Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

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Commander role it's for...
By Lord Duck
Want to learn how to play as commander? Or even only to understand what he does? Come along.
To play as a commander i think that you must have at least the lvl 25, the most important thing is to learn how to use the radio, that's the most important tool on this role, using the recon show the enemy and alow you to ask for marks so you can call arty on the spot and clear a little bit of the pressure on your soldiers. When you call the recon make sure to do not leave the radio, cause if you do so, the recon will loose contact and will be over. Learn how to communicate with the squad leaders, besides the recon, they are your eyes on the field. Another important thing is: Remember to warn the team where you're going to call the arty so they wont run over it and get killed, warn them by the chat or mic. This role is all about the communication on the team. ( And Also, you can choose between 3 types of arty 1º Mortars 2º Arty 3º Rockets, each cooldown time is different, the rocket (available in some maps) cooldown it's 10 min so choose the right time to use it)


I've seen many guys playing as commanders on RO2 and Rising Storm, but, playing the role only because they didn't want to play as a rifleman, so they took the commander role because of the MP-40 or the Thompson, however, they dont even know what a commander is supposed to do on the field, they by picking this role they left their team without a "leadership", doing so, the squad leaders don't have how to ask for arty cause the guy playing as commander don't even know how to do that, this also means : No recon. not saying the weak spot of the enemy.

Hope you guys like it, it's my first guide.

Lord Duck  [author] Dec 15, 2017 @ 5:09pm 
Thank you and don't forget, boys, this is useful to Rising Storm 2 too.

i'm not really used to write things in english, i'm more of a speaker than a writer. :D
Borderliner Dec 15, 2017 @ 3:51pm 
The content of the guide is excellent! Only the grammar and interpunction are a bit rustic :p
Katz Mar 7, 2016 @ 1:15pm 
Players pick Classes for Guns.

Veterans pick Classes to Win.
~{1E}~℟εįḉђȿ₣ϋḩřS Mar 4, 2016 @ 2:14pm 
Epic Thank you man
norton_commander Mar 2, 2016 @ 5:02am 
what the shit
Holobunga Feb 27, 2016 @ 3:43pm 