Gal*Gun: Double Peace

Gal*Gun: Double Peace

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How to play Gal*Gun Double Peace with a Sinden Lightgun
By Mindes Endian
Ever wanted to play this rail shooter with a lightgun? You can!
First, here's the short version of this guide. Now, the long version:

If you're one of the four or five people on this planet that has ever wondered how it would feel to play Gal*Gun Double Peace with an actual lightgun, and you happen to own a Sinden Lightgun and the PC version of GGDP, you're in luck! Let's get started.
Step 1: Bind your controls
This might seem a little obvious, but it's very important, so make sure that you have all your key bindings in place.

First, go to the Sinden Lightgun software and bind your keys in the Button Assignment tab if you haven't already. Here's what I use, personally, if you need a reference:

Next, go to the game and make sure you match every action you're gonna need to your preferred buttons. Don't forget the smaller stuff like Change Camera in Doki-Doki mode, although you should be playing with a keyboard/controller plugged in just in case. Here's what I use, again, just for reference. You can bind them however you want.

(I just think it's fun to bind Doki-Doki mode to Pump Action.)
Step 2: Get the mouse to behave
Now, for the part you're actually here for. If you've tried this before and your mouse cursor went absolutely crazy, flying all over the screen and making the game effectively unplayable, that's what we're here to fix.

For some reason, when using the lightgun as a mouse, this game moves the cursor at blinding speeds, so we have to drastically lower the mouse speed somehow. This may vary depending on your PC, your Windows settings and your monitor, but know that I have no way of verifying this. I have found a video of someone else playing this game with the Sinden and they didn't seem to have done anything special to get it to work.

After trying to modify several settings and changing stuff in the game's .ini files, this is what worked for me, and hopefully it'll work for you as well:

Go to the game's local files and find \steamapps\common\GalGun Double Peace\GG2 Game\Config\DefaultInput.ini

This is the file we want to edit, so open it with Notepad or whatever text editing software you use and find these two lines towards the end:

.Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Axis aMouseMoveValueX") .Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Axis aMouseMoveValueY")

Replace them with:

.Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Axis aMouseMoveValueX Speed=0.05") .Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Axis aMouseMoveValueY Speed=0.05")

And don't forget to save the changes.

Now, 0.05 is the number I picked for myself but I also tested 0.1, 0.07 and such. The point is to slow down the mouse by A LOT and you should test different values for yourself and find your preferred sensitivity.

Next, open the game and test things out on this screen with your mouse first:

If the cursor moves extremely slow, congrats, you did it right. If there's no cursor at all, you wrote something wrong in the file and (I presume, I'm not a programmer) caused a syntax error, so check it again.

Finally, wake up your lightgun if it's asleep and test it. If you don't like how fast it moves, play around with the Speed value and adjust it to your liking.
But, can you really play the game like this?
Well... yes and no. I haven't made a full game run like this but I think I have tested most gameplay scenarios and it's a mixed bag.

In short, I don't think this is how you should play the game for the first time. In fact, I don't think you should play Story mode like this at all. But let me elaborate.

Normal stages are playable and fun. However, because of how jerky the cursor is even when you're trying to keep it still (at least for me, things may vary depending on your playing environment) zoom mode is chaotic and almost unusable. Zoom mode is an important mechanic when playing casually and looking for secrets, so this is a major setback, but technically, you can play the game.

Bosses are a challenge, but they can also be very fun.

Events are unplayable. Perhaps by tweaking the Speed value you can make things better, but I tested Shinobu's first event and I couldn't move the camera around all the way to shoot all the objectives. If you're gonna play Story mode, I recommend that you switch to a controller for these sections. Simply changing to keyboard and mouse won't do since the Speed value that the Sinden requires makes the mouse move extremely slow, so that's not an option.

Final Doki-Doki mode isn't exactly a great fit for the lightgun and it's a bit cumbersome, but it is perfectly playable.

Another thing to consider is that I haven't found a way to fit the game's window inside the Sinden's border, and you're probably gonna want to use the Sinden's border, believe me. So the border will cover a bit of your field of view, sadly. To be honest, I haven't managed to fit any game inside the border, but I think it's extra impossible with this game because of how the window works. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to be wrong about this.
So at the end of the day, is this all worth it?
Yes, absolutely. I don't think this is how you should play Story mode, but if you have the means, you should do this for the novelty of it at the very least. Just load up Score Attack mode and select a route, a stage or a boss and have fun!