Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops

51 ratings
By e4zY13oT
How to edit the "Black Ops" cfg 4 Zombies_Solo & Online

-Solo & Online_Zombies = config.cfg
-Multiplayer = mp_config.cfg

I have the most "Settings" -TEST- in Solo & Online but can not give 100% Working... (!!!! Please "save/backup" your cfg & bo.exe !!!!)
Ok, lets Start:
  • Please save / backup your config.cfg and BlackOPs.exe !!!!
  • Why we need "bind"
-We need the command "bind" to change other command when pull a Key or Button
  • What we do with "bind"
-We change a command and give him a "Place" in the cfg. to open the command with "bind"
  • Is this serious / legit
-The most are legit, but it give a PC-Player more Powersettings & Controll over the Game. Ok small advantage over console Players. Its your turn & you know what legit & what are not.
-GOD, AMMO, UFO, can do to optimize your Strategy, but not to WIN.

Open your config.cfg

Now you can see a lot letters, interesting are this:

Zombie_Maps @ Key
bind F1 "devmap zombie_cod5_prototype"
bind F2 "devmap zombie_cod5_asylum"
bind F3 "devmap zombie_cod5_factory"
bind F4 "devmap zombie_moon"

bind F5 "toggle r_fog 0 1" -Fog On / Off (nice 4 good Gamer_PC / need Power_Graphic)
bind F6 "toggle cg_drawFPS 0 1" -Show your FPS but Steam can do this 2
bind F7 "toggle cg_fov 65 75 85" -How many you can See @ the Monitor

bind F9 "toggle con_minicon 0 1" -show if a command error -useful_tool
seta con_miniconlines "9"
seta con_minicontime "6"

(toggle are a command to do in example: On / Off but it can do more when the command have more settings)

bind F8 "fast_restart"
-restart the Map, but are Sure when do Highrounds is a Risk, accidentally pull the Key

bind F9 "toggle sm_enable 0 1"
-Shadows On / Off

Ok, now you have see a little bit of commands, what we can use.
But you can change all commands @ "One" -Key, and give a other Key to change all command "delete" and give the -Key a new command.

bind F9 "say ^3 F1 ^1 S.N.N ^3 F2 ^1 F. ^3 F3 ^1 K.d.T ^3 F4 ^1 Mo. ;unbind F1;bind F1 devmap zombie_cod5_sumpf;unbind F2;bind F2 devmpap zombie_pentagon;unbind F3;bind F3 devmap zombie_theater;unbind F4;bind F4 devmap zombie_moon"

I have here a "Message" on command, thats better to define that -Key

bind F10 "say ^3 F1 ^1 N.d.U ^3 F2 ^1 Ver. ^3 F3 ^1 d.R ^3 F4 ^1 Mo. ;unbind F1;bind F1 devmap zombie_cod5_prototype;unbind F2;bind F2 devmap zombie_cod5_asylum;unbind F3;bind F3 devmap zombie_cod5_factory;bind F8 fast_restart"

have in a line several commands, you must separate with this : " ; " the Semicolon !!!
this : " = start the command
this : " = finished the command

There is a maximum number of letters per line. Trying self and comment pls when you find it.
I´m not sure,


bind V "say ^F^2 MaxAmmo ^7 Reload"
bind B "say ^3 not_Open_Pls"
bind N "say ^3 leave_one_pls"
bind M "say ^0 Hi all we do 40+ with Fire Trap"

"say" is command to write a TXT in the "Chat"
" ^ " is the command to show the TXT in "color"
" ^F " is the command the TXT does "flash"

4 X-BOX & Playstation_Controller:

bind F1 "unbind DPAD_DOWN;bind DPAD_DOWN toggle r_fog 0 1;unbind DPAD_UP;bind DPAD_UP toggle cg_fov 60 85;unbind BUTTON_BACK;bind BUTTON_BACK +activate"

The Controller_Setup not 4 all Players good, with this binds you can create your own "Settings"
bind DPAD_UP "unbind DPAD_DOWN;bind DPAD_DOWN +meele" or useful -Key with more commands

you can Copy & Paste the "bind" in your cfg. but learn by doing is better..

@ the last here are powerfull "Graphic" settings:
seta com_maxfps "125" -can change from 60 - 999
seta cg_blood "1"
seta cg_bloodLimit "0"
seta cg_bloodLimitMsec "330"
seta cg_brass "1" (you can bind this command with = "toggle cg_brass 0 1"

seta sm_enable "1"
seta sm_fastSunShadow "1"
seta sm_lightScore_eyeProjectDist "64"
seta sm_lightScore_spotProjectFrac "0.125"
seta sm_maxLights "4"
seta sm_minSpotLightScore "0.5"
seta sm_polygonOffsetBias "10"
seta sm_polygonOffsetScale "2"
seta sm_qualitySpotShadow "1"
seta sm_spotDistCull "1"
seta sm_spotEnable "1"
seta sm_spotLimit "4"
seta sm_spotShadowFadeTime "1"
seta sm_strictCull "1"
seta sm_sunEnable "1"
seta sm_sunSampleSizeNear "0.25"
seta sm_sunShadowCenter "0 0 0"
seta sm_sunShadowScale "1"
seta sm_sunShadowScaleLocked "1 seta snaps 30"

my own "Hit_Damage_Layout"
seta cg_hudDamageDirectionalIconTime "1000"
seta cg_hudDamageIconHeight "135"
seta cg_hudDamageIconInScope "1"
seta cg_hudDamageIconOffset "25"
seta cg_hudDamageIconWidth "25"
seta cg_hudDamageIconTime "2000"
-you can change this time / see longer or shorter the RED_DAMAGE_HIT_STREAK from ZOMBIES (but the original time ist 2000, but sure the save'_way is 5000)

seta fx_marks "1" Weapon_draw_Fire
seta fx_marks_ents "1" see empty Ammo_Balls
seta fx_marks_smodels "1" not sure sry, think Low or High_Detail

seta r_dof_bias "0.5"
seta r_dof_enable "1"
seta r_dof_farBlur "1.8"
seta r_dof_farEnd "7000"
seta r_dof_farStart "1000"
seta r_dof_nearBlur "6"
seta r_dof_nearEnd "60"
seta r_dof_nearStart "10"
seta r_dof_tweak "0"
seta r_dof_viewModelEnd "8"
seta r_dof_viewModelStart "2"

seta r_monitor "2" -you can change the Monitor, the Game what Start
(have "2" the Game start @ the second Monitor)
Is useful when the "First" Monitor is smaller than the "second".
I can Switch and do other things and never have a Problem

okay this is a one, see more next Times,
thx 4 all player, we all are in the same game,,

Bitte mach immer eine sicherheits Kopie von deiner cfg und am besten auch von deiner BO.exe!!!!
Warum "bind" ?
-Weil wir die Befehle auf Befehl starten
Was machen wir mit "bind" ?
-Befehle auf Tasten / Buttons belegen
Ist das "erlaubt" ?
-Das meiste ist jetz erlaubt, ich habe keine negativen erfahrungen gemacht

-GOD, AMMO, UFO, sind Cheats, man kann Strategien verbessern sich Verhalten,Spawn und sonstiges angucken...jeder muss es ja selber wissen...FAIR PLAY = PRO PLAY

so öffnen der .cfg (steam/steamapps/common/callofdutyblackops/players/)

So nun seht Ihr ne menge Text aber wichtig ist ja nur der anfang die "binds" der Tastatur also:

Zombie_Maps @ Key
bind F1 "devmap zombie_cod5_prototype"
bind F2 "devmap zombie_cod5_asylum"
bind F3 "devmap zombie_cod5_factory"
bind F4 "devmap zombie_moon"

bind F5 "toggle r_fog 0 1" -Fog On / Off (nice 4 good Gamer_PC / need Power_Graphic)
bind F6 "toggle cg_drawFPS 0 1" -zeigt dir deine FPS aber Steam kann das ja jetzt auch
bind F7 "toggle cg_fov 65 75 85" -Wieviel man vom Bild erkennen kan
bind F9 "toggle con_minicon 0 1" -nützlich um Fehler der "bind" bzu erkennen
seta con_miniconlines "9"
seta con_minicontime "6"

("toggle" damit kann man die "werte" der komandos durchschalten,
wie man da ja sieht: toggle cg_fov 65 75 85)

bind F8 "fast_restart"
-restart the Map, kann auch mal Problem bei HighRounds machen,
wenn man ausversehen drückt :D lol

bind F9 "toggle sm_enable 0 1"
-Shadows On / Off

Man kann aber auch auf "eine" Taste eine ganze "reihe von Befehlen" setzen

bind F9 "say ^3 F1 ^1 S.N.N ^3 F2 ^1 F. ^3 F3 ^1 K.d.T ^3 F4 ^1 Mo. ;unbind F1;bind F1 devmap zombie_cod5_sumpf;unbind F2;bind F2 devmpap zombie_pentagon;unbind F3;bind F3 devmap zombie_theater;unbind F4;bind F4 devmap zombie_moon"

Habe bei mehr Befehlen immer ein Text mit dabei damit es übersichtlicher ist

bind F10 "say ^3 F1 ^1 N.d.U ^3 F2 ^1 Ver. ^3 F3 ^1 d.R ^3 F4 ^1 Mo. ;unbind F1;bind F1 devmap zombie_cod5_prototype;unbind F2;bind F2 devmap zombie_cod5_asylum;unbind F3;bind F3 devmap zombie_cod5_factory;bind F8 fast_restart"

Befehle / Kommandos werden immer getrennt mit : " ; " Semicolon !!!
das: " = Anfang Kommando
das: " = Ende Kommando

Es gibt ein Maximum and bit pro zeile oder pro befehl weiss nicht wenn ihr was wisst schreibt mal.

bind V "say ^F^2 MaxAmmo ^7 Reload"
bind B "say ^3 not_Open_Pls"
bind N "say ^3 leave_one_pls"
bind M "say ^0 Hi all we do 40+ with Fire Trap"

"say" schreibt ein TXT in den "Chat"
" ^ " in Farbe "color"
"1-0" Farben
" ^F " lässt den Text blinken

4 X-BOX & Playstation_Controller:

bind F1 "unbind DPAD_DOWN;bind DPAD_DOWN toggle r_fog 0 1;unbind DPAD_UP;bind DPAD_UP toggle cg_fov 60 85;unbind BUTTON_BACK;bind BUTTON_BACK +activate"

Fand es besser mir selber den "Controller" einzustellen

bind DPAD_UP "unbind DPAD_DOWN;bind DPAD_DOWN +meele" or useful -Key with more commands

kannst Kopieren, oder selber schreiben in die cfg. selber, lernt schneller XD

@ the last here are powerfull "Graphic" settings:
seta com_maxfps "125" -can change from 60 - 999
seta cg_blood "1"
seta cg_bloodLimit "0"
seta cg_bloodLimitMsec "330"
seta cg_brass "1" (you can bind this command with = "toggle cg_brass 0 1"

seta sm_enable "1"
seta sm_fastSunShadow "1"
seta sm_lightScore_eyeProjectDist "64"
seta sm_lightScore_spotProjectFrac "0.125"
seta sm_maxLights "4"
seta sm_minSpotLightScore "0.5"
seta sm_polygonOffsetBias "10"
seta sm_polygonOffsetScale "2"
seta sm_qualitySpotShadow "1"
seta sm_spotDistCull "1"
seta sm_spotEnable "1"
seta sm_spotLimit "4"
seta sm_spotShadowFadeTime "1"
seta sm_strictCull "1"
seta sm_sunEnable "1"
seta sm_sunSampleSizeNear "0.25"
seta sm_sunShadowCenter "0 0 0"
seta sm_sunShadowScale "1"
seta sm_sunShadowScaleLocked "1 seta snaps 30"

my own "Hit_Damage_Layout"
seta cg_hudDamageDirectionalIconTime "1000"
seta cg_hudDamageIconHeight "135"
seta cg_hudDamageIconInScope "1"
seta cg_hudDamageIconOffset "25"
seta cg_hudDamageIconWidth "25"
seta cg_hudDamageIconTime "2000"
-zeigt den roten Balken an den man bekommt wenn man getroffen wird, und wie lange er sichtibar ist. (but the original time ist 2000, glaube sind aber 5000 wo man sicher sein kann)

seta fx_marks "1" Weapon_draw_Fire
seta fx_marks_ents "1" see empty Ammo_Balls
seta fx_marks_smodels "1" not sure sry, think Low or High_Detail

seta r_dof_bias "0.5"
seta r_dof_enable "1"
seta r_dof_farBlur "1.8"
seta r_dof_farEnd "7000"
seta r_dof_farStart "1000"
seta r_dof_nearBlur "6"
seta r_dof_nearEnd "60"
seta r_dof_nearStart "10"
seta r_dof_tweak "0"
seta r_dof_viewModelEnd "8"
seta r_dof_viewModelStart "2"

seta r_monitor "2" -auswahl welcher Monitor
(bei "2" startet das Spiel auf den im System eingestellten Monitor)
Find es besser wenn man 2 unterschiedlich Grosse Monitore hat, den Grösseren als 2ten zu nehmen. Habe so überhaupt keine Probleme, andersrum wieder schon.

okay das war es erstmal,
bitte schreib wenn du was weisst oder ähnlich..

