Codename CURE

Codename CURE

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Conservationist Achievement Easy
By 039e7b358
Very easy to get on the map bunker skilled in difficulty or higher just stay on the map beginning with any class expect their friends to plant the bomb you can stay on top of cars or inside a house can also lock the doors with closets objects iron who are at the beginning of blocks zombies do so they bug then you go straight to the rescue you complete the mission without using any weapons, equipment, you gain Achievement.

Complete any official mission without using a primary weapon or equipment on skilled or higher.

Muito fácil de conseguir no mapa bunker na dificuldade skilled or higher basta ficar no inicio do mapa com qualquer classe esperar que seus amigos plantem a bomba voce pode ficar em cima de carros ou dentro de alguma casa pode tambem trancar a portas com objetos armarios de ferro que ficam no inicio da faze assim bloqueia os zombies eles bugam depois voce vai direto para o resgate voce completa a missao sem usar nenhuma arma , equipamento , voce ganha Achievement

Complete qualquer missão oficial sem o uso de uma arma ou equipamento principal em habilidoso ou superior.
Safe places
DocFur_07 Feb 25, 2017 @ 10:11am 
Or you dont use your primary and qutment and use the pistol only.
Web720 Dec 14, 2015 @ 5:54pm 
Problem is, once the bomb is planted you teleport to where your teammates are. The best way to get this acheivement is by joining a modded server, like those 6 man servers.
039e7b358  [author] Oct 26, 2015 @ 6:06pm 
Cyber Elite One player
Cyber Elite Oct 26, 2015 @ 1:26pm 
How many players should wait by the car?