Is this Game Trying to Kill Me? Preface

Is this Game Trying to Kill Me? Preface

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100% Achievement Guide | Is this Game Trying to Kill Me? Preface
By Syzygy
Guide at a Glance
● Estimated Perfect difficulty: Easy ● Total № of Achievements: 7 ● Offline Achievements: 7 (100%) ● Online Achievements: 0 ● Approximate amount of time to : ½–¾ hour ● Minimum № of playthroughs: 1 ● № of missable achievements: 3 ● Broken achievements: 0 ● Does difficulty affect achievements?: No ● Required DLC for 100% achievements: N/a ● Profile features status: ⓘ
First Step & Fourth Wall & Mushroomer & THE END
Go deeper into the dungeon.
Break the fourth wall.
Grow mushrooms.
Complete the game.

Subsequent to inputting the correct lever sequence in Room 1 of Castle Serpentshtain, First Step is obtained upon entry of Room 2. Fourth Wall is obtained directly following completion of the animalian sliding puzzle featured in Room 5. Mushroomer is obtained upon breaking the vase situated in the alcove below the triple eye symbol, which results in the proliferation of various fungi around the cabin. THE END, unsurprisingly, is obtained upon completion of the preface, once the treasury is accessed.
Fatal Modes
The preface features three missable achievements, all of which are respectively tied to one of three fail states/deaths.
Die from spikes.

On the eastern side of the second room of Castle Serpentshtain are four levers, which, when operated in the correct order, grant access to the next room. Pulling as a first port of call any lever other than that which has a green baseplate, located in the bottom left, will result in the player being impaled by spikes, and obtention of the achievement. The correct order in which to pull said levers is as follows:

Die by Drowning.

Upon entering the third room, the user is introduced to the RMB to look around functionality. Simply walk forwards, and pull the central lever; this occasions a randomised sigil to be displayed on the cathode-ray tube television monitor positioned in the rafters of the cabin. Fail to stand on the corresponding ingame tile within a brief duration, and the tiles will begin to give way beneath your feet, resulting in a one-way off-peak ticket directly to Davy Jones' locker, and obtention of the achievement.
Die from a bomb explosion.

Subsequent to Room 5, wherein the player encounters an animalian sliding puzzle, the player will arrive in a room featuring a statue and a boar. Take the western pathway, pull the central lever, and simply walk into one of the resultant bombs, upon the detention whereof the achievement will be obtained.
Syzygy  [author] Jul 11 @ 2:51pm 
@K1ber_Frayze My pleasure.
K1ber_Frayze Jul 11 @ 5:21am 
@Syzygy Thank you
Syzygy  [author] Jul 11 @ 4:30am 
@K1ber_Frayze You are very much welcome to do so.
K1ber_Frayze Jul 11 @ 3:30am 
Hello, can I translate your manual into Russian?