gruss und danke an alle Spieler,, es ist unser SPIEL
all DVAR 1/4
// Destructible kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_destructibleKillCamFov // Destructible kill camera field of view.
cg_destructibleKillCamNearBlur // Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480
cg_destructibleKillCamNearBlurEnd // Destructible kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_destructibleKillCamNearBlurStart // Destructible kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_destructibleKillCamRegularHeight // If a destructible is above this height, then just move the camera to above it
cg_destructibleKillCamZIncrease // Height above origin for the destructibles
cg_development // Indicates if we are in DEVELOPMENT (non-release ship builds)
cg_dogKillCamDistFromEyes // Dog kill camera: distance of camera past the delta from player target to dog eye
cg_dogKillCamForwardDist // Dog kill camera: distance of target camera vertically from dog.
cg_dogKillCamFov // Dog kill camera field of view.
cg_dogKillCamSideDist // Dog kill camera: distance of camera target vertically from dog.
cg_dogKillCamUpDist // Dog kill camera: distance of camera target vertically from dog.
cg_dogKillMinDistFromTarget // Dog kill camera: minimum distance that the camera will approach the target
cg_draw2D // Draw 2D screen elements
cg_drawBreathHint // Draw a 'hold breath to steady' hint
cg_drawCrosshair // Turn on weapon crosshair
cg_drawCrosshair3D // Turn on weapon crosshair in 3D mode.
cg_drawCrosshairNames // Draw the name of an enemy under the crosshair
cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosX // Virtual screen space position of the crosshair name
cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosY // Virtual screen space position of the crosshair name
cg_drawErrorMessages // Draw error/warning text
cg_drawFPS // Draw frames per second
cg_drawFPSLabels // Draw FPS Info Labels
cg_drawFPSOnly // Draw only the FPS stats in the upper right
cg_drawFPSScale // Draw FPS size scale
cg_drawFriendlyNames // Whether to show friendly names in game
cg_drawGun // Draw the view model
cg_drawHealth // Draw health bar
cg_drawHoldBreathHint // Turn on hold breath hint string for the sniper rifles
cg_drawMantleHint // Draw a 'press key to mantle' hint
cg_drawMaterial // Draw debugging information for materials
cg_drawModelAxis // Draw debugging axis for a bone of the model under the crosshair
cg_drawpaused // Draw paused screen
cg_drawScriptUsage // Draw debugging information for scripts
cg_drawShellshock // Draw shellshock & flashbang screen effects.
cg_drawSnapshot // Draw debugging information for snapshots
cg_drawSnapshotTime // Draw length of snapshot buffer
cg_drawTalk // Controls which icons CG_TALKER ownerdraw draws
cg_drawThroughWalls // Whether to draw friendly names through walls or not
cg_drawTurretCrosshair // Draw a cross hair when using a turret
cg_drawVersion // Draw the game version
cg_drawVersionX // X offset for the version string
cg_drawVersionY // Y offset for the version string
cg_dumpAnims // Output animation info for the given entity id
cg_enemyNameFadeIn // Time in milliseconds to fade in enemy names
cg_enemyNameFadeOut // Time in milliseconds to fade out enemy names
cg_errordecay // Decay for predicted error
cg_explosiveKillCamBackDist // Explosive kill camera: distance of camera backwards from explosive.
cg_explosiveKillCamGroundBackDist // Explosive kill camera when stuck to ground: distance of camera backwards from explosive.
cg_explosiveKillCamGroundUpDist // Explosive kill camera when stuck to ground: distance of camera vertically from explosive.
cg_explosiveKillCamStopDecelDist // Rocket and Grenade Launcher kill camera: distance over which to decelerate when coming to rest
cg_explosiveKillCamStopDist // Rocket and Grenade Launcher kill camera: distance from player to begin coming to rest
cg_explosiveKillCamUpDist // Explosive kill camera: distance of camera vertically from explosive.
cg_explosiveKillCamWallOutDist // Explosive kill camera when stuck to wall: distance of camera out from wall.
cg_explosiveKillCamWallSideDist // Explosive kill camera when stuck to wall: distance of camera along wall from explosive.
cg_fakefireWizbyChance // The probability that a fake fire shot plays a wizby to local players round
cg_firstPersonTracerChance // The probability that a bullet is a tracer round for your bullets
cg_flareVisionSetFadeDuration // Duration of fade back to normal vision set when you look away from the flare
cg_footprints // Draw footprint decals and effects
cg_footprintsDebug // Debug footprint drawing code (0 means no debugging)
cg_footprintsDistortWater // Distort water on footprint (0 means no distortion)
cg_footsteps // Play footstep sounds
cg_fov // The field of view angle in degrees
cg_fovExtraCam // The field of view angle in degrees for the extra cam
cg_fovMin // The minimum possible field of view
cg_fovScale // Scale applied to the field of view
cg_fov_default // User default field of view angle in degrees
cg_fov_default_thirdperson // User default 3rd person field of view angle in degrees
cg_friendlyNameFadeIn // Time in milliseconds to fade in friendly names
cg_friendlyNameFadeOut // Time in milliseconds to fade out friendly names
cg_fuelHudVersion // Determines what version of the hud to show
cg_fullscreenFinalKillcam // Fullscreen final killcam
cg_gameBoldMessageWidth // The maximum character width of the bold game messages
cg_gameMessageWidth // The maximum character width of the game messages
cg_gun_move_f // Weapon movement forward due to player movement
cg_gun_move_minspeed // The minimum weapon movement rate
cg_gun_move_r // Weapon movement right due to player movement
cg_gun_move_rate // The base weapon movement rate
cg_gun_move_u // Weapon movement up due to player movement
cg_gun_ofs_f // Forward weapon offset when prone/ducked
cg_gun_ofs_r // Right weapon offset when prone/ducked
cg_gun_ofs_u // Up weapon offset when prone/ducked
cg_gun_x // x position of the viewmodel
cg_gun_y // y position of the viewmodel
cg_gun_z // z position of the viewmodel
cg_headIconMinScreenRadius // The minumum radius of a head icon on the screen
cg_heliKillCamFarBlur // Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480
cg_heliKillCamFarBlurDist // Helicopter kill camera distance above the helicopter.
cg_heliKillCamFarBlurStart // Helicopter kill camera distance above the helicopter.
cg_heliKillCamFov // Helicopter kill camera field of view.
cg_heliKillCamNearBlur // Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480
cg_heliKillCamNearBlurEnd // Helicopter kill camera distance above the helicopter.
cg_heliKillCamNearBlurStart // Helicopter kill camera distance above the helicopter.
cg_hintFadeTime // Time in milliseconds for the cursor hint to fade
cg_hudChatIntermissionPosition // Position of the HUD chat box during intermission
cg_hudChatPosition // Position of the HUD chat box
cg_hudDamageDirectionalIconTime // The amount of time for the damage icon to stay on screen after damage is taken
cg_hudDamageIconHeight // The height of the damage icon
cg_hudDamageIconInScope // Draw damage icons when aiming down the sight of a scoped weapon
cg_hudDamageIconOffset // The offset from the center of the damage icon
cg_hudDamageIconTime // The amount of time for the damage icon to stay on screen after damage is taken
cg_hudDamageIconWidth // The width of the damage icon
cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash // Show the grenade indicator for flash grenades
cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight // The height of the grenade indicator icon
cg_hudGrenadeIconInScope // Show the grenade indicator when aiming down the sight of a scoped weapon
cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxHeight // The minimum height difference between a player and a grenade for the grenade to be shown on the grenade indicator
cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash // The minimum distance that a flashbang has to be from a player in order to be shown on the grenade indicator
all DVAR 2/4
cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag // The minimum distance that a grenade has to be from a player in order to be shown on the grenade indicator
cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset // The offset from the center of the screen for a grenade icon
cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth // The width of the grenade indicator icon
cg_hudGrenadeIndicatorFadeUp // Draw grenade indicator with distance fade(COD3 style)
cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight // The height of the grenade indicator pointer
cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot // The pivot point of th grenade indicator pointer
cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseFreq // The number of times per second that the grenade indicator flashes in Hertz
cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMax // The maximum alpha of the grenade indicator pulse. Values higher than 1 will cause the indicator to remain at full brightness for longer
cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMin // The minimum alpha of the grenade indicator pulse. Values lower than 0 will cause the indicator to remain at full transparency for longer
cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth // The width of the grenade indicator pointer
cg_hudLegacySplitscreenScale // Screen scale for hud elements in splitscreen
cg_hudLegacyStereo3DScale // Screen scale for hud elements in stereo 3D
cg_hudMapBorderWidth // The size of the full map's border, filled by the CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_BORDER ownerdraw
