Left 4 Dead 2
498 оценки
[2020 UPDATE] SplitScreen LAN and Online!
От Valen
+++2020 UPDATE, New SplitScreen method, full controller's support, new KM + Controller Support!
Lots and lots of issue's have all been FIXED! Check it out!+++
This guide was created for the purpose to help users play L4D2 on splitscreen on both LAN or Online!
Questions? Feel free to comment
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How to play on SplitScreen| LAN and Online!
Soo, you want to know how to play L4D2 on SplitScreen uh?
Well, you've come in the right guide! (and the 5+ stars of Ratings says it too)
Works great for both LAN and Online!
[NEW] 2020 SplitScreen Support!
IMPORTANT: If you've already tryed SplitScreen with my old method (now tagged as [OLD])
please make sure to delete X360CE and it's relative files from your Left4Dead2 main Folder and also Left4Dead2/Bin Folder before proceeding! The files you have to remove are: X360ce.exe, Xinput1_3.dll'' and ''x360ce.ini
Remove these 3 files also from the main directory if you have them there too because they're not needed.***

Playing L4D2 in SplitScreen now just got easier, no need for config's or anything like that, and it's pretty much Plug n Play to setup!
Please check the two sections below here about the way you want to SplitScreen: 2 Controllers or 1 K+M plus Controller.
How to Enable Console
For play SplitScreen, make sure that you know how to bring on the Console.
If you don't know how to bring it on, then follow these instructions:

Start the Game, go to the Options Menu and click on the Keyboard/Mouse Tab and find the option "Allow Developer Console" and
Enable it. Now, exit from the game, open your Steam Library, go to Left 4 Dead 2, select ''Properties'', go to ''Set Launch Options'' and type in ''-console''.
Now launch the game and you will see a window on your main menu with lots of texts (that's the console)
Now, we need to bind the ''toggleconsole'' command to one of your Keyboard keys otherwise, you won't be able to bring up the console ingame (which is needed)
For do this, write on the Console: bind "F8" "toggleconsole" and press Enter!
Now you're able to open the Console anytime by just pressing F8 key!
SplitScreen with Two Controller's

*Two Controllers
*A few minutes to get you started!

Note: It's not mandatory to have two controller's of the same brand, for example, two PS4 controllers.
Even a PS4 Controller plugged in along with an Xbox One controller will work too!

1- Hook up your controllers to the PC

2- Launch Steam in Big Picture Mode (on Steam, press on the icon on the top right side of your screen for launch Big Picture)

3-When in big picture mode, tap the gear icon settings

4-Click on Controller Settings

5-Now, depending on the controllers you plugged to your PC, you need to check mark the configuration support for each controllers. Here's some examples:

Two PS4 Controllers? Only leave checked the Playstation Configuration

One PS4 Controller and an Xbox One Controller? Check both Playstation and Xbox Configuration

*Note that Steam Controller does not need this because it's already ready with the whole Steam ecosystem and Valve games* therefore skip Step 5*

6-That's it! Controllers are all set and ready to go! Launch L4D2 in Big Picture Mode!

7-What's left now is to pick your game mode from the section below.
Campaign? Survival? Online in community servers? Your choice! Follow the Instructions for load the map and start playing!
Additionally, check the FAQ section for additional info for improve your gameplay experience
SplitScreen K+M plus Controller
It is now possible to play with Keyboard and Mouse plus a Controller without much hassle!
Here's how to do it:

1-Hook a controller of your choice to the PC (PS4, XboxOne anything really)

2-Launch Steam in Big Picture Mode by clicking on the icon on Steam at your top right side of your Username

3-When in Big Picture Mode, head over to the Gear Icon Settings, right side

4-Click on Controller settings

5-Depending on the controller you plugged on your PC, you need to enable the configuration support.
Is it a PS4 Controller? Enable the Playstation one or if it's an Xbox One controller, enable the Xbox configuration support.

*Please note that if it's a Steam Controller instead, this is not needed because they're already plug n play with the whole Steam ecosystem and Valve games*

6-Launch the game through Big Picture!

7-Now there's one extra thing to do first.
Bring up your Console by pressing the F8 key and load a map of your choice in SplitScreen mode
(if you don't know how, please check the section below such as Campaign LAN)

8-Now that we're in and have our game in SplitScreen mode, bring up the console again and type:

sv_cheats 1

after that

in_forceuser 1

Now Keyboard + Mouse player is on the 2nd Screen fully working, while Controller player has the 1st screen!

