The Great Fusion

The Great Fusion

54 hodnocení
The Great Fusion - Walkthrough
Vytvořil: Dorxel
Though the story is very linear, in case somebody gets stuck or misses a clickable spot, I present to you this full walkthrough. Will contain mild story spoilers.
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General Gameplay Tips
The game is a point & click adventure, that means you will use your mouse for every action. There are several options to choose from to interact with people and objects, but not all options are available in every situation.

I divided the walkthrough into chapters, yet there are no official chapters in the game. My chapters are defined by the cartoony cut scenes ingame.

I will not be covering how to get achievements in this guide, but I will highlight the sections where you can get one. If you need help with the achievements, please consult mysterzz's guide.

To move your character (Max) around, click somewhere on the screen with your mouse pointer, and he will go there.
If you click on someone or something interesting, any of the following options may pop up:

Look At [something / someone]

Talk To [someone]

Use [something]

Take [something]

Push [something / someone]


Chapter 1 - Introduction

  • Take phone on the desk
  • Use drawer on the desk
  • Take chewing gum
  • Look At bin
  • Take tube ticket
  • Leave your apartment

  • Talk to landlady
  • Take business card
  • Combine phone and business card in inventory
  • Enter your apartment
  • Use phone to call landlady
    -> She won a prize for being the most cruel landlord
    -> Her prize will be a pizza with anchovies

  • Leave your apartment
  • Take mop next to the elevator
  • Leave the building
Chapter 2 - Mate's Secret

  • Leave screen to the right
  • Enter Bear Bar
  • Talk To Mate
  • Take olive from the table next to the focused guy with laptop
  • Talk To focused guy with laptop
    -> Do you mind if I take an olive?
    -> So there's no way that I can have an olive?
    -> ... Take 1st dialogue option again and again, until he allows you to take the olive

  • Take olive
  • Talk To barman
    -> He wants his money back, but you can't pay
    -> He sends you to the kitchen to wash the dishes

    Achievement: Fast Rat
    Achievement: The Waiter (Start)
  • Take rat in the shadow
  • Take pot from stove
  • Use cupboard to open it
  • Take soap from cupboard
  • Take teabag from cupboard
  • Use fridge
  • Take cheese from fridge
  • Use cheese with dirty dishes
  • Use olive with sink
  • Use tap to fill the sink with water
  • Use soap with water
  • Use rat with soapy water
  • Use soapy rat with dirty dishes
  • Leave through backdoor (left side of the screen)
  • Talk To Mate / Catalina
Chapter 3 - Kidnapping and Rescue

  • Leave your apartment & building
  • Enter metro station
  • Use tube ticket with terminal
  • Arrive at office
  • Take permanent marker on the desk
    Achievement: The Waiter (Continued)
  • Take plastic cup
  • Use coffee machine & drink coffee from the inventory
  • Use teabag with coffee machine
  • Take plastic cup
  • Use coffee machine to get relaxing tea (don't drink!)

  • Use computer
    -> It is locked because you are late

  • Leave screen to the right to find the rest of the office
    Achievement: Crazy Bill
  • Take scissors from the floor in front of Bill
  • Talk To Kate in the right cubicle
  • Leave screen to the right to find the Boss office
  • Talk To Boss
    Achievement: The Boss

  • Leave to the left until you're at your computer
  • Use computer
    -> Find out that Mate has been kidnapped

  • Talk To Kate (about lending money)
  • Talk To Boss 2x and use all dialogue options
  • Talk To Kate about Boss to get a sales report
  • Use sales report from inventory with Boss
  • Take wallet from the desk
  • Look at wallet to get money and VIP Ticket
  • Leave through elevator
  • Use VIP ticket with terminal to go to "My Street"
    -> From now on you only need to "use" the terminal if you want to travel

  • Enter your apartment
  • Talk To detective about all options
  • Leave apartment building
  • Enter Bear Bar
  • Talk To Johnny until he drops a bottle of tequila
  • Take tequila from bar
  • Leave bar through kitchen and the backdoor
  • Talk To Catalina
    -> She has information, but she wants a Theoretical Physics book for it

  • Leave backstreet
  • Enter next screen through on the right, you'll see the bank
  • Leave bank screen to the north to find the Port
  • Take rubber gloves from green box on the right
  • Talk To blind salesman about everything
  • Use money from inventory with blind salesman to get a hook
  • Leave Port

  • Enter metro, where you will now find a mechanic working
  • Look At toolbox
  • Talk To mechanic about his jimmy

