Ether One

Ether One

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Ether One - Complete Guide
Tekijältä Bitcoin Baron
A low bandwidth guide to understanding and solving all aspects of the game. Contains hints as well as solutions to most puzzles (with gratuitous use of spoiler tags). Contains locations of all restorer plaques, knockers, answer machine messages and red safe-wheels. Contains reference guides, notes on the story, and a few pictures for good measure.

This guide turned out BIG, and doesn't seem to fully load within the steam browser (in game or from the steam app) any more, even though it used to. If the chapter list at the right hand side does not scroll down to the "13 - Copyright and Legal Disclaimer" and "Comments" sections, load the guide in Chrome or Firefox or whatever web browser you possess directly. Right click the background, and click "Copy Page URL". Then go to your browser and paste in the link.

A fun consequence of this is you won't lose your position in the guide when you alt+shift or alt/tab.
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01 - Spoiler Disclaimer
By continuing to read this guide beyond this sentence, yes, THIS sentence, you agree that you are aware that the information contained below may spoil either the puzzle-solving experience in part or full, as well as the exploration and discovery of the story. You accept the consequences and will not harangue, negatively criticise, or send any colorful language across the internet because of this guide.

The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the author of this article, and in no way should be taken to represent the views of either the publishers or developers of this game. Existence of this guide upon the steam community platforms will not, by inference, be taken as authorisation to assume that either developer and/or publisher agree or condone the opinions expressed herein.

In short, I made this guide, its my opinions, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me. Neither publisher or developer were consulted for advice, moral support, financial aid or psychological counselling regarding this guide. Oh and in case the above didn't clarify it, spoilers are below.
You have been warned!
02 - Introduction
This is one of those games. One of those games that makes you want to laugh, cry, smash your mouse into a million pieces, and go on a rampage, destroying all vegetables at the local market.

It's one of those games that, if you persevere and play long enough, you'll start to really understand that at it's heart, its a good game. Or you could give up as soon as it starts to frustrate you, and miss out, through short patience, frustration and confusion on one of the best stories you will likely see in a video game (*onions may differ).

I fell over at the first few puzzles in the game, because I made assumptions, because I cannot read into things, because subtle hints are lost on me. I got frustrated and angry, and eventually, just searched for the answers to the puzzles on the internet (regretfully, this was for more than 90% of the game).

But I can tell you this, it's a good story... at certain points, certain notes that I found and certain dialogue/notes really REALLY brought on the feels.

So, if the information already exists out there to solve these puzzles, why am I writing this guide? Well there's a few reasons:

  • A lot of the walkthroughs are YouTube videos, which are very bandwidth intensive, and my internet connection is a phone (no seriously it is). I wrote this guide for people like me.
  • Every walkthrough i found (videos and/or text based), are partial, incomplete, and or badly organised. Some miss out the "extra" level completely, or missing certain projectors, badly describing what you have to do etc.
  • A lot of people have also had difficulty getting to grips with the puzzles (based on the posts in the game's steam discussions section)
  • Not a single source (YouTube or otherwise) will give answers to all of the puzzle elements, as outlined below.

So, what will I find in this guide?
  • Ribbon locations for the four main levels (needed to complete the game)
  • All projector solutions in one easy to reach place.
  • List of all knocker, answer machine and restoration plaques, all in one file.
  • The secret of the safe in the case!
  • Hints given for puzzles, rather than just an outright, arbitrary answer.

I have to say, that sometimes, there's not much logic to the projector puzzles. Not so much how to work them out, but WHY you are supposed to undertake those tasks. It may be that the hints and notes were too subtle for me. It may just be that the game relies on that fabulous deus ex machina, "Dream Logic".

It is my hope, that this guide will help those that are somewhat less than hardcore puzzle enthusiasts to experience what is in essence a great story. I wouldn't be wasting my time writing this if I didn't like or see some value in the game, and I want you to see it too.
03 - How to play the game and use this guide effectively
There are many puzzles in this game, which, as I ranted about earlier, make no sense, and the ways to solve them seem to be without purpose or meaning, making it seem like you can only solve them with walkthroughs. Regretfully, I found this to be the case throughout most of this game.

However, looking back, there are clues here and there. You just might miss them (or their significance) entirely. I want to enable you to get the best experience of this game, and understand the puzzles, more than I did at first. So when it comes to the puzzles, instead of giving you the answers just on their own. For each puzzle I'll present you with a series of clues first, in the hope that a little more hinting will help you solve them, without having someone tell you the answer.

The layout for such sections will be as below (although maybe there will be more hints for more intricate puzzles. Move your mouse over the black text (or click on the black areas if you're on a mobile device) to reveal the answers.

- Hint 1 -
It's too dark in here.
- Hint 2 -
Inside the room is something to make the place brighter.
- Hint 3 -
Try looking next to the door.

Next to the door is a light switch, click on it to light up the room, you can proceed.


I will also assume on each new level, that you have explored around, and attempted to find ribbons, projectors and the various locations first. Try to spend at least 1-2 hours exploring each level and looking at all notes and clues, before reverting to this guide. This guide should not be used as a crutch, something you need in order to play the game... but as a map, to help you find things and guide you to where you need to be.

The main focus of the chapters following, is to help you solve the projector puzzles, and find the "knocker" statues. It is not to arduously walk you through every single movement, turn and jump in order to complete the game. The less time I spend on writing movements, directions etc, means more time given to describing solutions, hints and reasons.
04 - Restorer Institute


This opening level is really just to set the scene, introduce your companion on the radio, and isnt too difficult. Just walk down to the front desk to start off with. Be sure to understand the tip on the blue sculpture, telling you that you can hold down the mouse button to "examine" (see the name of) in game objects. YOU WILL NEED THIS SOON

There is a small white filing cabinet, use your mouse to open it, and then pick up the key card from inside, this will set Phyllis off, if she isn't already greeting you.

You then have to head behind the stairs to progress.


There are a few "side" areas you can go to in this first level, that aren't part of the plot. Check out all of the doors, and if they have a RED button, they are locked. If its YELLOW/FLASHING you can open it. At least one of these doors will be closed quickly by Phyllis to stop you seeing inside. Explore around, then when ready, go through the door to CHAMBERS 1-3

Eventually you'll get to Test Chamber 3...


Phyllis will ask you to help her get the machine going. The door on the left (of the above screenshot) will open and there will be a red button inside. When you press it you get some sparks because the machine is knackered and you need to change the fuse. This is the first puzzle.

PUZZLE : Getting Test Chamber 3 working.
- HINT 1 -
There are some fuses over the other side of the room, but which is the correct one?

- HINT 2 -
Is there a NOTE somewhere in this room that will tell you which is correct fuse type?

- HINT 3 -
Remember what i told you earlier you would need to remember how to do?

- HINT 3 -
Did you know "Right Click" will (by default) zoom in your view a bit? This may help you to read the note IN THE BOX under the blown fuse.


The note below the broken fuse tells you that the machine ONLY accepts 300amp fuses. There's such a fuse over the other side of the chamber, click on it to pick it up (you don't need that key card any more), then go back over, put it in the blown fuses place, and press the red button again.

When you have done this puzzle, you'll hear a bit of sound like music. This is the sound you'll get when you complete the projector puzzles, later in the game.

After a bit of dialogue, the lights should come on in the chair in the middle. Click on it, to sit on it. You don't need to do anything now until the next level.
05 - "The Case" (What is it good for?)

THE CASE (What is it good for?)

After some story, the game will load into the first level, and you'll start in the case. Every main level in the game will enable you to teleport to and from your case with the T button. In fact the game will very quickly remind you (unless you turned hints off in the game menu) to press T. It will insist incessently that you press T, so you may wish to press T first, then press again to come back to the case and we can explore the case.

