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Train Capacity 300%

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Basic Guide and Walkthrough
By raditzaceme2
This guide will cover the basics of the game play and the different mechanics, alongside endings.
Basic Mechanics Pt. 1: Menus and Preperations.
For starters, the language will most likely be foreign to you. If that is the case: hover over the top part of the screen until a drop down menu shows up. Click the far right option. Now you can change the language to japanese, english, or traditional/simple chinese.

The drop down menu allows you to return to the title screen, change the volume, change the screen size to be windowed or full, or close the game.

The title screen options are:
Start (starts a brand new file, must reach an ending to select new game plus)
Continue (allows you to select a save, the newest being highlighted as new)
Gallery (shows all H scenes you have unlocked and seen endings)

I wont cover the last two options, as they have no effect on the game.

The tutorial that is provided does a sloppy job of giving you all of the information, but its also told through text boxs (which can be reviewed to a certain point) so it can be confusing.

Station Platform

The Station is where you determine which car you will ride for the trip as you are unable to change cars once inside. This means if you want to target a person, like the hostess, you need to ride in the car she will ride in (in this case, car 4). That means paying attention to the dialogue when that person shows up as it will say what car they ride in. Using the minimap or the navigation button on the bottom right to bring up the full view, you will see red dots. These are the girls you can target starting from that station. The Sleep icon progresses to the next stage (forces onto train instead of waiting, and then progresses to the next stop each time used). This can be useful if you are waiting for a specific stop to have a target get on.

I will talk about the actual train mechanics in the next section to prevent this one from being too cluttered, just know that movement is tied to WASD and you can cycle using mouse wheel for actions during ride.


Starting from the left, we have the SNS messaging app called Thittur. The Counter on the far right is the amount of actions you can do here in the app (3 per section). The actions are Whisper (gains followers by posting a video), Giveaways (spend money to get temporary followers) or respond to a Thittur post from a person whose Thittur info you found during train section (will be explained soon). Followers may have one use: reducing the number of "Justice Men" lines (the number of red lines in the cab). There may be more, but i could not tell you for certain as i can not seem to verify any information (temporary had the same amount of gazes as regular, was paid the same for whisper of the same scene no matter if i did a whisper or giveaway before or not, same amount of gazes, etc). The game only mentions that they will board the train to possibly capture the moment. I would use the action points for the girls and the whisper function (whisper gives followers and small amount of money, and you only want to focus on two girls at a time).

Responding to the girls is how you obtain their endings (will cover in the ending section), and you can be locked out of their convo if you respond wrong (have to resteal the info).

The second Button is the shop button. You can buy toys, but it seems they can only really be used if you get them to their third lewd lvl. The way the lvls work is that after 6 times, the lvl increases. So the 7th and the 13th will start the second and the third lvls respectivly. The toys are used during train ride, and can only be used once they become "ready" (will explain better in Train Ride Mechanics). They are also a one time use consumable, so if you want to get all images in the gallery, you will need to use them for each girl (most cost effective is to save a set, do all of a girls gallery, and then load a save from beforehand. But money isnt much of an issue after awhile.

The third button is the Skill Tree. You gain Pervert Lvls for each lewd act you do to a girl. You can select a tree to use the skills you have unlocked in that tree. Each tree has a different focus, so lets go over each

  • Grover Focuses on reducing the Sanity of a target. (might translate to more experience as you get more points from touching but i cant confirm). Skills that has "avoid eye contact for 3 seconds increases effectiveness" translates to a massive loss of sanity after those 3 seconds (and the skill effect procs every 3 seconds as long as you continue to touch)

  • Watcher Since each skill is different, i will explain them all.
    Sensitive skin and intuition changes the sight-lines of "Justice Man" and "Life Safety Class" to Red and Purple respectively. Justice i believe instantly catchs you while life safety massively raises the suspicion bar of the cabin. Seventh Sensation raises money you earn from posting a whisper. Seductive Gaze raises the chance that "finding excuses" and "beg for mercy" works by 10% each lvl. Eye of a thousand miles shrinks the circle for actions during the next train ride (fingerplay circle is normally the size of the hand icon but shrinks to a quarter of the size after skill) and each lvl raises use by 1 (9lvls for 9 uses). Kaleidoscope spiral eyes lowers sanity even if you do nothing.

