Sees Game

Sees Game

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100% Achievements Guide
By Xindictive
A guide to 100%-ing the snake girl's snakey game of snake, Sees Game!
Hi there! My name is Xindictive, also known as Xinny Caracal around the community of Rodricoro's, the artist/creator of Sees Game and the Sees character. As one of the biggest supporters and early players of this game, i thought it'd be nice to give people a good idea/chance on how best to 100% this game.

It's going to be a bit of a grind and moreso a bit of a nightmare to deal with sometimes, with random elements, hours of waiting and lots of replaying in order to handle things. But bear with it, and you should be able to beat it with a play time of less than 50-60 hours.

Yes, 60 hours. It's gonna be a lot of waiting and replaying. If you're ready, then read on through!
Part 1: The Unlocks
Let's start with the most straight forward stuff, stuff you NEED to do in order to be able to get the rest of the game. First off, the most obvious:

Play the game
Literally what the achievement says. You will get this when you open the game.

Another really easy one to get immediately before beginning your first run:
Oh, hello!
Click on the copyright on the top right and you'll get a screen showing the 2 creators of this game: Rodri and Koval. This achievement will show up once you see this.

Now then, get to playing the normal game. The maps will be random but there's a few maps that'll be very easy for you to get quite a lot of apples in. The best to go for is the golden apples, as these will get you 2 points instead of 1, while your speed and length increase just the same as normal apples. Btw, when you grab an apple:
Acquired from collecting an apple.

Strict Diet
Acquired from collection a golden apple.

Now it's time for you to unlock some modes in order to experience the rest of the game, as well as getting some more achievements. These include:

Old School
Unlock Classic Mode. You'll get this by getting a score of 50

Certified Racer
Unlock Time Trial Mode. You'll get this by getting a score of 100

Building permit
Unlock Debug Mode. You'll get this by getting a score of 200

You can also unlock skins from getting higher scores, but these aren't needed for any achievements. Once you've completed your run, be sure to submit it to both the Steam and Global leaderboards for 2 more achievements:

Nice Try!
Submit a score to the normal Steam leaderboards

Nice Try! (Global)
Submit a score to the Global leaderboards

Now that you've gone ahead and done pretty much all the very easy and needed achievements, it's now time for the
Part 2: Rest of Normal Mode
These are pretty much the rest of what you'll want to aim for with Normal mode. One of these is getting a map that has 2 blue walls rather than the usual green ones you see around. Go through a blue wall and it'll teleport you to the other one, giving you:

Just like the videogame
Go through the blue teleport walls in any map that has them.

There will also come times where the game will spawn a normal and golden apple on top of each other, overlapping each other, in which you'll see it glow more brighter than any other apple. When you see this, grab it immediately. You'll pick up both, giving you 3 points and increasing your speed and length by two, as well as get:

Messing with the Natural Order
Collect a normal and golden apple at the same time.

Now something you will most commonly do... is hit a wall. Or "Bonk". You're gonna be bonking a LOT with Sees and you're just gonna have to get used to it. Luckily, there are two achievements you can get for that:

Bonk 25 times.

Have some mercy
Bonk 100 times. You'll get to both of these just from crashing into walls. Every time you hear that meme-y metal pipe drop sound effect, that counts as 1 bonk. You may be able to get this faster through either Time Trial or Debug Mode.

On the opposite side of this however, is getting good at the game. Which you will need to in order to get these 3 achievements below. The best i can offer overall is get lucky with the maps that you randomly get. Some are very open areas, others are corridors and mazes. Avoid the mazes, try to only get the open areas and these next 3 will be easy:

Red Beginner
Collect 150 normal red apples in a single Normal Mode run. This is overall during all 3 lives, so you don't need to do this all in the one life.

Golden Beginner
Collect 50 golden apples in a single Normal Mode run. Same thing, can get this during all 3 lives, but if you focus only on Golden apples, you'll get this very easily in the 1 life compared to the normal apples one.