The large black screen is in fact a MAP. However, nowhere has been explored, so no where is filled in yet. You can click on the chair to sit in it, if you really want to, although nothing will happen, and you can just click again to stand up.

Around the edges of this room are shelves, on these, you can "store" items from the game. You can pick up a great number of objects, and as you have probably already found out, you can only hold one at a time. You can get around this by using the shelves, you can click on an empty space and any item you are holding will be put down there. You can now go and pick up a new object without losing the one you previously had.

Theres also the stone doors and display cases next to them on this level, but we'll leave those to last for now. Behind the red chair is some stairs which will take you downstairs. Walk down them and take a right.

Welcome to the chill out room, there's a statue (of the virgin Mary?) on the desk and a guitar. To the best of my knowledge this room has no purpose, but perhaps there are other virgin Mary statues in the game you can collect here.


This room has some white walls. As you play the game, you may find certain notes with useful information on them. If the game developers have so decreed it, after picking up and examining the notes, they will appear here. This is good if you have a puzzle in one area and a poster used for solving it in another. You have no control over what goes on this wall.


The two main things to do in this game, basically, are collect ribbons, and solve puzzles. Solving a puzzle restores a broken projector. You'll learn to spot them quickly. Where you see a projector, theres a puzzle to complete.

When the puzzle is complete you can watch a reel on the projector, which will play back a recording one of Phyllis's observations whilst working with Jean, her patient with dementia.

After the recording has been played, it is added to one of those folders, you can then play it back at any time you wish.

There doesnt appear to be any point to this safe with red dials, at first! If you read this guide fully though, you'll probably gain all the information you need to find the red wheels, find the code, and open it. Although i'd better warn you, there's nothing mind shaking inside of it.

The last room is what looks like a "dark room" for developing old-style photographs. It appears that this room is just here for the lolz, and there is nothing you can do in here. However, later in the game, pictures you take in certain areas will appear here.

Head back upstairs for an explanation of the stone doors before we leave the case and start the adventure!

As I said earlier. The game is about solving projector puzzles, and collecting ribbons. When you collect ribbons, they will be added to one of the collection/display boxes, by the doors. Thus when you have 8 in a display box, you've got them all (Phyllis will also let you know). You will then be able to walk through those doors into one of Jean's "Core Memories".

I may add a list of core memories (and what to do in them) as an appendix to this guide in the future.

Right, that's The Case explored, press T to Teleport to Devlin Mine.
06 - Devlin Mine
==Devlin Mine==

Welcome to Devlin Mine, this level is not too hard overall Just explore around everywhere, and pick up and examine anything you like. Remember, if you want to pick something up, but are already holding something of interest that you don't want to lose, you can press T to go to The Case and stick the item on a shelf, and therefore empty your hands. You can teleport to and from The Case as often as you wish.

As you will get tired of me saying in this guide. When you come to a new level, go around it and explore it first. This helps you learn the layout of the area and also helps you discover lots of wonderful notes and memories written throughout the game.

If you see a piece of paper that appears to have writing on it, which is too small to read, you can left-click to inspect it (and if it's readable some text will appear on your screen). If it's not interactable with, you may still be able to see it by using the right-mouse "zoom" key.

When you have explored the level thoroughly you'll find a combination-locked door. There is a nearby note about the combination, but it doesn't give it, it just says "Miners eat from metal plates". What kind of clue is that?

-Hint 1-
Have you had a look around the area for any metal plates?
-Hint 2-
Remember "plate" has more than one meaning.
-Hint 3-
Maybe its a dinner plate?

As hinted above in the house nearest the sea of this area, you'll find a plate, a bronze dinner plate. If you pick this up and turn it over, you'll see a year on the back. You can use this on the door to open it.

NOTE - For most puzzles, especially ones with very exact answers, I will direct you where to go, but without giving you the actual answers (throughout the main part of this guide). If you have no patience, and just want the answers directly. You can check them by visiting APPENDIX B - "Puzzle Cheat Sheet" at the bottom of this guide.

After getting through the door, you'll be in a partially flooded mine shaft. You'll need to clear the water out to progress, but what are the right settings for the pump machine anyway? And how do you activate it?

-Hint 1-
Seen any good posters recently?
-Hint 2-
Theres probably an on switch somewhere nearby.

The settings for the pump are located on a poster in the flooded area. The on-switch is on a stone wall near the machine.It wont go on until you have set the wheel-handles correctly.

Ok, so that will open up the lift shaft to get down into Devlin Mine. You'll find that on the left of this area, so take it down to the main mine level. Explore around this area and you'll find a projector.

== Devlin Mine projector ==
Keep exploring the area and looking at notes. You may get a sence of what is required. You have to find an "Air Compression Manual" and bring it back and put it on the desk by the note. However its nowhere around, perhaps it's beyond the doors, further in the mine, but how would you open those doors, is there a note stating why they are even closed in the first place?

NOTE - Many times in the game, when a character's note talks about doing something (whether needs to do it or has already done it), you may need to imitate the action. Logical, i know!

Clearly there is no manual in this area of the mine, you need to go deeper in. But how do you get those doors open? Does a note explain it?

-Hint 1-
There is a note that should help near the projector.
-Hint 2-
You'll need a sharp tool/cutting edge.
-Hint 2-
If you don't have one, make one.
A note near the projector states that the rubber tubes need to be punctured. But you wont find a knife or any sharp objects here. However, theres a glass bottle nearby and a crushing machine across the mine. you can crush the glass to get a shard, which you can use to cut the tubes/pipes on the machine near the door (and the next door)

Following on from part 1, part 2 is simple, use the sharp instrument to cut pipes which unlocks doors to allow you further into the mine. And keept an eye open for what you are looking for!

Eventually you'll find the "Air Compression Manual" on a table. Pick It Up

This step is easy, you just have to do with the book what the note near the projector said to do with it!

Put the book down on the table, next to the note that mentions it.

NOTE - even projectors that are restored are not counted as "completed" until you've played them, after restoring them.

Playing the projector (just click on it) will open the door to another area of the mine, containing a glowing blue rock. You'll have to follow Phyllis's instructions here. Eventually you'll end up getting into a bit of a pickle and will come round back in The Case.
From here on, the levels open up a lot more. As I previously said, I cant really handhold your way through these, as you'd be relying on my instructions not to get lost, and it'd be far too much writing and screenshots for me. If there is a difficult to find location, I will provide extra instructions however.

The purpose of the game is to find all 8 of the ribbons in one area, and then move to the next area. On top of this, there are also projector puzzles to solve, as well as fragments of a story called “The Knocker” to hear as well, later in the game there are also “restoration plaques” you can use to rewind time. This guide will help you find all of these things.

You really REALLY should, spend an hour or two first, going round each new level, exploring, getting familiar with the locations and the layout of the place, instead of just opening and walking through the game with this guide. On my first play-through, it was generally close to two hours per level as I went and looked at everything. You may even solve some puzzles on your own!

In the passage below, I've put hints and solutions for projector puzzles, WITHOUT giving away the answers to combinations, pass words, and puzzles where possible. If you want the answers only, just turn to the chapter APPENDIX B (“Projector Cheat Sheet”) of this guide, which contains projector solutions without any hints or extra details about the quest.
--- Ribbons and A. Bell Projector
== Pinwheel Harbor ribbons ==

In Pinwheel Harbor, the level is not too confusing and it's all open to you from the start, here are photos of all the Ribbons in their locations on this level:

Hopefully throughout your exploration you will have found all of the projector locations as well:


Below are the projector solutions, complete with hints. Please read the hints carefully and think about them, before proceeding to the next hint, as they get more obvious!