  • Stalker Second most useful skill tree. Focuses on speed. 3 for movement during cabin/station/escape, 1 for raising sensitivity during train section, 1 for switching positions during train (9 uses at lvl 9), and 1 prevents you from being moved when passangers enter/exit train.

  • Stand-Do The most useful skill tree imo. Controls vision lines and allows for mess-ups. Gaze seduction affects the regular cabin riders and removes 1-2 per use (up to 10 uses thanks to another skill in the tree), Stealth arts reduces intense lines (Justice Man and Life Class), Collective insinuation protects suspicion from raising (4 suspicion raises cancelled at max lvl with next skill), Invisible Peach gives all skills in the tree one more use, and Scorpion Gunner reduces initial Sanity of target in the next ride section, and Seduction Technique lowers suspicion (looks like maybe 10% of the gauge per use, with 10 uses max).
Each tree has a skill that raises experience by 20% (80% max), and a skill that allows for that trees use when using a different style. With 4 trees, you only need to use 3 tree unlock skills to have access to all tree skills. I would suggest Grover, Stalker, and Stand-do trees to be the ones you buy the tree unlock skill in. Grover and Stand-do costs 12 for the exp and unlock; Stalker has 13; but Watcher has 16 at the minimum, 17 if you want the line visual difference for both justice and life class. Thats 4 lvls you can use in other skills.

If you want a suggestion for making the game easy, here is the simplest way to break the game: switch to watcher and unlock the 2 sight line identifying skill and then move down to the exp (9 lvls). Then, while staying in watcher, work on unlocking Grover (12 lvls) and then Stand-do Tree unlock skill (9 lvls), then unlocking the exp skill. After that, work to unlock stalker. Here is why i suggest doing this: The sight Lines tells you which ones to avoid (purple and red), while the grover skills help with exp, and stand-do helps with sightlines. Stalker prevents moving away.
Basic Mechanics Pt 2: Finishing Menu and Train Mechanics
The fourth option is the "Target Information" . The 4 boxs list details you have obtained from the target.
  • Box 1: Contains the two stops the target travels between and what car they ride in. The On Station becomes the Off Station after the School section.
  • Box 2: Contains information obtained from bag searching.
  • Box 3: Contains what you have done to them. Perverse is how many actions you have used on them during train ride, service is related to how many times you have selected mouth during "ready", insertion refers to how many times you have selected vagina/butt during "ready".
  • Box4: Contains how sensative each part is. Higher sensitivity=faster sanity drop speed while lower sensitivity will actually raise sanity. Can be trained using Stalkers "Ultimate Pursuit" skill.

Since you have to obtain the targets information each run, I will only list the stations they board and exit on and what car they ride in. (Remember: On refers to when they are boarding during morning while Off refers to when they board during evening commute)
  • Docile Woman(Mugi Nozomi): On at Hino, Off at Nechamitsu; rides car 4 starting April 12
  • OverWorked Woman (Aoi Fuyuno): On at Hino, Off at Kamiyado; rides car 4 starting April 13
  • missJK (Kazai Kodama): On at Bokawa, Off at Kamiyado; rides car 2 starting April 16
  • Rouge Housewife (Yashima Asaka): On at Hino, Off at Nakano; rides car 2 starting April 15
  • Justice Minded Highschool (Osakaba Doki): On at Bokawa, Off at Kota; rides car 5 starting April 12
  • Spicy Girl JK (Shukugawa Hikari): On at Bokawa, Off at Yotani; rides car 5 starting April 13
  • Female Nurse(Hakui Mizuho): On at Hino, Off at Nakano; rides car 6 starting April 14
  • Arrogant Woman (Isurugi Aoba): On at Yotaka, Off at Kamiyado; rides car 3 starting April 15
  • Female conductor (Isanuki Hasumi): On at Hino, Off at Kota; starts from car 1 to end in car 6 starting April 12
There is one more listed in the gallery with ????? thats based on another game they creators made. In order to unlock her, you need to open File Explorer and search for "%appdata%\ベルゼブブ", then create a file named "超速くノ一クロユリ.dat" (or copy the 300% file and change name to 超速くノ一クロユリ.dat). Once done, in the drop down menu, select "register work" to unlock her.
  • Female Cosplayer (Fugetsu Yurika): On a Hino, Off at Kamiyado; rides car one

The 5th option is your inventory screen (what toys you have, skills unlocked, and what you look like during the escape scequence).

