343 ratings
How to install Payday 2 Mods
By [H$TR] Everett The White Spider
You want to install a mod but you don't know how to do it? Read here!
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By Everett The White Spider
Mods: What are they?
Mods are modifications about how the game appears:
HUD (Heads Up Display) that add additional informational elements on the screen
or works:
They can modify several number of things, like enemies type, number, speed etc.
Mods can be split into two major groups; Clientside, and Lua.

Clientside & LUA
ClientSide (/Mod_override) mods are generally safe to use in online play - they often have little (if any) impact on the experience of other users, and will be unnoticeable to other players.

The two most common types of clientside mod are texture and sound mods; these modify the textures or sounds of various objects, characters or environment. Only has an impact on the mod user's experience, even if said player is the host.

Such modifications have been unofficially supported by Overkill with the addition of the Mod Overrides system which allows the game to load unpacked assets from a special folder in place of archived files. This makes many simple mods significantly easier to use than they were before, though there are restrictions on the file types that can be loaded using this system in order to prevent malicious behaviour.

Lua 'mods' utilize a 'hook' .dll and associated files to inject, overwrite, or append code to the Lua scripts used by the game itself, whilst the game is running. Many of these can be used to do abusive things, such as spawn lootbags or enemies, or make it so Special Enemies can be dominated and converted. It is important to note that gameplay-altering modifications such as these are considered cheating.

That said, it is worth keeping in mind that not all Lua-based modifications are considered gameplay-altering and some are considered to be safe for use. Many can be simple 'quality of life' tweaks (such as remembering gadget state between weapon swaps during a mission) or other minor adjustments that players may find helpful whilst having no impact on another player's experience. Care should still be taken, as a poorly-written script can easily cause the game to crash.
Where is "Payday 2" folder on my PC?
Program Files (x86)
A Lua hook designed for ease of use for players, and modders alike.

Payday 2 BLT is a custom-made Lua hook for Payday 2.
It has been designed and built from the ground up to make the installation and configuration of mods as simple and painless as possible.


Easy Installation
Just drop the BLT DLL and the accompanying “mods” folder into your Payday directory and you’re good to go!
In-game Mod Manager
Manage which of your mods will be turned on the next time you launch your game, no more moving folders and deleting files.
Self Updating*
The BLT can update itself to automatically bring you the latest features and fixes, you don’t have to lift a finger.
Automatic Updates*
All BLT mods can make use of our system to update your mods automatically the next time you launch Payday 2.
Customizable Keybinds
Keybinds added by mods can be changed in the options menu, so you can customize them to make them comfortable for you!
Menu Hooking
Mods can add new menus to your game so that you can customize them in-game, without having to change files outside of Payday.
Open Source
You can see what we’re doing behind the scenes, and you can even help us develop the BLT further!
*All updates are optional
We check with you before downloading anything, and you can turn them off if you want to.


The Payday 2 BLT requires a Windows computer running Windows 7 or later to work. You’ll also need the x86 version of the 2013 Visual C++ Runtime. You can download it from Microsoft {LINK REMOVED}.


The latest version of the BLT is available below:

If you want to view the source code to the Payday 2 BLT it’s available on GitHub. You can also grab ready-to-go versions of older BLT releases from the Releases page, but they might not work anymore.



Hold it! Make sure you’ve installed the x86 2013 C++ Runtime before installing. If you don’t, the BLT won’t work, your game will crash, and you’ll look like an idiot when asking for help because you didn’t read the instructions.

Step 1 - Download


Step 2 - Open your Payday 2 directory

You’ll need to open your Payday 2 directory. If you know where your SteamApps are, then go to SteamApps/common/PAYDAY 2/.
Otherwise, right-click Payday 2 in Steam and select Properties. Choose the tab Local Files and click Browse Local Files to open explorer right to it.

Step 3 - Extract

Extract the IPHLPAPI.dll and mods/ folder to your PAYDAY 2 folder from your download, and you’re done.

Step 4 - Installing Mods

BLT mods are installed by simply placing the mod folder into your mods folder.
So if you downloaded GoonMod, place the GoonMod folder into mods and you’re good to go.
Payday 2 Bundle & Mod Tool
PAYDAY 2 Bundle Tool
The Bundle Tool is a small tool that has been officially approved by Overkill Software for technical use. The tool acts as a game file extractor, and as such will allow users to extract (or 'rip') game textures, sounds and models for modding use.

PAYDAY 2 Mod Tool
The Mod Tool is another Overkill approved tool that allows users to easily create and apply custom mods based on the contents extracted by the Bundle Tool. User-created mods are generally allowed in-game, so long as they don't affect gameplay aspects (a.k.a. cheats) as mentioned above. The current version is v1.15.

To install the .pdmod

1) Download the {LINK REMOVED} from LB, link below.

2) Install and follow the on screen instructions to set up the bundle modder. Guides are available on the website if necessary

3) load the .pdmod into the bundle modder. as well as any other .pdmod files you would like, then install

The links to the downloads as well as modding instructions are here

Mod Overrides
Overkill working together with Last Bullet introduced another modding alternative by having a mod overrides folder allowing users to drag and drop mod folders into the mod overrides folder, it is used for mods that aren't .pdmod type. Mod Overrides isn't as versatile as .pdmod.
Types of "Installation"
"PokemonHUD" by LastBullet
This HUD has 2 types of "installation"

1- Mod_overrides Installation
Put the 'PokemonHUD mod_overrides' folder into your mod overrides folder in
Steam > SteamApps > Common > PAYDAY 2 > assets > mod_overrides

2- BLT Installation (Requires BLT HOOK)
Put the the folders below in the mods folder (Steam > SteamApps > Common PAYDAY 2 > mods)
'Clean gamelobby'(originally made by Luffy and was allowed to add to this mod)

In any other case:
Drag and drop the files from the zip archive into your mods folder within your Payday 2 Directory.