== A Bell's Workshop projector ==

In the first room of the workshop, is the projector. To restore the first part of it, you'll have to find something in this room. It's big, framed and rather obvious!

- Hint 1-
Have you checked out the saying on the wall about opportunities?
- Hint 2-
Were you born in a barn?
- Hint 3-
Notice the first part of that saying mentions DOORS?

Like the sign on the wall says, close the front door, to open the inner door.

So once you've opened up more of the workshop, you find a small table on which is a note and a “Knocker” hammer, and three bells on the wall. A little experimentation with these three objects could restore the projector.

- Hint 1-
Does the note explain why A.Bell liked Bells enough to put some in his house?
- Hint 2-
Think those bells are just decoration, or maybe interact with them?
- Hint 3-
Maybe there's a specific TOOL you're supposed to use?

Strike any one of the bells (when you are holding the “Knocker” Hammer) to restore part of the projector

(Note – it appears the above does not “physically” restore a projector part – you don't get the sound and the projector doesn't change, however, given that you hear some dialogue, and this is between steps 1 and 3, I've included it above.)

So you may already have guessed, but there's three bells, and striking one got you a result. Three bells means there is likely a combination here, and you need to figure out what it is.

- Hint 1-
If you have a very good ear for music, and have heard a certain song playing in the background music, you may be able to solve this right now
- Hint 2-
Remember that note on A Bell's table (upstairs), maybe there's a clue there
- Hint 3-
The answer is bobbing in the water, why not sit and watch them, is there a pattern?

The note mentions the Bells in the harbour. Go out of the workshop and along the beach to find these mesmerizing bells. Sit for a while and watch them, there is a pattern (or should be). You need to repeat that pattern on the bells in Bell's workshop. YOU NEED TO VISIT THE BEACH IN ORDER FOR THE SOLUTION TO WORK. I can't be sure there isn't more than one pattern, but the pattern of bells which worked for me was LEFT, MIDDLE, LEFT, RIGHT.
--- Crow's Nest and Blacksmith projectors
== The Crow's Nest Pub projector ==

OK, now the next projector is in the pub (the best place to be). If you go to the upstairs level, you can see the projector, and on the wall nearby, a poster for a certain “Pinwheel Brew”, if you try to interact with this, you realise you can type a name underneath it. Essentially, what you have to do (and I wish the game had made this more obvious!) is match the picture to the picture on a beer bottle, and name that beer.

- Hint 1-
There are not many beer bottles with names on.
- Hint 2-
The beer is NOT in the pub, its much further away.
- Hint 3-
Have you checked the houses up on the hill?

The beer is located inside one of the houses up the hill, which looks like the picture below, the beer is on the table. Enter it's name onto the poster on the wall in the pub (it doesn't matter whether you use “.” or not.

PART 2 - 1
OK, now the picture moves aside and reveals a safe combination. Not only that, but one of the four safe number-wheels is missing, so we need a number-wheel, AND a code! Lets start with the wheel, although, if you previously explored everywhere (or did A Bell's projector puzzle before this one), maybe you've already found it?

- Hint 1-
Its not in The Crow's Nest pub.
- Hint 2-
It's in A Bell's Workshop
- Hint 3-
Is there a secret compartment somewhere? In a wall, floor, or desk?

In A Bell's Workshop, upstairs there is a desk with a secret compartment in it, the missing combination wheel can be found there. Put it on the safe in the crows nest pub.

PART 2 - 2
OK, so now you have the code, you can just enter the code already. Oh wait, don't you have it? Where could it possibly be?

- Hint 1-
It IS in The Crow's Nest pub.
- Hint 2-
There's a note somewhere on the ground level, you need to read

On the lower level of the pub (not the basement), behind the bar, there is a note which tells you the combination. Enter it on the safe by clicking your mouse on the various wheels.

OK, good stuff, the safe contains a key, but where to? If you start with the nearby doors, you will not be looking very long. Once you have unlocked the door, you get access to some living quarters, the last piece of the puzzle is in this room somewhere, but what do you do with it? If you've already explored the level fully (and found all the ribbons), you probably know what to do!

- Hint 1-
Could that boat be part of the solution? Have you seen boats of this size elsewhere?
- Hint 2-
If you have collected all the ribbons, you will have seen model boats nearby.
- Hint 3-
Maybe you need to start a boat race?

Take the boat from the display case in The Crows Nest pub, go down to the harbour, and go left along the seafront, beyond A Bell's workshop is a path. Some way down it is some boats in “starting blocks”, with the boat in your hands, click on the empty space to start a boat race.

== The Blacksmith projector ==
The projector in the blacksmiths is in the locked basement below, however you can see it through the damaged floor boards. On the left is a machine of some sort, although flipping the switch on the left of it gives no response. Maybe you need to power it up?

- Hint 1-
Does the machine have any sort of cable or tube that might reveal a power source?
- Hint 2-
Does that power source look like its got all its parts?
- Hint 3-
Maybe its missing a handle?

Take the handle from the shelf next to the machine, then turn 180 degrees and walk away through the door opposite it. There will be a furnace below but no fire. This is where the pipe leads from the machine. Stick the handle on the little golden “button” below the pressure gauge and turn it, to get the fire going and the power on.

If you flip the switch on the machine, it will just spin right round baby right round, and nothing else will happen. Clearly you have to attach something else to it, a part, a piece of rope, something?

- Hint 1-
Somewhere very nearby is the thing you are looking for.
- Hint 2-
Maybe the mechanism can be used to drop something through the broken floor?
- Hint 3-
Where does the rope from the anchor lead?

Above the winding machine, is a rope on a pulley system (which connects to the anchor), there's a little lever you can wind the rope down on, so it touches the machine and will get caught in it. This will break the rope, and drop the anchor through the floor.

You can jump down into this area, and there’s another switch on the wall, there’s also a door that leads through into the pub basement (you must click on the white KEY in the door to unlock it). You'll notice that the switch doesn't work and the wires are busted, at the corner, maybe you should attempt to fix them/ After all, you did just ruin someone's floor... karma and all that!

- Hint 1-
You're going to need some wires/cables to bridge the gap, have you found any?
- Hint 2-
Have you fully explored The Blacksmith's house?

If you go upstairs in The Blacksmith's house, beyond the bed, there’s a little room above the furnace room, with some wires in it. Pick these up and place them in the corner of the basement with the missing wires.
--- Morris Dancer's projector and Core Memories.
== Morris Dancer's House projector ==

This is my least favorite puzzle, and one that I was stuck and confused about for the longest time. The problem is that the game wants you to give it information which is actually (in real life) incorrect, as they got the names of two pieces of Morris dancers equipment, mixed up. However, the game is still possible! You remember that REALLY USEFUL TIP I gave you before, back in the institute? About inspecting items to see their name? You're going to need that here.

Have a search around the Morris dancer's house. They are gearing up for the mayday celebrations, however, they do not yet have all the equipment they need, and are going to order some. As you walk into the house you will see an unfinished order form on the left, on a table.

- Hint 1-
You can't send a letter if it doesn't have one of these on the envelope...
- Hint 2-
You need to order whatever is missing for their costumes.
- Hint 3-
Have you checked the bedrooms upstairs for notes/clues as to what is missing?

In a draw in the kitchen, you will find a stamp book. You can take the last stamp and attach it to the envelope. Upstairs you will find a bedroom looking like the one on the left. The note states what is needed, the boxes on the table show what they have. So therefore only one set of bells is missing. However, the game DOESN'T want “Bells” written on the envelope. Inspect the item to learn its “game” name, and enter that on the envelope. Don't forget to add “1” to the quantity column, you don't want to end up with over 9000!

The rest of the puzzle is pretty easy, for the next step you have to get the envelope posted.