  • Use terminal & go to office
  • Look At bookshelf in Boss'es office
  • Take Theoretical Physics book
  • Leave office & go to "My Street"

  • Enter Bear Bar
  • Talk To barman about lunch
    -> He wants his television repaired before he gives you anything
  • Look At television
  • Leave bar & go to your apartment

  • Use tequila from inventory with detective
  • Enter your room
  • Look At junk pile in the middle of the room to find a reverse signal teaser
  • Leave apartment & building

  • Enter backstreet behind Bear Bar
  • Use physics book from inventory with Catalina
  • Use rubber gloves with cable on right side of the screen
  • Combine cable, hook and mop in inventory
  • Leave backstreet

  • Enter sewers in front of Bear Bar through manhole
  • Talk To snoozing guard in sewers
  • Use combined mop/hook with guards ID card
  • Take ID card
  • Leave sewers
  • Enter Bear Bar
  • Use reverse signal teaser with TV
  • Talk To barman to receive sandwich
  • Leave bar

  • Enter metro
  • Use sandwich from inventory with mechanic
  • Take jimmy from toolbox
  • Leave metro
  • Look At car to see there's a camera inside
  • Use jimmy with car to get camera
    -> You get interrupted by the policeman nearby
    -> Tell him you want to steal the camera and share the profit
    -> He will get the camera for you

  • Enter metro
  • Use terminal to go to the office
  • Use camera with Bill, but he is too shaky
  • Use relaxing tea with Bill
  • Use camera with Bill again to receive photo
  • Use scissors to cut photo
  • Combine photo, gum and ID card to receive Fake ID
  • Leave office & go back to "My street"

  • Enter sewers
  • Use Fake ID with guard
  • Talk To Gangster's Boss
    -> He will ask you what you're doing
    -> Tell him you're a bag thief that robs grannies

  • Talk To Gangster's Boss, Nintenbob and Warrio
  • Take fake nose from sofa
  • Look At sofa cushion
  • Take hidden key from sofa cushion
  • Use hidden key with door on the right side of the screen
  • Talk To Mate
Chapter 4 - The Robbery
  • Leave gangster's hideout
  • Leave sewers
  • Enter Bear Bar
  • Talk To Johnny about what just happened
  • Leave Bear Bar
  • Enter metro & go to office
  • Take plastic cup
  • Use water dispenser to get a cup of water
  • Leave office & go to Black Market

  • Talk To Pet Shop Clerk
    -> Tell him you want a pet
    -> Tell him you want a griffin
  • Use water on socket to the right while he checks the computer
  • Talk To Pet Shop Clerk again
    -> Tell him exactly the same
    -> He will go away and tells you to wait
  • Take fish bowl on the counter
  • Take glue from the box on the right side
  • Leave screen to the right

  • Talk To Billy and tell him you want to rob a bank
  • Push box on the right side of the robot
  • Push box again
  • Push robot
  • Take robotic arm
  • Combine fishbowl, glue and fake nose
  • Combine fishbowl and permanent marker
  • Use camouflaged fishbowl with Billy
  • Leave Black Market & go to "My Street"

  • Enter metro station
  • Talk To mechanic about the sandwich, turns out he is depressed
  • Use camera from the inventory with mechanic
  • Use pot from the inventory with mechanic to receive pot with holes
  • Leave metro station & go to Bear Bar
  • Talk To Johnny and rob a bank!
Chapter 5 - Backup Plan
  • Talk To branch director, he begs for money for the bank
  • Talk To Banker
    -> Tell him no one gets hurt
    -> It doesn't matter, he has no money to give anybody
  • Leave bank
    -> Gangsters are waiting outside to collect their money
    -> You'll get in a fight and escape in the heat of it

  • Enter metro station & go to Black Market
  • Talk To organs salesman (middle booth)
    -> Tell him about your second thoughts... How well does he pay?
  • Leave Black Market after operation & go to your apartment
  • Use CD you got from salesman with computer
    -> Turns out you were fooled (again?)
    -> You really need to leave the city now

  • Leave apartment & building
  • Enter Port
  • Talk To pirate with green parrot
  • Use CD from inventory with pirate to get on his boat

Chapter 6 - The Island
    Achievement: Dangerous Guard
  • Talk To guard on the beach
    -> Tell him there is a citizen behind him fighting for his rights
    -> He will turn away for a moment
  • Take ID from dead guy on the ground
  • Use ID from inventory with guard
    -> You don't look like the person on the picture, but he'll let you pass
  • Leave to the next screen on the right

