Оценок: 282
Regular/Prime > Frames Farm Location (2015)
От Nobi me Tángere
This is for players who needs a guide to know where to farm a Warframe's Regular/Prime blueprint or component. (2015)
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Regular Frames
Ash = Manics

Atlas = Eris , Jordon Golem Assassinate

Banshee = Dojo , Tenno Lab

Baruuk = Fortuna , Little Duck

Chroma = The New Strange Quest , Junctions

Ember = Saturn , Tethys

Equinox = Uranus ,Titania

Excalibur =Mars , War / Conclave , Teshin

Frost = Ceres , Exta

Gara = Plains Of Eidolon Bounties

Garuda = Orb Vallis Bounties

Harrow =
BP - Chains Of Harrow Quest
Neuropics - Kuva Fortress , Pago
Chassis - Void Fissure Enemies
System - Defection missions Rotation C

Hydroid = Earth , Oro

Inaros = Sands Of Inaros Quest

Ivara =
BP - Pluto , Oceanum / Sedna , Kappa
Neuropics - Uranus , Rosalind / Neptune , Laomedeia
Chassis - Lua , Pavlov / Saturn , Dione
System - Phobos , Shklovsky / Mars , Arval / Mercury , Suisei / Venus , Unda

Khora = Sanctuary Onslaught

Limbo = The Limbo Theorem Quest

Loki = Neptune , Psamathe

Mag = Phobos , Iliad

Mesa = Eris , Mutalist Alad V Assassination

Mirage = Hidden Messege Quest

Nekros = Orokin Derelict . Assassination

Nezha = Dojo , Tenno Lab

Nidus = Bp - The Glast Gambit quest
Components - Eris , Oestrus > Rotation C

Nova = Europa , Naamah

Nyx = Infested Invasion , Assassination (Phorid)

Oberon = Any Eximus

Octavia =
BP - Octavia's Anthem quest
Neuropics - Orokin Derelict, Survival > Rotation C
Chassis - Lua music puzzle
System - Lua Crossfire > Rotation A Cache

Revenant = BP - Nakak's mini-quest
Components - Plains Of Eidolon , Bounties

Rhino = Venus , Fossa

Saryn = Sedna , Merrow

Titania = The Silver Grove quest

Trinity = Pluto, Hades

Valkyr = Jupiter , Themisto

Vauban = Alert missions

Volt = Dojo , Tenno Lab

Wukong = Dojo, Tenno Lab

Zephyr = Dojo , Tenno Lab
Prime Frames
Ash Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Lith S3 / Meso C1 / Meso S3
  • Neuropic - Meso N2 / Meso V2 / Neo N3 / Neo V4 / Axi N2
  • Chassis - Meso V2 / Neo N4 / Axi B1
  • System - Neo N5 / Axi N1

Banshee Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Meso T2 / Neo H1 / Neo N7 / Neo T1 / Neo V7 / Axi C3 / Axi K3
  • Neuropic - Lith B5 / Lith V5 / Meso S4 / Neo K2 / Neo S7
  • Chassis - Meso B2 / Neo B1 / Neo B2
  • System - Neo B4 / Neo B5 / Axi B1 / Axi B2

Chroma Prime
  • BP - Meso P1 /Neo K2
  • Neuropic - Lith C4 / Lith C3
  • Chassis - Meso T3 / Axi R2
  • System - Axi C4 / Axi C3

Ember Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Meso E1 / Neo E1 / Axi E1
  • Neuropic - Meso F3 / Neo S5
  • Chassis - Meso F2 / Neo F1
  • System - Lith G1 / Axi S2

Excalibur Prime (Exclusive to Founders)
  • BP -
  • Neuropic -
  • Chassis -
  • System -

Frost Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Meso F2 / Meso F3 / Neo F1
  • Neuropic - Neo E1 / Axi E1
  • Chassis - Lith G1 / Meso E1
  • System - Lith G2 / Neo S5

Hydroid Prime
  • BP - Meso Z2 / Meso B2 / Meso N5
  • Neuropic - Neo G1 / Axi A3 / Axi N4
  • Chassis - Neo N8 / Axi C4 / Meso H1 / Neo B4 / Neo S8 / Axi C3
  • System - Axi H4 / Neo H1 / Neo H4 / Axi H3

Limbo Prime
  • BP - Meso T3 / Neo M2 / Meso Z1
  • Neuropic - Axi L2
  • Chassis - Axi L3 / Neo L1
  • System - Lith B6 / Neo A2 / Lith B3

Loki Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Meso F3 / Axi S2
  • Neuropic - Neo E1
  • Chassis - Lith G2
  • System - Axi L1

Mag Prime (Unvaulted
  • BP - Lith M2 / Lith M1 / Meso M1
  • Neuropic - Neo N9 / Lith B1 / Axi V2
  • Chassis - Meso B3 / Meso B1 / Neo B3
  • System - Axi S4 / Neo D1 / Axi R1