Pick up the letter, and walk outside and straight ahead to see a post office, post the letter in the blue box.

The parcel arrived already! But where could it be?

- Hint 1-
Somewhere very nearby is the thing you are looking for.
- Hint 2-
If you're no good at dancing, why not just put it with the rest of the stuff?

As soon as you post the letter, the box appears in the post office on the counter. Open it to get the bells, and then just return to the house and put the bells down in the missing box.

Core memories in this game are where core incidents from the patient's life can be revisited, for science! We'll actually I'm not too sure why, but think it has something to do with developing treatments to psychologically help the patient, and you go around with a camera taking photographs of things.

To access a core memory, simply interact with the music box next to the door in your case. As you should be aware, if you don't have all 8 ribbons from the level, you cannot access them, and progress to further levels (See Appendix A for all ribbon locations).

These sections are really easy, just go around taking photographs of all the lit up objects and areas. You will know when you have got them all because you'll hear a noise and you'll suddenly be able to walk a lot faster.

Theres four areas you need to snap here:

When you're done, just exit out the way you came in, through the light door.

To get to the next levels, you have to walk to them from pinwheel harbour. If you explored and found a locked gate (on the path near where the miniature boats are) you need to go up there and then walk up the stream to get to either Pinwheel Mine, or Pinwheel industrial.

I'm going to assume you are like me and don't notice the entrance to Pinwheel Mine, so here's a helpful screenshot:

HOWEVER - Because we'll need to restore something in the mine, using an item we find in the INDUSTRIAL level, I'm going to cover that level first.
>>>> Restorer plaque, Knocker and Answer Machine locations.
==Pinwheel Harbour Restorer Plaque==

You'll find a restorer plaque on Pinwheel Harbour Beach, go up to and past the boathouse, then turn around and it's in the boathouse, on the lower level.

==Pinwheel Harbour Knocker Locations==

There are two knocker statues in the Harbour level. The first is located in the post office, behind the counter. You need to raise the pallet of boxes out of the way to get to it, as shown below:

The second is located in the safe in A. Bell's workshop, upstairs. However, just like the earlier safe in The Crows Nest, a number wheel is missing. There is also a number wheel downstairs in THE CASE when you first start the game, and theres also one in a broken safe in a deserted house in the upper harbour:

However, how do you get into the safe? whats the combination? Actually, to get that, you have to travel across town to A. Bell's house (NOT workshop), which is over the other side of the harbour from his workshop:
And there you go! you got the second Knocker statue!

==Pinwheel Harbour Answer Phone Location==

This is easy, its literally in the attic of the house which you start this level in. Just look in the writing desk to find it:

This is the most confusingly laid out level in the game, well its a whole big factory, and factories don't have linear paths through them. Now more than ever, you need to be exploring the levels, learning the layout and discovering things for yourself, instead of relying on this guide to outline every step for you.
--- Ribbons and Mill Management projector

This Level is very mazelike, I have therefore added comments in the images to help you find the right location.

= Mill Management projector =

OK, head over to the mill management building (if you've explored properly you'll know where this is). Inside the central feature is a lift. And the actual projector is at the top of it. First things first you'll need to explore this level of the building, you're looking for the meeting room, and some pressure switches.

Part 1
In order to solve the first part of this projector, you have to restore functionality to the lift. This involves getting the power on, and something else hooked up too...

- Hint 1-
Check the big diagram on the meeting room table.
- Hint 2-
You have noticed the switches that swing cables on either side of the lift, haven't you?.
- Hint 3-
Is there any way to connect the swinging cables to something?

Set the pressure control switches by the entrance to match those on the table in the meeting room. Then press the button to turn it on, you WILL have to wait a few seconds for it to work.

In front of each swinging cable there's two machines with doors which you can move to expose a hook, then swing the cable again and it will connect to the hook and stay there. Do this for BOTH cables (theres one on either side of the lift), and the lift should start working again.

Part 1
The second and third parts of the puzzle are to do with a shipment. This next part, you have to determine what day would be best to send a shipment, using the BAROMETER, on the left of the above screenshot.

- Hint 1-
There was a very important note about using the barometer in the meeting room downstairs.
- Hint 2-
Looks like the barometer also needs some paper, maybe there is some nearby?

Open the barometer case, check the drawer just below it to find some barometer paper, which you can attach to the barometer, and press the button to set it going. It will draw out a line showing the pressure expected over the next week (or something, im not actually sure what a barometer does). Don't throw this away! You will need it in part 3!

Part 1
You may have noticed the nearby blackboard showing day, date and destination for the shipment. You have to enter the correct values, whatever they are?
If you think about it carefully the solution to the DAY and DATE boxes is in your hands! Although you may have to consult the note back downstairs in the meeting room about barometer readings (remember a good day for shipping will be a CLEAR day). But you also need to know where its going, maybe there's a note down there about that as well?

- Hint 1-

The barometer note in the meeting room will help you work out which day will have the best weather, then you just have to enter that DAY and the DATE (day of the month) in the correct boxes. There is also another note showing the destination of a shipment on the same board enter that in the top box to complete the projector puzzle
(You can also see APPENDIX B (“Projector Cheat Sheet”) of this guide for a direct answer).

--- Arsenic House and Miner's Dry Projectors
== Arsenic House Projector ==

This projector is going to be a lot of running around places, so I hope you have explored the level fully already! Quite obviously there’s a pressure control terminal outside of the building, so lets make the first task sorting that out, yes? As always, there’s a diagram showing where the levers should be, nearby.

After that. Phyllis gives you a VERY important message about Arsenic as a by product of the mine, and that they had to burn out and grind up the stuff properly, before selling it on.

You can try the handle-wheels above the furnaces to turn them on, but no it wont be that simple. Evidently, we'll have to add something to the fire to make it burn more intensely. But where could we find such a chemical?

-Hint 1-
Is there a locked chemical storeroom nearby anywhere?
-Hint 2-
Where would you find the code for it? Maybe there’s a list somewhere?
-Hint 3-
Have you checked with the foreman, in his office?
-Hint 4-
Seems a bit silly leaving all those codes, so close to the miners quarters!

Head on down to miners dry area. You are looking for the WARDENS OFFICE. In there (as you would know if you had explored already), is a desk with a secret compartment in it, this also contains a list of codes for various combination locks. One of them is “Marie P” who's code is for a door in Arsenic House.

Go back up to the door and enter the code on the lock!


The storeroom opens, and we have access to the chemicals! The second part is pretty easy, You have to basically use the chemicals with something.

-Hint 1-
We need to make the flames more intense, so where do you think we should put this.
-Hint 2-
It's highly FLAMMABLE

Just put the chemicals on the fire.

Evidently so far we have been refining this arsenic stuff for being sold on. So it (hopefully) follows that the last part we must continue to do so. Remember what Phyllis said before? The stuff had to be burnt out and GROUND UP before being sold on, so we are now looking for a grinder. Not only that, but we'll probably have to set it to the right setting too.

-Hint 1-
Surely the grinder wont be far away?
-Hint 2-
Have you seen any signs/notes regarding it's setting?
-Hint 3-
Maybe there’s more than just getting the settings right?
-Hint 4-
Do we also have to send it off?

Below the furnaces you'll find the grinder. As the posters on the wall say, you need to set the revolutions to 5 times per hour. There's also clocks nearby spinning around as a guide. However, you also need to send the stuff off, and for that you need to go down the stairs from the grinder level and slip the switch next to the mine cart.

== Miner's Dry Projector ==
Have a good explore around miner's dry first, read the notes and you get the feeling that all really is not well down here. There seems to be a bit of animosity between the warden and a miner called Sean V. Maybe checking out the lockers would lead to more clues as to what to do?