  • Talk To George about everything
  • Talk To waitress
    Achievement: Khlav Kalash
    -> Order a cocktail
  • Use cocktail in inventory to drink it, it is disgusting
  • Talk To waitress about the disgusting cocktail
  • Talk To Larry the bald guy, but he is busy trying to get the waitresses attention
  • Leave the beach & go to the city

  • Enter cinema on the left
  • Take flowers from counter
  • Talk ToQuentin and Woody 2x about all options, until you receive a poem
  • Leave cinema & go to the beach

  • Use flowers with Larry
  • Use poem with Larry
    -> Larry gets lucky with the waitress
  • Look At Now Hiring sign
  • Talk To barman about the job to get a name tag and uniform
  • Talk To George again and tell him you work here now to get his credit card
  • Talk To barman
    -> Order a cocktail with credit card
    Achievement: Cocktail Man
    -> Get tequila with random juice

  • Leave beach & go to the city
  • Enter cinema
  • Talk To clerk
    -> Buy popcorn with extra butter
  • Use stairs to the upper floor
  • Use tequila with random juice with guy in the projection booth
  • Leave downstairs
  • Look At screen above clerk
  • Leave cinema

  • Use buttery popcorn with rail below suicidal man
  • Push suicidal man
    -> The lady next to the scene will give you a bunch of laxatives

  • Enter museum
  • Use gramophone to turn it off
  • Talk To Turd Artist on toilet about everything
    -> Tell him it doesn't smell so bad

  • Leave museum & go to beach
  • Talk To barman
    -> Order cocktail
    -> You want a grog with plum juice

  • Combine cocktail in inventory with laxatives to get lethal cocktail
  • Leave beach & go to museum
  • Use lethal cocktail with Turd Artist to receive Masterpiece Turd
  • Leave museum

  • Enter cinema
  • Use Masterpiece Turd with the waiting line of people until only two are left
  • Talk To remaining two people
  • Use door to the cinemas
    -> Pass cinema 1 to 3
  • Leave screen to the right

You will automatically find Mate here and trigger the final cut scenes. Have fun watching your fight against the supreme bureaucrat.

The End

Thank you for using my guide! Please leave a thumbs up if it could help you and please don't hesitate to contact me about any errors you may find!

Počet komentářů: 11
Helevorn 10. srp. 2017 v 12.10 
instead of crosslinking you could have entered information about the achievements here
Storm_at_Sea 21. čvn. 2017 v 8.48 
Yeah. Walkthru.. but when seeing achievement sticking out below it got confusing for me- I followed the other more, but would go back & forth when stuck, and it got easy for it to all (the guides) start blending in as 1 after a point :) Far as mentioning not showing exactly how to do achiev's- I don't tend to read prefaces that are a wall of txt, that's not meant as offense to be clear, I don't want to be misunderstood, I'm just more in the habit of important information like that being singled out or at the top to be more sure it's noticed. Still, my bad.
Dorxel  [autor] 21. čvn. 2017 v 7.18 
@Storm_at_Sea: If you'd read the intro section, you'd know that this is indeed not an achievement guide, but a walkthrough. I only indicated the general parts of the game where achieves can be obtained. Thats also why I crosslinked the actual achievement guide :)
Storm_at_Sea 21. čvn. 2017 v 3.49 
Your Khalav Kalash achievement above is incorrect. Check the other guide to see where you went wrong. Missing this will force another playthru for 100%, which is painful enough the first time around.
PunkSteve 14. dub. 2017 v 13.54 
Ah ok, cool. I hadn't actually read any of the guide yet, thats why i asked, but it sounds like if i use this guide & the guide u linked i'l b heading towards another 100%.
Thanks. :ss13ok::cybereye:
Dorxel  [autor] 14. dub. 2017 v 13.29 
@LoneWolf: Unlikely, as mentioned in the intro paragraphs i did not cover how to get the achievements in detail, I just mentioned at which point in the walkthrough they can be acquired.
But I put in link to someone eleses achievement guide under "General Gameplay Tips".
PunkSteve 14. dub. 2017 v 13.05 
Hi, just wondering, if i follow this guide will i get all of the achievements?
zombiecamel 10. led. 2016 v 10.36 
Ok, I got it, I found more tea in the pub
zombiecamel 10. led. 2016 v 10.30 
What if I drank the tea before giving it to crazy bill? Does that means I have to star over the whole game?
Tricheur 19. srp. 2015 v 15.42 
i cant find the reverse thingy. i can only look at the junk pile but theres no "hand" sign plz help