Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Australian Road Project Revisted: Road Decals
Assets: Prop
21.019 MB
5月4日 0時10分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Australian Road Project Revisted: Road Decals

Welcome to a new and updated pack to the Australian Road Decals. This pack contains a total of 38 road decals, most found across Australia, and some extra's just incase anyone wants extra to add to any Australian Themed City.

This pack contains:
All Road Arrows, suitable for every direction - (No U-Turn Arrows Yet, will be added in the future.
3 Yellow Road Arrows (Left, Straight, Right, found across bus lanes in Western Australia)
Bus Lane (Default white and a Yellow One included found in WA)
Bus Only (Found everywhere)
Only (Found around Brisbane in some areas)
Slow (Found in some areas around Brisbane near slow traffic points)
Give Way (Found in Hobart)
Light Rail Only (Found in Sydney)
Bus Light Rail Only (Found in Sydney)
Form One Lane (Found across Canberra with lane merging)
Ahead (Found in some parts of Brisbane)
Stop (Doesn't really exist, just thought to add it)
Keep Clear
School Zone with Dragon Teeth (Found in NSW)
Speed Limits from 10-110 (Found mostly in NSW)
Railroad Crossing
Bus Stop