cg_hudMapFriendlyHeight // The size of the friendly icon on the full map
cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth // The size of the friendly icon on the full map
cg_hudMapPlayerHeight // The size of the player's icon on the full map
cg_hudMapPlayerWidth // The size of the player's icon on the full map
cg_hudMapRadarLineThickness // Thickness, relative to the map width, of the radar texture that sweeps across the full screen map
cg_hudObjectiveTextScale "0.3"
cg_hudProneY // Virtual screen y coordinate of the prone blocked message
cg_hudSayPosition // Position of the HUD say box
cg_hudSplitscreenBannerScoreboardScale // Scale value to apply to the splitscreen banner scoreboard
cg_hudSplitscreenCompassElementScale // Scale value to apply to compass elements in splitscreen
cg_hudSplitscreenCompassScale // Scale value to apply to the compass in splitscreen
cg_hudSplitscreenOffsetsUseScale // Use splitscreen scaling for element offsets
cg_hudSplitscreenScoreboardScale // Scale value to apply to the scoreboard in splitscreen
cg_hudSplitscreenStanceScale // Scale value to apply to the stance HUD element in splitscreen
cg_hudStanceFlash // The background color of the flash when the stance changes
cg_hudStanceHintPrints // Draw helpful text to say how to change stances
cg_hudVotePosition // Position of the HUD vote box
cg_infraredBlurTime // Time [in millisecs] that the infrared blur lasts.
cg_infraredHighlightOffset // Offset to the player highlight when using infrared scope
cg_infraredHighlightScale // Scale of the player highlight when using infrared scope
cg_invalidCmdHintBlinkInterval // Blink rate of an invalid command hint
cg_invalidCmdHintDuration // Duration of an invalid command hint
cg_laserEndOffset // How far from the point of collision the end of the beam is.
cg_laserFlarePct // Percentage laser widens over distance from viewer.
cg_laserForceOn // Force laser sights on in all possible places (for debug purposes).
cg_laserLight // Whether to draw the light emitted from a laser (not the laser itself)
cg_laserLightBeginOffset // How far from the true beginning of the beam the light at the beginning is.
cg_laserLightBodyTweak // Amount to add to length of beam for light when laser hits a body (for hitboxes).
cg_laserLightEndOffset // How far from the true end of the beam the light at the end is.
cg_laserLightRadius // The radius of the light at the far end of a laser beam
cg_laserRadius // The size (radius) of a laser beam
cg_laserRange // The maximum range of a laser beam
cg_laserRangePlayer // The maximum range of the player's laser beam
cg_lastSpectatorSelectedThirdPerson // Saves last spectator view selected
cg_mapLocationSelectionCursorSpeed // Speed of the cursor when selecting a location on the map
cg_mapLocationSelectionRotationSpeed // Rotation speed of the cursor when selecting a location on the map
cg_marks_ents_player_only // Marks on entities from players' bullets only.
cg_mature // Show Mature Content
cg_MaxDownedPulseRate // The amount of alpha to fade per second, at most for downed allies
cg_MinDownedPulseRate // The amount of alpha to fade per second, at minimum for downed allies
cg_motionblur_duration // Sets radial motion blur duration
cg_motionblur_fadeout // Sets fade time for radial motion blur
cg_nopredict // Don't do client side prediction
cg_overheadIconSize // The maximum size to show overhead icons like 'rank'
cg_overheadNamesFarDist // The far distance at which name sizes are scaled by cg_overheadNamesFarScale
cg_overheadNamesFarScale // The amount to scale overhead name sizes at cg_overheadNamesFarDist
cg_overheadNamesFont // Font for overhead names ( see menudefinition.h )
cg_overheadNamesGlow // Glow color for overhead names
cg_overheadNamesMaxDist // The maximum distance for showing friendly player names
cg_overheadNamesNearDist // The near distance at which names are full size
cg_overheadNamesSize // The maximum size to show overhead names
cg_overheadNamesTagUpdateInterval // How often the friendly visibility head tag is updated for the on screen frustum check
cg_overheadRankSize // The size to show rank text
cg_playerFrustumHalfHeight // The radius used to calculate frustum target center for a player. Used for fast "is on screen" tests
cg_playerHighlightBlinkTime // The speed (in ms) at which the player highlights blink.
cg_playerHighlightBrightness // Brightness of highlights.
cg_playerHighlightEnemyColor // Color of enemy player highlights.
cg_playerHighlightMinFade // The minimum fade for player highlight blinking.
cg_playerHighlightTargetSize // Size of player target highlights.
cg_predictItems // Turn on client side prediction for item pickup
cg_proneFeetCollisionHull // Enables the use of the extra physics collision hulls on the feet while prone.
cg_readTitleStorageLocally // Read title storage locally, instead of from the Xbox Live server
cg_retrieveHintTime // Time in milliseconds between the landing of a retrievable object and the start of the pulse shader to hint that the object is retrievable
cg_retrieveHintTimeStuck // Time in milliseconds between the retrievable object being stuck in an entity and the start of the pulse shader to hint that the object is retrievable
cg_rocketKillCamBackDist // Rocket kill camera: distance of camera backwards from rocket.
cg_rocketKillCamUpDist // Rocket kill camera: distance of camera vertically from rocket.
cg_scoreboardBannerHeight // Banner height of the scoreboard
cg_scoreboardFont // Scoreboard font enum ( see menudefinition.h )
cg_scoreboardHeaderFontScale // Scoreboard header font scale
cg_scoreboardHeight // Height of the scoreboard
cg_scoreboardItemHeight // Item height of each item
cg_scoreboardMyColor // The local player's font color when shown in scoreboard
cg_scoreboardPingGraph // Whether to show graphical ping
cg_scoreboardPingHeight // Height of the ping graph as a % of the scoreboard row height
cg_scoreboardPingText // Whether to show numeric ping value
cg_scoreboardPingWidth // Width of the ping graph as a % of the scoreboard
cg_scoreboardQuarterscreenWidth // Width of the scoreboard for a quarter of the screen splitscreen
cg_scoreboardRankFontScale // Scale of rank font
cg_scoreboardScrollStep // Scroll step amount for the scoreboard
cg_scoreboardSplitscreenWidth // Width of the scoreboard in splitscreen
cg_scoreboardTextOffset // Scoreboard text offset
cg_scoreboardWidth // Width of the scoreboard
cg_ScoresPing_BgColor // Background color of ping
cg_ScoresPing_HighColor // Color for high ping
cg_ScoresPing_Interval // Number of milliseconds each bar represents
cg_ScoresPing_LowColor // Color for low ping
all DVAR 3/4
cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars // Number of bars to show in ping graph
cg_ScoresPing_MedColor // Color for medium ping
cg_scriptedKillCamCloseXYDist // Scripted kill camera closest distance in front of the bomb.
cg_scriptedKillCamCloseZDist // Scripted kill camera closest distance above the target.
cg_scriptedKillCamFarBlur // Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480
cg_scriptedKillCamFarBlurDist // Scripted kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_scriptedKillCamFarBlurStart // Scripted kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_scriptedKillCamFov // Scripted kill camera field of view.
cg_scriptedKillCamNearBlur // Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480
cg_scriptedKillCamNearBlurEnd // Scripted kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_scriptedKillCamNearBlurStart // Scripted kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_scriptIconSize // Size of Icons defined by script
cg_seatHintFadeTime // Time in milliseconds for the seat hint to fade
cg_showmiss // Show prediction errors
cg_showZombieControls // Show the zombie controller layout
cg_showZombieMap // Show the zombie map up
cg_spectateThirdPerson // Default player to thirdperson in spectate
cg_splitscreenLetterboxSize // Amount of border to leave at the side edges of the screen in 2 & 3 was split screen.
cg_splitscreenSpectatorScaleIncrease // Scale value to apply to the spectator message in splitscreen
cg_sprintMeterDisabledColor // The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is disabled
cg_sprintMeterEmptyColor // The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is empty
cg_sprintMeterFullColor // The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is full
cg_subtitleMinTime // The minimum time that the subtitles are displayed on screen in seconds
cg_subtitles // Show subtitles
cg_subtitleWidthStandard // The width of the subtitles on a non wide-screen
cg_subtitleWidthWidescreen // The width of the subtitle on a wide-screen
cg_teamChatsOnly // Allow chatting only on the same team
cg_thirdPerson // Use third person view
cg_thirdPersonAngle // The angle of the camera from the player in third person view
cg_thirdPersonFocusDist // The distance infront of the player to aim the 3rd person camera at
cg_thirdPersonMode // How the camera behaves in third person
cg_thirdPersonRange // The range of the camera from the player in third person view
cg_timedDamageDuration // Sets the time to display a damage friendly indicator
cg_tracerchance // The probability that a bullet is a tracer round
cg_tracerlength // The length of a tracer round
cg_tracerNoDrawTime // Delay in milliseconds before a tracer will start rendering
cg_tracerScale // Scale the tracer at a distance, so it's still visible
cg_tracerScaleDistRange // The range at which a tracer is scaled to its maximum amount
cg_tracerScaleMinDist // The minimum distance to scale a tracer
cg_tracerScrewDist // The length a tracer goes as it completes a full corkscrew revolution
cg_tracerScrewRadius // The radius of a tracer's corkscrew motion
cg_tracerSpeed // The speed of a tracer round in units per second
cg_tracerwidth // The width of the tracer round
cg_treadmarks // Draw treadmark decals and effects
cg_turretBipodOffset // Offset bipod mount position on gun by this distance
cg_turretKillCamBackOffset // Move the camera to the Back of the turret by this much.
cg_turretKillCamCloseXYDist // Airstrike kill camera closest distance in front of the bomb.
cg_turretKillCamCloseZDist // Airstrike kill camera closest distance above the target.
cg_turretKillCamDistanceIncrease // Airstrike kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_turretKillCamFarBlur // Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480
cg_turretKillCamFarBlurDist // Airstrike kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_turretKillCamFarBlurStart // Airstrike kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_turretKillCamFov // Airstrike kill camera field of view.
cg_turretKillCamHeightIncrease // Airstrike kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_turretKillCamNearBlur // Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480
cg_turretKillCamNearBlurEnd // Airstrike kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_turretKillCamNearBlurStart // Airstrike kill camera distance above the airplane.
cg_turretKillCamSideOffset // Move the camera to the side of the turret by this much.
cg_ufo_scaler // The speed at which ufo camera moves
cg_use_colored_smoke // Allow the use of colored smoke grenades
cg_usingClientScripts // True, if client scripts are enabled.
cg_viewVehicleInfluenceGunner // The influence on the view from being a vehicle gunner
cg_viewVehicleInfluenceGunnerFiring // The influence on the view from being a vehicle gunner while firing
cg_viewZSmoothingMax // Threshhold for the maximum smoothing distance we'll do
cg_viewZSmoothingMin // Threshhold for the minimum smoothing distance it must move to smooth
cg_viewZSmoothingTime // Amount of time to spread the smoothing over
cg_visionSetLerpMaxDecreasePerFrame // Maximum jump of customlerp between 2 frames, used for smoothing for flare visionset
cg_visionSetLerpMaxIncreasePerFrame // Maximum jump of customlerp between 2 frames, used for smoothing for flare visionset
cg_voiceIconSize // Size of the 'voice' icon
cg_watersheeting // Enables/disables the watersheeting fullscreen effect
cg_waterTrailRippleFrequency // How often (in ms) will play the waist ripple fx for actors in water
cg_waterTrailRippleVariance // How late (in ms) the waist ripple fx can be played
cg_weaponCycleDelay // The delay after cycling to a new weapon to prevent holding down the cycle weapon button from cycling too fast
cg_weaponHintsCoD1Style // Draw weapon hints in CoD1 style: with the weapon name, and with the icon below
cg_youInKillCamSize // Size of the 'you' Icon in the kill cam
challengeResponseResendBackoffInterval // Used for testing challenge/response bool requests
challengeResponseResendInterval // Used for testing challenge/response bool requests
clancard_clanid "0"
clanMessageLastFetchTime // Time in milliseconds of the last clan message file fetch operation
cl_analog_attack_threshold // The threshold before firing
cl_anglespeedkey // Multiplier for max angle speed for game pad and keyboard
cl_avidemo // AVI demo frames per second
cl_bypassMouseInput // Bypass UI mouse input and send directly to the game
cl_connectionAttempts // Maximum number of connection attempts before aborting
cl_connectTimeout // Timeout time in seconds while connecting to a server
cl_dblTapMaxDelayTime // The maximum amount of time (ms) between button presses to be considered a double tap
cl_dblTapMaxHoldTime // The maximum amount of time (ms) the player can hold the button to be considered a double tap
cl_deathMessageWidth // Pixel width of the obituary area
cl_dtpHoldTime // The time to hold the stance button while sprinting before the player dives to prone
cl_forceavidemo // Record AVI demo even if client is not active
cl_freelook // Enable looking with mouse
cl_freezeDemo // cl_freezeDemo is used to lock a demo in place for single frame advances
cl_hudDrawsBehindUI // Should the HUD draw when the UI is up?
cl_ingame // True if the game is active
cl_inputTimeScaleFrac // Set how much of the time scale to use in the view angles turn rate
cl_maxpackets // Maximum number of packets sent per frame
cl_maxPing // Maximum ping for the client
cl_maxppf // Maximum servers to ping per frame in server browser
cl_mouseAccel // Mouse acceleration
cl_network_warning // Alternative enable SCR_DrawPleaseWait dialog
cl_nodelta // The server does not send snapshot deltas
cl_noprint // Print nothing to the console
cl_packetdup // Enable packet duplication
cl_paused // Pause the game
cl_pitchspeed // Max pitch speed in degrees for game pad
cl_serverStatusResendTime // Time in milliseconds to resend a server status message
all DVAR 4/4
cl_showmouserate // Print mouse rate debugging information to the console
cl_shownet // Display network debugging information
cl_shownuments // Show the number of entities
cl_showSend // Enable debugging information for sent commands
cl_showServerCommands // Enable debugging information for server commands
cl_showTimeDelta // Enable debugging information for time delta
cl_stanceHoldTime // The time to hold the stance button before the player goes prone
cl_timeout // Seconds with no received packets until a timeout occurs
cl_wadefps // Toggles the display of the conspicuous FPS meter in non-development builds only.
cl_yawspeed // Max yaw speed in degrees for game pad and keyboard
codMessageLastFetchTime // Time in milliseconds of the last cod message file fetch operation
collectors // Set to true if the player has the collector's edition
compass // Display Compass
compassClampIcons // If true, friendlies and enemy pings clamp to the edge of the radar. If false, they disappear off the edge.
compassCoords // x = North-South coord base value,
compassECoordCutoff // Left cutoff for the scrolling east-west coords
compassEnemyFootstepEnabled // Enables enemies showing on the compass because of moving rapidly nearby.
compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange // The maximum distance at which an enemy may appear on the compass due to 'footsteps'
compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ // The maximum vertical distance enemy may be from the player and appear on the compass due to 'footsteps'
compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed // The minimum speed an enemy must be moving to appear on the compass due to 'footsteps'
compassForcePlayerIcon // Forces the player to always show as compassping_player on the compass.
compassFriendlyHeight // The size of the friendly icon on the compass
compassFriendlyWidth // The size of the friendly icon on the compass
compassGridAlign // Position of letter and number in grid.
compassGridCols // Grid column count.
compassGridEnabled // Enables compass grid.
compassGridRows // Grid row count.
compassLocalRadarRadius // Maximum radius of the local radar
compassLocalRadarUpdateTime // Time between local radar updates
compassMaxRange // The maximum range from the player in world space that objects will be shown on the compass
compassMinRadius // The minimum radius from the center of the compass that objects will appear.
compassMinRange // The minimum range from the player in world space that objects will appear on the compass
compassObjectiveArrowHeight // The size of the objective arrow on the compass
compassObjectiveArrowOffset // The offset of the objective arrow inward from the edge of the compass map
compassObjectiveArrowRotateDist // Distance from the corner of the compass map at which the objective arrow rotates to 45 degrees
compassObjectiveArrowWidth // The size of the objective arrow on the compass
compassObjectiveDetailDist // When an objective is closer than this distance (in meters), the icon will not be drawn on the tickertape.
compassObjectiveDrawLines // Draw horizontal and vertical lines to the active target, if it is within the minimap boundries
compassObjectiveHeight // The size of the objective on the compass
compassObjectiveIconHeight // The size of the objective on the full map
compassObjectiveIconHeightZombie // The size of the objective on the full map
compassObjectiveIconWidth // The size of the objective on the full map
compassObjectiveIconWidthZombie // The size of the objective on the full map
compassObjectiveMaxHeight // The maximum height that an objective is considered to be on this level
compassObjectiveMaxRange // The maximum range at which an objective is visible on the compass
compassObjectiveMinAlpha // The minimum alpha for an objective at the edge of the compass
compassObjectiveMinDistRange // The distance that objective transition effects play over, centered on compassObjectiveNearbyDist.
compassObjectiveMinHeight // The minimum height that an objective is considered to be on this level
compassObjectiveNearbyDist // When an objective is closer than this distance (in meters), an "Objective Nearby" type of indicator is shown.
compassObjectiveNumRings // The number of rings when a new objective appears
compassObjectiveRingSize // The maximum objective ring sige when a new objective appears on the compass
compassObjectiveRingTime // The amount of time between each ring when an objective appears
compassObjectiveTextHeight // Objective text height
compassObjectiveTextScale // Scale to apply to hud objectives
compassObjectiveWidth // The size of the objective on the compass
