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How to make the most of your time in Huniepop
By A Simple Hedgecat
A guide containing tips and tricks to using your time wisely in-game as well as a few exploits to help you get a few time-related achievements.
Hey you guys, this is Mikado here with a guide for all of the ways to be productive with your time in Huniepop! Here we'll be covering some exploits, tips and other tricks to make the most of your time in order to get the time-sensitive achievements (such as Pick-Up Artist, Pick-up Legend and Lucky Loser) as well as a few others along the way.

This guide is always being updated so make sure you check in every now and again to see what's new :)
'Morning After' Exploit
That's the name i like to give to this small exploit. It's very simple and requires absolutely no modification to your game. After Kyu teaches you how to play the game for the first time, she'll want you to search for girls to date and give you a set of locations to choose from including the shopping mall, the university, the park, Nutmeg Cafe and the gym.

If you look closely at the date in-game, you'll notice it's currently morning.

This 'Morning After Exploit' will make the morning last 3 times as long.

When Kyu gives you a selection of locations to go to, select 'shopping mall'. If you look at the date in the upper-left hand corner, you'll notice that it's still morning.

You'll meet Audrey at the mall and the next girl the Huniebee app will pick up is Kyanna because she was in range. You'll meet with Kyanna next, but the date in the upper-left hand corner will still say it's morning.

After meeting with Kyanna you'll meet Tiffany and it'll still be morning!

After you meet with Aiko in the park however, the time will say 'afternoon'.

So if you want to make the morning last a little longer, feel free to use this exploit and go to the shopping mall first. This will buy you a little extra time and if you want to pursue Kyanna, Audrey or Tiffany first then you're already 1 date ahead of the rest!
So Many Waifus, So Little Time!
Depending on which achievement you're aiming for you'll have a certain time limit. If you can manage both in one game play session then kudos to ya ;)

The Pick Up Artist Achievement requires that you sleep with one of the characters in 4 days.
If you're aiming for the Pick Up Arist achievement, you're going to have to get laid on night 4. In order to do that your best bets are Aiko, Audrey, Nikki, and Jessie. Tiffany will be alseep on Night 4.

The Pick Up Legend Acheievement requires that you sleep with all of the main characters in 18 days (So, all of the girls on the cover art plus Momo, Celeste and Venus)

You could also try the Lucky Loser achievement which requires you not to upgrade any of your traits and sleep with 3 different girls. This achievement has no limit in terms of how many days it must be completed, but if you want to be the most efficient with your time, you could get lucky enough to sleep with one of the girls for 3 days in a row (each day with a different girl of course).

There will only be 2 girls who go out of town, those being Beli and Lola, but although they tend to dissapear and be out of town, there is a way to get them quickly so you can attend to the rest of the girls in the game.
Lucky Loser Specs
Getting the Lucky Loser achievement involves not upgrading any of your traits and managing to get laid 3 nights with 3 different girls.

The traits menu can be found on the Huniebee device in between the Store and Settings tabs. It's very easy to miss on your first playthrough as you can't access it without right-clicking or pressing the 'Huniebee' button on the top of the screen.

You'll see the traits: Talent, Flirtation, Romance, Sexuality, Passion, Sensitivity, Charisma and Luck.

To get this achievement avoid upgrading any of those traits and save the Hunie you've gathered after you've gotten laid at least 3 times.

You can get started as well as get the Pick-Up Artist achievement by getting laid on Night 4.

PROVIDED YOU USED THE MORNING AFTER EXPLOIT MENTIONED ABOVE, your best bets for Night 4 are Audrey, Kyanna, Aiko, Jessie and Beli. Tiffany will be asleep on Night 4. After the 'Night date' is over, you'll unlock Kyu that morning!

For Night 5, Lola will be available as well as Tiffany, Aiko, Jessie, Nikki and Beli (if you didn't get her the day before).
Pick-Up Artist
This achievement involves getting a girl to sleep with you on Night 4.

If you utilized the Morning After exploit, your best bets for Night 4 are Audrey, Aiko, Kyanna, and Beli. You won't have enough hearts to pursue Lola and Tiffany will be asleep that night, so try aiming for one of those who will be available and have each of their favorite food types in your inventory just incase.
The Morning you Unlock Kyu
After you manage to sleep with one of the girls, you'll wake up the next morning with the girl you slept with before. You can still travel to meet another girl but when you click on a girl's portrait in an attempt to go meet her, Kyu will interrupt you and say she's jealous. As a result, you'll be able to date her from this point onward! Now you could go and see the girl whose portait you clicked on before, but that will change the time to 'afternoon' and you'll have wasted the morning you could've built up your relationship with Kyu.

So it's best to use the morning you unlock Kyu as a way to make the most of your time to get closer to her and get in bed with her quicker.

