The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

48 人が評価
The Trial
1.785 MB
2015年4月18日 15時41分
2015年4月19日 3時04分
5 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

The Trial

After installing The Trial mod you need to save and load the game before u go to the Trial master

The trial is a fight against a Dragon with custom AI he uses every element in a random way
its a very hard fight you shouldnt fight against him under a level of 50

For the cutom music i added u need to download it from this link - http://w w w.file-upload.n e t/download-10982645/
Without spaces
- and add it to your steam/steamapps/skyrim folder

Coming soon :
some npcs to fill the hall
some Rewards for finishing the trial
31 件のコメント
Leonidas 2015年9月22日 18時13分 
what is that noise is that godzilla in the back round
Jmonk 2015年7月31日 17時09分 
really cool mod. nice job :D
I Don't Like Sand 2015年7月4日 21時00分 
ive found a gltich with the wizard you talk to. my character just freezes after walking towards him. Nothing happens
Truth Wizard Templar†† 2015年5月28日 23時41分 
i fownd it its in butt crack cavarn next to penus mouten lol
Truth Wizard Templar†† 2015年5月28日 23時40分 
Chatick 2015年5月7日 11時19分 
Where is the boss?
DooM  [作成者] 2015年4月30日 11時50分 
its possible to make a random skin ill look at it
DooM  [作成者] 2015年4月29日 20時10分 
i answer u later need to go to workl
stebeven 2015年4月29日 15時34分 
Hey DooM, question; does the dragon that appears to fight pick a random skin from the dragon list available? And if it doesn't, is there a way to retexture/recolor it to make it like alduin with purple accents? I think that would make it look much more like the adverised image.
stebeven 2015年4月29日 15時32分 
Why don'y you guys leave free mods alone? Especially ones like this. This one is a very promising mod that would be worth paying for to help build it, but remained free. Meaning that you have less than zero reasons to post these paid-mod riots here.