Full of Microplastics
Get 300 points total in a Normal Mode run. Focus only on golden apples, avoid the red ones for all 3 lives. You'll be able to get this easily this way compared to just grabbing any apple you see, as the length and speed of Sees will make things much harder, and in some cases impossible, for you to be able to handle the maps the game gives you randomly.

That's pretty much the gist of Normal Mode. Now it's time to move onto
Part 3: Classic Mode
Now the good news i can give you about Classic Mode:
This is NOT a normal game of Snake in the sense that you only get the 1 point spots and if you touch the outside walls, it's game over. Luckily, the Golden apples are here too and all walls are teleports, which will make your life much easier for what you're gonna have to deal with.

The bad news is that these achievements are hard. You're gonna need some skill at Snake in order to get some of these, so get ready.

First off, even though you can also get this in Normal Mode, i find it'll be much easier for you to get this achievement in Classic Mode:

Ten Thousand Kilotons of Energy
Get the absolute max speed possible. You can only get this in either Normal or Classic, due to Time Trial putting you on max speed from the get go. This'll require you to grab at least about 80-90 normal apples in order to achieve the absolute fastest speed possible in the game. And it is VERY fast, so be careful and ready about it.

You're gonna have to anticipate and be ready for that speed too, since you're gonna be getting up to it a good bit when taking care of these:

Golden Advanced
Collect 75 Golden apples in a single Classic Mode run. Focus solely on the golden apples only to achieve this one, and it won't be that bad since you won't quite reach max speed, making this a bit more manageable for most people.

I'd recommend circling around the entire field close to the teleports and flying right into the golden apple when you start reaching close to those high speeds to avoid running into red apples by accident while you wait for another golden to spawn.

Red Advanced
Collect 200 normal Red apples in a single Classic Mode run. This one is one of the hardest to do in the game, since you're gonna grow very long and you're gonna be very fast.

There's a few strategies to go for when it comes to this. The first is going Snake pro gamer and doing what you end up seeing online of those "perfect games", with extremely tight and quick turns and u turns, going in a specific loop taking up the entire screen til the very end.

Personally the one i recommend, and one recommended by Rodri, is the "stairs" strategy. Once you get to a certain speed, which is close to the high speeds, start moving either fully left/right or fully up/down. Every time you get closer to your body in the loop, quickly move one spot up from it and continue forward from there, like a stair motion. Eventually the speed may be too fast for you to keep going 1 spot up and forward, but as long as you keep the line fairly close together and don't spread out too much, your body shouldn't become too much of an issue.

At this point however, you're gonna be relying on just survival and reaction and you'll probably lose count of how many normal apples you got. Because btw, the Red and Golden apple achievements do not count the other kind, so if you get any golden apples, they will only get in the way and distract ya, they do not count for this achievement or Red Beginner. Same goes for Golden Beginner and Golden Advanced when you collect a normal apple instead of a golden.

This will take you quite a few times and you may end up getting very frustrated by it. But just keep at it, keep trying with the strategy and eventually, you will get 200 normal apples and get the achievement. If you know of a better strategy, feel free to let people know in the comments, but these are the two im aware of.

And while we're here in Classic Mode, you'll notice that this is a map that has no walls that will fail you, plus no timer in place either really. Because of that, there's an achievement you can get here too for this:

Move for 1 million steps overall. This... this is the longest achievement in the game (without RNG. We'll get to that...). Every time you move a block, that counts as a step. And you have to get 1,000,000 steps. This will take you so, so many hours, at least 24+ hours overall.

The best way to grind this down is with Classic Mode. Get about 40 apples and then get close to the teleport walls, having Sees juuust about touching her bottom with her face... and then just leave the game running.

As of right now, Classic Mode only spawns apples close to the middle of the field. They never spawn near the teleport walls. So, as long as you leave the game running while doing this, you'll never crash and the game will just keep going for hours and hours, as long as you want, until this achievement unlocks. So just do this, leave the game alone for the entire day and then come back and check. You may end up getting it, you may end up a few steps short, but at long as you either got it or get close by like, a few thousand, that'll be enough grinding from here for you to then move on and play the game normally from there again.