Make sure to check out the other sections for how to play the rest of the game modes and custom maps! + the FAQ section containing lot's of great stuff for improve your gameplay experience.

***IMPORTANT: if one of the players goes AFK and the BOT takes control of the player in the meantime, it will break the whole thing, such as the keyboard player not being able to move or the controller controlling both screens.
If this happen's, you can simply solve it by opening up the console again and use the
in_forceuser 1 command again!

***IMPORTANT 2: Unfortunately with this method, you cannot play Online because sv_cheats command is required. If you want to play online in community servers, get a 2 second controller and check the Section for SplitScreen with 2 controllers!

***LAN/Splitscreen + game modes***
From now on, you'll learn how to play SplitScreen in LAN/Offline.
This will also teach you how to play other game modes rather than just Campaign (Campaign Realism, Versus, Survival and Scavenge)
LAN Campaign Splitscreen
If you want to play Campaign SplitScreen on LAN mode,
just type on console ''ss_map'' (it's the splitscreen command) and type the name of the campaign as well!
For example:

ss_map c1m1_hotel

(Below, a list of all campaigns)

Now, the game will load and you will see it's not on SplitScreen!
What you have to do now, is to open the Console
and type the following:

connect_splitscreen localhost 2

Now press Enter and you will see the game reloading.
Once done, you will have SplitScreen and you're ready to go!

LAN Campaign Realism SplitScreen
This way you can play the realism Campaign game mode rather than the standard Campaign game mode
1-Open console
2-Type ss_map *map name here* realism

example: ss_map c1m1_hotel realism

(it's important that you add ''realism'' at the end otherwise it will start as a standard campaign co-op)

3-When you're into the game, open console again and type: connect_splitscreen localhost 2
4-Have fun!

NOTE: For a full list of Map Names, check the section ''Campaign Names''
LAN Versus Splitscreen
You can also play Versus in LAN Splitscreen mode.
Here's the steps:

1- Open console
2-Type ss_map *map name here* versus

example: ss_map c1m1_hotel versus

(it's important that you add ''versus'' at the end otherwise it will start as a campaign co-op)

3-When you're into the game, open console again and type: connect_splitscreen localhost 2
4-Boom, splitscreen 1 vs 1 game up and running on Versus game mode! (well, 4 vs 1 actually, if you don't want bots kick them by opening console and using the kick command)

example: Kick Ellis

NOTICE: For a list of the map names, check the section ''Campaign Names''

LAN Survival SplitScreen
Here's how to play Survival in LAN SplitScreen.
The method is pretty much the same of Versus/Scavenge/Realism but with some exceptions

1-Open Console
2-Type ss_map *SURVIVAL map name here* survival


ss_map c1m4_atrium survival

(it's important that you add ''survival'' at the end otherwise it will start as a campaign co-op)

3-When you're into the game, open console again and type: connect_splitscreen localhost 2
4-Have fun!

NOTICE: Check the section ''Survival Maps Names' for a full list of their names.
Why that one and not Campaign names? Because some maps of the campaign ain't compatible with Survival so use the official survival maps list below in this guide

LAN Scavenge SplitScreen
Same story of Versus and Survival, it's the same method but with little exceptions!
1-Open console
2-Type ss_map *map name here* scavenge

example: ss_map c1m1_hotel scavenge

(it's important that you add ''scavenge'' at the end otherwise it will start as a campaign co-op)

3-When you're into the game, open console again and type: connect_splitscreen localhost 2
4-Have fun!

NOTICE: Check the ''Campaign Names'' section for a full list of the maps!

How to find out a custom map name
This will be useful if you want to play a Custom Survival/Campaign/Versus/Scavenge.