Investigate the Warden's office and lockers in Miners Dry.

-Hint 1-
Where would you find the code for it? Maybe there’s a list somewhere?
-Hint 2-
Have you checked with the foreman, in his office?
-Hint 3-
Check all the lockers, especially of those people leaving notes around.

Head on down to miners dry area. You are looking for the WARDENS OFFICE. In there (as you would know if you had explored already), is a desk with a secret compartment in it, this also contains a list of codes for various combination locks. One of them is “Sean V” who's not in the foreman's good books.

Go back to Sean V's locker and enter the code!

From the information you have gained, it seems like Sean V may have been a little unstable! There's the warden's mug in his locker, as well as a map of the local area, which shows some “weak structure” points in the around Miner's Dry. One of these has already been busted open (and leads to Ore Tramming)

The other, in the shower rooms, seems a perfectly normal wall (for now). So doesn't look like that's important, but you can see the mug that belongs to the warden in his locker. Maybe you have to do something with this? Place it somewhere, make a drink for someone?

-Hint 1-
Checked out the notes in the warden's office about his favorite drink?
-Hint 2-
Maybe there is a kitchen nearby?
-Hint 3-
How do you operate this coffee machine?!.

Put the mug in your case inventory (press T remember), then go to the kitchen next to the warden's office (protip: there’s an answer machine message in the box above this room). The poster on the wall by the coffee machine says how to use it. Grab the coffee filter granules from a nearby cupboard and put them in the machine (there’s a little black chute that opens up on the side of the machine).

Then get the wardens mug from your inventory and stick it under the coffee machine. Et voila! Warden's special brew is ready for consumption, and you restored part two of the projector.

You may have already thought to yourself, “hold on, has he missed something here?”. You may have also thought “he's completely ignored that pressure control terminal on the wall!”. That's right, although now is the time to put that right. You probably know the drill by now, the settings for this terminal are located nearby, but that is only a part of the solution. To solve this puzzle, you're going to need to use the other things you found in Sean V's locker.

-Hint 1-
Wasn't there a poster in the Warden's Office of some interest?
-Hint 2-
Did you check out the showers for that “weak structure” yet?
-Hint 3-
Maybe you should just hammer against the wall?
-Hint 4-
I think you should dispose of this red stuff!

Activate the pressure control terminal using the settings found in the Warden's Office. After this, if you also have done PART 1 and PART 2, there will be a crack in the shower wall. Grab the hammer from Sean V's locker and break that down. You'll find some arsenic, which is poisonous! You'll need to dispose of that in one of the many “Arsenic Disposal” boxes around the level.
--- Ore Tramming Projector and Artefact Location
== Ore Tramming Projector ==
There's an awful lot of running around to restore this projector, but let's start in its immediate vicinity, there’s a blackboard nearby, which has two empty boxes. We need to find the information that needs to go in them, obviously one is a name, and the other is a weight.

Sadly, I'm actually going to give you Sean V's weight, as its not in the game anywhere, and the only way to work it out is trial and error, it's: 75. Sorry about that, but I don’t believe it's in the game anywhere. Feel free to correct me!

But what about the missing name? Well that is located on a wall in an office not too far away.

-Hint 1-
Where is the nearest office?
-Hint 2-
Does the information on the paper match that on the blackboard downstairs?

Go up the stairs next to the projector, to the “Ore Tramming” sign and large painting. Through the door on the left is a piece of paper with the missing Miner's name on. It's on the left hand wall as you walk through the door.

OK well now is as good a time as ever, but there’s a pressure control terminal who's switches need setting. If you just did part one you'll have already seen the diagram with the answers on it! That isn't part two, oh no indeed. Part two is very complex.

What we essentially need to do in ore tramming, is get some mine carts to come in. If you have explored the floor down near the projector, you'll have seen there’s tracks and also a red and grey IRON and TIN set of pipes, which means we have more banging on pipes to do. However, the overhead sign nearby shows that the path to Brimclif Mine is LOCKED. Before we do anything, we need to unlock it.

You'll need to look around to try and find a note, very small, stuck on a machine with a lot of wheel-handles. I'll give you a free hint, its not nearby!

-Hint 1-
It's near where you found the Artefact, you have found that haven't you?
-Hint 2-
OK It's near Miner's dry.
-Hint 3-
Did you explore everywhere leading off the locker room?
-Hint 4-
”3 valves at 18 units only” can you add up to 18?
-Hint 4-
The answer is as simple as it appears

If you break the machine without solving it, go down to “Part 2.5 – If you break the machine”

Goto Miner's Dry locker room, at the end of this is a pick axe stuck in a wall, and there’s a little corridor leading RIGHT from here. When you go down here and get out the other side, you'll find the machine with the wheel-handles. And the note. Basically you have to turn all the wheels on the “420F” line, and flip the switch.

Part 2.5 – If you break the machine (ignore this if you didn't break it!)
If you've managed to knacker up the machine with the valve wheels on, you'll need to fix it. The lightbulb above the machine will break and sparks will fly out. You'll also need to replace the fuse in the combination locked box right next to the machine, but what is the combination?

-Hint 1-
Have you seen a light bulb anywhere?
-Hint 2-
Maybe someone is weird and keeps a light bulb in their locker?
-Hint 3-
Did you check out the unnamed lockers for anything interesting?
-Hint 4-
Maybe deal with the easy part of this puzzle before the difficult part?
-Hint 5-
Haven't we had a fuse puzzle somewhere before?

Chris R's locker, in Miner's Dry, contains UV light bulb. When you put this in the light above the machine, you can see a code appear in secret UV letters, which matches the fuse box. From INSPECTING THE FUSE in the fuse box, you'll see it is a “Blown” 700amp fuse”. In the lockers, there are some fuses, which include two 700amp fuses.

This time, just turn the valve wheels on the 420F line (which add up to 18) to solve part two of the puzzle.

Head back to Ore Tramming and you'll see there’s only one stage of the projector to restore. If you haven't yet set the Pressure Control Terminal in this area, do it now. The only thing we really need to do to solve this puzzle now, call the carts from the mine.

-Hint 1-
Have you checked out the combination-locked desk in the Ore Tramming Office?
-Hint 2-
Maybe there’s a combination scribbled on a blackboard nearby
-Hint 3-
A blackboard you've interacted with already?
-Hint 4-
You did already find the IRON and TIN pipes didn't you?

The code for the upstairs desk is on the blackboard near the projector that we previously had to fill in the boxes for. It's actually already set on the desk! Use the knocker on the pipes that are by the rails to tap out the code for “Receive from Brimclif Mine” to complete the puzzle.

= Obtaining the Artefact =

Because it's easy to get lost on this level, remembering the route to this can be tricky. But not any more! Here's the route from surface to Artefact. Start outside in this area:

Then head over towards the sign for "Arsenic House" but don't go into it. Instead take the small anonymous door opposite it (on the left of this picture):

This walkway will go down through some rooms and also an office, but is pretty much one way. Eventually you'll get down to "Ore Tramming" area, as shown below. You have to head on through the green arches and down that long corridor, looking out for "Miner's Dry" area.

When you find "Miner's Dry" go into it and to the back of the lockers for a passage that looks like this one:

When you come out at the other end, you basically just need to go up the wooden stairs and walkway to get to the Artefact.
--- Victory Shaft Projector, and core memory
== Victory Shaft Projector ==
This is the last projector on this level! I bet it feels like its been a mission! In order to do this puzzle, you'll need to have done all of these things:

- Restore the projectors in other locations first (all of them)
- Restore this tower, which is the first thing you do when you get the Artefact.

For part one, you have basically got to explore the victory shaft, and discover the area with the pipes in it, and the control panel next to them, its just up the first set of stairs and across from there. If you have done the other projectors first, you will be able to turn on the buttons.

