The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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It's My Skyrim Damn It!
Af SpaceCodet
Just something on adding mods to your Skrim game.
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With the Enchantress outfit. I'd loose the bit hanging over her skit from the waist down. Move the gerdle/corset bit so it goes from under her boobs to her waist. Make her boots that go to mid caf. With a split up the left side of her skirt to mid thigh. But alas, I can't do such a thing.

I rely on others to make mods I can use. Which some times makes it hard to find something you/'re looking for. Other times you find something you now won't play Skyrim without. So this is a guide about some stuff I came acrossed that might help you with adding mods to your game.

Common Problem
Steam's appscache gets clogged up as well as your others. I think of it as a screen filter that needs to be cleaned or replaced. Someone who knows programing is probly cringing when reading this bit. This can cause your downloads to get messed up. More times then not you can fix this by doing the following.

Close Steam.

Go to C Drive-Programs-Steam In the Steam folder delete appscache.

Go to C Drive and right click to bring up properties. Click properties and then hit 'disk cleanup'. Make sure all the boxes are checked before hitting ok.

Once it's done running restart your computer.

Wait until everything reboots. Then start up Steam where a new cache should be added and downloads should run smoothly.

You should have what's known as a clean save. A clean save is a save that isn't messed up. This could be one w/ or without mods. If you do one with mods make sure you have the mods saved as well. Saves getting messed up is common in the world of Skyrim.

You have 2 save locations. Cloud and local folder on your computer. This can cause saves to get messed up. Another thing that causes curruption is adding and removing mods. When the curruption gets too bad you can only do a glitch-dump. Glitch-dump is when you delete all saves, remove all mods and some times have to reinstall the game.

Documents-my games-Skyrim-saves This is where saves are.

Steam-Steamapps-common-Skyrim-data This is where mods are.

The above locations are where they were put by default for me. If you did something else or don't have windows then it may be diffront then mine. You'll have to find the files for yourself. You can create a new folder and copy/paste the files into it. Some only have an .esp file. Others have both an .esp and .bsa file.

When I add a mod I don't save the game. I delete the auto-save if they come into play for the mod if I remove it. I only save the game if there isn't a problem with the mod and I like it. You'll need a good load order for your mods too. Bad load order could cause currupted saves. More often then not it causes glitches and crashes in your game. Rule of thumb is that an item must be loaded before it can be moddified. So the item is high up on the list then the mod.

DLCs Load Order


Trademarks, Copyrights And So On
Trademarks are for product/brand such as Star Wars toys. Only a person who owns the Trademark can sell the item legally. You need a legal agreement from the holder to make and sell the item for profit as if it were your own. There's a re-sell law that allows you to buy said product and sell it. That's how most retail works.

Copyright is for written items. You must have written legal promission to make money from these items That's why radio stations must pay to play copyrighted music. There is also a law that allows people to play the same music on stage without having to pay the copyright holder. You can not copywite things like recipes, instruction and so forth. That's why they make such a big deal about keeping what's in the secret souce secret.

With mods we are all bowned by the same agreement. This is when we installed Skyrim. Bathesda owns all content contained in Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn as well as the creatin Kit. Any stock items are fair to use in making a mod. All items that are custumize and imported are the modders. As well as the legallity there in.

Harley and the Joker are both Trademarked and copywrited. This mod is perfectly legal because there is no monitary profit involved. Those who own the right for Harley and the Jokey can legally ask for it's removel. If profit was involved (like selling copies of the mod) then legal action could be brought to bare.

The modder can also choose to let others use his/her custum peices or not. That's why you see on some mods CBBE mod was used to affirm promission was given. Some modders state on the mod page that you can use the custum item and other denigh use. The reason being is some don't want their name to be on a mod they don't like. All of this is in their rights.

We as mod uses are bowned not to abuse our privledges when using these mods. As long as we stay within the agreement with Bathesda and modding community there's no problems when we use the posted mods for our games.

Making Skyrim Your Own

This is what my Skyrim looks like. Everyone has their own taste. I like color. Some of the mods together maybe a little much for some. It's my game so I'll use those mods that make me happy or at least less miserable.

Something people find odd is the fact I use arrow keys not wasd, I have the keyboard on my lap and use my left hand to use it. Whatever works for you is how you should set up the game. I also use a 104 keyboard I got at a fleamarket since all stores seem to sell small cramped keyboards now. I don't have small hands. They're made for someone else.

Choosing mods is a personal choice one needs to make. Themes help in this reguard along with personal taste. Say typing 'Link' in the search box and either hitting the search butten or enter will bring up all mods that have link in the text of a mod page. Then you can sift through the mods and decide if that what you want or not. You should know your theme well so you can figure out if a mod that has nothing to with it has enogh of something in it to make it worth using when adding mods.

As I mentioned above load order is importent. So is conflicting mods. Remember not to use mods that use or do the same thing. An example of this is Lydia mods. Don't use two overhaul mods that change her face. This type of stuff makes the game verry unhappy. In return making you unhappy when the game goes wonkie.

As well, some mods aren't 100%. If after trying to get the mod to work through load order doesn't work either remove it out right or leave it off until the modder fixes the problem. If you choose the latter post the problem on the mod page. Don't just say, 'It don't work'. Give details on what you did to try and fix the problem, what happens when the mod is running in game along with other info that matters to this problem. Things that help not just fill up the post section.

A Touch Of Color
As I said, 'I like color'. I also use other mods too. But I figure a few of the mods I like which may be of interest would be color. Some people think that Skyrim is dull. This is because of some over lay that was put in I believe for atmosphere. I disliked it from the start. I posted a lot about how it needed to be changed. Funny how when I gave up on someone ever making a mod to change it. Someone did a year or so later.

You want different color hair? Well, choose a color.

Soul gems are too dull looking? Maybe a new look is in order.

How about those Stormcloaks, huh? Well this mod lets you see them better.

Want a mage that isn't stuck using the same old robes as every other? Then why not add a different set?

Think your torch stink? How about some made from salts?

Just a few to brighten up a dull looking game. Of cause these are my choices not yours. Or maybe you choose to use them. It matters to you if you can add a personal touch to the game with the help of someone who took the time to create a mod for people to use and enjoy. So, don't forget to follow the yellow brick road.

27 kommentarer
ShΛdow(Presented by Duracell®) 5. okt. 2015 kl. 23:46 
ShΛdow(Presented by Duracell®) 5. okt. 2015 kl. 23:46 
i ment :steamfacepalm:
ShΛdow(Presented by Duracell®) 5. okt. 2015 kl. 23:46 
ShΛdow(Presented by Duracell®) 5. okt. 2015 kl. 23:46 

justWickedᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ 21. sep. 2015 kl. 9:53 
Get a room you two...
Evie Colburn 22. maj 2015 kl. 20:15 
SpaceCodet  [ophavsmand] 22. maj 2015 kl. 18:30 
Good t'ing ya not lis'enin' t' me talk (good thing you're not listening to me talk). T'e loss o' let'e's would make ya bonzo (the absence of letters would make you animatedly crazy). :cybereye:
Evie Colburn 22. maj 2015 kl. 15:39 
Yay! Now my inner Grammar Nazi won't bother the crap out of me!
SpaceCodet  [ophavsmand] 21. maj 2015 kl. 18:37 
Fixed the type-o. :cybereye:
Evie Colburn 21. maj 2015 kl. 15:59 
Oh yeah, and there's a typo in "A Touch of Color".
You said "'I like colo'" not "'I like color'", just thought I'd point that out :D