Rusty's Retirement

Rusty's Retirement

146 ratings
Easter egg
By Gaara25
Some of us discovered GPS coordinates in the left corner of the map, I figured out how to spawn a new NPC!
Language request
If you need translations for wider accessibility, kindly provide your requests. Thank you for respecting the integrity of my content.
Alternatively, you may quote my guide with the link from my guide attached.
Where :
We discovered a small computer in the left corner of the map.

Clicking on it a few times will give a coordinate : 59°35'59"N 24°30'36.6"E

Needed :
So once the game is open:
Click on the computer until the coordinates appear.

Then type freely on the keyboard "patarei10a" and a new NPC will appear !

Clarification :
This new NPC is useless, he destroys one crop about to be picked after starting the game.

You can still delete it by following these instructions:

- Close your game
- Go to "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\LocalLow\MisterMorrisGames\Rusty's Retirement\"
- Choose your save and modify with a text editor
- Search with CTRL + F "missingNo"
- Change "value": " found! " to value :""

"missingNo" : { "__type" : "string", "value" : "" }

- Save the file and enjoy
Où :
Nous avons découvert un petit ordinateur dans le coin gauche de la carte.

En cliquant dessus plusieurs fois, vous obtiendrez une coordonnée : 59°35'59"N 24°30'36.6"E

Ce qui est nécessaire :
Une fois le jeu ouvert :
Cliquez sur le pc jusqu'à ce que les coordonnées apparaissent.

Tapez ensuite librement sur le clavier "patarei10a" et un nouveau PNJ apparaîtra !

Précision :
Ce nouveau PNJ ne sert à rien, il détruit une récolte sur le point d'être cueillie apres le démarrage du jeu.

Vous pouvez tout de même le supprimer en suivant ces instructions :

- Fermez votre jeu
- Allez dans "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\LocalLow\MisterMorrisGames\Rusty's Retirement\"
- Choisissez votre sauvegarde et modifiez-la avec un éditeur de texte.
- Rechercher avec CTRL + F "missingNo"
- Changez "value": " found! " en value :""

"missingNo" : { "__type" : "string", "value" : "" }

- Enregistrez le fichier et enjoy

点击数次后,你会看到一个坐标:59°35'59"N 24°30'36.6"E



在坐标显示时,使用键盘输入“ patarei10a ”,就会出现一个新的NPC!


-打开"C:\Users\<user>\AppData\LocalLow\MisterMorrisGames\Rusty's Retirement\"(你的游戏源文件夹)
-将 "value": " found! " 改为 value :""

"missingNo" : { "__type" : "string", "value" : "" }


Thanks @MandarinFish for the translation
Dónde :
Descubrimos una pequeña computadora en la esquina izquierda del mapa.

Al hacer clic en él varias veces, se obtendrá una coordenada: 59°35'59"N 24°30'36.6"E

Necesario :
Entonces, una vez que el juego esté abierto:
Haga clic en la computadora hasta que aparezcan las coordenadas.

A continuación, escribe libremente 'patarei10a' y aparecerá un nuevo NPC.

Aclaración :
Este nuevo NPC es inútil, destruye una cosecha a punto de ser recolectada después de comenzar el juego.

Todavía puedes eliminarlo siguiendo estas instrucciones:

- Cierra tu juego
- Ve a "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\LocalLow\MisterMorrisGames\Rusty's Retirement\"
- Elige tu archivo guardado y edítalo c*n un editor de texto.
- Buscar c*n CTRL + F "missingNo"
- Cambia "value": " found! " a value :""

"missingNo" : { "__type" : "string", "value" : "" }

- Guarda el archivo y enjoy

Reward, Like and Favorite ❤️

Dewby Sep 10 @ 9:38am 
I wish this gave like an achievement or something because it's kind of just pointless, thanks for making a guide about it though
Spoon Aug 27 @ 3:34am 
There are a few files in the folder "Rusty's Retirement" but none seem to have "missingNo" in them. Does anyone know of an alternate location for it?
Yoru Aug 26 @ 1:32pm 
i dont get why everybody likes getting rid of the bot
they just want a snackk are they not allowed to be hungy?
豆豆 Jun 27 @ 5:50am 
Mango May 14 @ 3:56pm 
Thank you! Great discovery and also a great solution to getting rid of it, it's appreciated!
Gaara25  [author] May 5 @ 7:12pm 
Thank you all :praisesun:
Nietbern May 5 @ 1:48am 
Amazing work! (and lovely guide icon) :PhogsGlorb:
Dalopi May 3 @ 2:57pm 
Here is some more history to the island as a whole:
According to the Wiki, the island of Naissaar has some history during the World Wars and its name could be translated as the "island of women".

Thanks for the help!
谁给我钱 May 2 @ 11:11am 
im looking for the information of this little computer for two days....thk u for posting this!!! it really helps me a lot <3:needy_cat:
feli.inarian May 2 @ 8:15am 
I wonder if this is supposed to tie to another of the dev's game...