Part two is more complex, of course. Look closely at the gauges, they go from 1 to 12. Have you seen anything anywhere with numbers, scales, or ratings out of 12 anywhere? Of course you have. You'll need to use that information here!

-Hint 1-
Surely you've seen those little blue boxes with ropes, that say “2/12” “5/12” “9/12” etc on them haven't you?
-Hint 2-
If you don't find them all, you could probably guess the answer to the last one
-Hint 3-
The number's I gave you above are completely fictional.
-Hint 4-
If you're not sure of the area the numbers are for, just guess!

Around the level there are some boxes with gold plaques on them with numbers, that say things like “2/12” “5/12” “9/12” etc on (but they are different numbers they were just examples). You need to enter these on the machine. I can give you a hint, there’s two within the Arsenic House area, and another at the bottom of the victory shaft area.

There's three square buttons on the panel by the pipes, the first turns it on, the next to increase and lower the tone (increase the number/12) All you've got to do is put the numbers you found (the above examples are fakes) in on the machine, maybe it will take a little trial and error, but if you can find three out of the four numbers, it wont take you long.

Part three isn't complex, but involves some running around. If you go back up the victory shaft tower, you can see there is the big grid with numbers and letters. Well, without giving too much of a clue away, haven't you seen letters and numbers like this on certain things? Certain big things?

-Hint 1-
Certain big things that now have smoke coming out of them?
-Hint 2-
If you look at the base of the smoking ones, you can see their letter and number.
-Hint 3-
Try entering their numbers!

As hinted above. You can now see four chimney's with smoke coming out of them, you need to make your way to the bases of these chimneys, and they will have a letter and number on them. You need to mark them off on the grid. They are all quite easy to find.

== Pinwheel Industrial Core Memory (and Devlin Mine) ==

Again, this is quite simple, you just need to take photographs of the Illuminated stuff in the scene. When you've got everything, you'll hear a sound and be able to walk faster. You'll need the following locations:

Then just take the white door back out to the case. Or Is it?


You're back in the first mine and there’s blue rocks everywhere. This area is pretty intense, but easy, just keep right clicking to remove the blue stuff!
>>>> Restorer plaque, Knocker and Answer Machine locations.
Pinwheel Industrial - Restorer Plaque, Answer Machine and Knocker Locations

The second restorer plaque (the first is right in front of you when you get the artefact), is located in arsenic house. If you enter this from ground level, and take the stairs on the right which lead down, its by a river that flows under the walkways, which you'll have to restore.

First Knocker
The first knocker is located in the safe in the Warden's Office. In order to find the code for it you'll have to examine an object relevant to this room!

-Hint 1-
The safe is hidden away.
-Hint 2-
Remember “Miners eat from metal plates”?

The safe is behind the painting which is behind the warden's desk. The combination is located on the bottom of the warden's mug which you get from Sean V's locker.

Second Knocker
The second knocker is located in the very visible safe on the top level of Mill Management, however you'll also need to find a combination wheel for this safe as well. There may be some around but did you have any spare from the Harbour level? The combination is located close by.

-Hint 1-
There MAY be a combination wheel downstairs in the case, if you didnt use it already.
-Hint 2-
The combination might not be on something as small as a piece of paper.

The combination is the year on the plaque outside (where the watering can is).

Answer Machine Locations
The first answer machine is very easy to find from the HARBOUR entrance to the level (by the river). Go up the stairs and immediately turn right. Go between the sweeping brush and the machine, crouch down to get under the machine and it should be visible just around the corner.

The Second Answer Machine message is located above the kitchen at the far end of the Miner's Dry area. It's in a box.
09 === BRIMCLIF MINE ===
We're back in some mines, yay! But this time things are serious. The last mine had only one projector in it. This one has FIVE.

The level has a starting area, and from this you need to unlock the rest of the level, you do this by solving the first projector puzzle, so lets do that first.

== Brimclif Mine Depth Selector ==

If you have already explored the lower level, you may have already figured this out, but it too me an embarrassingly long time on my first play through. The mining depth combination machine (with 380F, 400F, 420F and 480F at the side), actually changes the level to your right (if your position is looking at the depth selector. Hopefully you already figured this out!

So when describing projector solutions, I will of course assume after setting the depth, you go across into this new area.
--- First projector (lift shaft) and Ribbons
== Brimclif Mine first projector ==
At the start of the level, you pass one of those diagrams that you saw in Devlin Mine, with the positions of five wheels on a machine. Remember this for later. For now, walk round past the flooded out lift, and you'll see the valve-handle (lets call it the water pump machine because that's what it does) machine on your RIGHT. But its missing one of the five handles!

Searching in the immediate vicinity, does not reveal it, however you will find in the lockers that there is a knocker hammer. But no bells down here, what could you possibly do with it? Well I'll give you a clue, you know that SUPER IMPORTANT TIP I gave you about inspecting objects before picking them up? Yeah you'll need that...

- Hint 1 -
Did you see that poster with the Iron and Tin codes on it?
- Hint 2 -
It's near the locker where you got the hammer.
- Hint 3 -
Have you tried “inspecting” the pipes near the locker?

Check out the poster on the LEFT of the lockers for a list of A/B codes. One of these codes is the one you need. But where do you enter the code? Inspect the red and grey pipes on the RIGHT of the locker to learn one is “Iron” the other is “Tin”. You need to use the hammer and tap out one of the codes.

After using the right code, you should have a set of mine carts pull up, and one of them contains a wheel-handle thingy that you can use on the pumper machine! Super! So now that you have that, what do you think part 2 of the puzzle is going to be?

- Hint 1 -
Remember that thing I told you to remember at the beginning of this level?
- Hint 2 -
You've already done this before in Devlin Mine...
- Hint 3 -
Don't forget you'll need to flip the switch to activate the pump!

Turn the wheel handles on the pump to the same places they are on the diagram near the start of this level, and activate it using the slip switch on the left of the pump.

Activating the pump will drain the water out of the lift mine shaft, and it will also affect the water in the area where the projector is, and unblock the path just beyond it. But there’s still one more thing you need to do to get the lift working, and you'll have to have a look around the new area, and use a combination lock to figure it out!

- Hint 1 -
The combination lock talks about depth and “fathoms”
- Hint 2 -
Fathoms are an old measurement of dept for ships and mines.
- Hint 3 -
Such depths are usually written with an F either before or after the number.

In the newly cleared out area, after using the pump. You can find a board which states “central operation = F.380”. Well, we're trying to get down to central operation, so enter that number on the combination switch near the lockers.

OK, After that the rest of the level (more or less) is open to you. So you can now go and get all of the ribbons!

== Brimclif Mine Ribbon Locations ==
Only the first ribbon is accessible before descending the mine, and it can only be reached by solving Brimclif Mine's first projector puzzle. The rest are in the lower section.

NOTE : Certain ribbon locations are only available by altering the "Mining Depth" selector, in the lower mine. Where this is the case, the combination you must use to find that ribbon has been edited (badly) into the image.

--- Pipes and Miner's Vigil projectors
== Brimclif Mine pipes projector (Depth= 400F) ==
This puzzle really ground my gears! After you've set the depth to 400 and come across to the area, you'll see some vertical pipes behind a metal fence. You can open this and go and inspect them, from looking at the pipes you can see one (near the door) is missing a handle.

The first part of this puzzle is simple, find the handle! There was one on a previous level (in the upper area of A. Bell's Workshop in the harbour level) which you may have collected already. However, there’s also one much nearer, on this level.

- Hint 1 -
It is nearby, but not at this depth
- Hint 2 -
You'll have to go deeper to find it.
- Hint 3 -
It's pretty easy to spot.