1* METHOD for Campaign, Versus and Scavenge

1-Start up a game with the custom map you want to play
2-When it's loaded, open the console and look out for this

3-You will see there's something in the lines saying ''Map: *map name here*''
That's the name of the map!
Now what you have to do is to exit and follow the instructions located in the LAN Splitscreen ''Game mode name here'' section of my guide

2* METHOD for Survival

It's pretty much the same of the above^ but with the exception that rather than launching the custom map as a campaign, you gotta launch it as a surival map.
So yeah, launch the survival map, open console, find the name like what i've written above here in the 1st method^ exit and follow the instructions located in the ''LAN Survival Splitscreen'' section of my guide!
Campaign Names
Dead Center - c1m1_hotel
Dark Carnival - c2m1_highway
Swamp Fever - c3m1_plankcountry
Hard Rain - c4m1_milltown_a
The Parish - c5m1_waterfront
The Passing - c6m1_riverbank
The Sacrifice - c7m1_docks
No Mercy - c8m1_apartment
Crash Course - c9m1_alleys
Death Toll - c10m1_caves
Dead Air - c11m1_greenhouse
Blood Harvest - c12m1_hilltop
Survival Maps Names
Dead Center:

The Passing:

Dark Carnival:

Swamp Fever:

Hard Rain:

The Parish:

The Sacrifice:

No Mercy:
***Online SplitScreen***
Yes, SplitScreen works online as well on every game mode!
But only on community servers. Some update broke something and you can't play SplitScreen anymore on official Valve servers unfortunately but there are dozens and dozens of community servers to choose from!
Check the upcoming section for find out how to join a server + find it's IP
Join an Online server in SplitScreen
Yes! You can also play SplitScreen online (Every gamemode is playable online, campaign co-op, Versus, Scanvenger, Survival and Versus but ONLY on Community servers, you can't play online SplitScreen on Valve server's anymore after the recent updates )
First of all, you need to know the IP of a server.
If you don't know how to get those, just scroll down,
there's a website who will show you all the L4D2 avaiable servers.

Once you got the IP of the server,
go back to the game, open Console and type:

connect_splitscreen localhost "IP of the Server Here" 2

and press Enter!

The game will start loading the map and you will have SplitScreen online as well!
How to find L4D2 Servers IP's
Just go on this website:


Then, copy the IP somewhere and follow the steps above^
Alternatively, you can simply join a community server from the game itself, open console and copy the IP somewhere then do the steps shown in the previous section, but i think the first option (finding the IP on gametracker) is way faster and more accessible! Up to you
-Help, when i put the command connect_splitscreen localhost "IP of the Server Here" 2|
Nothing happens after pressing Enter!

For fix this issue, close the game.
Go to Steam, click on your friend list and put your status ''Offline''.
Now re launch the game and test again. It should be fine now.

-I don't like the look of the guns on SplitScreen. Is there a way for change the fov?

yes, open console and type cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor *insert a number here*
Press Enter and you will notice the new fov!
(Works while playing as well, no need to restart)

-How can i change the SpltiScreen aspect ratio from Horizontal to Vertical or viceversa?

FIX: Use the ss_splitmode command
ss_splitmode 1 Horizontal
ss_splitmode 2 Vertical

Rememeber, your game must be running on a WideScreen Resolution
for change the aspect ratio to Vertical

-I'm unable to make my Xbox360 controller go player 2!

Well, there isn't a real fix for this kind of issue.
What i suggest to do is to try different USB ports of your PC
and while the game loads the campaign, uplug and replug as fast as you can

-Is it possible to change Player 2 name?

Yes! For do that, first start up SplitScreen, LAN or Online,
then open console and type: name2 *insert new Player2 name here*
example: name2 ProGamer
Now hit enter and you will see player2 got a new name!

-is it possible to change characters?

Yes but first of all, make sure you're already on a split screen game, also
the Server should have sv_cheats command enabled.
For Enable it, bring up the console and type:

sv_cheats 1

Now you can change characters by using the following console command:

cmd (inster player number 1 or 2) sb_takecontrol (Insert Survivor Name here)
Example: cmd2 sb_takecontrol Zoey

