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GREEN ARRANGE and ResourceManager Install Guide
By gooeyPhantasm
A quick setup guide for the Resource Manager mod and a music pack containing the arrange soundtrack.
ResourceManager (by JuliaScythe) is a mod for ZeroRanger that adds musicpack and palette file functionality. Essentially, it allows the in-game music to be changed based on a pack.json file specifying what tracks to swap out, and can also add palettes to the existing palette menu. It's very easy to install and is compatible with a musicpack that adds music from GREEN ARRANGE, ZeroRanger's arrange album.

This mod has been approved by several members of Resonant Union, including a number of the artists featured on GREEN ARRANGE. Please show your support by buying the album yourself![]

DISCLAIMER: This mod was created with UndertaleModTool[], which means there is a possibility that parts of the game's code which were not intended to be modified may have been modified by the program. While nothing out of the ordinary has been observed yet, if you encounter any bugs or crashes while using this mod, do not report them to System Erasure. Reproduce it on a clean, vanilla copy of the game first, to guarantee the issue was not because of this mod. Likewise, even though this mod's intended code does not touch highscore data or save data, there is no guarantee that that code is clean, either. Consider backing up your important files before using this mod.
1. Verify Game Files
Before installing anything, you should make sure your currently installed files are clean, as the mod will only work on a vanilla, unmodified copy of ZeroRanger.

This is really easy to do:

1. Right click ZeroRanger in your library.
2. Select "Properties".
3. In "Installed Files", click "Verify integrity of game files".
4. Let it do its thing.

2. Download ResourceManager
ResourceManager is currently hosted on JuliaScythe's website[]. Download the newest version at that hyperlink, which will provide you with a .xdelta file. This is a patch that we will apply to ZeroRanger's data file. The screenshot below shows the newest version to download as of writing this, but it might be a newer version for you.

Download the GREEN ARRANGE musicpack from its GitHub repository[].

You can download the entire repository's contents by clicking on Code at the top and then Download ZIP.

4. Prepare Folders
Navigate to your ZeroRanger install folder. You can easily find this by right-clicking the game in your library and selecting "Manage → Browse local files". In this folder, you will need to create a "musicpacks" folder.
Inside this folder, create another folder called "green_arrange". You can then extract everything from the .zip file into this folder directly.

5. Patch
Using some sort of delta patching program, apply the .xdelta patch to the file in ZeroRanger's folder. Julia recommends this website.[]

If you use the above patcher, you will get a new file called "". Make sure to rename this to "" and then plop it into your ZeroRanger folder.

After replacing the file with the patched copy, your game is ready to go!
6. (Optional) Add Palettes
ResourceManager can read .zrpal files to inject new palettes into the game's menu (only available after beating Green Orange). Palettes are read from musicpack folders, but can also be read from their own folder independently! Simply make a "palettes" folder in ZeroRanger's folder, and drop any .zrpal files into it.

A treasure trove of palettes are available at this Github repo.[]

(If you want to make your own palettes, simply create a palette with Skirlez' palette tool[] and paste the contents of "Export" into a text file--make sure to give it the ".zrpal" extension instead of ".txt", and change the name!)

An example of the folder structure and a .zrpal file are shown below:

7. Launch!
If you've done everything correctly, the game will now be modded! You can confirm this by going into the "Options" menu, which will show the version of ResourceManager installed at the bottom.

You can handle whether to use a musicpack or the default music by changing the option in the "Sound" menu:

And you can change your palette in the "Visuals" menu as usual!

Hopefully that was easy! If you run into any problems, feel free to join the System Erasure Discord[] and mention it in our modding discussion thread. Enjoy a thoroughly refreshened soundtrack!