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Beginners Guide to being a Milletian
Autorstwa: Factual Actuals
This is a guide to help new and/or current players understand the game Mabinogi more than what they know.
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Welcome to Erinn!
Welcome to the wonderful world of Mabinogi. When you first start up Mabinogi on a new or existing account, you are welcomed by all of your characters and pets (or only character cards if you are new). Here is the hub to choose which character or pet you want to play as!
Getting Started on your Journey
Let's start out and explain what Mabinogi is before we make our character (or log into an existing one). Mabinogi is a Free-to-Play MMORPG created by DevCat and published by Nexon.

What makes Mabinogi Different?
Mabinogi is different because it's not another "WoW clone" or a rip off of any other game out on the market. Mabinogi focuses on promoting your "Fantasy Life."

Well what do I do once I log on?
If you already have a character, feel free to skip this question. If you don't, keep reading. You will need to click on character card, and click "Create Character." Now choose a server. This isn't very important but basically Alexina and Mari are bigger servers while Tarlach and Ruairi are smaller servers. This means that it could have an effect on your ping or FPS. As far as the community knows, there are no "East" or "West" servers.

Alright I chose my server. What race should I be?
Race does not exactly matter in Mabinogi. Some races are better at certain Talents(we will get to this soon) than other races. Giants are generally better at "Martial Arts," "Close Combat," and "Knight." Elves are generally better at "Magic" and "Archery." Humans are better all around with every Talent.

Are there any disadvantages to these races?
Yes. There are some minor disadvantages to each Race. Elves are not as good at "Close Combat" or "Martial Arts" as Giants are, so these skills do slightly less damage and/or use less AP to rank up the skill. Elves cannot be a "Knight" talent as they are not allowed to wield lances; and Elves cannot dual wield weapons. Giants are penalized against "Magic" by doing less damage and using more Mana to cast spells. Giants also cannot learn the same "Archery" skills as humans or Elves. Humans generally don't have many disadvantages to Giants or Elves, except for some stats. Skill wise, each Race has a few skills that each other race cannot obtain.

What are talents?
Since you made your character already and chose how it looks and what age it is, you are now faced with choosing a Talent. Talents are specializations that each character has to advance a specific set of skills faster and to receive a bonus in stats associated with that talent.

Here is the Mabinogi Wiki page on each talent if you want to learn the specifics of each.

As a beginner, what should I choose?
The shameless easy answer is Close Combat. Why? Because there is a skill you learn called "Windmill." This skill is very hard to rank up when you get more and more levels. Windmill is very useful in doing AOE (Area of Effect) damage to mobs around you. It will push them back in a circular area.

The harder answer is: Whatever you feel like. If you want to be stronger when you first level up, it's best that you choose: "Close Combat," "Alchemy," or "Magic." These three talents have the least amount of early game disadvantage as the other talents. They are pretty much across the board in early damage amounts and don't require too much effort to rank up at the start.

Now you will spawn in the Soul Stream. Soon a lady named Nao (Pronouced like the word "Now") will spawn. Talk to her and she will ask if you have any questions. Take the time to talk to her if you are confused at all. She will then ask you to choose a Talent, so choose wisely.

First Step Out the Door - Beginner Quests
Our favorite part of the guide! BEGINNER GUESTS!!!

Depending on if your character's race, you will spawn in 1 of 4 places. In Uladh (Humans), in Physis (Giants), or in Connous(Elves).

If you chose Tir Chonaill:

You will spawn in the Forest of Souls. Follow the road behind Tin, and take a left. You'll now be in Tir Chonail. You cannot return to the Forest of Souls unless you rebirth. Now follow the quest marker and talk to Duncan, the Town Chief.

If you chose Iria:
You will spawn outside of Rano in the Tutorial Area for Humans. You will have to complete a few quests dealing with Exploration. Finish all of the quests Ffion gives you and go North to Qilla Base Camp. You will now spawn in Qilla Base Camp. Talk to Alexina.

You will spawn outside of Physis in the Tutorial Area for Giants. You will have to complete a few quests dealing with Exploration (Which we will talk about later). Finish all of the quests Meriel gives you and follow the arrow on your map. You will now spawn in Vales. Go to the Chief's House and talk to Krug.

You will spawn outside of Connous in the Tutorial Area for Elves. You will have to complete a few quests dealing with Exploration. Finish all of the quests Vena gives you and follow the arrow on your map. You will now spawn in Filia. Go to the Chief's House and talk to Castanea.

