Ocen: 160
Rituals 100% Achievement Guide
Autorstwa: ponkberry
A walkthrough for the game that also picks up all achievements.
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Level 1: Office
1. After learning how to move, simply go over to the door and open it.
2. In front of you is the bathrooms, open the woman's bathroom then go inside one of the stalls. You can see there is a magazine if you see under the doors. Click it to view it for the first of three magazines.
3. Go outside, then go down the hallway passed the conference room on the right until you reach a door, a desk to the right, and a glass door to the left. Open the wooden door and head inside.
4. Go to the desk and open it to find a key. Head back out to the 4 directional area. Go up the stairs and use the key on the lock for Paranoia.

Paranoia - You discovered a secret surveillance room.

5. Once that's done, go back to the glass door, open it and open the elevator and get in.
Level 2: Forest
After getting into the elevator, you'll go down and it'll put you out of a tree trunk. You cannot open the elevator as it is shut tight.

1. Pick the acorn at the top left of your screen.
2. Go down the route until you can go left. Take the left.
3. Head to the shack, take the lamp on the side of the house. Go inside and get the bucket from under the table.
4. Go back to the route then go back one arrow and into the cave. Take the left and go to the end of this route to find the shovel. Take it.
5. Return to the lift and drag the shovel to the elevator door to open it to reveal that the lift is not there for Brute Force.

Brute Force - The lift's not there.

6. Now head back to the cave and take the right now and then straight. Take one right. Then turn to your left. (If you didn't move your screen when going right, it'll be a straight this time). Then take the right to find a water pump. Place the bucket on the drainage then hit the pump to fill the bucket. Take the bucket. Backtrack your way to the main route.
7. Head up to the illuminated trees. There will be three signs carved into the ground. Go to the one closest to the book. Use the shovel to dig a hole, then plant an acorn and bury it. Then pour water onto it to make it grow.
8. A tree grows and the trunk contains an elevator lift buttons. Hit it to call the elevator. Return to the elevator and get on.
Level 3: Level G
After taking the elevator, you'll end up back in some maintenance area labeled 'Level G'.

1. Head out and follow the arrows to the glass window. Click the window to knock on it thus opening the door and killing the man inside.
2. Go inside that room and pick up the guy's ID card. I don't know if this matters too much, but I lit up both buttons out of habit. To open any of the doors in this level, drag the ID card over the keycard scanner next to each door.
3. Go back out and progress to the maintenance room with tons of pipes. Head straight and go to your left to the green lift. Take the lift to the 2nd floor labeled as "II". Go inside and there is the second magazine of three for Entertainment. Click it to view it.
4. Return to the maintenance room then take the floor door. Go into the locker room then inside the closest shower room. The far left shower has a leak, open the curtains to reveal a toolbox. Open the toolbox and take the screwdriver. Return to the maintenance room.
5. From the shower room area, take the right and go behind the pipes to the vents. Drag the screwdriver to all four of the vents. Then remove the vents and head inside then down the ladder.
Level 4: Jungle
After falling off the ladder in the vents, you magically wake up in the jungle.

1. Take the left path ignoring the first plant on the left and right. At the second juncture where the village is to the right, take a left and click on the small plant to reveal a pyramid shaped orange fruit. Pick that fruit then head into the village.
2. At the first crossroad, take the left and pick up the paddle on the ground in the hut. Head back and continue along the village passed the cauldron.
3. Take the route passed the big hut and to the straw dummies and take the knife out. Go back to the cauldron and use the knife or paddle to remove the meat.
4. Head out of the village and take the right to the purple hexagonal plant. Use the knife to remove the plant.
5. Go back to the beginning and feed the crocodile with meat. Go between the cauldron and the crocodile and feed him plain meat 4x to unlock Gluttony. The poisoned meat CANNOT be the 4th meat.

Gluttony - You fed the crocodile more than three times.