Survivor Names: Francis, Bill, Louis, Zoey, Nick, Ellis, Coach, Rochelle

Works only on LAN and a FEW community servers
Guide Updates
18 September 2015 - Creation of the guide
20 September 2015 - Added screenshots, added F.A.Q. Section and updated Campaign Names
to the latest L4D2 avaiable version
22 September 2015 - Added a new way for find servers IP's
2 December 2015 - Cleared up the guide (fixed some grammatical mistakes and stuff) plus
added a way for change characters (you can find it on the F.A.Q. Section)
5 April 2016 - Mentioned the fact that for change the characters while playing you need to have sv_cheats command enabled (check the F.A.Q. Section)
15 April 2016 - Added in the F.A.Q. Section a way for change the Aspect Ratio from Horizontal to Vertical or viceversa
4 June 2016 - Splitscreen Online doesn't seem to work anymore on Valve official servers, on community servers it works without any problem's
27 November 2016 - Added complete instructions for how to play on other game modes in LAN SplitScreen rather than just Campaign, improved grammar and overall the sections ain't as confusionary as before
31 January 2017 - Added a way for play L4D2 on SplitScreen with what ever controller you have! From xbox one controllers up to Steam controllers and such.
Check out the new section ''Splitscreen with 3rd party's controllers''
24 January 2020 - New Update! SplitScreen has been fixed once again and got easier than ever!
Additionally, a new easy method for play with KM + Controller is also avaiable!
Thanks for reading!
If my guide was helpful, make sure to leave a like! and share it!
Thanks! :)
***[OLD SplitScreen] NOT WORKING?***
Below here there are the old way's of how to set up the splitscreen.
These methods are now severely outdated and not required anymore for play in SplitScreen mode, some things do still work such as Two X360 Controllers, however, some are now broken such as SplitScreen with 3rd party's controllers.
[OLD] Requirements

* One or Two Xbox 360 Controllers Wired or Wireless (you can also make Player1 using Keyboard and Player2 using Xbox360 controller if you only have one controller, instructions Below)
* Xbox360 Controller CFG Settings (download link below)
* Console Enabled (if you don't know how to do that, keep reading! Instructions are below)

NOTE: IF YOU DON'T HAVE AN XBOX 360 CONTROLLER SKIP THIS AND JUMP TO THE SECTION '''Splitscreen with 3rd party controllers''
[OLD]Getting X360 CE and understanding what exactly does
X360 CE stands for ''Xbox 360 Controller Emulator''.
It's a tool which makes ANY controller to work with games who only support Xbox 360 controller's. You can get ANY controller to work with what ever game you want.
Basically, this will make your controller look like an X360 controller to L4D2 therefore, making it fully functionally for L4D2.

Get X360 CE from this link:


Download and extract the ''x360ce.rar'' file and you'll get an ''x360ce.exe'' file
Paste this ''x360ce.exe'' into the L4D2 main directory which is located in:

for 64 bit OS:
C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/Steam/SteamApps/Common/Left 4 Dead 2

for 32 bit OS:

C:/ProgramFiles/Steam/SteamApps/Common/Left 4 Dead 2
[OLD]Setting up your controller and x360 ce
Now click on ''x360ce.exe''
and some window should pop up

This is X360.ce asking for a file which will detect the controllers and such but it's not there.
What you gotta do is to click on ''Create'' and you're set!

Now, another window will pop up, showing x360 ce detecting your controller.

What you gotta do is simply to leave EVERYTHING like you see in the screen, simply click ''Next'' and let the tool find the settings on the internet, when the search is done, you gotta click ''Finish'' and this other window with a fancy X360 controller should pop up

We're almost done, one sec and you'll play with your friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, dog, cat, alien, whoever you have with you (: lol

What we need to do is to set up the controller scheme.
we have to set up EVERY button of the controller, from the sticks to the dpad as well the buttons, obviously...
We're going to set them up exactly like the x360 controller mapping config sooo, make sure to remember what you're doing and don't miss a thing! The Scheme is like this:

A: Jump
X: Pickup item/open doors/revive team mates
Y: Switch to Primary and secondary gun
B: N/A (nothing assigned here)

Stick Axis X [the one you see in the LEFT SIDE] : used for move your character
(make sure to move the stick to the RIGHT after you press ''record'' on x360ce)
Stick Axis Y [the one you see in the LEFT SIDE] : used for move your character
(make sure to move the stick UP after you press ''record'' on x360ce)
Stick Axis X [the one you see in the RIGHT SIDE] : used for rotate the camera
(make sure to move the stick to the RIGHT after you press ''record'' on x360ce)
Stick Axis Y (the one you see in the RIGHT SIDE] : used for rotate the camera
(make sure to move the stick UP after you press ''record'' on x360ce)