compassPartialType // The style of compass to use 2d or 3d
compassPlayerHeight // The size of the player's icon on the compass
compassPlayerWidth // The size of the player's icon on the compass
compassRadarLineThickness // Thickness, relative to the compass size, of the radar texture that sweeps across the map
compassRadarPingFadeTime // How long an enemy is visible on the compass after it is detected by radar
compassRadarUpdateFastTime // Time between radar updates for fast update killstreak
compassRadarUpdateTime // Time between radar updates
compassRotation // Style of compass
compassSatellitePingFadeTime // How long an enemy is visible on the compass after it is detected by Satellite
compassSatelliteScanTime // Time taken for Satellite t scans
compassSatelliteStaticImageFadeTime // How long the static image is visible on the compass after it is detected by Satellite
compassScaleDiff // Difference from original compass max range in world space.
compassScaleDuration // The amount of time to take scaling the compass map.
compassScaleReset // Whether to reset compassMaxRange to its default value.
compassScaleTimer // Time scaling started.
compassShowEnemies // Enables enemies showing on the compass.
compassSize // Scale the compass
compassSoundPingFadeTime // The time in seconds for the sound overlay on the compass to fade
compassSpectatorsSeeEnemies // Spectators always see enemies on the map.
compassStaticImageUpdateTime // Time between static image updates
compassTickertapeStretch // How far the tickertape should stretch from its center.
com_animCheck // Check anim tree
com_attractmode // Run attract mode
com_attractmodeduration // Time when controller is unused before attract mode is enabled
com_desiredMenu // Target menu to navigate to when possible
com_filter_output // Use console filters for filtering output.
com_first_time // non zero if the profile has never run the game before (only accurate after the iis)
com_freemoveScale // Scale how fast you move in com_freemove mode
com_introPlayed // Intro movie has been played
com_isNotice "0"
com_maxclients // Maximum amount of clients on the server
com_maxfps // Cap frames per second
com_maxFrameTime // Time slows down if a frame takes longer than this many milliseconds
com_movieIsPlaying // Is a movie playiner.
com_startupIntroPlayed // Game startup intro movie(s) has been played
com_statmon // Draw stats monitor
com_timescale // Scale time of each frame
com_useConfig // Use configuration files
com_voip_bandwidth_restricted // Use VOIP inhibitor during high bandwidth usage
com_voip_disable_threshold // Message size at which voip becomes disabled
com_voip_resume_time // Time at which voip can resume
consoleGame "true"
consoleStatAction // The action to take if console stat fails
consoleStatCheck // The console stat check to preform. off, console id check, external ip, internal ip
con_default_console_filter "*"
con_errormessagetime // Onscreen time for error messages in seconds
con_gameMsgWindow0FadeInTime // Time to fade in new messages in game message window 0
con_gameMsgWindow0FadeOutTime // Time to fade out old messages in game message window 0
con_gameMsgWindow0Filter "gamenotify obituary"
con_gameMsgWindow0LineCount // Maximum number of lines of text visible at once in game message window 0
con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime // On screen time for game messages in seconds in game message window 0
all DVAR 5
con_gameMsgWindow0ScrollTime // Time to scroll messages when the oldest message is removed in game message window 0
con_gameMsgWindow0SplitscreenScale // Scaling of game message window 0 in splitscreen
con_gameMsgWindow1FadeInTime // Time to fade in new messages in game message window 1
con_gameMsgWindow1FadeOutTime // Time to fade out old messages in game message window 1
con_gameMsgWindow1Filter "boldgame"
con_gameMsgWindow1LineCount // Maximum number of lines of text visible at once in game message window 1
con_gameMsgWindow1MsgTime // On screen time for game messages in seconds in game message window 1
con_gameMsgWindow1ScrollTime // Time to scroll messages when the oldest message is removed in game message window 1
con_gameMsgWindow1SplitscreenScale // Scaling of game message window 1 in splitscreen
con_gameMsgWindow2FadeInTime // Time to fade in new messages in game message window 2
con_gameMsgWindow2FadeOutTime // Time to fade out old messages in game message window 2
con_gameMsgWindow2Filter "subtitle"
con_gameMsgWindow2LineCount // Maximum number of lines of text visible at once in game message window 2
con_gameMsgWindow2MsgTime // On screen time for game messages in seconds in game message window 2
con_gameMsgWindow2ScrollTime // Time to scroll messages when the oldest message is removed in game message window 2
con_gameMsgWindow2SplitscreenScale // Scaling of game message window 2 in splitscreen
con_inputBoxColor // Color of the console input box
con_inputHintBoxColor // Color of the console input hint box
con_matchPrefixOnly // Only match the prefix when listing matching Dvars
con_minicon // Display the mini console on screen
con_miniconlines // Number of lines in the minicon message window
con_MiniConSplitscreenScale // Splitscreen scale value for the mini console
con_minicontime // Onscreen time for minicon messages in seconds
con_outputBarColor // Color of the console output slider bar
con_outputSliderColor // Color of the console slider
con_outputWindowColor // Color of the console output
con_typewriterColorBase // Base color of typewritten objective text.
con_typewriterColorGlowCheckpoint // Color of typewritten objective text.
con_typewriterColorGlowCompleted // Color of typewritten objective text.
con_typewriterColorGlowFailed // Color of typewritten objective text.
con_typewriterColorGlowUpdated // Color of typewritten objective text.
con_typewriterDecayDuration // Time (in milliseconds) to spend disolving the line away.
con_typewriterDecayStartTime // Time (in milliseconds) to spend between the build and disolve phases.
con_typewriterEnabledSounds // Enable the typewriter sounds and text effects. Disabled still uses the typewrite glow settings.
con_typewriterPrintSpeed // Time (in milliseconds) to print each letter in the line.
counterDownloadInterval // Number of minutes before all the global counters are downloaded
counterUploadInterval // Number of minutes before all the global counters are uploaded
customclass1 "CUSTOM 1"
customclass2 "CUSTOM 2"
customclass3 "CUSTOM 3"
customclass4 "CUSTOM 4"
customclass5 "CUSTOM 5"
dcacheSimulateNoHDD // When turned on, simulated no HDD for caching.
ddl_verbose // Verbose DDL output.
DebugFireManager // Display fire manager cell information.
debugRenderBrushes // Render brushes
debugRenderBulletMeshes // Render bullet meshes (point to entity)
debugRenderCollisionDistance // Distance to render debug brushes and patches
debugRenderColoredPatches // Render each patch with a different color (Render Patches must be on)
debugRenderEntityBrushes // Render the brushes associated with the entity you are looking at
debugRenderGjkTraceGeom // Render gjk trace meshes
debugRenderMask // Mask for collision rendering
debugRenderPatches // Render patches
debugRenderStaticModelsBounds // Render the bounds of the nearby static models
debugStats // Print messages showing when persistent stats are set
debug_dogs "0"
debug_dog_anims "0"
debug_dog_anims_ent "0"
debug_dog_notetracks "0"
debug_dog_orient "0"
debug_dog_sound "0"
debug_dog_turns "0"
debug_dog_usage "1"
debug_rope // Enables the debug rendering for the ropes
debug_trace // Does a trace and draws the hit point
dec20_Enabled // enable dec20 terminal
defaultDamageDuration // default duration in milliseconds that damage should continue to get delivered
defaultDamageInterval // default interval in milliseconds that damage should continue to get delivered
defaultHitDamage // default initial damage delivered by getting hit by a flame ball
defragGlassIndices // Enable glass memory defragmentation
defragGlassMemory // Enable glass memory defragmentation
demo_bookmarkEventThresholdTime // The time duration for which we want to show the bookmark event image in the demo timeline.
demo_bytesPerSecondMax // Max amount of bytes to send per second before throttling.
demo_bytesPerSecondMin // Min amount of bytes to send per second before throttling.
demo_client // Current viewing player
demo_cmdnum // The number of the command sent from console/ingame menu.
demo_controllerConfig // The number of the command sent from console/ingame menu.
demo_debug // Debug info for the Server Snapshot Demo system
demo_drawdebuginformation // Used to draw debug information.
demo_enabled // Used to turn the system on/off.
demo_filesizeLimit // The maximum filesize (in MB) of the demos which we support.
demo_keyframerate // Used to specify the rate(in sec) at which we generate a keyframe during playback.
demo_packetsPerSecondMax // Max amount of packets to send per second before throttling.
demo_packetsPerSecondMin // Min amount of packets to send per second before throttling.
demo_pause // Used to pause a demo playback.
demo_recordBasicTraining // Used to turn the basic training recording on/off.
demo_recordingrate // Used to tweak the rate(in msec) at which we write a super snapshot
demo_recordPrivateMatch // Used to turn the private match recording on/off.
demo_save_smp // Used to toggle threaded save for the demo system.
demo_selectedSegmentIndex // Used in the Manage Segments UI. This will be used to know which segment index we have selected.
demo_timescale // The rate at which we want to scale time. For slo-mo it will be time/rate, fast mo. it will be time * rate
