Lords of Xulima

Lords of Xulima

38 évaluations
Deepest Dark
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19 oct. 2015 à 16h55
23 nov. 2019 à 11h50
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Deepest Dark

"Death comes for all. Some sooner than others. Do you fear the Dark mortal? No? Perhaps you should..."

An ominious howl, the crack of unnatural lightning, a pained scream. Silence.

The figure turns, burning eyes piercing your very soul as they spark with an unnatural green light.

"Can you challenge it?"

Warning: You must select Hardcore Ironman difficulty.

Most features will behave oddly or not function at all if you don't. It's also recommended you start a new save, I am uncertain what effects it would have if loaded in a vanilla run and if nothing else not starting from the beginning breaks the balance of the mod.

This mod is complete and has been for a few weeks (I'm just an idiot and didn't change this post).

A lone ship sails through the dark waves. On board is a skeleton crew - a gaunt man dressed in a hooded emerald robe, face seemingly locked in a perpetual mocking grin, as several other men who seem deep in the grasp of insanity keep the ship on course in these treacherous waters. He knew full well of the dangers of the currents here - those who entered would not leave. That was fine, this land was... promising. The figure's grin grew wider. Yes, this would prove most... interesting. A dull thump, the sound of the mystery ship's hull striking the sandy beach.

And then 2 quiet, ominious words...

"It begins..."

What is Deepest Dark?

Deepest Dark is a difficulty mod originally made for a different game, however as a result of this allegedly challenging game entirely lacking in challenge by default, as well as some extremely unprofessional, unethical, and outright offensive behavior from the developers I cut support of it as I could not endorse such a game in good conscience. Since then I have kept my eyes open, in search of a different game I could exercise my creative talents in - one that is difficult by default, not horrifically broken, and that is maintained by caring, competent game developers who also understand games from the end user perspective. Lords of Xulima is such a game, and when I saw Steam Workshop support was finally available, calling me enthuiastic would be an understament. There were some short term technical problems with my having purchased the game from the wrong retailer and not having that Workshop support available, however fans of my past work really wanted this, and so I will deliver!

Who are you?

I am a challenge gamer, have been for the entirety of my adult life. While I am fine with self imposed challenges such as LLGs, SCCs, etc on games not inherently difficult and not marketed on that basis, I do prefer games that are naturally hard so I can be challenged without holding back. I found the Roguelike genre because for the most part it delivers on this, as well as providing the mechanical depth that makes intelligent play entertaining. A game need not have permadeath though and I also enjoy games (generally tactical and/or RPG) that don't have permadeath but that still make success non trivial and failure punishing.

I also deconstruct game design for fun and have became very good at analyzing game systems while just playing them at the same time, a talent that results in coherent, generally well thought out and well aimed design decisions and vision if say... I start modding. My primary design goal is always creating a diverse and interesting metagame, as no one enjoys a difficult game where you just spam one thing because it's the only thing that works, or worse, a trivial one dimensional game.

What is your stance on modding?

Put simply, mods should alter, enhance, or extrapolate on a game - not fix it. It's ok if a game isn't perfect by default, but any game that isn't good without mods also isn't worth creating mods for. That's my stance. Lords of Xulima is quite enjoyable as it is, offering some 300 hours and counting and so if I can expand that further so much the better. My previous work has extended the lifespan of a game by well over 1,000 hours and I was working with weaker material then. I'm quite confident I can exceed my previous project here.

So just what did you do in Deepest Dark?

I always start small and expand the scope and scale of the project as my knowledge, experience, and confidence grows.

Reduced most sources of resistance, and capped resistances at 75%.
Altered every enemy and formation in the game. All of them. Sometimes extensively.
Heavily ltered Cursed Hound progression so that they remain scary throughout the entire game.
Expanded encounter tables, with at least one new encounter in every zone.
Began major ability and class rebalancing efforts.
Greatly reduced the effectiveness of chain stunning.
Enhanced enemy strength, sometimes greatly.
More than doubled the number of quests in the game.
Added a few new mechanics that start appearing as early as Sporia Forest.
Item rebalanced, aimed at making items that only come from monster drops be more useful and have some unique niche.
Eqnchantments rebalanced, aimed at making more magical properties useful and a larger gap between magic and non magic items.
Equipment rebalanced, aimed at making one handed weapons (especially Daggers) and shields more useful and Battle Hammers and Flails less silly. Also makes all bow class weapons as well as Spears and Polearms more useful by introducing more dangerous backrow enemies which all of these weapons can hit.
Massive spell rebalance, most lower level skills cost fewer skill points unless they remain relevant through the whole game, most spells cost less mana and/or do more damage, target selection on some spells is changed, and the highest level skills for Cleric and Mage are more powerful and class exclusive (not learned by Arcane Soldier, Paladin...)
Skill/class change summary here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=748385432 ( assumes familiarity with vanilla skills, if you're not click here:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=343439867 )
Enemies now drop equipment, not just consumable healing items. This equipment is whatever they are using or the closest approximation. Some special enemies have other drops...
As an anti save scum measure, bosses have a 100% drop rate on anything they drop. Most normal enemies have low drop rates on equipment... but there are many of them.

