Reign Of Kings

Reign Of Kings

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Performance Tips - Alpha 5 Official Guide
By TacticalDan
You can help make your local experience smoother!
Graphics Settings
Your default graphics settings are set to Advanced. Some computers may struggle with the screen space effects and texture quality. Gamer default settings are optimized for the smoothest framerate while still retaining visual quality. Beyond that, there are still custom options that you can crank down:

- Material Quality: We have very nice looking terrain, but it can be reduced by turning this setting down
- Terrain Sprites Distance: Crank this down and make your trees spawn less far out! Less pretty forest, more pretty frames
- Shadow Quality: You can disable shadows entirely, giving you some valuable framerate
- Shadow Resolution: If you want to keep your shadows, reducing the shadow res will help out somewhat
- Texture Resolution: Cutting down the texture res will get you a couple more frames
- Particle Quality: Some particle effects may have reduced fidelity, not a huge performance hog
CPU Performance
You may notice that cranking down the graphics won't help your framerate. That's because your CPU is being capped still. The best way to get more performance in this case is to join smaller servers, since more players = more CPU processing. We have 20 player servers available officially and some community servers may have smaller. Although we are working to minimize the player impact, please be patient with the CPU usage in our current build.

If changing your graphics settings doesn't help improve framerate, we recommend setting your graphics higher and enjoying the visuals. Good luck!
AngryCorgi Apr 8, 2016 @ 5:42pm 
because they will be frozen on your screen forever
hellspawn™ Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:38am 
no it doesnt work the screen is blurry and nothing i do fixes it
EL Shacko Jul 7, 2015 @ 7:29pm 
lol i get 250 fps
Choppywee Apr 22, 2015 @ 1:12pm 
Phear198 Apr 18, 2015 @ 7:26am 
why does my menu look so bad in this game everythings looks all blurry
Brutalisus Apr 6, 2015 @ 10:59pm 
-##Bluesuit Face Stompers##-
*Premade arena with free equipment for anyone who wins a fight
*Full on PVP ( KOS included )
*Active/Non-Abusive admins
*Growing server population
*No clutter ( Random blocks everywhere )
*Few rules
OzzFreak Mar 25, 2015 @ 5:27am 
Sheriff Mar 17, 2015 @ 2:20pm 
I get 8 fps on this game please do somethig
Tobey Mar 15, 2015 @ 6:42pm 
I am running the game fine but i get alot of stuttering does anyone know how to fix that?
HeroLegion Mar 15, 2015 @ 2:57am 
meh i play on a 10 player canadian server with 16 ping..with grafics on ultra...i have never seen a smoother game lol