Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

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Lt. Piggifishi's Field Guide: Otorishima Defense
By A Tree Frog
This is another in depth defense guide, this time about Otorishima. This is probably one of the most comprehensive guides I will ever write. Just like my other defense guides, I will cover squad leader spawn positions, good spots to hold, and some other stuff too. Read closely and you will have a fighting chance to defend the glorious homeland of Otorishima!
Description of the Map
Otorishima is a big map! At A you begin defending a small burned out village, progressing through the map you will hold fortified bunkers, fields of large oil tanks, and end up at a torn up air strip. Otorishima is a jungle map, but nothing like hanto or phosphate plant. Otorishima is dark, but not dark like Guadalcanal. The fact that its raining with a cloudy sky only adds to that dreary feeling the map puts off. But don't get depressed just yet, because you are gonna hold steadfast! Overall, not one of my favorite maps haha.
The Main Idea
So what's the main idea of this map? Hold every point you can! Unlike other maps, there are posibilities to hold almost every point. Depending on your team, it may be advantageous to hold one point over another, but I will go into that later. Like all maps though, know when you need to make a tactical retreat, don't hold your ground when you don't have to and or can't.
Places to Defend
Let's begin with A
Centrally, A is not very hard to defend, but due to the wideness of the map, you can be easily snuck up on if your flanks are not watched. Below is your central defensive positions at A.

Remember to defend that house! It is a vital spot on A, if the enemy gets you out of that house the defense at A is hopeless! Have a look at the defensive positions on the right flank.

Also, up at C there is a great spot which over looks A. It is perfect for snipers and mg's, just remember to put a booby trap at the entrance of the bunker so no one can sneak up behind you.

Defending C, the Rainy Maggot Hill
Most people will want to defend B, just due to the common notion that B is much easier to hold. I can argue that C is much easier to hold. You have more cover, you have an elevated position along with 4 bunkers placed at the edge of the hill. With correctly placed squad leaders, C can become a meat grinder for the allies. So lets start off with the basic positions for C! Below is the central elevated position at C.

But we must also watch our left flank at C. This is very important to prevent enemies sneak up on you. Below you can see the left flank of C and where you should be. The trap locations are almost garuanteed kills if the enemy pushes left.

We can try to defend B
Alright now lets move on to B, bleh. B is okay to defend, if done correctly. The right flank is not very hard to hold, the only problem is the left flank. Enemies can sneak up the left, get all the way back into D, and shoot you in back while you are sitting at B. This is one of the reasons I advocate the C defense. But if you insist on defending B then fine have it your way! Below are the central defense positions.

If you can get to B before the enemy does, the house at the very front of B can provide some good defense, just dont plan on holding it for too long.

Also don't forget the right flank, this will be very very important when B starts to get heated.

The main thing for B is having someone on the static mg at D. There is a concrete bunker with a ladder on the back side, climb up this ladder and you will find an mg nest with great visibility over B. Just be careful because enemies still setup in the C bunkers can crossfire on to you. Below is the spot along with the location of the spot.

Hold the D
Defending D is pretty straight foward. It is not the easiest to defend but basically it goes like this. There are two, two story concrete bunkers at the front right of the cap, and the back left of the cap. These bunkers are how you will defend point. At the middle of D there is a rotating radar thingy (idk how to say it), it is entrenched and the position can be defended. Be careful though!! When you get close to the radar thingy it makes a sound which will haunt you in your dreams. Have a look at the D positions below.

Go to F
Please, please please, I can't stress this enough, DO NOT DEFEND E. Why? I'll tell you. Due to the setup of the E building, flamethrowers can easily walk in and kill everyone. All they have to do is spray and pray and usually everyone in the building dies. They have a clear flank they can take and essentially walk right into E. Its pointless, so lets just drop it.

F on the other hand is quite defensible. The multiple oil tanks provide good cover and allows you to focus your fire on specific spots. As long as you watch your flanks at F, you can end the game here. Allies will try running around the oil tanks, throwing nades, flaming, but it wont work because you are too far back, and when they step around the corner, BAM! Here is where you need to be at F!

If you are at G, it's over
If you and your team have failed to defend F, the match is over. G is just too hard to hold because there is no cover and you have to be really far out to actually be in the cap zone. But I'll humor you guys, below is a spot where you could defend the right side approach to G.

The enemy will also try to flank left and come up behind you. Below is the building you HAVE TO HOLD at the back of G. The radio for the commander is in this building, and if the building is taken, you have no chance of getting artillery.

Squad Leader Spots
I'll make this fast since this guide is a little long. We begin with the squad leader positions at A. Here are the first two which are in the house at the left center of A.

Here is the third spot at A on the right flank.

Below are the squad leader spots at C. Here are the three in the bunkers on the top of the hill.

Here is the spot on the left flank of C.

Now for the spots at B. Here's the first one.

And here's number 2 at B.

And we move on to the spots at D. There are only three realistic spawns at D. Heres the first.

The second.

And the third.

We have two okay spots at F luckily. Number one.

And the second F spot, lol.

Theres two at G, but G is pointless remember? So whatever look at number one.

And last but not least, spot 2.
I Believe in You!!
I hope you guys keep reading my guides becuase I put alot of time and effort into them just for you! Follow me on steam and add me as a friend if you'd like, hopefully we can play sometime. Oh and don't forget to rate my guide!!

About Lt. Piggifishi
I play on Merills Marauders Pacific server on the weekends and sometimes on weekdays. If you see me on there, tell me you read my guide and have learned because I'm really hoping i've helped alot of people out, we need more excellent troops on the Japanese side. For the glorious emperor Hirohito, BANZAI!!!
弱小无助呒卡m Apr 6, 2018 @ 1:12pm 
nice,I share the same view of you that you should hold C once A loss,the B cant loss quick but C can.and B......yes,you can hold B if the JP is some noob,but if they are some old soldier,sorry,,the motar will teach US guys some thing......motar fall like rain.........
A Tree Frog  [author] Jul 30, 2015 @ 11:40am 
JATC now has their own Rising Storm server, make sure to check us out, [JATC] Rising Storm Realism Campaign |Custom maps|
LizardDealer Jun 5, 2015 @ 7:58pm 
I read your guide on mortars lol, nice guide
Pvt. VODKA May 22, 2015 @ 3:47pm 
senpai you have teach me the ways of the japanese defence,i shall be grateful to you ever.
beeron Mar 1, 2015 @ 11:13am 
Great guide piggifish! Otori Shima is a fun map sometimes.
|GUMP| Lt. Dan, MD Feb 22, 2015 @ 6:24pm 
Nice guide. Only part I'd argue is the difficulty of holding C vs B. Holding C relies heavily on the fact that the other team is unable to outflank you on both sides. Once that occurs, you're basically surrounded. A good arty on top of the objective or behind it to hold off reinforcements is simply the icing on the cake. As long as you have a good squad holding the beach, B rarely is overran. Plus, even if an artillery is dropped on/near/behind the objective, you can still hold part of it without worrying about incoming shells. Ultimately, it's a moot point to argue. Rarely is Otoroshima won by the defenders unless the defending team is awesome or the attacking team is not-so-awesome (or both).
xtrfy ViggeN IM PRO Carolus rex Feb 21, 2015 @ 6:44pm 
A Tree Frog  [author] Feb 21, 2015 @ 12:40pm 
my next guide to come will be for Red Orchestra 2!! So keep an eye out