Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

621 人が評価
Infected Recruit (Halo 4)
8.758 MB
2014年10月27日 14時08分
2014年11月22日 10時44分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Infected Recruit (Halo 4)

The Infected Recruit replaces the CHARGER.
When your superior Officer tells you not to touch the creepy little moving ballon, it is in your best intrest to listen. Well as you can see this poor Spartan IV Recruit did not listen. Learn from his mistakes, and kill anything that looks like it may harm you.
110 件のコメント
Equilibrium 2023年4月6日 16時00分 
Perfect :steamthumbsup:
Bedul Avalan 2022年4月8日 13時05分 
hello, can i use your model for my prop addons and publish it to workshop?
i will credit you
SunStream117 2022年1月7日 19時53分 
that is so fucking creepy
eyeomnis 2021年10月21日 19時39分 
n word
SarahTheWolf 2021年2月16日 3時15分 
@YOSEMBERDY thank the last stand team for that
YOSEMBERDY 2020年3月24日 17時08分 
none of these work anymore :(
Di!! 2019年5月3日 14時52分 
Did you know that these are actually simulations to prepare spartans?, if a partan gets infected they would have to nuke the planet it is in.
Beef 2017年8月24日 3時37分 
Doesnt work :steamfacepalm:
BabyLuigiOnFire 2017年8月8日 21時48分 
$Sequence "idle_layer" {
activity "ACT_VM_IDLE_LAYER" 1
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
fps 30
// This subtract line is a guess of the animation name and frame index. There is no way to determine which $animation or $sequence and which frame were used, so Crowbar uses the name of the first $sequence. Change as needed.
subtract "idle" 0

Basically, the line "idle_layer.smd" is changed to "idle.smd". You have to remove the "_layer" suffix in all commands that have .smd in them. This includes "deploy_layer.smd" and the "melee_layer.smd", "melee_layer02.smd" and "melee_layer03.smd", which should be changed to "deploy.smd", "melee.smd", "melee02.smd", and "melee03.smd",
BabyLuigiOnFire 2017年8月8日 21時48分 
Hey, there have been reports of animation bugs of your first person arms in Versus play. I know a possible fix for the animation bug:

In the .qc file for your Charger arms file, these are the following lines

$Sequence "idle_layer" {
activity "ACT_VM_IDLE_LAYER" 1
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
fps 30
// This subtract line is a guess of the animation name and frame index. There is no way to determine which $animation or $sequence and which frame were used, so Crowbar uses the name of the first $sequence. Change as needed.
subtract "idle" 0

Which should be changed to this: