Dragons and Titans

Dragons and Titans

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Dragons and Titans Tips and Tricks
By Ronasaur and 1 collaborators
This game is awesome, but many people don't understand the roles or common knowledge needed to make this game fun. Here is a guide for beginners.

If you found this useful, I am glad. If not please tell me how I can improve it. I will also try to make guides for the dragons and weapons as well.
Map awareness- This is simply just keeping an eye on the map.

Knowing the controls- Press the ESC key and click the controls button on the pause menu and check them. Make sure to unchecked Legacy Controls.

Learn not just your dragon but every dragon- This will help you learn what dragons you can take on and what you should be careful around. For instance Novastars are dragons that are great at fleeing, possibly killing you because you chased to far for to long.

- New riders please take note to read the Lore and Tips sections of any new dragons you obtain, these are important, the tips can provide important info on how to better utilize your dragon in battle, and from there you can build powerful strategies, the lore provides your dragons origins, and may (or may not) provide important information about certain breeds, such as dragons that are natural enemies, I don't know for sure currently if the knowledge to the different breeds relations has any effect on the actual gameplay currently but in any case it makes for a good story, and the Tips section is very important, like you learn things, such as how both Frostbane and Direbone are tanks (so to speak) but they both start off fragile in the beginning, so be careful and level up with them before getting into any serious fights.

Knowing the basics will give you an idea on the Runes, Spells, and weapons to pair with the breed.
Wait roles but this game doesn't have team builder or a selection screen. That is true but even though it doesn't you can still take roles even if your build isn't perfect for it.

Primary offense (tank)- Commonly tanky and strong they can be the first to the battle field and last to leave, Most of the people who play this pick dragons like Stonepeak, Wardhammer, Gemtalon, and Direbone since they have high defensive capabilities and decent offensive. Weapon choices are Aegis, Rainmaker, Hammer of Sul and Unity mark

Secondary Offense- These dragons like to stay back and rain death from afar only going in to finish the kill, great picks for these are the classic Hellfire, Ryujiin, Heartstone, and Wyrm-mk2. Weapons include Sparrowthorn, Skyburst, Scintalon, and winterfloe.

Support- Perhaps the most passive role is that of support, avoiding actual combat to support with healing,cover and buffs for allies and debuffs, slows, and stuns for enemies. The great cheerleader wyverns are Twinscale, Seastark, Dreadnaught, and Banshee with weapon pairings such as Rainmaker, Veritas Scripture, Chronosphere and waybinder.

Assassin- Assassins are those who hide and stalk their prey then jump out to deal huge amounts of burst damage, picking of the low health targets and destroying structures quickly. Ryujiins, Bloodthiefs, Netherdrakes, and Rimrocks make great assassins and when paired with weapons like Purgefyre, Doomshards, slingsharp, and Ulfberhrt.

Defender- Defenders stay back guarding structures from assassins, and in team fights change the battle field itself with traps and obstacles. These unmovable drakes include Wardhammer, Magmascale, Tanglewing and Bogwraith. Weapons that can make the open skies you fly into a fortress are Tempus' Reach, Chillblade, Voidstar and Skyripper.
Dragons, Weapons, Runes and Spells and upgrading.
Dragons are your source damage, health and mana giving you your base. Dragons can be upgraded through a tier system which when you have 3 of a kind you can upgrade to the next tier.

Weapons are your secondary damage and will compliment your dragons skills. These are upgraded through the forging system which gives benefits to both your dragon and weapon.

Runes are buffs for your dragon and weapon which are custom outfitted and unlock as you level up. These can be upgraded when you have 3 of a kind. These can upgrade damage out put, reduce damage, increase max health and mana, and reduce ability cooldown.

Spells spells are abilities which give you a little utility, such as healing, armor increase and teleporting to the nearest hoard. These are unlocked as you level in game. For each battle you bring 2 spells and only 2 spells.

