Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

66 évaluations
Fallout 76 - Backpacks
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Model
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28 avr. à 1h32
29 avr. à 15h55
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Fallout 76 - Backpacks

Fallout 76 - Backpacks
Haven't we been here before?

Update 01:
- Boosted diffuse texture brightness
- Fixed Cornucopia transparency & culling
- Fixed Mr Fuzzy transparency & culling

Featuring a new version of my Fallout 76 backpack addon using my new bulk porting workflow! This addon contains the majority of backpacks from fallout 76 though some work is still needed to add missing skins and fix some transparency issues with some textures.
13 commentaires
Official_KP 15 mai à 11h52 
MilkyWay 12 mai à 12h48 
@Official_KP hello sister
Official_KP 12 mai à 11h53 
How complete is this?
MilkyWay 3 mai à 6h58 
How did you manage to export models from the game? is it a custom client that you used or somethin I am just curious
jangwmpt7 3 mai à 4h49 
Lucy’s backpack when?
Cakecoffee 30 avr. à 15h53 
uuuh why is cappy just staring into our souls
Vex  [créateur] 30 avr. à 14h37 
I will be yea
-MPV- Cirno_Lover 30 avr. à 5h10 
can you port more 76 stuffe?
HickoryrOadkill 29 avr. à 16h53 
Vex  [créateur] 29 avr. à 16h31 
Boosted the brightness across all the diffuse textures