demo_timeScaleRate // The rate at which we want to scale time. For slo-mo it will be time/rate, fast mo. it will be time * rate
demo_usefilesystem // Used to turn HDD write ON or OFF.
developer // Enable development environment
developer_script // Enable developer script comments
displaySessionInfo // Output session info
dive2swim // Use to contorl the dive force applied to the player when pressing B in water.
dive_recharge // Use to space out the dive to swim button presses.
dog_debug // MP dog debugging
dog_MeleeDamage // Controls the damage done when dogs attack.
dog_turn180_angle // If the dog needs to turn at this angle or greater, he'll execute the 180-degree turn animation
dog_turn90_angle // If the dog needs to turn at this angle or greater, he'll execute the 90-degree turn animation
dog_turn_min_goal_dist // If the dog is at this distance or less to it's goal, it won't execute any turn animations
doMaintenance // Do cleanup of the glass
door_breach_weapondrop // Turn on/off the waepon drop/rise for during door breach
doublesided_raycasts // turn on double sided ray casts
drawEntityCount // Enable entity count drawing
drawEntityCountPos // Where to draw the entity count graph
drawEntityCountSize // How big to draw the entity count graph
drawKillcamData // Enable drawing server killcam data
drawKillcamDataPos // Where to draw the server killcam graph
drawKillcamDataSize // How big to draw the killcam data graph
drawLagometer // Enable the 'lagometer'
drawServerBandwidth // Enable drawing server bandwidth
drawServerBandwidthPos // Where to draw the server bandwidth graph
all DVAR 6
dtp // Turn on/off the dive to prone functionality
dtp_exhaustion_window // Determines how long the player has to sprint before the dtp move can trigger
dtp_fall_damage_max_height // If the player dives to prone from more than this dvar value, he will receive kill damage
dtp_fall_damage_min_height // If the player dive to prone from less than this dvar value, he will not receive any kill damage
dtp_max_apex_duration // Determines the max time in milliseconds the dtp will spend at the apex of the jump
dtp_max_slide_addition // Additional slide time should the player land on a mantle-able surface
dtp_max_slide_duration // Determines the max time the slide portion of the dtp move will take
dtp_min_speed // Minimum player speed required to start a DTP or sustain a DTP
dtp_new_trajectory // Use new dive to prone trajectory
dtp_new_trajectory_multiplier // New dive to prone trajectory modifier
dtp_post_move_pause // Duration of the post move pause
dtp_startup_delay // Determines how long the player has to sprint before the dtp move can trigger
dumpStaticModels // Prints info about the static models
dwConsideredConnectedTime // the amount of time in milliseconds when a after a disconnect from Demonware happens before a Com_Error is thrown.
dwDisconnectedTime // The amount of time in milliseconds after a disconnect from Demonware has happened before a Com_Error is thrown.
dwFileFetchTryIntervalBase // Delay in seconds after file fetch fails to the next retry. Exponential growth each retry.
dwFileFetchTryIntervalMax // Max delay in seconds between file fetch tries.
dwFileFetchTryMaxAttempts // Max retry attempts before stopping altogether.
dynEntPieces_angularVelocity // Initial breakable pieces angular velocity
dynEntPieces_impactForce // Force applied when breakable is destroyed
dynEntPieces_velocity // Initial breakable pieces velocity
dynEnt_bulletForce // Force applied from bullet hit
dynEnt_damageRadiusScale // Scale applied to radius for radius damage
dynEnt_explodeForce // Force applied from explosion hit
dynEnt_explodeMaxEnts // The maximum number of dynents that can be awakened by one explosion
dynEnt_explodeMinForce // Force below which dynents won't even bother waking up
dynEnt_explodeSpinScale // Scale of the random offset from the center of mass for explosion forces.
dynEnt_explodeUpbias // Upward bias applied to force directions from explosion hits
dynEnt_sentientAutoActivate // This allows the player and AI to push around dyn ents
dynEnt_spawnedLimit // The max number of extra dynents (not placed on Radiant, spawned from script, or destructibles)
emblem_scroll_delay_first // First repeat delay for emblem editor
emblem_scroll_delay_rest // Repeat delay for emblem editor
enableDvarWhitelist // enable dvar white-list for profile settings
enable_global_wind // enable wind effect
enable_grass_wind // enable grass wind effect
enable_moving_paths // enable moving paths
enable_new_prone_check // enable new prone check
eventMessageLastFetchTime // Time in milliseconds of the last event message file fetch operation
facepaintLodDist // Distance to stop drawing the player facepaint.
fire_audio_random_max_duration // This is the max duration in msec in between player fire hurt sounds, a random msec from 0 to this is added to the repeat time
fire_audio_repeat_duration // The duration in msec in between player fire hurt sounds
fire_burn_time // the duration in ms that a burn cell will persist
fire_world_damage // the amount of damage to apply from a damage volume caused by world fire
fire_world_damage_duration // the number of seconds over which world fire damage is applied
fire_world_damage_rate // the number of seconds interval over which wolrd fire damage is applied
fixedtime // Use a fixed time rate for each frame
flameVar_editingFlameTable "none"
flameVar_lastFlameTable "none"
flame_config_valid // Internal use only
flame_debug_render // Turn on/off Flamethrower debug rendering
flame_kick_offset // Origin offset for flamethrower view model while firing.
flame_kick_recover_speed // Speed at which the flamethrower view model transitions back from flame_kick_offset.
flame_kick_speed // Speed at which the flamethrower view model transitions to flame_kick_offset.
flame_render // Turn on/off Flamethrower rendering
flame_team_damage // Turn on/off Flamethrower damage to friendlies
flame_test // Turn on/off Flamethrower testing
flame_use_dvars // Turn on/off use of dvars for flamethrower behavior
flareBurnOutFadeWait "0.65"
flareLookAwayFadeWait "0.45"
flare_distance_scale "16"
flare_duration "8"
flare_effect_height "65"
flare_effect_radius "400"
footstep_sounds_cutoff // Footstep sounds distance cuttoff
freeBuffersDelay // Frames delay until vertex & index buffers are freed
friction // Player friction
friendsNewsLastFetchTime // Time in milliseconds of the last time we got friends' news updates.
fsDebugRatingValue // Rating value for debugging the star ownerdraw.
fshDebugFileList // Replaces feeder data with file IDs for file share debugging.
fshFakePremium // Fakes a premium subscription to online services when set.
fshSelectFirstSlotRow // Indicates if the first row in the 2d slot feeder must be selected when focused.
fshSelectLastSlotRow // Indicates if the last row in the 2d slot feeder must be selected when focused.
fsIsSelectedFileDescriptionModified // A flag which gives us information if a selected file's description is modified.
fsIsSelectedFileNameModified // A flag which gives us information if a selected filename is modified.
fsMaxPrivateSlotRowsOther // The maximum number of rows for the user's friend's file share while displaying the 2d private slots feeder.
fsOtherUserPrivateSlotCol // Selected column in the 2d private slots feeder for the other user.
fsOtherUserSlotSelected // Other playre's slot selected while transferring to My File Share
fsPrivateSlotCol // Selected column in the 2d private slots feeder.
fsSearchFileType // File type on which to perform search
fsSearchRowText2 "@MENU_ALL"
fsSearchRowText3 "@MENU_ALL"
fsSearchRowText4 "@MENU_ALL"
fsSearchRowText5 "@MENU_ALL"
fsSearchRowText6 "@MENU_ALL"
fsSearchRowValue1 // Search value dvar for search spinner rows.
fsSearchRowValue2 // Search value dvar for search spinner rows.
fsSearchRowValue3 // Search value dvar for search spinner rows.
fsSearchRowValue4 // Search value dvar for search spinner rows.
fsSearchRowValue5 // Search value dvar for search spinner rows.
fsSearchRowValue6 // Search value dvar for search spinner rows.
fsSearchSelectedRow // Selected search box row in the file share search menu.
fsSelectedFileTagIndex // The tag index of the selected file.
fsShowStreamingGraph // Shows a graph in-game with streaming history information.
fsSlotEmptyHiddenColor // Color of the material depicting a private slot when not selected.
fsSlotEmptyMainColor // Color of the empty slot. Must be completely opaque to reduce the background to an outline.
fsSlotEmptyNotSubscribedColor // Color of emtpy slot that is also classified.
fsSlotEmptyShowColor // Color of the material depicting a private slot when not selected.
fsSlotEmptyShowColorBg // Color of the material depicting a private empty slot background when not selected.
fsSlotHighlightedColor // Color of the material depicting a private slot when selected.
fsSlotHighlightedColorNoSel // Color of the material depicting a private slot when selected but cannot be chosen.
fsSlotMainColor // Color of the material depicting a private slot when not selected.
fsSlotNumMainColor // Color of the slot number
fsSlotNumNoSubsribeColor // Color of the empty slot when not a subscriber
fsStarAvgColor // Highlight color for star ratings average while rating.
fsStarHighlightColor // Highlight color for star ratings.
ExtraKat May 18, 2022 @ 5:10pm 
now thats the problem i get stuck at, finding the stupid config file
e4zY13oT  [author] Nov 15, 2019 @ 1:23pm 
hehe :steamhappy:
genu Aug 4, 2019 @ 1:21pm 
To avoid a unwanted map restart ive put my map changing commands at the NUMBLOCK.