As of, this is no longer useful. The apples now spawn everywhere in the mode, meaning you won't be able to do this trick there. At this point, go to Debug Mode and just leave the game running on the 1st map. Even if you bail, you'll at least keep going infinitely that way. Unfortunately, you won't keep your speed going with this, so this WILL take longer than 24 hours now, but at least you don't have to sit there constantly restarting the game for 24+ hours just for this grindy achievement...

And with that, that is Classic Mode done! Just one more mode to take notice on... and no, it's no Debug Mode. There's no achievements for that, though you can try for ones like the high speed and marathon achievements with that instead if you wish. No, the mode we're on about now is
Part 4: Time Trial
Now the really good news with this one, is there are no apple achievements for this one. Infact, with Time Trial, the only achievements that matter is based on how many loops around the singular map, or "Laps", you get overall. If you crash into walls or run out of time, your run ends. And as mentioned before, you're at max speed at all times in this one.

So much so, that you'll see apples look misaligned and so do the walls. So... be careful with stuff close to walls. If you miss an apple, don't worry too much about it, just keep moving forward and try again on the next loop.

If you wanna keep in the run however, don't bother with the normal apples here. They only give you back 1 second of time. Your goal is collecting Golden apples, which give you 5 seconds each time. The timer goes down somewhat quick, so Golden apples are going to be your saving grace here for every run. There's times where the game gives you a lot of Golden apples... and times where none spawn for a good few seconds of your time.

But like i said, your goal here is the laps, not the time or score really, when it comes to the achievements for this mode:

Easy does it
Get 10 laps in Time Trial.

Pedal to the Metal
Get 100 laps in Time Trial.

Daytona 500
Get 500 laps in Time Trial. Yea, 500. A full loop is when you get the teleport wall on the bottom of the map. Have fun doing that 500 times. You can at least do this with as many runs as you want, so you do not need to get this in a single run. If it takes you 500 runs to get 500 laps, so be it.

And that's it! That's all the modes of Sees Game! ...yea, really not much for Time Trial huh? Well, since we've now gone through all 3, there is an achievement you can try to aim for with whatever you feel best at:

A Game full of Losers
Get First Place rank in any modes leaderboards. This may take you some time, depending on how high and good someone was in any mode... as well as if anyone cheats the leaderboards...

Luckily, as of current, the devs will reset the leaderboard every September (or Seestember), so you'll have a chance of getting this by then when the boards are reset... which unfortunately is a manual effort as they haven't been able to get the reset to work automatically at all as of yet, so there may come a time where the boards will no longer get reset and potentially make this achievement impossible. You've been warned.

Ok so that is all the main modes. Though you can see you still have some achievements left to get, so let's go over all of
Part 5: The Miscellaneous
These are the remaining achievements that you mainly only get from the main menu itself, barring one which... is the worst achievement in the game. Just being perfectly honest about this.

First, let's go over the seasonal achievements, of which there are two:

Play the game during October for the Halloween setting of the game, where all apples are turned into candy, the pumpkins come out to watch you and blink, and the maps become orange.

Ho ho ho!
Play the game during December for the Christmas setting of the game, where all the apples are turned into... well yes, candy, but candy canes this time. Plus, the snowmen are here now and the maps are now white.

Btw, yes, you can cheaply get both of those by adjusting your PC's clock to October and December, unlocking them immediately. You know, if you have no patience, which considering Marathon and what you're about to do soon, i don't believe you about that.

Anyway, the last two are secret achievements and the first one, i'll give you hints with before outright telling you the solution:

Forbidden Moves
Play the secret melody in the Main Menu.