6. After you've earned Gluttony, head back to the village and instead of going to the cauldron, take the right into the hut. There will be a pestle and mortar (grinder is its name in the game). Throw in the pyramid shaped orange plant and the pentagonal purple plant then click the grinder to make some poison substance.
7. Take the substance to the cauldron and throw it in. Then pull out the now poisoned meat and give it to the crocodile. This will put the crocodile to sleep. Go ahead and get on the canoe in the water.
8. Drag the paddle onto the boat then click it to set off into the river as the volcano erupts. Row yourself until you reach the end of the level.
Level 5: Catwalk Room
After escaping the jungle, you'll wake up at the bottom of the vents.

1. Head out and take your right and you'll notice a panel. Click it to open it and head inside.
2. There are 3 levers and a dial. Left lever needs to be down. The middle lever needs to be in the middle. The right lever needs to be pointed up. Finally the dial must be pointed to the left (two clicks).
3. Head back out and go across the catwalk. Before entering the door, there is the third and final magazine that you must view.

Entertainment - You read all the magazines!

4. Head into the doorway now.
Level 6: White Graveyard
After some blinding whiteness, you'll enter a graveyard.

1. Head straight until you hit the three way crossroad. Turn to your left and click the heavy vase twice until it tips over and drops a key. Take the left and pickup the key. DO NOT USE THE KEY ON THE LOCK YET.
2. Continue down that path and on your right will be three pillar graves. Take the broom leaning against one of the graves. Go back and continue along the path. This will take you to the other side.
3. On your right will be a grave with a blue flower. Take the flower. Then continue along the path until you arrive at the locked grave again.
4. Use the flower on the grave to get Flower power.

Flower power - You're a master locksmith.

5. Now use the key on the lock to open the lock and open the gates. Head up the steps and use the broom on the leaves. Pick up the dry leaves. Pick up the dead roses as well.
6. Go straight and to the left to light the dead roses on fire. Light up all the other scones. On the scone that has no wick, place the dry leaves on it and then light it on fire.
7. Back up then place the blue flowers in the vase to open up the grave. Go inside.
Level 7: Control Room
After descending into the grave, you'll find yourself in a control room with two buttons. There are two mutually exclusive achievements. You can either turn the bar all the way to the left with (-) or to the right with (+).

You can only do one or the other. Even if you finish the game one way and hit continue where it starts at this level, you will not get the achievement for the other ending.

Healing rain - You saved the planet, let the silence be your reward.

Turn the bar to the left all the way to save the planet.

Earth's suicide - You either misread Gaia's messages or wanted to end the human race. The Earth is no more.

Turn the bar to the right all the way to destroy the planet.
Komentarzy: 11
Pretty 19 października 2023 o 9:33 
So this is impossible to 100%
CBlade 4 kwietnia 2018 o 11:30 
Thank you for the guide :)

Two points I would like to add.

Level 6 point 4, could you please rephrase this to "Use the flower on the lock to get Flower Power"

Level 6 point 7, before entering the grave copy your save file here [your username]/AppData/Local/rituals/Local Storage (on windows) and store it somewhere else, play the following level through as you want to and then after getting one of the Level 7 endings/achievements replace the new save files in the folder with the copied ones. Relaunch the game and you can now get the other ending and it's related achievement.
Haohmaru 30 grudnia 2017 o 10:30 
Very well done guide, this game gave me headhache and i just had to press arrow at some point thanks to you,thanks dude :BorealisGalaxy:
dfg 13 maja 2017 o 21:38 
death to video guides :angrycrank:
Milouze 3 marca 2017 o 5:55 
Very good guide, thank you :gearthumbsup:
Neo 19 lutego 2017 o 8:10 
Thanks for the help!!
CptChuCkNoRiS 8 czerwca 2016 o 3:05 
Would've been better with a video attached! :steamhappy:
🎮✩ Sektor ✩ 1 czerwca 2016 o 2:47 
thanks for the guide :horns:
nekobliss 24 maja 2016 o 9:23 
For the last 2 exclusive achievements, back up your save at the start of the last level ([your username]/AppData/Local/rituals/Local Storage) :ss13ok:
Essex20 21 marca 2016 o 23:59 
Plain, simple, effective. Nice work :-)