The final icon is to progress to train section (Hino if at home, or Kota if at school)

The icons above the action bubble is save (down arrow) and load (up arrow). You can have up to 39 saves (excluding auto save).

Train Mechanics
The section that matters the most. Lets go over the hud

Top Left is the timer and what station that just finished boarding. Keep track of this if you want to do anything that takes time (strip, look through bag, skills that requires uninterrupted touching for so many secs)

The two lines going across the screen is whats been called "Sight-Lines". The orange is ordinary people, purple (not shown) is Life class, and red is Justice. Red and Purple Lines instantly catch you while ordinary raises it by a small amount. The bottom shows what skills you have available and what action you will take. In this example, I am using "Fingerplay" and "touching" the bag. The red circle around the hand is whats called the "pervert" area (mentioned in the "thousand mile eye" skill). On the Right, we have the girls sanity (the bar with a heart at top that is currently green and yellow). When that bar rises, it makes them uncomfortable and makes suspicion raise more (unconfirmed, just fills like bar filled fast when maxed) while lowering the bar makes them enter the "ready" mood. When they are ready, you can choose to perform an act on them by selecting "penis" and then mouth, vagina, or butt. Performing these acts are also tied to the girls endings (which will be explained in the ending section). When they are ready, toys will also be selectable, but selecting them will be an instant arrest if you do it before lewd lvl 3.

The amount of Justice man, Life Safety Class, and followers affects the lines. It seems more followers reduces the numbers of Lines that appear for the other classes to a minimum of 1 per class. So in this image, if i had zero followers and 11 lines, all 11 would be the Justice Man lines.

The Image below the timer shows what you are doing. Some actions have a timer (stripping and bag search), and that timer is displayed here. Stripped clothing will be returned to normal at next stop if you arent at lewd lvl 3, so stripping is ill advised unless you have a long timer (like Bokawa to Yotaka).
  • 30 seconds at station to get to car you plan to ride
  • 10 seconds if you are not at a target
  • 25-35 seconds for most stations
  • 65 seconds between Bokawa and Yotaka
Stripping has the affect of increasing sanity lost and (minor) increase to sensitivity. Stripping one piece of clothing and touching has the same amount of sensitivity gain as just straight touching. Since its so minor, stripping twice will actually end up with less sensitivity gained from the same actions if you arent at lewd lvl 3 (as stripped parts will remain stripped)

Reaching into the bag (as the image shows) takes time, and unlocks information about the target. Each reach gives the next piece of information. The final reach gives their three sizes, so reaching after that is only necessary if you mess up the conversation and get locked out.

You will notice the target moves if you were capable of doing anything. Since each target has 2 sides, you will need to get in position before train moves to be able to target that area (or use teleport to switch sides if needed). Here is a list of zones you can target for each area. Effectiviness at raising sensitivity: fingers raises the lowest, mouth raises faster, and penis raises it the fastest.
  • Front: Mouth, Breast, Vagina, Bag
  • Back: Neck, Breast, Butt, Hand

If you get caught, you're options are "make an excuse", "beg for mercy", "offer compensation", or "escape". Since the first three can fail if you havent raised the skill, escape is the safer bet if you can avoid people jumping on you. You're goal is to make it to the stairs in the center of the platform. I believe they are usually at 2 and 4 or 3 and 5.
With all of this information, you can make decision on target, which position to face on target, what skills to use, what to focus on with what body part, etc. The next section will focus on endings
Endings Pt 1: explainations and Corrupt Endings.
This part will be incomplete as I am currently going through the game to figure out what is needed for the endings. But to summarize real quick:
  • Most of the endings requires reaching lewd lvl 3 (When a girl doesnt have a message to respond to, that means its time to raise their lewd lvl or do a part of their quest).
  • Corrupt ending (lewd) requires choosing lewd/sexual answers when responding to their messages.
  • Good ending typically requires choosing good options and a few extra steps.
  • One ending requires the corrupt route of two girls to be unlocked (Mugi Nozomi and Kazai Kodama). Do not respond to the final message of eithers chain and you will unlock the ending once both girls have reach lewd lvl 3.
  • 4 endings are "game over" endings. One from walking onto tracks; one from being caught and failing to convince; one from trying to run away but failing; and one if it reachs the 28th and an ending hasnt been achieved.
  • When you reach an ending of any kind, you are able to start a new game+ from the ending. Your pervert lvl, the girls sensitivity, followers, and money carries over. You will need to reassign your skills after the first ride and reobtain their information/messaging info. There is also a max lvl of 100, so you dont need exp skills once maxed.
So as to keep it concise, I will only write a few words of the message and then the option to select.