Set the mining depth selector to 480F, go over to that area, and its right next to the green and white machine, on a wooden box. Bring it back and attach it to the pipes

OK, that's the first part solved, but what about the rest of the puzzle? Well, if you've already explored the 400F area, you'll have seen another staircase leading down, to the right. If you go down here, you'll encounter a ribbon, and a combination locked door, where could the combination be?

- Hint 1 -
Did you investigate the area to the left (and down the stairs) of the lift yet?
- Hint 2 -
Something in that area should be illuminating for you.
- Hint 3 -
Hidden in invisible ink perhaps?

Return to Brimclif mine elevator, and as you approach, on your left is a lowered area. There is a light without a bulb here, and a UV light bulb in the cupboard, putting these together will reveal some codes on the blackboard. One of these is the one you want.

This is the part that really wound me up, because I sort of knew how the puzzle should be solved, but it doesn't always tell you if you make a wrong move straight away. Now that you've got access to the pipes below, is there anything here that would suggest an order to how you should activate them above?

- Hint 1 -
It's obvious that only some of the pipes will need activating
- Hint 2 -
Are the pipes arranged in HEIGHT order perhaps?

Some of the pipes have some “braces” on them, at different heights, you need to activate the pipes above in the right order, which is from lowest brace to highest. If you get the wrong one, the puzzle might not reset automatically, so make sure it is reset after a wrong move (all pipes go back up)

When you have done this correctly, the final projector piece will be restored. You can also visit APPENDIX B – “Projector Cheat Sheet” for a diagram of the order you press them in, if you are still confused.

== Brimclif Mine “Miner's Vigil” projector (Depth= 420F) ==
When you set the depth selector to 420F and come across you'll see immediately that there is a locked off area to the left and upwards. This leads to the prayer area, where you can complete the puzzle.

Clearly the first thing we need to find is a code for that combination lock. Have you explored this area? Have you found any codes elsewhere?

- Hint 1 -
Did you investigate the area to the left (and down the stairs) of the lift yet?
- Hint 2 -
Something in that area should be illuminating for you.
- Hint 3 -
Hidden in invisible ink perhaps?

Return to Brimclif mine elevator, and as you approach, on your left is a lowered area. There is a light without a bulb here, and a UV light bulb in the cupboard, putting these together will reveal some codes on the blackboard. One of these is the one you want.

After you have entered the code and opened up the area you'll see lots of candles and what look like preaching pedestals. Have you got anything that might go on such a pedestal? Or found one on this level anywhere?

- Hint 1 -
The answer is closer than you might think.
- Hint 2 -
Although it may be hidden inside another object.
- Hint 3 -
If at first you don't succeed, try another pedestal.

Under the stairs leading to the vigil room, there is a white suitcase. Contrary to every other identical and similar suitcase in the game, this one can open, and will open, to reveal a red bible inside. Take this and place it on the pedestal.

NOTE: This puzzle is buggy, and you might need to place it on all of the pedestals (and then a few more) in order to get part 2 of the projector to solve.

The last part of the puzzle is perhaps the easiest. So long as you've been looking at everything in the levels, especially notes, surrounding the mining disaster. There's a lot of candles here. And usually, don't people light a candle for every person killed in a disaster?

- Hint 1 -
There's a newspaper in Pinwheel Harbour that states the names of all the miners killed
- Hint 2 -
You've probably been in the house before.
- Hint 2 -
The central candles must be lit.

In Bell's Workshop in Pinwheel Harbour, there is a newspaper which lists the names (and therefore the number) of miners killed in the accident. Return to the vigil and blow out all the candles, by clicking on them, then click again to relight them, starting from the center candles/ Light the correct number of candles to complete the projector.
--- "Fragments", "Canary" projectors, core memory.
== Brimclif Mine “Fragments” projector (Depth= 480F) ==
As you wander across here, you'll see the peculiarly out of place green and white machine, and a locked iron door opposite it. Having a good look around this area, you'll probably find another ribbon, as well as lots of little reels that look like they should go on a projector (but they don't). What could you do with these?

The first part of this involved solving the combination on the iron door, if you've already done either the Vigil or pipes projectors, you'll know where this code is.

- Hint 1 -
Did you investigate the area to the left (and down the stairs) of the lift yet?
- Hint 2 -
Something in that area should be illuminating for you.
- Hint 3 -
Hidden in invisible ink perhaps?

Return to Brimclif mine elevator, and as you approach, on your left is a lowered area. There is a light without a bulb here, and a UV light bulb in the cupboard, putting these together will reveal some codes on the blackboard. One of these is the one you want.

If you haven't already attempted using the reels on the big green and white machine, perhaps you should! When you place these on and press the button, you hear speech, but its backwards. If only you had some way to change the direction so the messages played correctly.

- Hint 1 -
How thoroughly have you investigated this audio playing machine?
- Hint 2 -
Maybe there’s another switch somewhere for it?

Behind the machine is a little button which will change the direction and restore part of the projector.

Clearly now, we have all these words, and we can put any piece anywhere, so what we really need to do is figure out the correct order somehow. Is there anything in the level that might help you figure out the correct order? Yes there is.

- Hint 1 -
Have you checked the surrounding area for clues?
- Hint 2 -
Maybe just the first letters are the clue?

Check the portrait painting upstairs, and check out its title. Your words need to be in that order (if you have a reel saying “broken” throw it away).

== Brimclif Mine “Canary” projector (Depth= Any) ==
This can only be completed after solving the other projectors at this level, you will have noticed near each projector there was a wooden chest. Which opens when you complete the projector. Inside these are drill pieces which you can attach to the yellow drill near the depth selector. When you have done this with all three pieces, it rolls down the tracks and knocks down a wall. Beyond is a large cave like area

Part one of this projector is solved simply by coming through the newly opened tunnel to investigate the puzzle.

NOTE – If you somehow get stuck when walking down and over the yellow drill, you'll have to travel back to the case, goto a different level and then return to this level and get the lift back down.

Again this is easy, just flip the switch further down the tunnel from the projector.

This is rather harder! As you may have noticed, when you flip the switch, all the lights go out, except there’s a lit up canary cage in the big cavern. Can you figure out what you have to do here?

- Hint 1 -
Maybe go have a look at the cage?
- Hint 2 -
You can always reset this puzzle with the switch.
- Hint 3 -
Are you chasing ghosts here?

You have to talk over to the canary cage while its lit up. If it goes out, try and still make you way there anyway. From there, you should see another cage lit up. Go and make your way to that one. It may take a few tries, and you have to chase quite a few cages, but eventually you will solve this puzzle. Jean will start speaking, but you still have to continue until you hear the “puzzle solved” sound.

I personally believe that if you don't look *directly at* the cages, it helps them not disappear as fast.

== Brimclif Mines Core Memory ==

This area is simple (and there's no dramatic unexpectedness during it). Just snap all of the lit up objects.
>>>> Restorer plaque, Knocker and Answer Machine locations.
== Brimclif Mine Restoration Plaque ==

If you start from the Brimclif lift, and turn around and head straight ahead, you'll come to the depth selector and the broken drill. You'll have to have set the depth selector to 380 to see this part of the level. Turn right at the drill machine and go down the stairs and follow it round, past the painter's easel till you're as near the plaque as you can get (you cant restore it from above). A bridge will form, and after a quick trip to the lighthouse living room, you'll be able to get across and get your hands on:

- A red combination wheel (for the safe in your case)
- A type writer and some paper
- A knocker statue!

== Brimclif Mine Knocker and Answer machine Locations ==

Restore the plaque in the mine (see restoration plaque section) to gain access to the first knocker statue.