Hint 1: Sees is a snake. What is commonly known with them?
Hint 2: What is the most generic song you can think of when you think of snakes?
Solution: Its the Streets of Cairo, or the Arabian Riff, or basically the Snake Charmer. Move your mouse over the following in order: Options, Play Game, Skin Selector, Play Game, Options, Options, Play Game, Skin Selector, Top Ranking, Play Game, Skin Selector, Options

Once done, you'll get the secret music playlist. There's also a secret piano menu in the game too, which myself and others have gotten, but i do not remember the combination for that, it has no achievement, it has nothing to do with this achievement and both Rodri and Koval left it there for debug purposes and it wasn't exactly meant to be found that easily, so have fun with that one.

And now lastly:
Isn't this the valve guy?
Get the secret Valve opening.

So, this one... every time you open the game, you'll get the SEGA logo parody intro before the game starts. There's a very, very rare chance the intro will instead be a parody of the Valve logo (the old one with the valve in the eye, not the current one with the valve in the back of the head). In order to get this... you have to close and reopen the game again, and again, and again until the game chooses to give you this.

So what are the chances for it to show up? I don't know. One person told me it took them 587 attempts before it showed up. For me? 1402 attempts.

Have fun. You'll either get this quickly or it'll take you many, many hours of trying. Your friend list will enjoy seeing this game show up again and again being played by you on Steam.

If you see this, then you've done it:

Bonus Part: Bonus Mode
So now that Update came out, a new "mode" was released with this game. Bonus Mode. Is it a mode you get from getting 200 apples? 300? ...well... no.

Bonus Mode
Bail in Normal Mode a bunch until you get it.

And you wanna know what makes this worse? Once you're in Bonus Mode, it's actually just a single level, with a single life, in a RANDOMIZED MAZE of a bonus level.

To make this worse, apples are spawned like crazy everywhere, with the Golden Apples still only spawning at the same rate as usual. Forget about those though, you're not gonna be able to weave around these red Normal apples anymore here. You WILL become fast speed whether you like it or not.

But hey, at least you'll hit a cap right? There's no WAY they'd keep you growing and growing in such a small box of a map, right? Hahaha... nope. You're gonna grow indefinitely in there, and it'll become impossible to move around eventually. And guess what? If you crash, you're back to Normal Mode. You can't restart it. You can't select it in the menu. You HAVE to keep crashing and failing in Normal Mode again and again and again until the game GIVES you this thing.

So you're probably thinking "Is that it? Just the Bonus Mode, nothing else?"

Get 1000 points in Bonus Mode

Get 2000 points in Bonus Mode

As of right now, as of this edit of the guide (14th October 2024), i consider the last achievement there impossible. These maps are too small. The points you get from each normal apple is too little. You CAN manage to get the 1000, if you get VERY lucky on the map, but forget about the 2000 one, because you're going to grow so big, unless you have perfect AI movement going on, you're going to run into yourself from trying to squeeze around everywhere.

Since the game is *surprisingly* still being updated after no update for a year, we'll have to see if the devs give ANY kind of reconsideration and mercy for this, but i feel like it's high doubt about that. I'm sorry that this guide has now become a 95% Achievements guide, but its genuinely impossible to get 2000 points in this mode humanly.

Not even Rodri or Koval can get that score according to the leaderboard for it. Sorry for wasting your time reading this, expecting this to be a helpful guide, but this update genuinely screwed this guide up completely.
And That's It!
And that's all the achievements for Sees Game! I hope this has been used to be a helpful guide to what is a rather basic game of Snake, with some unique flare here and there. Most of these achievements are very easy and you'll be done with within an hour, while others will take you many, many hours and you will have more than 24 hours playing this game on your Steam account with Marathon alone, let alone the rest.

Thank you to both Rodri and Koval for making this game.

And thank you for reading this guide. You'll find me at:

Have a great rest of ya day!


Eddy Oct 6, 2024 @ 7:56pm 
Thank you, Xin! I totally needed help with the secret one!
Plus, it seems you found the same strategies I did, hehe