Mugi Nozomi Corrupt:
  • Today, I have been feeling melancholic...: Isn't it because you are on your period? Haha
  • Today, I have encountered another pervert...: Because you are so charming, baby.
  • The pervert is so disgusting...: Popular amatuer girl. Are you setting up for a sex self shooting?
  • Whethere its pervert, dad from PTA, or daddy...: Its more terrifying to attach oneself to the opposite sex...
  • We're going on an off-campus training this weekend...: Is training referring to the adult industry?
  • Perhaps resistance is futile.: Why cant someone who cant save anyone...
  • Daddy of Little Taku...: Are you talking about the "Hole Daddy"?
  • In the end, I can only go with the flow...: Go with the flow...
  • I cant control my bodys reaction...: Response, get wet and enjoy it.
  • Deep Down inside, I yearn for someone to ♥♥♥♥ me....: Then get naked and ready.
  • In that moment, i could even forget about work....: (doesn't matter what option you choose)

Kazai Kodama Corrupt:
May be tied to how many times service as been provided. Failed with 3 service and 17 penetration while succedded with same answers at 8.
  • Start exterminating perverts...: Show your boobs, prove that you're truly nervous...
  • A pervert is coming right away ~: Is this another fake content you've prepared?
  • I was violated in real life, but my views....: It needs to be more explicit.....
  • Ugh, ugh, ugh, endure for the sake of live streaming.: I want to check whats in JKs bag...
  • The perverts just keep coming one after another.: Do you choose to escape once the situation is unfavorable to you?
  • Punished a pervert! But his accomplice....: The pervert who escaped will come back.....
  • Ugh~ Can we hurry up and finish already?...: My little bro says he wants to release....
  • Well, just let anyone touch me casually....: You dont even know when to pull out!....
  • I tried to edit in a way that wouldnt get banned....: Live stream of yourself being played by perverts. This has gone....
  • I dont care about anything anymore: Why not get pregnant since your body is so filthy?
  • The number of plays and the sex are.... : Sexual selfie idol is so avant-garde, amazing.
  • Thank you all for watching Little Kodamas erotic video....: The little ♥♥♥♥♥ loves creampie the most...

Shukugawa Hikari Corrupt Ending
  • I didnt volunteer for this morning training....: If there was no more perverts,...
  • Perverts are just hilarious, why dont....: You little devil who can casually....
  • Ah ~ the sports special admission....: The best way to relieve stress is orgasm.
  • Ew! If there's a next time, I'll kill you.: The stinky sweat of JK is....
  • Seriously considering switching to another train,...: You should start by changing your appearance....
  • Anyway, I tried to instigate the school thug. Told him....: Since we're going for r*** fantasies.....
  • Ah~ Disgusting Disgusting disgusting!...: The juice of the tight little ♥♥♥♥♥.
  • My emotions have become so weird.....: Once you stop using your brain,....
  • Mitsuri Sugawa; That consultant fat pig....: Can't even tell the difference between.....
  • I don't want to think about anything anymore....: You really are a masochist for....
  • Come on, anyone will do...: You called for me?
  • I want to be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ until i am a mess and.....:

Hakui Mizuho Corrupt Ending
  • It's SUCH amazing that i.... : Its great to be able to go to work in a sexy uniform
  • They have been constantly....: Since healthcare professionals have...
  • I encountered a pervert on my....: Because a nurse lady.....
  • Why do I always attract perverts......: If a cute lamb sneaks into.....
  • Im starting to hate myself....: You just want to pass by.....:
  • If the principal can host.....: Since the principal is hosting a wild....
  • Even if I ask for help.....: Oh, poor thing. Let me pat....
  • I also have a personality, ....: Wanna join the fun
  • I'm on the verge of tears....: Miss Nurses perverted little....
  • Everyone loves nurses, hehe. : My ♥♥♥♥ also wants....
  • I want to be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ until.....: (any choice)

Isurugi Aoba Corrupt Ending

Aoi Fuyuno Corrupt Ending
Since no phone, it tracks sensitivity of a part to 41 and resets back to 30. Vagina.