Most of my future ideas concern adding new areas, new enemies/bosses, AI work, and so on which is either not possible now or I am not sure if it is possible yet and wouldn't do it right away in any case. Even as is now though, look what you have done...
Discussions populaires Tout voir (9)
16 nov. 2015 à 12h19
ÉPINGLÉ : It begins...
Celerity, Executor of Impunity
7 sept. 2016 à 22h23
Celerity, Executor of Impunity
1 févr. 2017 à 14h04
Accidental genius.
Celerity, Executor of Impunity
267 commentaires
Kayderim 30 aout à 16h40 
It happened to me when i alt - tab, acidentally press alt + enter to force the game into a window mode, and opening other programs while playing the game, when it happened it happened, the audio keeps going but i can't do anything other than reset.

I guess i'll try playing with compatibility with older windows and opening anything i need before starting the game
Celerity, Executor of Impunity  [créateur] 30 aout à 16h06 
Lower difficulties are intentionally broken because all save scumming will do is ensure you don't learn the skills it's teaching you before you need them so you will hit a wall where you can't get past bosses no matter how many times you try.

And I've never heard of that blackscreen bug. The only crash I remember is if you speak with the beast prince before killing off his dogs, and that's caused by > 10 enemies in one fight.
Kayderim 30 aout à 14h37 
Yeah, i messed up, my paladin also lost all axe skill levels too, so i'm take this oportunity to restart and fix some mistakes i did, and this time i'll make a new save file everytime.

Also, what happens when you play the game without the ironman? I had some problems in my previous playthrough where the game got black screen after i tabbed and made me lose quite a few hours of progress, so that would help preventing that a bit
Celerity, Executor of Impunity  [créateur] 29 aout à 20h00 
I assume you saved the game with the mod off? If so, you likely screwed yourself, especially if you don't have other saves. Provided you didn't save with the mod off, I don't see how anything would break. It's also not something I can fix on my end.

At least you're past the point where level 1-20 spells are more than an auto attack? Though if you also lost the mana recover skill...

Did you lose everything a unmodded DS doesn't normally have or only the mage spells?
Kayderim 29 aout à 18h15 
Hey guys, so i was playing with this mod and reached up to devonia and was starting to clear VIlak, and i had to format my computer. When i got back, my divine summoner lost all his mage spells, even after i reactivated the mod, the skills aren't even showing up at the skill table.

Is there any way to fix this? I can probrably get by like this, but i don't think i'll have a good time with my DS nerfed like this
Celerity, Executor of Impunity  [créateur] 27 aout à 19h32 
Brittle Armor does stack and can make any enemy have defense 0 with enough casts. But those are very high defense enemies, and they have 60k life because anything burnable will die in under a minute otherwise. They can be beaten at very low levels provided you can take one hit and live. I think the earliest kill was around 24? Though it becomes easy starting at 50.

Humble Bee is an auto win as long as you get a turn and have any spell. They are incredibly squishy, far more so than the dogs. Though they do have the same speed and evasion I think, or that might have been the second tier bees and dogs.

Lightning wouldn't work on those enemies anyway. I forget at which point I quit using frost strike and started using fire on the ancient dogs, though I always burned the golems. And this is one of those cases where not selling all your spores would be helpful.
Celerity, Executor of Impunity  [créateur] 27 aout à 19h32 
If Gaulen is doing anywhere near 600 damage, the rest of your party is quite weak.

Cursed Hound Ancients, or more precisely Rasmura is the point where the game is balanced around the assumption you have max resist vs whatever the enemies are using. Though, if they are meleeing you that hard, you must have really bad defense.

I don't remember the divine demons being that dangerous. Only moderately so. And they aren't very durable.
edward_surdeanu 27 aout à 9h12 
7. I agree with making chain stunning less overpowered, but I think you went in the opposite direction too much and really dangerous foes like ancient cursed hound or guardians need frost strike, stunning and lightning to lock them down or your back line will suffer fatalities, no matter the level of resistances or constitution at every level up.
8. Overall, extremely well designed enemies. I really have to think how to beat them and to a lesser extent game the merchants to acquire accurate weapons and good armour.
edward_surdeanu 27 aout à 9h12 
4. Does brittle armour actually stack or did you make some high level bosses immune to it? It doesn't seem to have an effect on earth guardians. By the way, did you give them 60000 hp to make it almost impossible to beat them for herbs?
5. Divine summoner Kersket and Taliet summons are of very good power and design. They really help even against strong enemies.
6. You made the humble bee as dangerous as an adult cursed hound, if the player has no icy touch or lightning spell.
edward_surdeanu 27 aout à 9h11 
As promised, the feedback, at least up to Devonia and the demons.
1. The barbarian is useful for the first half of the game, but as soon as you get an accurate katana, Gaulen, fed the strength herbs can get as big or even bigger damage than. I think your changes to critical hit chances for all weapons made the barbarian redundant in the later half, except for resisting stuns from the melee demons.
2. The ancient cursed hound is way too powerful: 5 hits lightning, speed 100, 3600 hp. It takes 3 immortati or 6-7 zilwan to kill him and he gives 55 bleeding and like 20 wounds to front line, even with 65% resistance to organic. Also him and some demons have 30-60% resistance to divine, the element that they should actually be vulnerable to. Was that your plan or a leftover from the original game?
3. The second level silence and mana steal demons, kabruz are way more dangerous than necromancers due to immunity to divine, coming in pairs and not really being frozen for long.