Now finish all of the Beginner Quests and PAY ATTENTION to what the NPCs have to say. You will learn a lot from them for now.
But I don't believe in Karma... - Rebirths
Now you are probably thinking what Rebirths are since I had mentioned it once already with the Humans beginner quests.

I would rather tell you now instead of you waiting to find out.

Rebirthing your character allows you to do a few different things: Reset age and level, change gender, change the look of your character, choose rebirth location, and change your talent.

Reset Age and Level
I know I haven't talked about levels, age or AP yet, but I will go over it now.

Leveling up grants you AP. AP stannds for Ability Points. Each skill take a certain amount of AP to rank up when you have trained the skill enough. Leveling will be the most important way for you to get AP. There are other means which I will talk about later.

Age reset is different. For every week (12PM PST Saturday) your character will Age up (10 to 11, etc.). With this comes some minor stat boosts and some AP depending on what age you are. This does come with consequences. At age 10, you will get 5 AP when you Age up to 11, but you will gain certain stats at different rates than that of age 16 characters. However, age 16 characters will only get 3 AP.

Here is the Mabinogi Wiki page about each stat increase or bonus you get for each Race at each Age.

Change Gender
Self Explanatory.

Change the look of your character
This is important as there are 2 times to change the look of your character. One time when you rebirth, you can choose different character looks, and one time when you get access to the Dressing Room (which you can use this option at any time and as many times as you want). Problem with changing your looks of your character is that it will cost you Pon. Pon is a currency you buy with NX (Nexon cash). Each option has different Pon totals.

Hair Change
  • Hair costs 5 Pons.
  • Hair Color costs 3 Pons.

Eye Surgery
  • Eyes cost 5 Pons.
  • Eye Color costs 3 Pons.

Cosmetic Surgery
  • Facial features (Lips and Face Shape) cost 5 Pons each.
  • Skin Color costs 3 Pons

Choose Rebirth Location
This option really has no use unless you want to spawn back in your first town you started in. Otherwise you will be spawned in the same location as you were when you started the rebirth process.

Change your Talent
Once you are done with all of the changes you want, you will spawn in the Soul Stream again with Nao. She will ask you if you want to keep the current Talent you have or to choose another one. This is the only way you can change your Talent.

Now you must be wondering "Well do I lose anything when I rebirth?" and the answer is: not really. You get to keep:
  • Titles (You just have to re-equip the title again)
  • Part-time Job information
  • Skill ranks, the stats and Combat Power that are associated with them
  • Ability Points
  • Keywords and Quest progress
  • Guild
  • Equipment, items, Gold, Ducat, and items in the bank
  • Your character's birthday
  • Homestead information
Free Benefits? Count me in! - Beginner Benefits
So since I explained a lot about starting out, it might be time to explain to you what Beginners get from Mabinogi to start out.

Nexon was nice enough to help out the new players by giving them benefits until there is one character on the Nexon account that surpasses a Total Level of 1000. Your total level is calculated by every level up you have ever done on Mabinogi from each rebirth you have ever done.

Each beginner character gets the ability to Rebirth every 24 hours. This is good to get a great amount of AP, but you might progress too much to understand how to play Mabinogi correctly.

Each beginner character is allowed to talk to Duncan to refund all of the AP that they have currently accumulated and de-rank all skills to rank F. This allows you to work on other skills or another Talent while you have more AP to do so.

Each beginner character gets a Moonlight Travelers Book which allows new players to instantly teleport to any moon gate or mana tunnel in the game. Moon Gates/ Mana Tunnels are hubs to teleport to specific places in the world of Erinn (the lands of the lore of Mabinogi). Moon gates are only located on Uladh and Belvast Island while Mana Tunnels are only on Iria.

The Tir Chonaill Return Stone is pretty self explanatory. You return to Tir Chonaill any time you use it.

A hidden benefit that kind of counts as a beginner benefit is that Humans can talk to Krug or Castanea and receive a free giant or elf (respectively) character card to test out Giants or Elves. So grab these while you have the chance.

What good are all these things Mabinogi gives you at the start? Well you get 8 Character including the free giant and elf cards, more bank space and amount of gold you can store in the bank (since each character has their own bank tab and increases the total gold storage), and to ability to find out which Race you like.

So in my opinion, if you have a new account with the 8 character cards, spend your time finding out what you life. Whether you want to be a Human Mage or a Elf Ninja, you can do whatever, just take the time now to test them all out before it's too late.
More to Come!
More will come to this guide when I decide to stop being lazy and work on it more.