Also important to note:

Before you or after you go on the date with Kyu though, give her the box of tissues and dirty magazine items you have in your inventory. Giving her the Dirty Magazine will give you the item neccessary to unlock Celeste and giving her the box of tissues will give you a Kyu Plushie you can use on dates. This is the perfect oppertunity to give these items to Kyu without wasting any time, especially if you're going to a time sensitive achievement.
Meeting Momo
Momo is an unlockable character. You unlock her by buying a bag of goldfish for 200 Munie and discarding it when you meet one of your potential waifus in the park.

If you're lucky, you may even be able to meet and date Momo on the first day of the game after you meet Aiko for the first time. Check the store section of the Huniebee device under gifts in order to find it. This list is randomized each time however, so getting the bag of goldfish on the first day of the game is up to luck.

Before you start the date or after you finish the date with your potential waifu, you can discard your bag of gold fish. When you're about to leave the park and meet another girl, Momo will introduce herself. Similar to unlocking Kyu, you should take the oppertunity to date Momo and get her 1 heart ahead of the rest and time won't pass after the date is over.

If you're lucky enough to unlock Momo on the first day of the game, DO NOT PASS UP the oppertunity to date her.

Becareful when unlocking Momo as well, as there's a bug which occurs if the game shuts down during your date with Momo if you've disposed of the bag of gold fish before your date with one of the normal girls. I speak from experience...
Meeting Momo - A Glitch to Remember
This is an error that can happen if you dispose of the goldfish before one of your dates with the normal girls (for this example based on my true story, we'll use Aiko).

So I disposed of the goldfish before I went on a date with Aiko, the date with Aiko went successfully, i set off to leave and then i met Momo - who never fails to make me smile! But while on my date with Momo the game was shut down unexpectedly meaning I lost my progress before my last save...

The last time it saved was after my date with Aiko...

At first I thought "oh, well i disposed of my goldfish already so let me do what I always do"

But then when I clicked on Beli's icon, it went straight to Beli and it skipped Momo's event as if i hadn't even possessed goldfish to be thrown away to begin with...

So tip: dispose of the goldfish AFTER your date with the normal girls to avoid this glitch and avoid the waste of perfectly good goldfish. Keep this in mind if you're going for time-sensitive achievements as and especially remember this if you have a glitchy computer, your computer tends to freeze and needs to be shut down the hard way, your game crashes (regardless of frequency), etc.
Meeting Celeste
Celeste is a different character when it comes to unlocking her. You don't save any time by unlocking her. She's also hard to unlock when it comes to the time limit of 18 days if you're pursuing the Pick-Up Legend Achievement.

For unlocking Celeste, you have ot give Kyu your dirty magazine and in return she'll give you a 'Weird Thing'. This item is required to unlock Celeste.

To unlock her, go to the beach at Night. More often than not, i usually find Nikki at night on the beach. So using that as my oppertunity, i go to the beach at Night however DO NOT DATE THE GIRL YOU MEET ON THE BEACH AT NIGHT!

Whether you've slept with them already or not, if you were to date them at night, it would lead to the 'sexy time' part of the night date and then go into the next morning, giving you no time to go back and unlock Celeste the way that you could unlock Momo or Kyu.

As for me i found Nikki on the beach on Day 8 and go there at night. In my playthrough, i usually complete Nikki's route first so i've already done the deed *^*

Having no reason to go on a Night Date with Nikki again (you don't even get a different final picture if you go on a Night Date with the same girl multiple times), i decide to attempt to meet Tiffany instead. If you have the 'Weird Thing' in your items bars then a cutscene will be triggered, allowing you to meet Celeste. This is the only date you'll get for the night (and what's worse is that you won't even get laid...)

Meeting and unlocking Celeste is a bit of a challenge and time-waster compared to the other unlockable girls, but not only does she count in the Pick-Up Legend Achievement, she's also adorable.
Beli and Lola Schedule
Beli and Lola are the only girls in the game who occasionally go out of town. If you're too focused on other girls, it's very easy to miss them and you may rarely see them in town in order to date them. As a result it's better to get them out of the way as soon as possible.

In addition, i'm also going to post a schedule for the first 18 days of the game, but so far i've only got days 1-5... Luckily you can get them in that amount of time as well, but i'm posting a full 18 day schedule as a reference for the Pick-Up Legend acheievement.

A Simple Hedgecat  [author] Jul 15, 2017 @ 9:05pm 
Haven't played this game in the longest time and I'm currently loaning a computer I really shouldn't download this game on, but I'm glad this guide is still helping people despite me not having worked on it in forever!
thisissharkiekitty Jul 15, 2017 @ 9:02pm 
thank you! trying for the lucky loser and pickup artist in my second play-through now :steamhappy:
Malkavian Sep 27, 2015 @ 8:24pm 
This guide helped me get a date with 9 girls in the first day, previously I could only manage 8, so thanks!
BombaStar Jul 18, 2015 @ 4:07pm 
great guide saved me a ton of time on my second play through (first is always without help cause reasons)