Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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The deck builder and JAVA
By Chewy102
This is a short and simple guide on how to get past the "Out of memory" error for the TTS deck builder. With JAVA being not the greatest you need to both give it memory and have images a certain size or else it runs out of memory on the export. Don't expect this to be hard, it is just fussy with details.

This is also NOT a guide on how to use the deck builder. The devs already have a video on that as well of other "how to" videos listed in this link. ( ) There is no reason for me to do what they already did perfectly well.
Step 1- Memory
This is for Windows PCs. Mac/Linx people I don't know how this works for you but it shouldn't be hard to figure out where once you know what to do.

First thing you need is the latest version of JAVA. The TTS deck buidler will NOT work without it.
Use that site to get the latest version who would likely be 32bit. Once you have the latest version the deck builder should let you open it.

Now on to giving JAVA the memory it needs. Follow these steps.

Start Menu
Control panel
JAVA 32 bit
JAVA tab
View button
Double click in the box for "Runtime Parameters"
Type " -Xms1024m " without the "s or any spaces and exactly as shown
Hit OK
Hit Apply
Close the windows

You should now be able to fully use the TTS deck bulder. You can find where it is in the Devs video linked up top.
Step 2- Images and their size
Now that you have the TTS deck builder running and waiting you can start working on custom decks. I don't care what iamges you use in the deck builder. That's on you and your needs. What I do care about is their size. You can use any image size you wish but know that the deck builder can not work once you get bigger than a certain size. You should aim for images 400*600 or higher at the least though in order to have them more readable in game.

Once you have all the images you wish to have in a deck and have placed them in the grid. You MUST take one step before doing anything else. That step is to make ALL images the same size. To do this use the drop down menus. The "Options" drop down to be exact. Within it click the card size button and it will give you a pop up.

That pop up asks for a Width and Height. Make them the same as the smallest image you have in the grid. Image sizes are listed in XXX*XXX and can be found in the images information. The first number is Width, the 2nd is Height. Click Okay and you're done.

BUT, if your images are all over 400*557. MAKE THEM 400*557 NOW! 400*557 is the MAX the deck builder can do. Even 400*558 is to large. So be exact in the numbers in typing the Width 400 and the Height 557!

If all your images are smaller than 400*557. You shouldn't need to worry once you make them all the same as the smallest image in the grid. But know that images smaller than 400*557 can get fuzzy when you start zooming on them in game but you have to work with what you got after all.
Step 3- Exporting the deck
This is the easy part. To export the deck all you need to do is use the "File" drop menu and click "export' then click the export button in the pop up to put the deck image in a palce of your choice. That's it! As long as the finished image is no bigger than 4K*4K then you should be fine. And a deck made of 1 to 70 400*557 images comes to a total image size of 4000*3899 either way. JUST within the limt and the biggest size I can get working myself.

DO NOT MESS WITH THE EXPORT OPTIONS! JAVA can only do so much and messing with the export settings is THE reason for running out of memory. This is the reasom for doing step 2. So that you don't give JAVA so much to do all at once and make it run out of memory.
Step 4- Upload and making the deck in game.
Just upload the deck image to your site of choice and then paste its link to a custom deck in game. No need to explain anything else here as the Devs video covers this perfectly.
E_net4 Jan 27, 2016 @ 12:50pm 
Mand0 Jul 7, 2015 @ 12:43am 
This does not work despite all of my efforts and following every detail. I always have to drop the card size down to about 250x300 to get it to finally load :/ Any suggestions?
Collateral Damage May 14, 2015 @ 1:10pm 
Excellent guide, It should be included with the tool. Thank you for writing this.
Celebromen May 10, 2015 @ 7:54pm 
Thank you Chewy102. I will do that.
Chewy102  [author] May 8, 2015 @ 3:55pm 
That is a new one for me. I didn't know that could be a problem to be honest.

I did a fast test in the deck builder and FILLED the 70 grid slots with random 745*1040 images from a number of folders and my RAM didn't break 4GB used. CPU spiked a few times to over 50%, with it mainly one core maxed out, but that could have been my PC still booting while doing the test. Nothing popped out at me when placing the images and the export worked like a charm.

I got an i5 CPU as well. i5 2500k to be exact at the stock 3.3 but with 16 GB RAM on Win 7.

Your best bet is to take it to the forums or to the Devs at ( ). I don't have a clue buddy. Sorry, wish I could be of a better help.
Celebromen May 8, 2015 @ 1:27pm 
I thank you for this guide. But I can't get beyond 37 images before this tool locks up. I've updated to Java 8, update 45. I've set the image size at 400x557. Put in the Run time parameters you suggested. Still LOCK UP. It's kind of discouraging. I've even tried this on two separate computers one Windows 7, core I5, 8GB ram and Windows 8, core I7, 8G ram. Maybe I don't have enough ram :(