34 ratings
How to Stealth Day 1 of Firestarter (Death Wish) / Come fare il Giorno 1 di Piromane in Stealth (Apocalisse)
By [H$TR] Everett The White Spider
Guide for Day 1 of Firestarter in Stealth on DW / Guida per il Giorno 1 di Piromane in Stealth in Apocalisse
2.000 visits! / 2.000 visite!

Thank you for the support heisters! / Grazie per il supporto heisters!

By Everett The White Spider

Stealth Build for this heist / Innanzitutto la Build da Stealth per questo colpo:

For more infos check my video about it:
Primary Weapon / Arma Primaria
Commando 553:

With these mods / Moddato in questo modo:
Secondary Weapon / Arma Secondaria
Locomotive cal.12:

With these mods / Moddato in questo modo:
Let's do this / Si entra in azione
The crew starts outside of an airfield controlled by the Mendoza Cartel. There are four hangars, and the only one that is open contains all of the weapon cases (two open hangars on Death Wish). Each case can either be stolen or destroyed. The number of cases that the crew is required to steal or destroy varies, but is always at least four. Inside the hangar are two trucks which contain weapons; they can be opened from the back with a drill, a saw or C4.

If you wish to complete this stealthily, then you must not alert any of the Mendozas, even if they are killed immediately after. Note however that the same does not apply to the static Mendozas, they can be alerted and will not raise the alarm unless allowed to call. It is advisable not to go solo as usually there are groups of two or three gang members facing each other which need to be taken out at the same time. Beware of any cameras placed high on the hangars exterior walls, including those in the back alleys. Cameras can be destroyed without raising suspicion.

Cameras can not be destroyed on DW.

Use Shotgun to hide corpses, anyway you have to bring Body Bag Cases

For more infos and examples check my video about it:

Si inizia all'esterno di un aeroporto controllato dai Mendoza. Ci sono quattro hangar, e i due che sono aperti contengono le armi. Ogni borsone di armi può o essere rubato o distrutto. Il numero da rubare in Apocalisse è 8.
All'interno degli hangar ci sono sono due camion che contengono armi e possono essere aperti da dietro col trapano.

Per completare questo colpo in stealth, le informazioni necessarie sono 3:
-Le guardie statiche posso essere allertate, e avete 5 secondi di gap per ucciderle altrimenti parte l'allarme
-Le guardie non statiche non possono essere allertate, poichè scatta automaticamente l'allarme
-Attenzione alle eventuali telecamere poste sulle pareti esterne degli hangar, comprese quelle nei vicoli.

Ovviamente bisogna avere 2 valigette di cadaveri come Equipaggiamento.

Per riuscire nel vostro intento bisognerà rispettare le "regole" scritte sopra e utilizzare il ♥♥♥♥♥♥ a pompa a dovere.
Perchè il ♥♥♥♥♥♥ a pompa? Per nascondere i cadaveri dei Mendoza senza l'ausilio del sacchi.
In quanto l'impatto a corta distanza farà letteralmente sobbalzare via i corpi dei malcapitati.
Per ulteriori info ed esempi vedere il video:
If this guide helped you, please guys, give it a like and share it to your friends
And if you want, check my Youtube Channel about Payday2:

Thank you very much for reading!

Bye Bye
By Everett "The White Spider"

Se questa guida vi ha aiutato, per favore ragazzi, lasciate un like e condividetela coi vostri amici.
E se volete iscrivetevi al mio canale Youtube su Payday2:

Grazie mille per aver letto!

Ciao a tutti
Everett "Il Ragno Bianco"

Soma Gaming Sep 15, 2016 @ 5:11am 
eve potresti modificre la guida per l'ultimo aggiornamento?
continua così sei grande
buddmah Jul 16, 2015 @ 4:03pm 
Well the video is long nearly half an hour, therefore the written part should be a quick and efficient summary of it; I'd suggest changing it by deleting or modifying the camera part. After that I'm pretty sure car-4 and judge are straight upgrades of locomotive and commando and even if you prefer them you should put along your choice another which is objectively good as 7 detection risk can be pretty risky in these cases.
[H$TR] Everett The White Spider  [author] Jul 16, 2015 @ 3:48pm 
Yes, Judge is better for Det risk, but I prefer Locomotiv. The same for Commando.
For cams, I said it in the video.
buddmah Jul 16, 2015 @ 3:34pm 
Also there's some incorrect info, in the "Let's do this" paragraph you claimed that you could destroy cameras without raising suspiciousness but it is not true as in Firestarter DW cameras are Titan ones, which are not destructible.
buddmah Jul 16, 2015 @ 3:30pm 
Overall this guide is good enough for those who seek info about it, though about the loadout I'd have something to say: it's much better to have a car-4 and a judge, indeed you can reach 3 detection risk with it and they have much better damage overall; also judge's RoF can be a lifesaver in certain situations as I'm pretty sure (though I haven't tested it) that it can take out gangsters fast enough not to alert the police. Ammo shouldn't be a problem as gangsters drop it; other than that it's good.
DiggioWoW Jun 28, 2015 @ 3:11am 
ok grazie
[H$TR] Everett The White Spider  [author] Jun 28, 2015 @ 2:59am 
Si chiama HoxHud
DiggioWoW Jun 28, 2015 @ 2:56am 
quella della vita e che ti fa vedere il danno
[H$TR] Everett The White Spider  [author] Jun 27, 2015 @ 4:41pm 
Che mod? Quella di Breaking Bad?
DiggioWoW Jun 27, 2015 @ 1:56pm 
il nome della mod? per piacere