Osakabe Doki Corrupt Ending
These responses are the ones i gave. There is a chance it is tied to how many times she has given "service" and/or "inserted". The counters for mine was 16 service and 9 inserts.
  • The perverts should be punished with severity: I want to flip you over and insert....
  • Weak females enemies cannot...: You're also a weak woman, my dear.
  • I must strive to protect women, ...: When feeling on the verge of madness, touching yourself...
  • Perhaps resistance is futile....: Change your way of survival...
  • I actually know....I am.....: People are not so concerned about.....
  • Mister Xiang: I've been....: Please cherish yourself well, my dear.
  • Today, i have received so...: You've done well on todays milking of....
  • I'm... a seductive ....: Your divine duty is to be the ultimate perverts idol!
  • This is my duty...: Does this mean you are willingly offering yourself....

Yashima Asaka Corrupt Ending
Since no phone, tracks Sensitivity to 41 and resets after ending. Vagina and Butt.

Isanuki Hasumi Corrupt Ending
May be another another tied to times in a certain area; successful one was 16 insertions (and a service to unlock).
  • Today, we're on the train again.: Oh, are you waiting for a pervert?
  • Feeling the gaze of the....: There's a man watching you.
  • I'm here for the passengers,.....: Sure, come suck my ♥♥♥♥.
  • I can still feel the places...: Is it the boobs? Or the ♥♥♥♥♥?...
  • I cant believe i've been...: Are you showing off how popular you are?
  • I hope the train runs....: Because you dont want anyone to disturb you.....
  • The long awaited reunion ....: Let me rub your ♥♥♥♥♥, and make up....
  • It's so disgusting when we....: Why not let your body take over.....
  • I hate you. I hope you stop....: Gentle? Rough?.....
  • Anything is fine as long as ...: I will ♥♥♥♥ deeply.
  • I've been enduring it...: ♥♥♥♥ Express, ready for departure.

Fugetsu Yurika Corrupt Ending
Since no phone, tracks Sensitivity to 41 and resets after ending. Butt and another part (most likely Vagina).
Endings Pt 2: Good Endings.
Mugi Nozomi Good Ending
This ending responding to the message "even though the children cry, i put on a smile." and waiting until the school phase. A dialouge of the mc looking into the father will trigger and he will mention car 6 and two station exits (not sure of the actual names as i rode car 6 home and never saw the scene). Ride car 6 the following morning, and at bokawa station you will obtain the fathers hair. That night, you will recieve the DNA certificate. Place the DNA certificate into Mugis bag with fingerplay (will trigger a cutscene). After enough H scenes, you will trigger her ending.
  • Today I have been feeling melancholic....: Is it because of a pervert?
  • We're going on an off-campus training this weekend...: Is the work environment in the....
  • Daddy of Little Taku in Peach....: I wish there were more men involved.....
  • The nusery Director praised my puppet....: Keep going and who knows,....
  • I discovered a bruise on Takus belly.: Immediatly talk to your director and CPA.
  • I got admonished by the Director....: The atmosphere in this meeting room.....
  • Little Taku daddy suspects his mother of....: Suspecion can arouse anxiety, anxiety can fuel...
  • Even though the children cry, I put on a smile....: The feeble child is enduring,....
  • I'm on the commuter train and a DNA.....: As long as we eliminate suspicion, ...

Kazai Kodama Good Ending:

Shukugawa Hikari Good Ending
After the message "The school thug attacked my senpai.', a cut scene will occur during the morning ride talking to her school principal. After responding to her message "Torn Achilles tendon", another cutscene will trigger talking to a doctor. Trigger an H scene with Hikari will have the doctor give her a recommendation (you can put it in the bag yourself, but somehow i didnt and still got her ending)
  • "I didnt volunteer for this morning training...": " Whether its a pervert or Covid...."
  • "Ah~ the sports special administration....": "Sports special admissions must show results...."
  • "Anyway, I tried to instigate the school thug...": "Like a thug who doesnt do any legitimate work...."
  • "Mitsuri Sugawa: That consultant....": "After all, being a teacher is....."
  • "My senpai protected me from the fat.....": "You may find out the person is....."
  • "The school thug attacked my senpai.....": "Those guys who cant understand jokes...."
  • "Torn Achilles tendon, retirement game is.....": "Shes not laughing. Its you who...."
  • "Oh, my dear senpai, Im so sorry..." : "If apologies were effective, there would be no need..."
  • "Oh my, theres a letter of introduction from...." : " Even within the field of orthopedics,..."

