

39 ratings
Achievement Guide for Cloudbuilt
By makstheimba
This guide features a list of all the achievements in Cloudbuilt, with some additional information about them.
Hi. This guide was made to help people obtain all the Cloudbuilt achievements. Unfortunately, English is not my native language, so it was pretty tough for me to write this. I hope you'll understand my explanations and would be able to collect all the achievements. Enjoy!
Story achievements
You will get all of these by completing all the 21 basic levels and the fog branch. Basic levels are located to the north and to the south of the starting level. Fog branch is located to the west of the starting level.

- Complete Rain.

Shifting light
- Complete Eclipse.

Where Is The Animal Hospital?
- Increase your life cap nine times.
Life cap will increase whenever you complete a level with a letter or collect an extra life.

Eyes Wide Open
- Complete Cloudbuilt.

Through The Fog
- Complete Fog.

An Inner Journey
- Collect all of Demi’s logs.

The Truth Revealed...?
- See all the endings.

Rank and life cap achievements
These are self-explanatory but very hard to get.

The Long Road Ahead
- Earn your first A-rank medal.

Moving Up In The World
- Earn your first S-rank medal.

Nearly There!
- Earn an A-rank on every level.

How Fast?!
- Earn a S-rank on every level.

Gotta Go Fast!
- Earn S-rank in every mode on every level.

Life Insurance
- Increase your life cap to 316 lives.

Heart Of The Ruins
- Collected all extra lifes in the Fog branch
There is a guide, wrote by another person, that can help you to get this achievement.

A Forgotten Path
- Achieve A-rank on pathfinder mode in Ruins.

Not so obvious achievements
These are pretty rare but you can easily obtain them if you know where to go and what to do.

I’m Just The Practice Level
- That’s the next level over there!
Play the practice level for 5 minutes.

Among Friends
- Hug the mines!
You need to die and blow up some mines after that. You can do this in the "Stability" level. Just go into the room on the screen and die there. Wait while your body is bouncing, don't restart instantly.

- Kill or stun 10 enemies in 5 seconds or less.
In the "Redeployment" level there is a spot with many traps. Shoot 10 of them in 5 seconds and you'll get the achievement.

I Don’t Need A Tutorial
- Swoosh through the intro level.
You need to complete the intro level very fast.

My Favorite Spot
- The view from up in the garden is just wonderful.
Stare at the table in the "Stability" level for some time. The table is located slightly above the first checkpoint.

Quick On Your Feet
- The top of the tower can never hurt you.
In the "Escape" level you need to stand on the top of the tower with 2 lasers and dodge them about 8 times in a row.

Like A Glove
- Let the goal catch you.
You need to be pushed into the end of the level by trap, mine or hostile creature. You can do this at the end of the "Window" level.

I Don’t Want To Hurt You
- Reach an ending from New Game without firing a single shot (except during tutorial).
I suggest you to back up your save files before doing this. I think the easiest branch to get this achievement is located to the south-west of the starting level.

Oh No, Not Again
- What’s the probability of this happening?
At the start of the "Dreams" level climb onto the top of the room and push the flower pot.

I Just Want To Play
- Bring a stunned arachtoid with you for a while on your journey.
You need to push arachtoid with your charged shots through a small part of any level. I did it at the end of the "Beyond the Walls" level. I got the achievement after pushing arachtoid from this position

to that

Castle In The Sky

Get to the sand castle in the "Ruins" level.

[HYBRID BEING] May 9, 2021 @ 4:56pm 
Tiurns out it wasn't that hard. If you play in supercharged mode, that is.
[HYBRID BEING] May 5, 2021 @ 3:19pm 
Fast forward into the 2021 and i got "I Just Wanna Play" on Expectetions (Defiance DLC). There is a section where you have to go through a corridor full of turrets and arachtoid is right at the start of it. The place is rather big and once you remove pesky turrets it's pretty simple. The hard part is getting there, though.

On the other hand, can anyone help with "Fearless Dodger"? I keep thinking that the key to this is boosting of walls while wall running, but i keep getting stuck instead. Best i could do is reaching the charging wall with two green spheres, but i can't move past two Snipers after that - they keep shooting me off the walls.
MS_PainT Apr 28, 2017 @ 12:18am 
lol i've got "Oh no, not again" by mistake :D i didn't even knew how to get it, just played "Dreams" and earned it when sliding down at the start, maybe an bug, but it's not fair :c
Kytheron Jul 18, 2016 @ 10:54pm 
For "I Just Want To Play," I did it at the start of "Underneath." You find two arachtoids on the second long platform. I lured them to the far end and then pushed one back to the start of the platform although you could probably push them the other way too.
Estecka Jan 15, 2016 @ 6:21pm 
In the end, how is this arachtoid supposed to jump across the gep ?
[HYBRID BEING] Sep 16, 2015 @ 3:00pm 
I have a hard time with "I Just Wanna Play" as well. Only once i was able to accidentally propel arachtoid across the gap (and then it droped to far on a ramp). Are there any other places?
Perfice Apr 21, 2015 @ 9:00am 
I can't seem to get the 'I Just Want To Play' achieve. I went to the same enemy that you did in the same place but after the second charged shot it just dies from fall damage or something...
makstheimba  [author] Dec 9, 2014 @ 9:22am 
The guide was written before this achievement came out. Unfortunately, I don't have time now to add instructions for the new ones.
Trisuniel Dec 9, 2014 @ 5:57am 
What about the "Dead Baron" achievement?