Finally masteries for weapons and dragons are something that happens over time, when you complete a match your mastaries for the weapon and dragon level, increasing speed, health, mana, and cooldowns.
Map Stratagies
Chaos Unleashed
Start of defending your structures and farm on minions, don't go straight into the enemy territory stay in friendly or neutral territory, gaining exp and gold to level and summon the Chaos Titan. Once high enough level you depending on you're role will begin to push together (this usually doesn't include defenders) taking down structures till the titan shield is down, which then you group back together in your territory and all 5 teammates push together. NOTE: If you gain the Chaos Titan protect it, it falls quickly with no support, if the enemy summoned it the defender is potent at stopping / slowing it allowing your team to kill it before it causes to much damage.
Team fight strategy, Primary Offense goes first while support moves according to where he is most useful and Secondary Offensive stays at the back firing from afar, while assassins wait to pop in when an enemy is weak to secure kills. Keep minions alive, they are stronger than they seem and can deal much more damage than you think.

Ballista Alley
This map is simple roles stay the same with one exception, the Defender who instead becomes a wall, keeping any territory gained. It's quite simple level up to around level 5 and push together avoiding the enemy balliste when they came at you. NOTE: The enemy balliste fire when they get a certain amount of gold and the balliste can be avoided by hugging the edge of the map or flying in between the shots, fly backwards in case a wounded ally is being chased and needs to escape. Also 4 chests spawn in your base and the beginning and 1:30 minutes in. Assassins should focus Support and Secondary Offensive. Defend allies, if you see a low health ally try to get in between the enemy and ally if you think you can survive and save them.

Capture the Point as many call it is quite simple, instead of defending for the first few minutes you have to try to capture pedestals on the map which grant vision and builds up energy to summon a Nether Titan to break through the enemy wall so you can free your Titan. NOTE: Everyone defends, since Nethergate forces you to defend capture points it can be bad for everyone to fly with the Nether Titan to the enemy base because the Points can be easily take, Let secondary offense and defender protect them while you destroy the wall, then everyone can go together. Always have at least some allies put pressure on their wall but never leave the Capture Points undefended. Don't all go try to stop a Nether Titan, they are easily avoided especially at ranged so a single person can take it down.

Towers and Titans
This one is hard to explain, well for starters be careful around the cyclops especially at melee range, they can one-shot almost every dragon early on, trust me their boulders hurt a lot less. Second don't tank turret shots, on any other map It wouldn't be as bad but a direct hit from these and you are dead. Keep minions in alive so they can take turret shots, they will keep the tower busy so you can destroy the tower in relative peace not counting enemy dragons.
Next the Lanes- these are important the right people go to the right lane
Top Lane- Primary Offense and Assassin- Assassins can deal a lot of damage and Primary Offensive dragons can take alot of damage.
Middle Lane- Defender- Defenders can hold their own better than most dragons
Bottom Lane- Secondary Offense and Support- Secondary Offensive aren't as tanky as Primary Offensive and need a little help to stay alive.
Towers and Titans Phases
Farming phase- simply stay in your lane and kill minions and cyclopses trying to push down the 1st enemy tower when ever you feel you can.
Roaming phase- This is when you push down the first enemy tower, here you will try to take down the 2 Big Cyclopses so your enemy can't take the buff you will also aid other lanes who haven't pushed down the 1st tower.
Final phase- After the buffs are taken and a few towers are down, the defender will still defend and the assassin will join him in defense. However everyone else will pick a single lane and push that lane to attempt to end it.
NOTE: Gold on this map give a shield that will reduce damage taken from towers and attacks however can fall quickly.
Nightly (Tino) Dec 2, 2016 @ 1:34pm 
amber Sep 3, 2016 @ 3:27pm 
i diddnt see goldclaw in there so i tried him on support an tank the goldclaw seems to be a jack of all trades
Fishyflakes Jan 21, 2016 @ 4:16am 
This helped me a ton. Just solidifying all the assumptions I made about strategy xD
Origami Anivia Sep 24, 2015 @ 1:49pm 
bro ignore insanity, this is a nice guide, most of this i already knew but this is still a great guide, maybe you could work on the best combinations for dragons and weapons? i know it may take some time but it would benefit people greatly. :steamhappy:
HuggyDeathBunny🐰💀 May 16, 2015 @ 2:05am 
Nicely rounded information for beginners and intermediates looking to up their game, throw in a bit more about runes and upgrading them, as well as dragon and weapon forging, and you have a very complete guide!
灭霸 May 13, 2015 @ 9:38am 
Ronasaur  [author] May 9, 2015 @ 12:42pm 
Fire Blades if you find it useless please tell me how I can improve it I am accepting any constructive criticism since this is my first guide.
Joe May 9, 2015 @ 9:10am 
Useless !!!