RB (it's ''Bumper'' located in the RIGHT side of X360 CE): Rotate
RT (it's ''Trigger'' located in the RIGHT side of X360 CE): Shoot
LT (it's ''Trigger'' located in the LEFT side of X360 CE): Melee
LB (it's ''Bumper'' located in the LEFT side of X360 CE): Crouch
D pad UP: Flashlight
D pad DOWN: Adrenaline/Pills
D pad LEFT: Molotov/Pipe Bombs/Acid bombs
D pad RIGHT: Medic Kit
Back: Scoreboard
Start: N/A (nothing assigned here)
Stick Button: (in x360ce after pressing ''record'' on ''Stick Button'', located in the RIGHT SIDE of X360 CE, press the right stick of your controller like a button) Aim with scoped guns


I do strongly reccomend to config the buttons like the x360 controller scheme.
For example, if you're about to config the ''A Button'' on X360 CE, on your controller make sure to press the ''A'' button (or what ever there is in that specific spot of your controller) and not some other random button of your choice, otherwise you may find your key mapped to some other button and this may also lead to conflict's and such.
So yeah, just follow the Xbox 360 controller layout and you'll be fine.

Let's get started with the 4 main button's first, which are:

A, B, X and Y.

You see ''A Button'' located in the RIGHT SIDE of X360 CE?
Well, click on the arrow and then press ''Record''

Now press the ''A button'' of your controller (or Z button or how ever is named! it's not important. Simply make sure that it's located in the same spot of the ''A button'' of the x360 controller, like you see in x360 ce) and you're done! You mapped your A Button.
To know what it does while playing, check above in the controller scheme^
The A button in our case it's used for ''Jump''.
See? it's kinda easy. Now you gotta do the same for the REST of buttons.
Example, let's map the B button. You click on it then press ''Record'' and on your controller, you press the ''B button'' or whatever button you have in that spot.
That's it! It's not really hard at all once you get the grip (:
Remember, do this for every buttons! As well the Sticks and the D pad.
Again, you choose the button>>>''Record''>>>Click the button located in the same spot shown in x360ce in your controller and that's it!
The final result should be like this:

Now there's just ONE more final thing to do and it's quite easy, nothing of super hard.
The hard part is gone now, you can chill!
All you have to do is to click on the name of your controller (in my case it shows up as ''Controller (Xbox360 Wireless Receiver for Windows) this will vary depending of what controller you're setting up! and this window will show up.
Click on ''Map to'' and set it to ''2'' and you'll see on X360 CE that the controller did move to ''Controller 2''

Done! You'll see now your controller is located in the box ''Controller 2'' which means, that L4D2 will recognize it for the Player 2 of SplitScreen.
Now simply close X360.CE by clicking on the red X button located above and if the tool asks if you want to save the changes, click on ''Yes''.

[OLD]How to get X360 CE to work in the game
Now, all we need to do is quite simple.
Go to your L4D2 main directory folder and you'll have 3 files.
One being ''x360CE.exe'', another being ''Xinput1_3.dll'' and another being ''x360ce.ini''
Now, copy and PASTE ''Xinput1_3.dll'' and ''x360ce.ini'' into the ''bin'' folder of L4D2 (check, it's right there, it should be the very first folder located in the main directory of L4D2 which is where we are at now)

NOTE: Make sure to also keep these two files ''Xinput1_3.dll'' and ''x360ce.ini'' in the main directory of the game as well, don't DELETE or move them from there.
Keep them on both the main directory and the ''bin'' folder of L4D2

That's it! The setting up is DONE.
Just fire up the game, follow the instructions located below in the other categories
and see how it goes! It should work

NOTE 2: By using X360 CE you DON'T have to unplug and remove your Controller cable or make it go to the 2nd player spot everytime. This is not required anymore.
From now on, just launch the game from Steam and it will work!
[OLD]Xbox360 Controllers Configuration
Soo, for play the game with 2 or 1 xbox360 controller,
you need to download this config! This is also NECESSARY for players
who want to play with Keyboard + Mouse and the 2nd player with an X360 controller

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwcEtEiRjrNUcXc5bUJWTW5QN28/view?usp=sharing
Once downloaded, paste it on the following folder:

Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\cfg

From now on, you'll learn how to set your controllers for play in SplitScreen
or instead, Controller + Mouse and Keyboard.
Make sure to have downloaded the config located above before proceeding
[OLD]How to execute the Xbox360 controller settings
Now, before playing on SplitScreen game mode, we need to execute the CFG file we downloaded
so that Xbox360 controls are configured perfectly for SplitScreen!
What you have to do is to go into Console and type the following:


Now press Enter and there you go! Now xbox360 controls are perfectly configured for SplitScreen.