Thanks to AJValentine for this video
HoxHud is a mod for the PC version of PAYDAY 2 that enhances the HUD (Heads Up Display) to add additional informational elements on the screen, such as time remaining on drills and enemy health. HoxHud also has basic anticheat measures designed to protect users from others using gameplay-altering scripts. Further information on the mod and how to obtain it is available from the HoxHud Steam group.

Though not developed by Overkill, they have officially approved of the mod and stated that using it does not count as cheating. HoxHud has been officially approved by Overkill since July 8th 2014.

HoxHud can be configured to the player's taste with a simple configuration file or (since version P3.1) through the ingame options menu.

Where you can find it

1- Search HoxHud group on Steam and click on "Discussions"
2- Click on HoxHud Downloads
3- Click on "Last Update section"
4- Here we are, you can choose:
Automatic self-installer or Manual installer
Personally I always use self-installer

HoxHud in game:

In order to use HoxHud, the player needs to stay present in the HoxHud Steam group. This also means that HoxHud is an online-only HUD. It also may be disabled when a new game update becomes live before HoxHud is appropriately updated. This is done to prevent bug reports that already have been fixed.

Thanks to for this video:
An alternative to HoxHud, PocoHud is a similar PC-based modification (now on its third iteration) that enhances the HUD with extra information in much the same way, but offers a different experience - whilst it lacks many features HoxHud users may be accustomed to (such as the enhanced assault phase indicator) it also comes with its own array of unique features, such as RPG-styled buff icons (e.g. Underdog, Overkill), in-chat alerts to ingame events (such as drill completion or enemy conversion), accurate ammo/medical bag content readouts, and its own advanced hit indicators that even display the amount of damage taken and can fade between colours as health/armour are depleted and come closer to reaching zero.

PocoHud also features a full ingame customization menu that allows for easy adjustment of HUD settings - elements that users do not like can easily be turned off.

PocoHud can be run seamlessly alongside HoxHud, and the configuration menus of both mods allow users to disable conflicting features or use the style or features of whichever mod they prefer.

More information about PocoHud (including downloads) can be seen on its Steam Community Group.


1- Search PocoHud group on Steam and click on "Discussions"
2- Click on HoxHud Downloads
3- Click on "Last Update section"
4- Here we are:

PocoHud in game:

Thanks to for this video:
GoonMod possesses a small but versatile collection of features, and aims to make the game more interesting for veteran players, as well as reducing frustration with certain other elements of gameplay. One of its most notable features are Mutators (a concept dating back to the days of Unreal Tournament and earlier) which allow the game's host to impose special gameplay quirks - one example is making it so that law enforcers drop no ammo, but Bulldozers have a chance to drop an Ammo Bag on death. Another replaces all enemies with Tasers. Several mutators are compatible with each other, for instance allowing a massively increased spawn rate whilst all law enforcers run as fast as the Cloaker.

Whilst enabled, these mutators disable achievement progress and unlocks, and - as they alter the intended gameplay experience - force the use of a private lobby; players must either be friends of the host on Steam, and/or invited manually.

GoonMod also includes a 'cargo' system that allows you to trade items with other players that have GoonMod installed; 'gage coins', which are awarded after completing any Mod Courier assignment, and can in turn be used to purchase weapon and mask items (achievement-locked items must still be unlocked normally, rare/infamous items cost more); a marker on incoming flashbangs; and much more. GoonMod is compatible with both PocoHud and HoxHud, and has few (if any) conflicting features. GoonMod also includes automatic updating. GoonMod also has customization options that include using mask materials to create camoflauges for weapons.

You can read more info about GoonMod on {LINK REMOVED} or on {LINK REMOVED}

GoonMod in game:

Thanks to for this video:
Where you can find amazing mods



Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato aka. Better Lua Tool



Sub Categories: {LINK REMOVED}






Sub Categories: {LINK REMOVED}




If this guide helped you, please guys, give it a like and share it to your friends
And if you want, check my Youtube Channel about Payday2:

Thank you very much for reading!

Bye Bye
By Everett "The White Spider"

dadders Apr 16, 2023 @ 4:57am 
Just install SuperBLT, google and you'll find all the links based on what the tutorial says ^
ꑭdeadbabyinsideꑭ Apr 6, 2023 @ 1:53pm 
fuck u ur shit aint working since limks deleted
Amadeo I May 12, 2022 @ 7:57pm 
for some reason the steam apps folder is not there for me very sad
Tirpitz Feb 14, 2022 @ 12:25am 
The links got removed... thanks volvo
ThreeFtAssassin Oct 29, 2021 @ 5:56am 
how do you update mods?
hungryyy Jul 20, 2021 @ 12:02pm 
Simple, You didnt download BLT release folder XD
Vahnbels Jan 11, 2021 @ 11:48pm 
there is no "mods" folder
Joey 💎 May 6, 2020 @ 5:30am 
After I do everything and I have the requirements BTW the game doesent want to start
剣聖 [Sabo] Apr 3, 2020 @ 5:22am 
damn, they deleted the {LINK REMOVED}
artsy Mar 17, 2020 @ 9:49am 
looks like modding is not possible in 17.3.2020 anymore