Viscera Cleanup Detail

Viscera Cleanup Detail

592 ratings
Viscera Cleanup Detail for beginners
By InspiredBones
A simple guide that shows you the basics of cleaning up in space!
Before you read...
This is a guide for the people who need help (like me when I started playing this game). My mother tounge is not english so if you find wrong spelling or any other mistake write a comment and I'll change it as fast as I can. By the way, if you don't know it, the game isn't ready yet so if the newest update comes out I'll update this guide too. Thank you for reading this and have fun cleaning the space :D!
Main Tools
When you spawn in a new map you start with three things which you can change with your mouse wheel. Those are:

The Mop:

Logically it is for cleaning up blood or other stains like ash or the liquid of plants.

Your Hands:

Also logically. They are for carrying around things.

The Sniffomat:

This one is used for searching mess when you are almost ready with cleaning up. There are two modes: Mode Green (for inorganic waste) and Mode blue (for organic waste).

You can to the blue one with a leftclick and to the green one with a right click.
The fast it beeps, the near you are on mess.
Other Paraphernalia
The Plasma/Arc Welder or just Laser:
This one is very important! With it you can weld away bulletholes and other.. things on the wall which count as mess too. It is on every map and you just have to find it. What you can weld away:

It has other uses too, like welding other rubbish to make it smaller or make limbs and bodies to balls that dont make a mess when falling down. Also it lets Paper and tiny mess disappear. Here some examples:

But be careful! If you weld too long on a place where is nothing to weld, you will have a bullethole and lots of ash to clean up!

The Broom:
In many maps you'll find a broom. Anywhere it'll lay on the floor. If you find it, you can take it with your hands and it gets a tool in your inventory. With it you can put viscera and other rubbish on one pile.

The Shovel:
This tool you can only find in outside-maps because you can only use it with earth. With it you can "kill" the huge monsters which are in the earth and eat everything.

In some maps you can find TNT.

I didn't really understand the sense of it yet because it only makes a really huge mess when it explodes. Also you die when you stand next to it when it explodes what is really annoying when you have to clean up yourself after dieing. :D
Maybe it is a little challenge (to let it not explode) or just an item that should annoy you like the limbs that are coming out of the Bin- and Bucketmachine.

Be careful with flares because if you get to close with them, TNT will also start burning.
If you plan to let something explode you don't have to go to fire or use a flare, just press/hold the left mouse button and don't forget to throw it away! ^^

Also don't just throw it into the oven because if you do, even if you close it, there will be much ash to wipe away and sometimes you can't see it.

You have the chance to let it explode without mess and/or death. Only take the TNT, put it into a bukket full of water and throw it into the oven. Be careful to not let it upset because it will explode if you don't.

The "J-Harm":

I don't know if that is the right name of it but it works like a little elevator. With it you can clean up mess, which is very high, like on lockers or on the ceiling. It isn't in every map but the most maps got one.

Don't wonder if there is sometimes an Error or it is jammed, that's normal and planned.
Machines and other stuff that is in every map
The most Important machines in every map are:

The Slosh-O-Matic-Machine:

This machine drops buckets for you.

With bins you can clean your mop and make it clean again. If a bucket gets too dirty, you have to use a new one and burn the dirty one in the oven.

The What-A-Load-Machine:

This one drops disposal bins for you. They are good for transporting stuff to the oven where you can burn it. So you have to go around less.

Both machines will sometimes drop pieces of bodies instead of buckets/bins. That is normal but really annoying. I hope you have more luck than me (4 times in a row -_-):

The Oven:

It can burn everything if you can put the thing in it. It also burns buckets. (I didn't know it the first time and collected them in a corner :D )

In one map there is no oven. There is a room with airlock where the rubbish disappears in the universe when you click the upper button on the "console" of the door.

The "Vendor" or just Vending Machine:

This Machine drops other Items for you like for example lanterns, headlights and flares. Those are for lighting up dark places.

Another Item is the First-Aid-Kit which you can put into the First-Aid-Crate (?).

It can also drop seeds when you play a map with plants like Hydrophonic Hell. There you can plant plants with seeds. That isn't necessary but you must do it when you want to be the Employee of the month.

Also from this one you can get the gun and the magazine for the destroyed guns in the map "Revolutionary Robotics". Only take the destroyed one and put the new one in but wait til you are ready with cleaning up because these guns will kill you if you go through the blue doors if you carry something metallic around (exept robot parts and the parts for the gun). Changing them is also only important if you want to become Employee of the month.

The Clock-Off-Machine:

If you are ready with a map, you have to clock off to finish your work. There you just have to click with your hands til there is "Clock off" and "Finish work" and you get automatically into your office if you click "Clock off". You can also "Edit Records" but you don't have to fill that out. Every map has one, you only have to find it.