Note: If you're going to play with Keyboard+Mouse and another player with an Xbox360 controller, you still need to do this

[OLD] SplitScreen with Keyboard+Mouse and Xbox360 Controller
If you only have one Xbox360 controller, you will like to hear
that you can also play the game with a Keyboard+Mouse for Player1 and Xbox360 Controller
for player 2!
Before proceeding, make sure you followed ALL the instructions above^
(yes, you also need to download the CFG for the Xbox360 Controllers)

1-Launch the game and make sure the Xbox360 controller is already plugged on your PC and turned ON
2-Once you reach Main Menu, open console and type the split screen comand + a name of a map, example:

ss_map c1m1_hotel

Now press Enter and the game will start loading the new map
4-Now while the game loads the Map, what you have to do is to unplug your Xbox360 controller Cable (or Wireless Receiver if your xbox360 controller it's wireless) for at least 2 seconds
then plug it on again
5-Now you will notice, the green light on your xbox360 controller is on a different spot (it should be on ''2'') This means L4D2 will now use for Player1 Keyboard+Mouse and for Player 2 Xbox360 Controller!
6-Just type on your console:

connect_splitscreen localhost 2

And the game will reload the map, this time in SplitScreen mode.
After you've done all of this, you're free to exit from the match and choose another game mode/different campaign. You don't have to unplug the controller again! As long as the light is in the 2nd spot, it will work

Notice: If this didn't worked and the green light on your xbox360 controller is still on ''1''
try a different USB port on your PC! I had the same issue and that fixed the problem
[OLD]***SPLITSCREEN WITH 3RD PARTY'S CONTROLLERS (Xone, Steam Controller etc)***
There's a way for get a non Xbox 360 controller (for examples, Xbox One controller, Steam Controller, Logitech Controllers, Chinese 5$ crap etc) to work for SplitScreen tho i warn ya,
this may take some time and it's not gonna be super easy.
It could be quite complicated for some people's.
If you have trouble's, comment and i'll try to respond whenever i'm able to.
291 коментара
ran 26 юни в 11:44 
Thank you this is an excellent guide. There should be more servers that have some split-screen tag. It's tough to find one on the spot. A lot of custom servers seem like they support it and then only end up they don't. Hoping one day we'll get this back with official servers
Midway 26 дек. 2022 в 10:14 
Uhh, a little help?

The second controller can't look up/down when playing Split-Screen, is there any fix to this?
hsz0566.ck 21 май 2022 в 23:21 
Thank you for your tutorial. I am a "1 keyboard/mouse + 1 X360 controller" player. But every time I click L_SHOULDER (toggle_duck) function on the X360 controller (Player 1), the keyboard/mouse player takes control of the Player 1. (Normally, the keyboard/mouse player takes control of the Player 2) So, I have to use the command "in_forceuser 1" again. Could anyone help me to solve this problem? Thanks!
namaeganai19 2 май 2022 в 22:41 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vUiBEigVf8&t=164s for anyone stil looking for a fix on things like the split screen view and controls try this helped me sort it out currently figuring out how to do online splitscreen
DarkHunFox 9 апр. 2022 в 10:15 
After a while in_forceuser 1 turns back to in_forceuser 0 any fix?
Kush 18 март 2022 в 8:36 
My Menu has a way to configure Spilt-Screen: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2780549026
HundredthJoker 26 февр. 2022 в 9:22 
Will I get a VAC if I do this on an official server?
autumn! 22 септ. 2021 в 19:33 
Thanks but there’s a faster way of connecting to campaing versus scavange and survival you can subscribe to a vpk splitscreen im not adding a link cuz im too lazy
★ Stripa18 19 септ. 2021 в 5:29 
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2605600302 this is a guide with the fixed method of K + M with Controller, it works
RedWithTheObviouslyLongUsername 9 авг. 2021 в 0:19 
So are you going to release the new method?