Mesa Prime
  • BP - Neo Z2
  • Neuropic - Lith M3
  • Chassis - Axi H4
  • System - Neo M2

Mirage Prime
  • BP - Meso M2 / Neo M1
  • Neuropic - Neo G1 / Neo S9 / Lith Z1 / Meso H1
  • Chassis - Axi H4 / Lith S7 / Neo L1
  • System - Axi R2 / Meso 02 / Neo K2 / Neo V6

Nekros Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Lith N3 / Meso N3 / Axi N3
  • Neuropic - Meso F1 / Axi N5
  • Chassis - Lith N1 / Lith V4 / Meso K1 / Meso S3 / Neo Z1 / Axi G1 / Axi N4
  • System - Lith N2 / Meso N5 / Neo N3 / Neo N7

Nova Prime (Unvaulted)
  • BP - Axi S4 / Neo N2
  • Neuropic - Lith M2 / Lith C1 / Meso C1
  • Chassis - Neo N9 / Lith N1 / Neo V1
  • System - Meso B3 / Lith C1 / Meso S1 / Neo S2

Nyx Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Lith B4 / Lith S2 / Neo V1
  • Neuropic - Meso N1 / Meso N6
  • Chassis - Neo N1 / Neo R1
  • System - Neo S2 / Axi S3

Oberon Prime
  • BP - Lith M3 / Lith H3 / Meso H1 / Meso N4 / Neo B5
  • Neuropic - Lith O1 / Meso O1 / Meso O2
  • Chassis - Meso P1 / Lith B5 / Meso B2 / Axi H2 / Axi N5
  • System - Axi O4 / Axi O1 / Axi O2 / Axi O3

Rhino Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Neo R1 / Axi R1
  • Neuropic - Lith B1 / Lith B4
  • Chassis - Meso M1 / Meso N6
  • System - Neo B3 / Axi S3

Saryn Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Lith S4 / Meso C3 / Meso S4 / Neo S1
  • Neuropic - Lith A1 / Meso S6 / Neo V4
  • Chassis - Meso S2 / Neo S2
  • System - Lith H1 / Meso C1 / Meso F1 / Meso N4 / Neo N5 / Axi G1 / Axi T1

Trinity Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Lith K1 / Meso S4 / Neo N6 / Axi S1
  • Neuropic - Neo D1 / Neo N7 / Neo S6 / Axi C1 / Axi V3
  • Chassis - Lith S4 / Neo S1 / Axi H1 / Axi H2
  • System - Neo B1 / Axi A1 / Axi C2 / Axi V2 / Axi V3 / Axi V4

Valkyr Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Lith A2 / Lith N3 / Lith T2 / Meso S3 / Meso S6 / Neo K1 / Axi V7
  • Neuropic - Lith S6 / Lith T1 / Meso C2 / Meso D2 / Meso V4 / Neo N7
  • Chassis - Neo V7 / Axi V5 / Axi V6
  • System - Lith V3 / Lith V5 / Meso V3

Vauban Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Lith F2 / Neo V2
  • Neuropic - Meso N2 / Neo V3 / Neo V5
  • Chassis - Lith V4 / Meso V4 / Neo V6 / Axi V1
  • System - Lith V2 / Neo N2

Volt Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Neo O1 / Neo V1 / Axi N3
  • Neuropic - Axi V8 / Axi V1
  • Chassis - Axi V8 / Meso V2 / Meso V3
  • System - Neo O1 / Lith V1

Zephyr Prime (Vaulted)
  • BP - Neo Z2 / Meso Z1 / Neo Z1
  • Neuropic - Lith K2 / Axi A4 / Axi O4 / Lith H2
  • Chassis - Neo A2 / Axi L3 / Neo K1 / Axi O3
  • System - Meso Z2 / Lith Z1 / Lith Z2
Комментариев: 43
Breeze 17 янв. 2023 г. в 2:29 
its all , you need to know = the Locations were u can find em ^^ nice
Rooj 20 дек. 2018 г. в 13:55 
way outdated list lol
Itty Bitty David 3 дек. 2017 г. в 6:50 
Correction: Mag is gained from The Sergeant Iliad at Phobos. Also you spelled Excalibur wrong :)
Kylie 4 сен. 2017 г. в 4:07 
loki pime was vualted!!!otherwise very helpful
Kad 10 ноя. 2015 г. в 20:58 
appreciate this although it is in need of update as you no doubt gather
someone else could do one if they are that bothered in stead of complaining
Butthurter (since `10) 2 окт. 2015 г. в 16:49 
Can you update it pls? It would be very helpful.
Rise 27 авг. 2015 г. в 0:42 
You should really update this guide. Righ now, it's partionally useless...
PlatinumMothman 5 авг. 2015 г. в 11:23 
Why u no update
oh wait they might be trying to find the parts themselves
Kinzuko 27 июл. 2015 г. в 16:24 
thumbs down until this is updated
Ferenz 10 июл. 2015 г. в 23:12 
rotation c my bad