Hakui Mizuho Good Ending

Isurugi Aoba Good Ending

Aoi Fuyuno Good Ending
Since no phone, it tracks sensitivity of a part to 41 and resets back to 30. Hand and Breast.

Yashima Asaka Good Ending
Since no phone, it tracks sensitivity of a part to 41 and resets back to 30. Hands and Lips.

Isanuki Hasumi Good Ending
May be a very simple ending by just following good answers, but just in case, i did 7 service and 1 insertion.
  • "Today, we're on the train again.": "Every day is the same old routine."
  • "I'm here for the passengers, thats why im standing here." : "The model of labor. I cant.."
  • "I hope the train runs smoothly today, too." : " Peace is the ultimate pleasure."
  • "I saw a crepe store through the cabin window. I really..." : "The more unattainable something is, the more...."
  • "So many passengers with frowned brows..." : "People who watch it will also feel..."
  • "I hope all our guests can maintain....." : "A smiling face can ease the atmosphere for oneself...."
  • "I can feel the passengers negative emotions." : "Only you, please dont forget to stay positive."
  • "Another derailment.... I feel so powerless..." : "You shouldnt blame everything on yourself."
  • "Why does that person keep coming to me...?" : "Can we have a good conversation next time?"

Fugetsu Yurika Good Ending
Since no phone, tracks Sensitivity to 41 and resets after ending.
raditzaceme2  [author] Oct 8, 2024 @ 9:04pm 
I tried getting her good ending three different times, and it never triggered; so i can not tell what triggers it. I tried focusing on insertions, tried focusing on oral, and third was trying a mix of both to fill her gallery. All ended up going until the 28th. Failing that many times burned me out, so I will add the other endings once i make the other girls more sensitive. I just recently added Fugetsu because i was grinding her sensitivity and accidentally went past 41 triggering her bad ending.
Ryouko Oct 7, 2024 @ 11:19pm 
Is there no Osakabe good ending? Is this still being update for the ending guides?
raditzaceme2  [author] Oct 5, 2024 @ 10:21pm 
From a real quick test, it seems attached to the lewd lvl of the girl. Using Doki, i had a save file that had her at lewd lvl 3, and one where i had done nothing to her. Lewd lvl 3 kept her cloths stripped while the lewd lvl 1 replaced her cloths. I would test with a lewd lvl 2 to see if they put the top back if you remove to just the bra (as that is typically the outfit they use for lewd lvl 2).
pheonix1405 Oct 5, 2024 @ 9:24pm 
managed to do a quick test. can confirm the sensitivity of the part is irrelevent, so it's something with the sexualizing them
pheonix1405 Oct 5, 2024 @ 9:03pm 
I have made a discovery: there is a condition to cause a female to not want to undo the stripping action. I'm unsure if it's causing a part to be "hyper" or if it's something along the corruption line at this point
raditzaceme2  [author] Sep 12, 2024 @ 9:13am 
They were there from the beginning. I did download the patch from the website and maybe they were added then.
nhokangle117 Sep 11, 2024 @ 10:56pm 
How do you unlock missJK (Kazai Kodama) , Justice Minded Highschool (Osakaba Doki)
and Spicy Girl JK (Shukugawa Hikari).I try to find them but found nothing
raditzaceme2  [author] Aug 27, 2024 @ 6:43am 
I briefly mentioned needing to reobtain the girls information in section 2, but added all the information that is carried into the endings section for ease of finding. Thought i had put it in there originally.
pheonix1405 Aug 25, 2024 @ 9:11pm 
Might be worth mentioning that after an "ending" occurs you have the option to empower your next run through, keeping all the body part sensitivity of all girls and your levels but you will have to play the first half of the first day without any skills and re gather the girl's information
raditzaceme2  [author] Aug 25, 2024 @ 12:00pm 
I will fill the endings as i unlock them. May take a week or two. Leave comments if you want to help and you will be credited.