling along each train paths. For a better understanding, they are located on the "?" marks on the following map.

When in the train, gaze towards the buildings, Red glowing symbols will be noticable.

My advice They go quickly once in the train so, easiest way to memorize them is either to write them in the chat, or remember a number associated with them

(Check the screenshots just bellow to see the order, the symbols are written on a brick wall. Those on the wall will always be the same. With the help of this screenshot or another cheatsheet you might have, give numbers to the symbols. From 1 to 9. Thus while on the train, you will only have to check what number the symbol you saw is, and remember their place on the brick wall.)

Once you have got the three, get back to the underground. You have to transform into a beast and look at the brick wall bellow the stairs. 9 symbols will be displayed, you have to attack with your electrical tentacle the three symbols that you've spotted on the train, in no particular order.

Bottom left symbol is number 1 - Bottom right symbol is number 9

Now that the wall disappeared, there is a bunch of stones, with eggs and swords on them. Grab an egg.
You might have noticed during your beast mode experiences that 4 wooden crates are located on the map, which you can destroy with a tentacle slap. Cthulhu-like statues will be revealed, allowing you to place your egg on them.

Now you just have to kill zombies near the egg. Their souls will fill it.

When finished, a sound will play. The egg will shine a lot and you'll be able to grab it back.

You must do this thing with the others statues, there is one in every districts.

When you filled your egg on all 4 statues, go back underground and place it where you found it. You can now grab a very powerfull sword on the same altar.

Preparation - Upgrading the swords
Now that the sword is in your hand, you can upgrade it.

To do so, go to your ritual's altar. It depends on who you are playing as.

  • Nero the Magician - His ritual is located in his Appartment above the Spawn area.

  • Floyd the Boxer - His ritual is located in the Gym room near the harbors, in the Waterfront District

  • Jackie the Detective - His ritual is located in the Rubby Rabbit cabaret, in the Canals District

  • Jessica the Femme Fatale - Her ritual is located in the Black Lace Burlesque club, in the Footlight District

On the altar you should see a flying blue ghost. Approach him and interact with him. He will give you a dark orb.

Now with it in your pocket you might notice glowing circles in front of the rituals and in the center of the Junction.

You must stand in the center of those circles and complete another ritual. When you start the ritual, 1, 2 or 3 margwas will spawn, they will chase you and (Only you).

When you've killed them all, the ritual is completed and you can do the next. The point is that you can't do more than one ritual per round. So you will have to pass the current round to do another ritual.
In multiplayer EACH player can do one ritual per round but only one ritual can be made in the map at the same time.

When you have completed the 4 rituals, go back to the ghost and give him your sword. He will give you back the upgraded blade.

Main easter egg quest - Free the ghosts
The real easter egg quest will properly begin from now on. Previous steps were mostly preparations.

Head to Nero's room, you need to find a book on the ground that was not there previously. Interact with it, it will start flying before vanishing.

It is a large book on the ground, right on the left of the door.

By doing this you spawned a flag in the underground.

Important advise I really encourage you to craft the Apothicon servant (The wonder weapon of the map) and the Propulsion Shield, because it's really awful how powerful and usefull they are. See corresponding part bellow.

Be Careful; at the moment you take the flag, every zombies will disappear and Insanity elementals (exploding balls) will spawn until you've completed this step. Those ennemies are weak but quite fast and explosive.

The step in itself requires you to take the flag and place it on two spots marked by an electrical spark. Once placed, you must protect the flag for roughly 30 seconds from Balls, Mosquitos and the Shadow Man himself. Be very watchful towards him because he can do massive damage to the flag. If it is destroyed, you must take it back from the underground.

Once done, a DING will tell you that you can pick up the flag and a Max ammo every two flags. Go to the second location.

Here are some example locations, you can't miss the others, they really shine a lot.

Shadow man will appear on particular spots, you can easily expect / check for his appearences.

When you did protect the flag on two places, you must bring the flag to the corresponding ritual's altar. The flag will be placed in front of the ghost. When done, the Keeper spirit will disappear with the flag (That will respawn underground next round), and a margwa will spawn.

If done correcly, regular zombies will respawn and you can see the ghost in front of the corresponding Worm, in the PaP room.

If you failed the step andn the flag has been destroyed, you can just pick it up and start again. If you succeeded, you need to flip the round to continue.

You must do the flag step a total of 4 times, one for each district-ritual altar combination.
Main easter egg quest - Fighting the Shadow Man
After freeing the four ghosts, let's head to the PaP room for the Boss fight.

Make sure to gear up with perks, shield and good weapons. I also recommend reading the next step before attempting the boss fight.

Now that the bad guy is there, he is protected by an energy shield.

To break it down you have to interact with the Keepers. They are purple, and activating them will color them red. They will remain red for a certain time, so you gotta run to activate them all.

Be very careful about wall-running as there will be a lot of ennemies. They can block you mid run and push you into the pit.

Many margwas will spawn and you can't leave the room until it is done, so be prepared.

Once activated, fhe four red ghosts will shoot a ray to the shadow man, disabling his shield.

You have to shoot him now that he is vulnerable. This will make him teleport around, eventually teleporting him closer and closer to the table. When close enough, someone will have to interact with it to capture the Shadow Man. If he gets his shield back on, just reactivate every keepers.

He will then transform into a giant Worm that will be located in the center of the map.

If it worked, the sky will be now very menacing.

Main easter egg quest - Capturing the Shadow Man
\!/ FROM NOW ON, YOU HAVE TO BE 4 \!/ I didn't test it but apparently you can complete the previous steps between 1 to 3 players and can invite people to join you now, just to unlock the final step.


Now, margwa's will spawn without limits instead of zombies, they have purple heads instead of their normal gold glow and your beast mode is now much longer. However, the margwas can attack you while in this form.

- You have to kill margwas next to a torch to activate it, as it will be disabled.

- You can revive deceased friends by calling the train.

The torch that has been activated will be blue and you can use them to transform yourself.

This step requires a good cooperation and coordination.

There is in the middle of the map the giant worm and 3 red spirits. You have to place a player in all 3 train station as beasts. The fourth in human form must call the train from any station. This will make the train pass through the middle junction, crushing the worm. The 3 beasts players must power up 3 box, near the stations while the train has been called.


If done correctly, the rails will be glowing blue.

At this moment, beast players must go back to junction plaza and attack the keeper ghosts with the electrical tentacle, before the giant worm reappears. If done correctly, a giant beam will be cast and the cinematic will begin.


Apocalypse isn't going on, you saved the world, good job ! (This is a lie, in the lore this dimension is destroyed soon after.)

Now, your civil protector will be painted with sexy gold paintjob instead of blue metal. A challenge and an identification card will be unlocked.

TL;DR Cheat sheet for the main quest
If you already know the steps, this can help you remember the order of the things you have to do.

Equipment - Civil protector
You have to find 3 fuses around the map, each in one different district. They are blue glowing cylinders.

They have a couple locations possible, in the general area of my screenshots.




Once you've got them, go underground approach the fuse's box and insert the fuses.

You can now activate by paying 2000 points, the civil protector. Know that you can "stack" points in the machine, even without 2000 points.

Ex: you can add your 1200 points in the Civil Protector, so someone will have to add 800 points to call the protector.

There is a red box in each district + junction, where you can call the protector.

Once paid, a robot will fall from the sky and follow the caller. It kills zombies, revive friends (and you) and fly around with his jump boots.

He is ignored by zombies and will expire by itself.

There is an achievement to call the bot from every boxes.
Equipment - Crafting Tables
So there is 3 tables that you can use to craft the items seen bellow, when you have the parts necessary.
There is one table that won't be used, so you have the choice to put for instance the shield here or there. Crafted items can not be moved afterwards.




Equipment - Propulsion Shield
You can craft a shield with three pieces, but this one is a bit particular as you can use a boost to punch zombies harder. The shield is one of your lifesaver in black ops zombie.

Like most of the time, there is a piece in each corner of the map.

The first part is in Footlight's district, near the perk and the box. Either on a bench, against the perk's fence, or inside just at the left before the stairs.

The second one is located in the Canals. In the perk's area: in it's room, on the bridge, or in the room after the stairs.

The last part is near the Waterfront's perk. Near the mess after the stairs, close to the window on the opposite of the perk, or next to the Cthulu statue.

Equipment - Apothicon's Servant (Wonder Weapon)
The wonder weapon of Shadows of Evil is a three part craftable gun that fires powerful black holes.

The first part is kinda easy to get as it is dropped by the first margwa, if you missed it they will drop it again until you pick it up.

The second one is a shiny-green-weird-thingy, that is randomly dropped by the Insanity elementals or the Mosquitos.

The last one can be found when you open a plant-like pod. As you noticed it, they are green at the beginning and with the time they grow, to red, then purple.

You have to open a purple one and pray to obtain a tentacle.

Side easter egg - Free random Mega Gobblegum
There is a very short side easter egg that you can complete to obtain a free Mega Gobblegum for your Shadows of Evil game.

First things first, you will require the Widow's Wine perk, located in the underground.

Now go to the Canal district, right when entering from the main plaza, head upstairs on your right.

You will end up in a room with 4 lion statues. You must throw a Widow's wine grenade into their mouth. If done correctly, each player will see a small grey ball inside the mouth of one lion

Pick it up and go back to the main plaza, you are looking for the "ICE CREAM" store next to Stamin-up perk. You can place the grey ball on a plate.

Simply wait 2 full rounds and look again, your ball will have grown up and you'll be able to pick it up.

Side easter egg - Free 500 points
Right after the first door you might notice on your right a laundry store with shirts hanging up. There is a ticket on one of the shirts.

Just cook a grenade in order to blow the ticket up. If done correctly, it will appear inside the playable area, next to the window you were looking throught. Pick it up to earn your points.

This is a nod to one of the Mob of the Dead map's character.
Side easter egg - Margwa's Head
For this little secret, you will need some things:

-Progression in the main easter egg up to the regular swords. (Not upgraded one)
-A ray gun

There are 6 margwa's head in the buildings that you must destroy with the raygun. 2 in each districts.The problem is that they are only visible from the train.

(You can follow the order you want in the train stations, but you have to do it in only 2 train's travel, so i advise you a path, as one heart in footlight is very hard to take down.

If you use three time the train, the hearts will respawn and you will have to do it again.

Head to the train station in Waterfront and get in the train direction Footlight.

The first is on a sign, at your left.

Then on the building just after, on the left again.

(Seen from the ground)

Then after the junction, still on the left in a white sign.

This one is the hardest. Just at the corner of the building on your left, the train is turning at this point so its hard to aim well.

(Seen from the train station, after the first try on this heart)

Direction canals now, the 5th heart is on a big poster, right after the junction, on your right.

Finally, a tough one, this one is in the "Y" of the "Ruby Rabbit" glowing letters.

If done correctly, you should hear a Margwa scream, just like when you kill one. Now, you have to reach any of the 4 ritual's altar room and look well. There is a light that glows in a corner every 5-10 seconds so be careful, you can miss it. Interact with this location and you should find a margwa's head that your character will put on his head.

It provides slight resistance to Margwa attacks.
Side easter egg - Secret song 1
This little operation will play "Snake skin boots" from Jack Wall.

As always, you have to activate three items to be able to hear the secret music.

You can activate an instrumental only version of this song by pressing twice Interact button on one of the radio, then one time for the others.

They are some kind of little wooden speakers.
The first is in the boxing room, the ritual's place of Lloyd.

The second is on a bench, in the Footlight train station.

And the last one is in the Ruby Rabbit, near the stair's power switch.

Side easter egg - Secret song 2
This operation will play the song "Cold Hard Cash" from Jack Wall and Antonia Bennett.

You must collect three items scattered around the map.

  • A microphone stand in Nero's place, between the circular target and a circular saw.

  • A microphone cable in the far end of the canal in the Canals district. It is under the staircase, in front of the wall you can walkthrough while being in Beast form.

  • The microphone iitself is in the underground tunnels, next to a bench on your left when coming down from the surface stairs. Near the portal going to Waterfront.

Finally, go to the Black Lace Burlesque - Footlight district and interact with the freshly built microphone on the stage.

Side easter egg - Starting at round 5 - 10 - 15
In the very beginning of the map, the Shadow man will spawn on the metal staircase above you.

Simply shoot at him all of your bullets.

It will eventually make the game jump to round 5, 10 and then 15, depending on how much you shot at him. You will also receive a few points.

Side easter egg - Upgraded Lil'Arnie
The Monkey bomb replacement of the map, the Lil'Arnies can be through a bit of time, upgraded to be more effective at saving your ar-se.

To begin with, you must obtain the Lil'Arnie from the mystery box. Also, all 4 rituals must have been completed.

Following this, you'll have to get 100 kills with them.

Once this killing spree is over, you will have to throw Arnies at 3 different locations throughout the map:

  • A top hat in Nero's place:

  • A cane in the Ruby Rabbit's lower stage, on the left of the door. (Jackie's place.)

  • A bow tie in the gym room, on a shelf. (Floyd's place.)

Once done, head to the Black Lace Burlesque tower in Footlight district (Jessica's place) and simply throw a fourth Arnie on the main stage's table.

A funny little dance will occur before giving you Upgraded Lil'Arnies.

Side easter egg - Upgraded Shield (Goddard apparatus)
Propulsion shield is upgradable, giving you 4 rocket boosts instead of 3. Not worth doing this imo as it apparently does NOT improve the shield's health, but i'll just leave it here.

You must first craft and equip the shield. (See part above)

To get it upgraded, you simply must score 12 times 10+ kills on zombies, with the shield boost.

That's it. :D

Joke's appart, it seems that once broken, the shield is not obtainable anymore, tables will give you Vanilla shields.

Side easter egg - Upgraded Trip mines (Doughnut mines)
If you are to use Trip mines, know that you can actually upgrade them in Shadows of Evil. In case you didn't know, they are available for purchase, all the way to waterfront, on an outside wall of the Gym room.

