Armikrog's sins edited into The Neverhood.
"Well... As lot's of people say "You're hating, because you remember The Neverhood through pink tinted glasses!!!111oneone" I spent a moment whith my Neverhood copy... screenshoted it and edited with GIMP.

If you haven't played The Neverhood demo (with this being second room) is available on the internet (~20MB).

Screenshot form The Neverhood used under fair use.
The Neverhood (c) The Neverhood Inc. and Dreamworks Interactive/Electronic Arts.

37 条留言
Ibilis  [作者] 2016 年 11 月 8 日 下午 2:41 
Interactive cursor which was later added (my screenshot parody was made in 1.0 if I remember correctly) and making cursor interactive to support user with feedback was for me retardening.
One of best Neverhood immersive features was the fact, that it was up to player to find what is interactive (and most of visible things were) and what is not... and character gave clear feedback like staring at is, pressing, pulling, etc... it's especially annoying as there were very simple ways to do it with characters' dialogue, buttons being pressed but playing some dud sound, etc. (And buttons that only Beak-Beak can press while Tommy doesn't even need to bend...).

Ibilis  [作者] 2016 年 11 月 8 日 下午 2:41 
Instead of spending cash on actors (I have nothing against them, but when they had money problems in The Neverhood they used their own... and effect was gourgeous) they could have spent them on I don't know... some variety of puzzles?

Using the stretched living cube was for me like "okay, as you can see we don't even care" (stretching it in both dimensions wouldn't look as cheekingly lazy).

Ibilis  [作者] 2016 年 11 月 8 日 下午 2:41 
Armikrog's biggest problem is it's emptyness and repetiveness. First 10-15 minutes of the game are nice, but then it starts to be all the same (slide puzzle, talk to squid, turn on generator, find lever, play *** baby mobile game, go to new location, go back to beginning of loop).

I took it as shameless selling off nostaliga because of trailer and first room (the ones shown on kickstarter's campaign) having much more effort put in them. By effort I actually don't mean cash, bu rather some... care and thought. (Those only well-kept parts were made before they even had cash from kickstarter).
Isn't it weird that the only window in whole fortress is the one in first room? (I don't require all of them to be as interactive as this one... but just static picture would make it less... bare).

The humor is almost non-existant (in The Neverhood we had tiny, but many jokes. Here we have very few... and I doubt many people felt presidANTs funny... seriously what in world were they?)

AAAAAA 2016 年 11 月 7 日 下午 8:06 
I know how you feel, I played the Neverhood when I was in elementary school, but I thought that Armikrog was decent if underdeveloped. I don't think that they tried to sell it only off of nostalgia, but that they were pressured into rushing it into release prematurely, which is evident in the fact that you never find anything out about mother, father, or P, and you also never hear how Vognaut became evil, if Tommynaut even saved Numnaut, or if Ixen was destroyed as a result of his detour. You also never really know anyone's personality besides Tommynaut, and Beak-Beak. I also agree that the slider puzzles are annoying as f***.
Ibilis  [作者] 2016 年 11 月 7 日 下午 5:19 
Maybe because the game I was waiting for years turned outt to be (both from technical and gameplay point of view) pile of garbage? Ignoring the tehcnical problems look (even on my parodistic screen) at game's emptyness. Come on in 1996 when they had to build game engine from scratch (instead of using ready Unity) and with far inferior technology they filled game with something other than bunch of empty rooms and 2-3 repeated puzzles. Main characters who're supposed (if we look at trailer/intro) to be really talkative are as mute as Klaymen (who actually didn't have anyone to talk to). This game was (for me) just an attempt to graze on fans nostalgia.
AAAAAA 2016 年 11 月 5 日 下午 9:02 
Okay, I was just saying that. IDK why you're so salty.:steamsalty::resmile:
Ibilis  [作者] 2016 年 11 月 5 日 下午 4:11 
@Frootsnoops: I don't really care (1. I use Linux, 2. Fixing technical problems won't fix Armikrog being boring).
AAAAAA 2016 年 11 月 5 日 下午 2:21 
They did fix it for OS X @Ibilis
Ibilis  [作者] 2016 年 11 月 5 日 下午 1:08 
@Frootsnoops: Not cool for Linux/OS X users (unless they fixed it in later patches, personally I stopped giving a damn about this game and went back to The Neverhood and other playable games).
AAAAAA 2016 年 11 月 2 日 下午 3:06 