bind "KP_SLASH" "yourcommand"
bind "KP_STAR" "yourcommand"

bind "KP_DEL" "yourcommand"
bind "KP_PLUS" "yourcommand"
bind "KP_MINUS" "yourcommand"

bind "KP_HOME" "yourcommand"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "yourcommand"
bind "KP_PGUP" "yourcommand"

bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "yourcommand"
bind "KP_5" "yourcommand"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "yourcommand"

bind "KP_END" "yourcommand"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "yourcommand"
bind "KP_PGDN" "yourcommand"

bind "KP_INS" "yourcommand"
bind "KP_ENTER" "yourcommand"

Boedie Feb 19, 2019 @ 8:14am 
I have sent you a friend request, I so I may then send you a PM. Please accept.
e4zY13oT  [author] Feb 14, 2019 @ 9:59pm 
@RonKKi sry u cant open Console in ZOMBIE
@Lt.Boedie send me ur email i send u a cfg or search in GOOGLE "Black Ops low cfg"
Boedie Feb 13, 2019 @ 9:17pm 
I am running an old Intel Dual Core. (I know I need to upgrade and that will come this spring.) However, I am running a NVIDIA GTX 660ti and I am getting major lag at the beginning of every map in Multiplayer, as well as somtimes just in game. My FPS is sometimes dropping to extremely low rates below 20fps. I used to have settings on how to get the GPU to take over a lot of the load from the CPU. However I have had to format and re-install since then, and I have lost those settings. There were settings in the mp_config file, as well as Nvidia, and registry settings for this. If anybody has a good listing on those, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!!!
Casu Jan 24, 2018 @ 10:31am 
unknown cmd toggleconsole? cant open console is there a way i have tested both ways with monkeytoy set to 0 and set to 1.
e4zY13oT  [author] Jan 23, 2018 @ 12:39am 
[h1]C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops\players\[/h1]
-Solo & Online_Zombies = config.cfg
-Multiplayer = mp_config.cfg
pls BACKUP your "cfg"
Casu Jan 19, 2018 @ 9:56am 
how to get to the cfg file
Kalajuttu Dec 20, 2017 @ 12:15pm 
awes, big thanks:OkaySir: