43 ratings
S Rank Tips
By The Legend of Liam and 1 collaborators
This is to help you get s ranks on all missions for both normal and hard, the bonus mission (jamais vu) will have its own guide as its a very different mission style
General S Rank Tips
These tips are a must follow for a s rank on normal and hard:

1) avoid killing anyone (even missions that say to kill targets) you have a tranq gun so your best bet is to use it if you may get spotted

2) avoid gunfights/CQC as must as possible, do not fight with anyone unless you have to the best way to get a S rank is to avoid being spotted

3) take it slow, snake can sneak walk past anyone who you are close to and make sure you slowly sneak past as the AI is greatly improved compated to past games

4) hide any bodies, if you tranq anyone make sure to hide the body in areas the enemy doesn't patrol or you will end up in alert mode

5) plan ahead is also key however certain mission objectives will cause the hostiles to change they patrol route and new hostiles will enter the area sometimes so get to know the game layout

6) use your binoculars to mark as many people as possible, also do the same for any objectives, espically moving targets (key for the mission you have to take out two targets)
7) if you are going to CQC a hostile, grab and interrigate them instead as can lead to finding out other enemy positions or some extra intel on certain objections

8) do not shoot any cameras as can cause more hostiles in that area making it harder to sneak out

9) also to gain extra points you can rescue all hostages in each mission (amount vary per mission) you don't need to do this but it can help if you get spotted one time

10) Smoke grenades are your friend. whether sneaking out in the open, going past a camera or even moving on 2 guards to tranq/cqc them both without alerting them.

11) Most lights can be shot out, use your silenced rifle to have your path less lit but be careful not to shoot too near a guard as they still might react.

12) do not load any checkpoints as its a 1000 points taken off each time, your best bet is just to restart that mission

special thanks to smokey for tip 9

speiclal thanks to Nerocidades for tip 12
Hard Mode Tips
For hard mode s ranks follow the same steps as before however you need to avoid all hostiles at all costs one alert will make it a pain to get the S rank but it is still however doable, but you must still avoid killing at all costs as thats the main way to lose points towards your s rank.

Also make sure to avoid using your tranq rounds unless you need to, as ammo will be low and you won't be able to carry as much

It is still easier to get the S rank on this Metal Gear then doing all of the peace walker s ranks
Jamais Vu S Rank Bonus Tips

This is going to be the only mission you may have some issues with for the S rank on hard.

As you progress though the level mark all hostiles so you know which are the humans and which are the snatchers, you have to kill all snatchers and tranq all the normal dudes. The biggest way to win this is timing avoid killing/tranq more then 2 people at any one time as its a challenge to take down 3 or more without a alert.

Go though the weapon storage room to find one of the rocket lauchers, you will need it for the evac end of level. Once you have tranqed all hostiles near the main prison area (where Paz is in main story mission) move all human enimes inside the red door storage room near the power generate.

Once you are getting ready for evac the alarm will go off, but as you havent been spotted you will be fine, mark all hostiles during first wave to make sure all snatchers enemys, here you can kill all of them use a rocket when in a group, but still fair away and change position after each rocket or couple of kills with a silenced rifle.

Once the hostile copter is near use a few rockets on that (appears twice, second time it will be destroyed), keep killing hostiles after the copter is done and keep moving as before and once the evac copter lands jump in so the mission ends.

It may take a couple of times to do this but once you know the layout of all the enemies you will have a quicker time which can be the difference between a A and S rank.
Kosack 🦈 Dec 20, 2014 @ 11:42am 
I have some dude about the mission Jamais Vú.

I tried a lot of times achive the S rank but is too complicated.

If i not kill human guards and not alert the Snatchers, more rank than i achive is C.

Cl0wnFace Dec 19, 2014 @ 3:22pm 
Yeah, I got strategies for both of those (past EE runner), just got a bit bored and had to take a break, hehe. I'll be back on later and I'll finish the job.
The Legend of Liam  [author] Dec 19, 2014 @ 3:21pm 
deja vu is easy enough, jamais is werid though as you have to kill all scanner alien dudes but only tranq the normal guards for the S.

AA mission just make sure to tranq and move all guards need the AA guns before you plant and denate your C4, best to plant the 3 nearest little caged off prison area for the copter pickup and plant some C4 to kill the tank
Cl0wnFace Dec 19, 2014 @ 3:15pm 
haha I still gotta clear out that pesky AA mission and Jamais and Deja Vu.
The Legend of Liam  [author] Dec 19, 2014 @ 3:14pm 
that i also forgot psycho as ive never used them that will make my 3rd run of perfecting the game easier then XD
Cl0wnFace Dec 19, 2014 @ 10:34am 
We should also note usage of night vision goggles, as they don't hinder vision and mark out noticeable doors and enemies.
The Legend of Liam  [author] Dec 19, 2014 @ 10:15am 
damn it i forgot as well XD thanks for reminding me Nerocidades
Kosack 🦈 Dec 19, 2014 @ 4:44am 
I forgot one xD

7. No load checkpoints: one checkpoint load = -1000 rank points.
Kosack 🦈 Dec 19, 2014 @ 4:42am 
The best way in the most of missions is the following list:

1. Time: complet the primary objetcs in the most fast way does you can.
2. No killing: one dead equivalent -100 points in the rank results.
3. No alarmas: the same as dead think.
4. Disbable in the game options the slow motion mode: make this guarantee 2000 rank points.
5. Rescue hostages: one hostage = 1000 rank points (more or less)
6. Complete secret objetive/bonus in all missions, reward is 3000 - 7000 rank points, depend of a mission.
Smokey  [author] Dec 18, 2014 @ 4:22pm 
Rescuing hostages goes a long way to obtaining an S rank too.