Fields of Mistria

Fields of Mistria

192 ratings
Breeding & Ranching Mechanics
By cheesus
How to breed animals in various colors, with a side of ranching information for you as well.

Animals in Mistria can come in various colors -- up to a total of 15 for each animal. While these colors are purely aesthetic, they add extra charm to Fields of Mistria!

Each animal has 6 "tiers" of color rarity, totaling 15 colors. Tier 2 and above animals must be bred to obtain.
  • Tier 1: Unlocked by default
  • Tier 2: General color variations of animals, mostly based on real life counterparts
  • Tier 3: Blue, Pink, Purple
  • Tier 4: Silver
  • Tier 5: Gold
  • Tier 6: Seasonal variants
Once a color is successfully bred, it will also be unlocked to purchase directly from Hayden's shop.
Starting the Breeding Process

Breeding is done by giving two animals the corresponding heart-shaped treat for each parent. Treats can be purchased from Hayden's shop for varying costs.

The parents must be:
  • The same species
  • Opposite genders (one male, one female)
  • In the same barn or coop
  • Given treats on the same day
  • And there must be at least one additional empty space in the barn/coop

The next day, the animals will receive a stork symbol next to their statuses in the Animals part of the menu. The stork phase lasts 4 days across all animals.

Note: the child's color and gender is decided once the player goes to sleep the night the treats have been fed! If you want to save scum, save before you go to bed that day.

Once the egg is hatched or child is born, they will remain a child for a while, and then become an adult. The child phase lasts:
  • Coop animals: 3 days
  • Barn animals: 5 days

Once they are an adult, they will produce product like normal and be able to also be bred.

Breeding Variants & Mechanics
Now we get into the fun part -- breeding higher tier variants.

Higher tier variants of animals can be created by breeding two animals. Both parents of the same and different colors can breed a new variant!

As a general rule of thumb, where x = the tier of the lower tier parent,

  • Parent T(x) x Parent T(x) = Child T(x+1)

This is a surefire way to obtain a higher tier color variant for most situations. The only exception to this is T6.

However, the following also works:

  • Parent T(x) x Parent T(x+1) = Child T(x+1) or T(x+2)

Through this less optimal method, it appears to be a 50%(?) chance to get a higher tier colored child.
(note: more research needs to be done to ascertain an accurate %. this is speculation)

The color of the resulting child is picked at random from the available colors within its tier, in the case of T2 or T3.

  • Children will never "decrease" in tiers. T2 x T3 parents will always produce a T3 or T4 child. Never a T1 or T2.
  • However, the above is not applicable for parents that have a tier gap >1, as T4 x T2 parents can produce both T3 and T4. This is to be investigated further.
  • Gender and "color combination" of parents do not appear to matter.
Seasonal Variants (Tier 6)
Seasonal variants of animals, with the color rarity of tier 6, are the highest tier in the game. There is only a slight chance to obtain them, if not breeding T6 x T6 already.

The usual methods won't work for seasonal colors, as they are more special. Instead, breeding a T5 x T5 will only give a chance at obtaining the seasonal. T4 x T5 is also able to produce a seasonal child, but at a much smaller rate. Likewise, T6 x T5 will also produce seasonal children at a higher, but not guaranteed, rate.

The only surefire way to obtain a seasonal child is to breed T6 x T6! This will result in 100% a T6 child.

The T6 child that is born will correspond to the season the parents receive the expecting status in (ie: feeding the parents the treat in Summer will cause a Summer child to be orn on Fall 1, but feeding the treats on Spring 28 will cause a Summer child to be born). There are 4 different possible seasonal variants and each seasonal animal variant comes with a unique default animal cosmetic as well!
Production Tiers
Production tiers are a hidden mechanic in Fields of Mistria that benefit the player and encourage them to bond with their animals. Unlike color tiers, production tiers actually do affect gameplay! By raising the hearts of an animal, it will offer the player better products and chances for more drops.

Tier 0:
  • 0 hearts required
  • 1 normal product
Tier 1:
  • 2 hearts required
  • 1 normal product
  • 20% chance for an additional normal product to drop
Tier 2:
  • 4 hearts required
  • 2 normal products
Tier 3:
  • 6 hearts required
  • 2 normal products
  • 20% chance for an additional normal product to drop
Tier 4:
  • 8 hearts required
  • 2 normal products
  • 10% chance for a golden product to drop
Tier 5:
  • 10 hearts required
  • 1 golden product
  • 10% chance for an additional golden product to drop
Profit Margins
(The below is courtesy of user PTRKRULZ )
Daily average profits per animal (as of v0.11.5):
Max hearts:
  • Chicken: 66
  • Rooster: 65.3
  • Cow: 132
  • Bull: 132
  • Duck (female): 90
  • Duck (male): 99
  • Horse: 143
  • Rabbit: 99
  • Sheep: 132
  • Alpaca: 143
  • Capybara: 132
x8 animals in a medium barn = potentially 1144/day per barn

