Sam & Max 204: Chariots of the Dogs

Sam & Max 204: Chariots of the Dogs

Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space EP4: Chariots of the Dogs - Walkthrough (On-Going)
由 VolnuttHeroP64 制作
In this Guide, I will walk you through on Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space (Season 2) Episode 4-5: Chariots of the Dogs (PC, Xbox 360, PS3, iOS & Wii Versions).
1. Season 2, Episode 4 Story
Sam & Max work with Flint Paper to discover what happened to a missing Bosco.
2. Game Select & Menu Screen
If you're Playing the Wii Version of Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space, select Chariots of the Dogs from the Game Select Menu & Press the A Button, then Select YES to Launch Chariots of the Dogs.

You can access the Menu at anytime by using the Gearbolt on the Upper Left Corner of the Screen.

Save/Load: You can Save or Load a Saved Game here.
Options: You can change the Settings of Sam & Max S2-EP4 here.
New Game: Starts Episode 2 of Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space.
Quit: Exits the Game
3. Tutorial
In Sam & Max S2 (PC/PS3/Wii Versions) or the Wii Version of Season 1, you can play the Tutorial. This will show you how to play both Sam & Max S1-S2. This tutorial plays out the Prolouge of Sam & Max S1-EP1.

Jimmy Two-Teeth has stolen Sam & Max's Phone & won't give it back until you bribe him with Swiss Cheese. So let's be quick and get some swiss cheese!

Use your mouse to move the Pointer than Left-Click to move Sam or interact with an object while Max wanders around. Move the Pointer to the Closet to where the cheese is & click on it. Unfortunately it's not Swiss Cheese but a simple modification can change that.

Clicking on the Cardboard Box on the Bottom Left corner of the screen. Whenever Sam & Max find a useful item during an Episode of Sam & Max Seasons 1-3. They'll pick it up & add it to the Inventory. Click on the cardboard box in the corner of the screen to open up the Inventory. You'll see a row of items appear next to it, the item of choice is your Big Gun.

When Sam has his gun equipped, your pointer will change to a Crosshair. Clicking on an object with the Big Gun Equipped will cause Sam to shoot at objects. To unequip the Big Gun, you click on an Object that's not highlighted, use the Right-Mouse Button or Both. Fire it at the cheese and then pick up some of your newly created Swiss Cheese.

OK, you made some Fake Swiss Cheese which is enough to Fool Jimmy Two-Teeth. Sam & Max spend their time doing senseless stuff & if you want to beat the Sam & Max Freelance Poilce Titles, you should think like they do. But first, it's best that should Save your Progress (If you feel like you need a break playing & come back later). The Gearbolt is located on the Upper Left Side of the Screen, clicking on it will bring up the Pause Menu; which includes Saving/Loading your Game, Starting a New Game, Changing the Settings or Exiting the Game Completely. The Save/Load Option will enable you to Save or Load your game. Use the Gearbolt to Save your game, then add the Swiss Cheese to your inventory.

Now that you have the Swiss Cheese, it's time to give it to Jimmy Two-Teeth. Open up your Inventory again & click on the Swiss Cheese. The Pointer will change into Swiss Cheese, click anywhere to try and use it with other Objects, then use the Swiss Cheese on the Rathole.

You'll enter a dialogue to convince the rat to give your phone back. Normally, you can Left-Click on any person to talk to. (You don't need to talk to Jimmy Two-Teeth since the game does it for you). You'll see a list of options you can choose from. On the left side is a Sam/Max Dialog Option you can switch between Options by clicking on either Sam or Max's Picture. Now, talk to Jimmy Two-Teeth about getting the Phone back. Switch to Max's options and start threatening him until he gives you back the Phone.

All right, you got Sam & Max's Phone back from Jimmy Two-Teeth and completed the Tutorial. (NOTE: This would have been harder in the Actual Game.) Now you're ready to play Sam & Max Seasons 1-3. Enjoy all 16 Episodes of Sam and Max Save the World (Season 1), Beyond Time and Space (Season 2) & The Devil's Playhouse (Season 3)!
4. First Time Setup

When you start a Sam & Max Season 2 game for the first time, you will see the setup wizard, where the C.O.P.S. (Computer Obsolescence Prevention Society) members walk you through the options for the game. If you have already run the Setup Wizard once it will not show up again.
If you would like to force the Setup Wizard to run again, do the following:
Go into your Sam & Max Season 2 folder and delete prefs.prop. Go to Regedit, navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltal­e Games" and delete "Sam & Max Season 2"

Before you can begin playing Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space, you must Calibrate your Computer before Starting Sam & Max Season 2.

The First Screen is Resolution:
You play Sam & Max Season 2 at any Resolution your PC Supports.
You can choose to play Sam & Max Season 2 in Full Screen or in Windowed Mode
and in High or Low Quality Modes

The Second Screen is Game Options:
You can set the Hint Level from 1-5
1. No Hints
2. Very Rare Hints
3. Rare Hints
4. Periodic Hints
5. Frequent Hints
Turn On or Off Subtitles and Captions
and Change the Volume of the Game's SFX, Music & Voice Acting

The Last Screen is Completion:
You can choose to Play the Tutorial or begin the Game Directly.
Select Tutorial to play the Tutorial or Select New Game to start playing.

NOTE: You can change these settings later while In-Game by clicking on the Gearbolt.
5. Time Travel TARDIS

In Chariots of the Dogs, the time-traveling TARDIS-like elevator is operated using so-called time cards, which encode the time and place to be traveled to.

Seven time cards seen in-game, all detailed below.

1. Bosco
2. Sam
3. Max
4. Ms. Bosco
5. Superball
6. Soda Poppers
7. Blank

1. Bosco's Store, Run by Ms. Bosco
2. Intergalactic Freelance Police Office
3. Stinky's Diner, Run by Grandpa Stinky
4. The Oval Office
5. The Office
6. Embarrassing Idol set
7. Singularity at the beginning of the universe. (Mr Featherly is present for some reason.)

Time Period:
1. October 25, 1963
2. March 3, 2108
3. July 10, 1980
4. September 17, 1963
5. September 6, 2008 (during Sam & Max S2 EP5: What's new, Beelzebub?)
6. December 21, 2006 (during Sam & Max S1 EP2: Situation Comedy)
7. Beginning of Time (Possibly: January 1, 999,999,999,999,999 B.C.)
6. Act 1
Jump over the counter and take a look at the keypad on the wall there. You're going to need to find the code for it, and to do so you're going to need to pick up that little Toy Moai Head from the floor here.

Jump back out from behind the counter and take the Moai Head to the X-Ray Machine. To view it properly, put the X-Ray on the X-Ray viewer above the counter. Hop behind the counter again to use the code and gain access to... the bathroom!

Open the stall door and take some of the wine stacked behind there. Shoot the large barrel of Baking Soda and pour the vinegar into the hole you create.
7. Act 2
Talk to the Central Device behind the Captain's Chair and select the System Settings option. Change it to "Abusive".

Step into the Elevator and click on the yellow Time Card at the bottom labelled with the Bosco's Inconvenience logo, the date 1963.1025 and the name Bosco. This will take you to Bosco's Inconvenience back in 1963, the 25th of October to be precise.

Pick up the Modified Carbon Dater from the floor next to the counter under the guns, and the Chemical Sampler from next to the Baby-Making Machine next to the bathroom. Go into the bathroom and take the Cork from the Wine Bottle.

Scan Sam, Max, and Momma Bosco with the Carbon Dater to get three new Time Cards to use with the elevator. Exit the conversation with Momma Bosco to cause a paradox.

Use the Time Cards with the elevator and then get back in to return to the spaceship for no particular reason. Look at the elevator again and select the Time Card that you got from Sam to go meet the Intergalactic Freelance Police in the far flung future. Take a look at the poster on the bulletin board to learn the secret ingredient to Stinky's Stick-tite Adhesive.

Go back to the elevator again and select the Time Card you got from Max (the one with Stinky's logo on it) to go to Stinky's Diner in the year 1980.

Take the Screwdriver from the floor next to Bluster Blaster and use it on the display case to the right of the Jukebox with a letter from the President inside. Take a sample of the Gooey Molasses Tar Cake with your Chemical Sampler and leap on back into the elevator again.

Off we go to the Oval Office using the Time Card you got from Momma Bosco. Use the Carbon Dater on Superball to get another Time Card and then show him the letter you got from Stinky's Diner. Ignore the spit on the Star Cushion and instead take a sample from the discarded Envelope now sitting on the President's desk.

Show Superball the sample of Tar Cake that you took and tell him that the secret ingredient is Bitumen-13. Return to Stinky's to show Grandpa Stinky your new patent, thereby destroying the future adhesive that is keeping the Portable AI stuck to the elevator. Provided you've changed the settings of the AI to "Abusive" in the spaceship, use the Portable AI on Bluster Blaster to get
Little Max interested in girls.

With all that done it's time to go back to Momma Bosco and convince her to have a baby again. Use the President's Sample with the Open Sample and return to the spacecraft (press the red HOME button) to see the results.
8. Act 3
Leave the room and take the Time Card printout. Return to the elevator again and use it on it to travel way back to that fateful day when Sam won Embarrassing Idol. Ask for the contract and then leave.

Once you're back on the spaceship again ride the elevator to 2008, the Office Time Card with Superball written on it. Pick up the Boxing Betty Remote sitting on Max's desk to receive an egg and put a cork that you got from Momma Bosco's bathroom in the Model Volcano beneath the Bulletin Board.

