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Archery: Shots Fired! (When do you turn up?(Never))
De Stout Chungus
This is my guide to archery in the world of Mabinogi. It kinda sucks, just like archery does. But you still want to read it, just like you still want to do archery. God knows why.
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Your first shots.
Well, I am creating this guide mainly for a human character, but the elf isn't so different. I will add an elf-specific section at the end of this guide for you pointy-eared fellows. When you start reading this guide, I will assume you have a bow equipped or somewhere in your inventory, and are not a complete total beginner. (If you are a complete total beginner there was a nice beginner guide I saw on here). Now, you get your first skill when you slap that bow on the main weapon slot. "Ranged Attack", it is called. What is this mysterious ranged attack you ask? What does it do??? Well friend, it is actually the basic method of attacking....from a ranged position! As you rank it up, the bonus damage increases as well as the aim speed. This skill is probably going to be your most used skill as an archer. The next two skills you will get an Magnum Shot and Support Shot. And no, this has nothing to do with condoms. Support Shot is not there to support your large thing in the Magnum because who even uses Magnum? No! Magnum Shot is the heavy hitting skill of range, the Smash to your biscuits! Magnum shot is a slow aiming skill that caps out at r1 with 540% damage. The aim speed is not affected by your Ranged Attack. Support Shot is essentially the opposite. It does very slightly less damage, but aims at 130% the speed of your Ranged Attack. It also increases melee damage done to the target immediately after.
2 commentaires
Can of Apple Soup 26 janv. 2016 à 11h18 
@Valdraen Well for starters, the point of a guide is to help someone who wants to be an Archer become better. If the author of said guide doesn't even like Archery, then, no offense, you shouldn't be writing this guide. It's going to be less helpful, biased, and honestly won't go into the details, tips and tricks an Archer needs to use to survive and get better. If your guide is just telling you what the game already tells you, it's not a guide, it's a waste of space.
Stout Chungus  [créateur] 13 mars 2015 à 11h55 
This guide is still under works...Just wanted to let everyone know it is on the way. If there are any suggestions as to what I should cover in this guide, let me know