Five Nights at Freddy's

Five Nights at Freddy's

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Grizzdrop's "Five Nights of Freddy's" Guide
Por Grizzdrop
My experience with Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF), shared with everyone :). I hope my insights are useful for you.
Welcome! So you've decided to look at my guide! Thank you. I know there are a lot of other guides but I was compelled to write this one to add to the fun of this great game. If you have yet to start it, or even buy it, you're probably asking "What's so fun about it?". If I described just what you do on each night I expect you'd laugh at me and say "That's so boring! What's fun about turning lights on and off, opening and closing doors, and checking on cameras?" The answer is, ATMOSPHERE!

You want to play this game in the dark, at night (the later the better), no lights on, and with headphones to block out all other noises. Your heart will begin to thump from the first, when phone guy tells you what to expect. You might even be tempted to hide under your desk (I know I felt that way). You relize you cannot move from your spot, can't hide. You can shut the door but it drains power, which you cannot get back. You check the cameras and the creapiest thing happens, the animitronics have changed possitions. It makes me think of weaping angels (see Doctor Who) as they only move when you do not look at them. Except for Foxy when he decides to charge, but we'll get to that later.

So, let's start with describing the game. You play Mike Schmidt, a security guard in the early 90s (not sure the year, but given how much he's paid for 30 hours work...) newly hired for the night shift at a family friendly resturant chain. He hasn't been told much, but phone guy has recorded messeges for you which you hear at the start of each night.
Freddy Fazbear - Freddy is the main feature of the resturant chain. He's a bear. Children likely see him as a huge cuddly teddy bear who sings on stage. But at night, when he's moving around, he's a scarey stealthy monster as far as you are concerned. After he leaves the stage area he cannot be seen if another character is in the room with him. If he's not in the party area then you might want to check for him in the bathrooms, or the kitchen. If he's in the kitchen you will hear music playing. Sometimes you can hear it faintly even with your camera down.
You really want to keep him in sight when he's on the move. It seems to slow him down a bit. He will try his best to sneak into your room via the right door, and he doesn't show up with the lights on. You can't even see him in the room with you until he strikes (either when you try and touch the left door/light or bring up your camera for the most part)
If you run out of power he will show up at your left door and play music. If it happens to be 5 am there is a slim chance that you might make it to 6 before he strikes at this point, so keep your fingers crossed.

Bonnie the Bunny - Bonnie can be seen holding a guitar while on stage. While Bonnie's gender is sometimes debated online, in my videos I always refure to them as a he, so I shall do that in this guide unless the game's creator lets me know otherwise :) he is the only one I will belive. But anyway, what to remember about Bonnie is that he will only appear at your left door. If you are checking the cameras and can't find him in the party room you might want to check on the supply closet. He seems to like hanging out there for some reason.
Always check the left door light before going into your camera to make sure he's not standing there. If he is, close the door or he will come into the room and attack you. You can get a feeling for his moving around if you listen closely. There are heavy footsteps echoing that seem to be either him or Chica.
Like many of you when I first stared playing I would lock my door when I spotted him close on the camera. I've found that this is a waste of power. He only attacks when your camera is up, and only if he was already standing there. You DO want to check the door frequently if you know he's on the move though, later nights he will break the door (meaning you cannot close it) if he has enough time. This will get you killed as even if you sit there without touching your camera Foxy will eventually come on in.

Chica the Chicken - Chica loves cupcakes! Many of the childrens' pictures showing her, depicts her with a cupcake. Maybe that's why she so often wanders into the kitchen when she's on the move. You can hear her at night, clanking things around in there. This should be a comofrting sound, since it means she's not camping at your right hand door, ready to pounce should you bring your camera up. You can also hear her moving around in the corridors if you listen closely. Like with Bonnie, she will break your door if she stands there too long, but she won't come in unless you bring your camera feed up while she's already standing there.
If it's 4am or later and she breaks your door, don't quit! Don't give up! Just lock the lefthand door and sit tight. She won't come in if you sit there. The only things you need to worry about is running out of power and Freddy being sneaky. There is still a chance you might make it through the night! I know I have :)

Foxy the Pirate - Foxy is a pirate fox. He does not hang out on stage like the others. His area, pirate cove, was already shut down before this week. His fur is even off in clumps, and he's considered to be malfunctioning. You want to keep a eye on him as the nights go on. He mostly stays put in is cove. Sometimes, you can even hear him singing in there.
You'll know you are in trouble if you auctually see him. He starts by popping his heat out between the curtians. Then he will be a few feet outside. If you check the cove (and you should always check it first thing when you pull your feed up) and see it wide open and he's gone, drop the camera at once and shut the left door. This means he is comming. You can see him running down the corridor on the camera feed and next thing you know he'll pound at your door. Usally 5 times. Then he'll appear back in the cove and you can open the door. The door pounding eats up power. Sometimes it's only a few points, but in one game I lost 18% in one go.

Mike Schmidt - This is you, the night watchman at the resturant. We don't know much about Mike, only that he must have really needed this job to stay after night 1.

Phone Guy - We know even less about Phone Guy (sometimes called PG). He recorded messages for Mike to listen to each night. You should listen to him, his advice might just save your life.

Golden Freddy - An empty suit that sometimes flashes before your eyes. I don't know much more than this.. yet.. besides rummors I've encountered on fan sites.
This Is your office. You will be spending your nights in here. There is no camera to see yourself here.

Cam 1A. Show Stage - The main stage. This is where everyone SHOULD be at night. If they aren't, be prepaired for some company as the night goes on.

Cam 1B. Dinning Area - During the day kids and their parents spend time here, eating and watching the stage show. At night there is where you might spot Bonnie or Chica as they wander around. If it's late enough in the week you might find Freddy here too, but you won't see him if the others are in the room.

Cam 1C. Pirate Cove - Currently out of order. Sometimes you can hear a soft singing from here. That would be Foxy. Don't worry if he's singing. If you see him poking his head out, start to get concerned. Keep a eye on him. If you see him moving out of the curtians you need to watch him more frequantly, and never look at Cam 2A first. If you see the curtians open but no Foxy, watch out! He'll be running down the West Hall. Drop the camera feed and shut the left door now! Then bring up Cam 2A.

Cam 2A. West Hall - Usually this place is quiet. Sometimes you see Bonnie walking by. But every once in a while a screaming form will rush down the hall. That's Foxy. If your left door isn't closed when you do this it is hard to close it before he comes in when you see him here.

Cam 2B. W. Hall Corner - Bonnie sometimes shows up here when he heads for your office. If you are tracking him on early nights you can keep an eye on him this way.

Cam 3. Supply Closet - Bonnie hangs out in here sometimes. No one is sure why but there are some theories floating around the internet.

Cam 4A. East Hall - I've seen Chica here before, sometimes looking back at the camera, as if she wants to mock the night guard. But when she's not in the hall, and it's late in the week, Freddy can show up here on his crawl to your office.

Cam 4B. E. Hall Corner - Just like with Bonnie, Chica will be spotted here at times, when she's heading for the office. Late in the week this is a place to check for Freddy if you can't find him elsewhere. If HE'S here you might want to close the right hand door, if you have enough power. (let's say 5am and you're at 30% power).

Cam 5. Backstage - This is where parts of the animintronics can be found. Bonnie sometimes wanders through here too on his way around the building. There is some debate as to why they ignore the naked skeleton sitting there on the table and still want to stuff 'you' into a bear suite.

Cam 6. Kitchen - The camera doesn't work but the sound still does. Sometimes you can hear pots and pans rattling. This should put you at ease since it means Chica is in here banging stuff around rather than haunting your door. Sometimes you can hear music later in the week. That's Freddy. He plays music in the dark.

Cam 7. Restrooms - I've seen Chica walk by here. But later in the week this is a place to check for Freddy. For some reason he likes to hang around the bathrooms.
Night 1

Night 1 is pretty easy, but that doesn't mean you can't run out of power if you freak out too much. I know I did that the first time. Every time I saw Bonnie in the West Hall or Chica in the East I'd freak out and close my doors. This wastes power, and is unnessisary. Just relax. They don't move to you fast, especially on night 1. Just keep an eye on them, flash the lights briefly on either side, and occasionally look in on Pirate Cove (though Foxy usally stays put here).
Night 2

On night 2 Foxy is a lot more active. I suffered my first death on this night at his hands. I didn't come back for over two months :). Now I've learned what I did wrong. I used to waste power and panic at the first sign of movement. Now I check the lights quickly (I used to leave them on.. which wasted power!) and check pirate's cove for Foxy. I'm not as fast at it as some people are but I get by.

Check the cameras, check the doors, repeat! You might not even have to check the doors as frequently if you feel like keeping an eye on Bonnie and Chica as well.
Night 3

Night 3 is more of the same, but Bonnie and Chica seem to move faster, along with Foxy.
Night 4

They are faster and more likely to visit you! But now... Freddy is getting more active. He is the most dangerous one of all, because if he makes it to east hall corner he can sneak into your room and jump you when you least suspect it. The best way to keep this from happening is to ignore Bonnie and Chica on the cameras and just keep watching Foxy and Freddy. Always check the doors for the other two of course, before heading to your camera feed.
Night 5

It all comes down to this! Foxy will be after you! Freddy will be after you! Bonnie and Chica will be trying to break your doors and they will do it before you can blink! Just hang in there and keep switching between checking the doors and keeping an eye on Foxy and Freddy.
And Beyond

I finally got through night 6, just barely!! I'm not sure what advice to give besides do what you did night 5. They are faster though. But I did get a video of why you should not give up at 5am if Bonnie breaks your door and you are out of power. You might still survive it!

Now onto custom night!

I'm still working on this :)
1 comentarios
Grizzdrop  [autor] 27 ENE 2015 a las 17:22 
I know I probably have typos all over :) I'm a horrible speller! If you see anything obvious please let me know so I can fix it.