The Personal chest:

When you put something in this chest, then it spawns in your Office (Where you land when you clocked off a map)

You can also take things from the office into a level.

Many maps have doors which are sometimes easy, but sometimes difficult to open. There are more than one type of doors. The easy ones are:

You only have to click on the display and it opens. Here are the difficult ones with codes:

There are two ways to open them. Number one is to find a piece of paper/ a letter where the code is written on or to search for a code that is written on the wall (with blood so don't wash it away too early). The second one is more difficult but not impossible if you know how to do it. The methode is called "Hacking" (only in the game) and you only have to try all of the numbers. When you type a right number, the display flashes one time. That means you only have to write down the numbers which are right on the right place. The number of the letters that you have to find is not restricted so it's possible to get a code with 8 numbers.
The stuff you REALLY have to clean
I played on some Servers and saw, how some of the players burned EVERYTHING what was really annoying because there are some things you dont have to burn.

Things you don't have to burn:

Things like chests, the Plasma welder, barrels, the warning signs and the radio:

Also you don't have to burn things like the pizzacutter (In laboratories) and other tools from doctors or whatever cuts into aliens...

If you want to become Employee of the month, only put chests and barrels in the squares on the floor with the same color and put the medi-kits on their right place.

Small rubbish you have to clean up:

Those things are cans, paperballs (?), noodle-boxes, chips- packings, paper cups, Shotgunshells, bullets and letters(I tried to collect them in the personal chest and wondered why I can't finish the map ~.~):

Bodies and aliens:
I think that's clear but I just wanted to write it here. You have to burn them and wash away their blood and... I don't know what aliens bleed (I hate the green ones because their liquids are really hard to see in the dark):

There are much more and these are only examples.

Since the last update, every human has an... USB-stick next to it but I think that has no use. If you take it you can see the name of the dead owner. I only found out that you can put it into the Clock-Off- machine.


You have to burn plants on some maps. Some of them hang on the wall and are hidden so look if you found all of them when you are ready.

Also you have to burn Tentacles and corpse bags. (The best way to do that, is to weld them with the plasma welder).

If you can't find the last mess
If you can't find the last mess only with your sniffer (or you are too lazy to search for it) there is one way to safe time: Cheating.

The best Tactic for stains:

Press F7. So you can change the "View". There are more than one so just try to press the button more often and find your favourite. My favourite is the one which is the brightest because you can see everything which is normally in the dark.

Removed :(

The best Tactic for rubbish:

Open the Chat with default y and delete the "Say". Instead you write "killnearestmess" what will delete the nearest mess for you. You can do it as often as you want and it should work immediately.

If you use any of those two cheating-methodes notice, that this only works in SINGLEPLAYER so NOT ON SERVERS! If you changed the view (Tactic one) and joined on any Server you cant change it but it'll stay as the one you chose when you played alone.
Thank you for reading!
I hope I could help you! For requests or questions, only write a comment. Please also write a comment when you find a wrong word or if you can't understand something that I wrote and did't explain very good... :)

Oh yes and good luck! I hope you'll get Employee of the month :D

lenamhornung Apr 20 @ 10:28am 
Thank you so much.
The lack of a tutorial is the greatest flaw of that game. Without this I propably would have given up after 10 minutes
AndyStarkey025 Apr 18 @ 11:54pm 
THANKS!!! English is also not my first lenguage but I undertood almos everithing, I just started playing and didn´t know what to do lol haha thank you so much for the info:steamthumbsup:
Sledge Nov 22, 2023 @ 11:36am 
Thanks for this. It is a big help for me.
panister Jul 11, 2023 @ 1:12am 
The USBs are called PIDs and are used to get extra points: you put them in the punchomatic (clock off machine) and then you can anwer some questions about the body, like how they likely died.
hesh Aug 20, 2022 @ 6:04am 
great write-up! i have played about 8 hours total and haven't played in a long time. this guide was a great refresher for me. thank you!
Dyamoxx Jun 29, 2022 @ 11:24pm 
The only use for the usb-stick that i found is for the achievement, you have to steal them (put them in your personal chest) :)
Farmer Daniel Dec 26, 2021 @ 3:41pm 
I think KillNearestMess works only for the Host in Multiplayer, not for the guesting janitors.
707 Aug 30, 2021 @ 10:35am 
InspiredBones  [author] Jun 30, 2021 @ 1:45pm 
Heyy Sorry but I can't help you with that cause actually I've always played it in singleplayer-mode :/ You could ask in the community in "Discussions" if you still have the problem. I hope you'll find an answer there! GL :)
notkvcperr Jun 30, 2021 @ 1:14pm 
Hi, I have such a query, because my friend also has this game, I bought the same one and if he created the server, I can't join him, nor I can join him, what could be the reason? we both have a 64-bit version, please help; c