You must place a Trip mine in order to kill a zombie next to 3 "Holly's Creamcake Cart". If placed properly, Samantha shall laugh after the explosion.

One is located in front of Stamin-up perk, in the main plaza.

Another one is located in the Canals, to your right when entering from the main junction, half-way towards the Ruby Rabbit.

The last one is in the Footlight district, upstairs, next to the perk machine.

If done correctly, a Doughnut explosion will blow up.

Your tripmine are now Doughnuts, higher damage and range.

The Beginning of the End:

Difficulty: Easy

Pretty straight forward, it requires you to open the Pack-a-Punch machine. Complete Nero's, Jessica's, Jackie's, Floyd's and the Basement's ritual.

From the Shadows:

Difficulty: Easy

He will appear at the beginning of the game and when completing a ritual. This will naturally be obtained with the previous Achievement.

Not out of Gobblegum!:

Difficulty: Easy

Pretty easy, make sure to select regular gobblegum before launching the game instead of Mega, open the first door and use the machine until you got the achievement. Gobblegums works as a pack of cards where you get a random card, but the next time you pick one card, the ones you picked already will never drop. This allows you to get every gobblegum every 5 uses. Done by round 4-5.

Sorry, we're DEAD:

Difficulty: Easy

Camp at a store's window in the junction plaza, the laundry store for instance, right after the first door. Very quick.


Difficulty: Easy

Gather a small group of zombies and just boost into the thing. Repeat this step 11 times more, to get the upgraded shield. See the part above to craft the said shield.

Beat CoP:

Difficulty: Easy

First you must setup the protector by collecting and placing 3 fuses. See part above for details. Then, you must activate the protector by paying 2000 points, 4 times. Junction + 3 districts.

  • Waterfront: In the first half, on the left of the first mystery box location, before the second door.
  • Junction plaza: On the right wall when you are coming from the spawn towards Waterfront.
  • Footlight: Just on the right of the second door, next to a breackable wooden crate.
  • Canals: On the far right, above the water, in front of the Ruby Rabbit.

The Spider and the Fly:

Difficulty: Easy

Once you've got the Widow's Wine perk from the underground room, accessible via teleporter, just throw grenades at zombies, or let them hit you. They will be ensnared and you just have to kill them following this.

Margwa Party:

Difficulty: Easy

A margwa will spawn from time to time during a wave. Just follow his death by doing the 2nd or 4th ritual to make sure another margwa will spawn. KIll them by shooting their mouths.


Difficulty: Easy

Just wait for a bonus round to begin. Plenty a flying parasites will spawn. Just ride the train and destroy them all.
Last Thoughts
Hope this guide overall helped you. Somehow.

If you seek assistance for the other zombie maps as well, i wrote guides for every Black Ops III / Zombie Chronicles maps. Here are a few links ! :)

Thank you very much for reading.
Lots of updates have been done before this but writing them down was out of my mind. As this guide is now more or less completed, it's probably the first and last entry.

01/07/2020: Corrected a lot of bad english, misspelling as well as content non-sense. Added quality of life within the summary of the sections.
Also added the following sections:
  • "Achievements"
  • "Free random Mega Gobblegum"
  • "Free 500 points"
  • "Secret song 2"
  • "Starting round at 5 - 10 - 15"
  • "Upgraded Lil'Arnies"
  • "Upgraded Propulsion shield (Goddard Apparatus)"
  • "Upgraded Trip mines - Doughnuts mine"

07/07/2020: Added a Last Thoughts section with links to other guides.

20/07/2020: Added delicious Cheat sheet for the main quest.

29/07/2020: Added all missing screenshots.

16/02/2024: Reuploaded a few missing pictures

Thank you very much for reading. :)
Počet komentářů: 103
FreeMetal  [autor] 21. zář. v 5.04 
Thanks a lot for your comments !
Mold Enjoyer 20. zář. v 20.23 
great guide as always found a couple missing screenshots (ie location for the 3rd shield part and a fuse) other then that the best source for learning this map
GabeTheGamer 11. čvc. v 18.57 
Very helpful, found out about a lot of side easter eggs. Now I can play shadows like a pro. Thank you! :D
Zyanx_ 26. čvn. v 5.39 
Thanks for this guide bro :)
relly helpful
Nevamind 4. led. v 4.21 
W guide
MeguLag 8. dub. 2023 v 10.34 
A very in-depth and super helpful guide, did the entire community a service for; (in my opinion) best zombies map ever.
FreeMetal  [autor] 14. bře. 2023 v 12.16 
Many thanks :)
Solaire 2. bře. 2023 v 1.55 
super guide bravo
Isiliath 8. úno. 2023 v 14.12 
Amazing guide! Deserved the award.