Next you should go to the Intergalactic Freelance Police where you can take the no longer damaged Obituary for Pedro from the Bulletin Board. Next stop, the Oval Office.

Change the national date to the 6th of September, Superball's birthday (you can find this out by reading the date on the Time Card that you got from scanning him). Ask Superball about his birthday to summon the Listening Mariachi and trap him in the past by returning to the elevator.

Talk to Past Sam and he'll ask a question, respond by telling him that he needs a Time Traveling Phonebooth that he can get from Superball in the future. This should mess with their memories so that the next time they ask how to get to the Moon you can tell them that they need any item and that you have one. This will result in your gaining of the Record Contract.

Give the contract to the Captain Mariachi and then re-enter the big room to the right. Show the Old Mariachi his Obituary which will convince him to stay away from the Printer from now on. So go over to that Printer and mess about with it a bit until you get rid of the ink.

Return to the other room and ask the computer for another printout. Use that blank Time Card with the Elevator and travel to the beginning of time itself. Switch Mr Featherly with the Egg and get back to the Old Mariachi once again. Show him Mr Featherly and you'll be alone in the spaceship at last.
9. Act 4
Go over to the button on the right next to Bosco's dead body and press it to extend the bridge. Run back to the other controls and press the Suck button again. Use the sample of Tar Cake in the Time Control and then run over to where Bosco's body is floating in the air to finish the episode.
10. Just the Clicks
1. Click on Counter.
2. Look at Keypad.
3. Pick up Toy Moai Head.
4. Click on Counter.
5. Use Moai Head on X-Ray Machine.
6. Use X-Ray on X-Ray Viewer above counter.
7. Click on Counter.
8. Look at Keypad.
9. Go into Bathroom.
10. Open Stall Door.
11. Pick up Wine.
12. Shoot full barrel of Baking Soda.
13. Use Vinegar with Barrel.

1. Go into Elevator using Bosco's Time Card.
2. Pick up Modified Carbon Dater.
3. Pick up Chemical Sampler.

Bosco's Father
1. Use Modified Carbon Dater on Max.
2. Use Modified Carbon Dater on Momma Bosco.
3. Use Max's Time Card with Elevator.
4. Go into Elevator using Max's Time Card.
5. Pick up Screwdriver.
6. Use Screwdriver on Display Case.
7. Use Momma Bosco's Time Card on Elevator.
8. Go into Elevator using Momma Bosco's Time Card.
9. Show Letter to Superball.
10. Use Chemical Sampler with Envelope.
11. Go into Elevator using Bosco's Time Card.
12. Use President's Sample with Open Sample.

Bosco's Mother
1. Use Elevator's Home button.
2. Talk to Central Device.
3. Select System Settings.
4. Set to Abusive.
5. Go into Elevator using Max's Time Card.
6. Use Chemical Sampler with Tar Cake.
7. Use Modified Carbon Dater on Sam.
8. Go into Elevator using Sam's Time Card.
9. Look at Stinky Poster on Bulletin Board.
10. Go into Elevator using Momma Bosco's Time Card.
11. Use Tar Cake Sample with Superball.
12. Tell him Bitumen-13.
13. Go into Elevator using Max's Time Card.
14. Show Patent to Grandpa Stinky.
15. Use Portable AI on Bluster Blaster.
16. Go into Elevator using Bosco's Time Card.
17. Use Elevator's Home button.

1. Go into Elevator using Bosco's Time Card.
2. Go into Bathroom.
3. Take Cork.
4. Go into Elevator using Momma Bosco's Time Card.
5. Use Modified Carbon Dater on Superball.
6. Use Superball's Time Card on Elevator.
7. Go into Elevator using Superball's Time Card.
8. Use Cork on Model Volcano.
9. Go into Elevator using Sam's Time Card.
10. Take Obituary from Bulletin Board.
11. Use Elevator's Home button.
12. Go into other room.
13. Use Obituary on Old Mariachi.

Chicken or Egg
1. Go into Elevator using Superball's Time Card.
2. Pick up Remote Control.
3. Use Elevator's Home button.
4. Go into other room.
5. Look at Printer.
6. Look at Printer again.
7. Go into first room.
8. Ask Computer for a Printout.
9. Use Blank Time Card on Elevator.
10. Go into Elevator using the Blank Time Card.
11. Use Egg with Mr. Featherly.
12. Use Elevator's Home button.
13. Go into other room.
14. Show Mr. Featherly to Old Mariachi.

1. Leave room.
2. Take Time Card.
3. Use Soda Poppers' Time Card on Elevator.
4. Go into Elevator using the Soda Poppers' Time Card.
5. Ask for the Contract.
6. Leave.
7. Talk to Past Sam.
8. Tell him he needs a Time Traveling Phone Booth or TARDIS.
9. Tell him to ask Superball in the future.
10. Tell him he needs any item.
11. Tell him you have one.
12. Give Contract to Captain Mariachi.

1. Go into Elevator using Momma Bosco's Time Card.
2. Look at Calender.
3. Changed the date to the 6th of September.
4. Ask Superball about his birthday.
5. Use Elevator.

1. Go into other room.
2. Press button next to Bosco.
3. Press Suck button by the entrance.
4. Use Tar Cake Sample with Time Control.
5. Run to Bosco.
11. Xbox 360 Achievements
Chariots of the Dogs
Complete Episode 4: Chariots of the Dogs.
Just finish the episode.

Went Beyond Time & Space
Complete Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space.
You'll get this once you've completed all five episodes.

AI Interrogator
Choose every dialog choice with each AI personality.
For each personality you need to go through the first four dialogs.
12. Game Items
Big Gun: Used to Shoot Objects

Toy Moai Head: Used on the X-Ray Machine in Bosco's.

X-ray Image: Used on the X-Ray Viewer in Bosco's.
Contains the Bathroom Code 5318008.

Vinegar: Used on the Baking Soda Barrel or Model Volcano in the Bathroom.

Time Scanner: Used to Obtain Time Cards

Ms Bosco's Time Card: Used to Travel back to The Oval Office
on September 17, 1963.

Sam's Time Card: Used to Travel Forward to Sam & Max's
Intergalactic Freelance Police Office on March 3, 2108.

Max's Time Card: Used to Travel back to Stinky's diner,
run by Grandpa Stinky on July 10, 1980.

Bosco's Time Card: Used to Travel back to Bosco's Store,
run by Ms Bosco on October 25, 1963.

Superball's Time Card: Used to Travel Forward to Sam & Max's
Freelance Police Office on September 6, 2008.

Soda Poppers's Time Card: Used to Travel back to the
Embarrassing Idol Set on December 21, 2006.

Blank Time Card: Used to Travel back to the Beginning of Time
on January 1, 999,999,999,999,999 BC

Chemical Sampler: Used to take Samples.

Superball Sample: Used on the Baby Maker Machine in Bosco's Store,
run by Ms Bosco on October 25, 1963.

President Sample: Used on the Baby Maker Machine in Bosco's Store,
run by Ms Bosco on October 25, 1963.

Tar Cake Sample: Used on Superball in The Oval Office on September 17, 1963.
Also used to Slow the Time Control on the UFO.

Tar Cake Patent: Used on Grandpa Stinky in Stinky's diner,
run by Grandpa Stinky on July 10, 1980.

Screwdriver: Used on the Display Case in Stinky's diner,
run by Grandpa Stinky on July 10, 1980.

Letter: Used on Superball in The Oval Office on September 17, 1963.

Baking Soda: Used with the Vinegar on the Model Volcano.

Boxing Betty Remote Control: Used to get the Egg in Sam & Max's
Freelance Police Office on September 6, 2008.

Egg: Used on Mr. Featherly in the Beginning of Time
on January 1, 999,999,999,999,999 BC.

Portable AI: Used on Bluster Blaster in Stinky's diner,
run by Grandpa Stinky on July 10, 1980.

Recording Contract: Used on the Captain Mariachi on the UFO's Bridge.

Cork: Used to Plug the Model Volcano in Sam & Max's
Freelance Police Office on September 6, 2008.

Pedro's Obituary: Used to show Pedro on his UFO.

Mr. Featherly: Used to show Pedro on his UFO.
13. The Mariachi Song
La Canción De Los Mariachis, also known as The Mariachi Song, is a song featured in the Telltale episode Chariots of the Dogs. Performed by T.H.E.M., it explains their background and their involvement with the plot of Season Two.

Yo soy 'El Mariachi Solitario',
The last in a once noble line...
My people care only for robots and martian invaders.
But for birthdays, they say 'Maybe later, we don't have- the time...'

Ai, ey, ey, ey!

I come back from the future and pick up young versions of me.
In our spaceship, ai, ey, ey, ey,
We set course through the time stream, and fill ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥' birthdays with glee!
Por favor don't freak out if you see mariachis extraños.
It's just me y mis vatos who wish you 'feliz cumpleaños'.

But spaceships like this are expensive,
Even more when they travel through time.
And singing for birthdays on spec makes us poco dinero.
So we took on a contract and asked our new boss to cosign.

Ai, ey, ey, ey!

We take souls of the damned and we send them to places unknown.
Through that portal, ai, ey, ey, ey!
Although first we must crush them with gigantic heads made of stone.
Where they go, we don't know.
But it's hot - maybe it's Ensenada!
And as long as we still get to sing (sing) (sing), no importa nada.

When we say 'adiós', you'll be sad, but please try not to cry.
We were there for your birthday, we'll see you again,
When you die!