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Easy Biome Key Farming + other drops
By Rama
Hi, after playing Terraria for quite a while now I`ve experemented with thing for a better experience and found some cool ways to get easy biome keys while also getting other loot! Here`s the best way I`ve found.
What are Bione Keys
For any Terrarians who havent heard of Biome Keys before they are 4 keys dropped by any enemy in their respective biome (Corruption/Crimson, Jungle, Snow and Hallow) they drop both bellow and more importantly for this guide above ground.
What to do
This method will only work hardmode post Planterra. To get your easy biome key/mold fist wait for a random event such as solar eclipse, blood moon or slime rain (we found that pirate and goblin only works in some biomes), this is where the extra drops come from and since you are killing a large ammount of enemies in the respective biome with a bit of luck and 1 or 2 events you should get you biome key. If you cant get an event to spawn naturally farming the jungle temple will give you 1-5 solar eclipse tablets on your first visit.
Thats it!
Thanks for checking out this guide and sorry for any small gameplay, grammer or spelling mistakes in the guide. Try this on one of your worlds and take the farming away from biome keys (mostly).
ELK Mar 7, 2019 @ 11:19am 
My mothron banner on my singleplayer world suggest I am VERY unlucky. I have 74 solar ecplise enemy banners that's means I have slain atleast 3700 solar ecplise enemies. I have also done 3 or 4 pirate invasions, a couple goblin armies. :(
Rama  [author] Jun 28, 2017 @ 9:50am 
No problem!
Works after moon lord, thanks
Agent Apr 28, 2016 @ 9:35pm 
Don't ask for stuff and get it the legit way. Besides all you need to do is go to the temple and kill lizards. If you haven't gotten to the temple yet you aren't ready for it anyway.
Grassy! Apr 25, 2016 @ 8:46am 
THANKS oh can you give me a few solar eclips tablets
Rama  [author] Dec 19, 2015 @ 6:59am 
Thx Pi Pie
Saturn Dec 15, 2015 @ 7:19pm 
Lol, sorry for that paragraph but it had to be done.
Saturn Dec 15, 2015 @ 7:19pm 
Well, Legacy. It wouldn't take too long to build an effective farm for events. As I said on my September comment this idea has been put into practice beforehand. It only takes the better part of a half-hour if you know what you're doing(closer to an hour if not) to build a pretty decent farm for solar, which is my go to event farm as it's super cheap to get the tablets(although you need to farm for that as well lol... a farm for a farm xP) it's actually super easy, and you don't need to create specific worlds or anything, although it kind of helps.
Rama  [author] Dec 15, 2015 @ 1:14pm 
If you want to do it without creating a farm this is probably the best legit way.
Legacy Dec 14, 2015 @ 9:30pm 
event farming? idk how effective that would be, i guess you could start worlds for solar eclipses and farm oceans for maps but idk