Zero hearts:
  • Chicken: 20
  • Rooster: 20
  • Cow: 40
  • Bull: 40
  • Duck (female): 30
  • Duck (male): 30
  • Horse: 43.3
  • Rabbit: 30
  • Sheep: 40
  • Alpaca: 43.3
  • Capybara: 40
x8 animals in a medium barn = potentially 346.6/day per barn

Hard Data

Production Cycles for animal products are as follows:
  • Chicken: 1 (every) day
  • Rooster: 3 days
  • Cow: 1 (every) day
  • Bull: 3 days
  • Duck (Egg): 1 day
  • Duck (Feather): 3 days
  • Horse: 3 days
  • Rabbit: 3 days
  • Sheep: 3 days
  • Capybara: 3 days
  • Alpaca: 3 days

Prices for shipping animal products are as follows:
  • Chicken Egg: 20t
  • Rooster Feather: 60t
  • Golden Chicken Egg: 60t
  • Golden Rooster Feather: 180t
  • Cow Milk: 40t
  • Bull Horn: 120t
  • Golden Cow Milk: 120t
  • Golden Bull Horn: 360t
  • Duck Egg: 30t
  • Golden Duck Egg: 90t
  • Duck Feather: 90t
  • Golden Duck Feather: 270t
  • Horse Hair: 130t
  • Golden Horse Hair: 390t
  • Rabbit Wool: 90t
  • Golden Rabbit Wool: 270t
  • Sheep Wool: 120t
  • Golden Sheep Wool: 360t
  • Alpaca Wool: 130t
  • Golden Alpaca Wool: 390t
  • Capybara Bristle: 120t
  • Golden Capybara Bristle: 360t
Notes & Speculation
This section will be removed once things are confirmed or disproved, and this guide is 100% accurate.

Breeding data is sourced from my own experience and from others; it is publicly viewable here[]!

Additional thanks to Shugar, Galaxytea, and alpacca of the Unofficial Fields of Mistria Wiki discord for contributing so much data!

Stats like production tiers, color tiers, production cycles, days til adulthood, etc were datamined from the files by myself as well.

Current theories/questions:
  • Breeding T4 + T2 resulted in a T3 child.
  • Upon the second try of breeding a T4 + T2, the result was a T4 child. More investigation is needed on the %s of this, but is on the backburner.
  • Possibility that parents' hearts may affect breeding odds?
  • Math on approximate %s..
cheesus  [author] 5 hours ago 
Thanks @KestrelKnight! My test results were not on the exact end days of the seasons so that's where I went wrong.
KestrelKnight Dec 7 @ 8:22am 
It's not *feeding* the T6 in the season - it's the first day that it shows up as expecting offspring. I fed some Gold Rabbits on Spring 28 (so they showed as expecting on Summer 1) and I got an orange (Summer) rabbit.
cheesus  [author] Dec 3 @ 7:16am 
Good point Miss Moki, thanks for pointing that out! I've updated that section with your suggestion :sog_heart:
Misa Moki Dec 2 @ 10:12am 
Once the egg is hatched or child is born, they will remain a child for a while, and then become an adult. The child phase lasts:
Chicken: 3 days
Cow: 5 days
Duck: 3 days
Horse: 5 days
Rabbit: 3 days
Sheep: 5 days
Capybara: 3 days

Noted two things reading this section. 1) Alpaca's were not listed here, but are throughout the rest of the post. 2) I'm pretty sure that it could be simplified to:
Coop animals: 3 days
Barn animals: 5 days
GreenePanda21 Sep 23 @ 5:07pm 
cheesus  [author] Sep 9 @ 10:19pm 

Re: Kalech -- honestly I didn't realize I hadn't included that somewhere. I've also been working on the wiki (wiki . gg one and not fandom) where I wrote a similar overview of breeding and included it on /that/ one so I might've mixed it up.

Steam is not giving me notifications for comments on this, for whatever reason, so sorry if I'm slow to update with info.. :v
Kalech Sep 6 @ 6:41am 
Lucyfer's note about the first sleep after giving treats is what decides the colour is useful info to add, I think. I came here because I was wondering if it was possible to cheese it by reloading saves, and knowing that you kinda can but it needs to be the night after giving treats is good to know.
PTRKRULZ Sep 4 @ 12:21pm 
Daily average profits per animal for the min-maxers (v. 0.11.5):

Max hearts:
Chicken: 66
Rooster: 65.3
Cow: 132
Bull: 132
Duck (female): 90
Duck (male): 99
Horse: 143
Rabbit: 99
Sheep: 132
Alpaca: 143
Capybara: 132

x8 animals in a medium barn = potentially 1144/day per barn

Zero hearts:
Chicken: 20t
Rooster: 20
Cow: 40
Bull: 40
Duck (female): 30
Duck (male): 30
Horse: 43.3
Rabbit: 30
Sheep: 40
Alpaca: 43.3
Capybara: 40

x8 animals in a medium barn = potentially 346.6/day per barn

This is before processing items, which is definitely worth considering if someone's trying to get super loaded/looking for an exploit before it gets patched.
cheesus  [author] Aug 19 @ 7:03am 
@Yolie: Yep, T6xT6 will 100% result in a T6 child. So far the data seems like hearts don't matter in any case of breeding, like you said.