Set the mining depth selector to 400, then go across the rope bridge. It is in one of the lockers in this area.


This is easy to find, from the bottom of the Brimclif elevator, turn left immediately and go down that tunnel. After you pass the machine with a part spinning around, turn right and there is a desk, inside the large cupboard is the answer machine.
10 === Pinwheel Village ===
Wow! That was a bit intense wasn't it? Talk about some major exposition! You arrive in the next level, which is Pinwheel Village. This level is much less maze like that the Industrial level, but its quite large, so have a good wander around, and look at everything! There are FIVE projectors here as well.
--- Ribbons, Export and Cider House projectors

If you have done all the previous levels, this will be the last lot of ribbon hunting you have to do in this game. When you have collected every single ribbon, your artefact (lamp) will change to have a red ribbon tied around it.

== Pinwheel Village “Export” projector ==
This projector is actually at the corner of the docks, not in a building. However, your first port of call should be the wooden building at the other end of the dock.

Inside the brown wooden building, should be a very familiar (and simple) puzzle, on the top floor. Even if you haven't found the equipment to solve it on this level, you probably have it on previous levels, why not bring it to this one?

- Hint 1 -
Do you need to shed some light on the puzzle?
- Hint 2 -
I'm not sure a normal light bulb will work.
- Hint 3 -
Do you need to write the details on a board anywhere?

Grab a UV light bulb either from this level, if you found one, or the previous levels, such as Brimclif Mine or Miner's Dry and stick it in the lamp socket. A path will be illuminated, starting at Plymouth, stopping at Pinwheel, before heading to the America. You need to write down the start and end destinations on the board downstairs in this building.

Part two of course, is not as easy. Or maybe it is. If you look around the area where the export projector is, you can see rails, and a track that obviously comes out of the mine. However, there’s also a door on the left, with some pipe coming out of it. You've seen a door like that before, and you need to get this one open.

- Hint 1 -
Did you save that shard of broken glass, from Devlin Mine?
- Hint 2 -
If not, you can get more on this level, although you'll have to go across to the other side of the level to do it.
- Hint 3 -
You do remember how you opened those doors in the mine don't you?

If you have the glass shard from the earlier level, just go inside the nearby house to cut the pipe. Otherwise you'll need to head over to the cider house at the opposite end of the level, where there’s a crusher and some bottles.

You need a key to get in the barn-like building, you got one in Pinwheel Harbour, with two characters in dramatic poses on it. That's the key you need (inspect it to see its name). Return with a shard and cut the pipe.

When the door opens and you see what's inside the door you just unlocked, part three should become obvious.

- Hint 1 -
There's two code posters nearby.
- Hint 2 -
You can use any of the previous “knocker” hammers to do this.

If you restored the cave to the right of the tracks, or go back to the wooden export building at the other end of the dock, you can find posters with the codes on. You have to tap out the code for “send shipment to docks”

NOTE – you'll also get a KNOCKER STATUE when the mine cart comes along.

== Pinwheel Cider house projector ==
The cider house is a big barn-like building, up near the church, and also has a small orchard as well. However, the door is locked, you need a key! You got one in Pinwheel Harbour, with two characters in dramatic poses on it (However, if you INSPECT it, you'll see why its for the Cider House). That's the key you need.

Explore the building and interact with the mechanisms, obviously, cider is on the menu and you've gotta be the one to make it. The first step is pretty easy and you might have figured it out yourself, you just gotta load some apples.

- Hint 1 -
Just use the machines in this area, have a play around with them and get to learn how they work.
- Hint 2 -
The last step is a lever!

Set the “grabber” machine upstairs to be outside of the building (above the pool of apples) by using the wheel handle. Then use the machine panel button that has both an up and down arrow. Wheel the grabber back over above the crusher, and press the other button on the panel to drop them apples. Finally, go down and use the level on the wall (NOT on the crusher) to set the press up, ready for use.

Step two is rather simple. In order to continue to make this cider, we're going to need an official “FIELDS CIDER” bottle, with trademark tree on it, to put our lovely fresh cider into. Quick, get looking before it goes off!

- Hint 1 -
There's a bottle on this level.
- Hint 2 -
Someone down at the docks was a bit of a drinker!
- Hint 3 -
You'll also need to place and fill the bottle.

Down in the wooden export office you'll find a bottle. Bring it back and stick it on the machine in the corner that looks like it fits a bottle and turn the wheel. Your bottle will magically transform into a genuine cider drink.

This step is so simple it really requires no explanation, but basically you've got to put your bottle somewhere, nearby, in this building.

In a crate by the entrance (it has a space for the bottle).
--- Cinema and School Projectors
== Pinwheel Villiage Surgery/Cinema Projector ==
The projector is located in the cinema part of this building, but you'll only be able to gain access through the doctors surgery, as the other door is locked.

The first part of this starts in the surgery, you have to complete the form behind the receptionists desk, so basically adding another appointment to the list, including NAME, DAY (of April) and TIME (the TIME must include a “:” separator). Obviously, if the appointment is FOR the surgery, then the note with the details on is hardly likely to be here. Its in a different building.

- Hint 1 -
Near a bed.
- Hint 2 -
In a normal house.
- Hint 3 -
The house has “Baldrics” on a downstairs table.

You need to go to Sean V's house, which has a lot of morris dancer equipment on the downstairs table, and also has a wooden cart opposite the building (it's near the inn). In an upstairs bedroom there’s a drawer (in the bed) which contains the patient name, and also the day and the time. Please turn it over. You can now input the details in the doctors surgery.

After this, you get access to the cinema area. Go on all around there and have a good explore. Possibly, just possibly, you'll be able to solve this puzzle on your own (its practically the only one in the game I did – on my first try). And remember, you can only pick some things up, if your hands are completely empty.

- Hint 1 -
It has a lot to do with Morse code
- Hint 2 -
and that's a Morse code machine by the window, next to the projector.
- Hint 3 -
Perhaps you need to use something on it?

Check in the storage area with the files. These can be opened and one of them contains a message in Morse code. However, you can only pick it up if your hands are empty. Pick it up and feed it to the machine.

This part is easy really. All you have to do is decode the Morse code message, and write something on the blackboard (opposite where the Morse code “Telegram Legend” sheet)

- Hint 1 -
You need to decode this message to find the meeting point

Use the “Telegram Legend” sheet behind the cinema counter to decode the message, and then write the location on the blackboard (it is two words)

== Pinwheel Village School Projector ==
The projector is inside the school in the hall/gym area of the school. IF you have explored fully, you might have already figured out the first part of this puzzle.

This puzzle starts outside of the school, and works its way in. Go out to the playground and you can probably see a “noughts and crosses” (tic tac toe if you're american) grid on the floor. And you can interact with it too! All you have to do is fill it in.

- Hint 1 -
Haven't you seen a sign around here that might help?
- Hint 2 -
A sign on the outside of a nearby building?
- Hint 3 -
A building that might be an INN?

Oh boy, really? OK, go back to the Inn, there’s a sign hanging outside with the solution on it, copy it down/make a note of it/screenshot it, and then complete it on the grid outside of the school.

The lunch box will open with an artist's paintbrush inside of it. Take it and stick it in your case, as you'll need it in a bit. Now go back into the school. You need to go into the room with the map of Portugal Spain and France on the blackboard (as well as lists of names). To solve the second part of the puzzle, you need to complete the blank spaces on the board. Luckily the answers are all located within this room.

- Hint 1 -
The items are all on the shelves.
- Hint 2 -
There is only one book in the room with a readable name.

The book is in the small room at the back of the class, and the item is the last one on the shelf, just INSPECT it to learn its name, and enter both on the board. Part 2 Complete!

Part three isn't especially hard, but you should prepare yourself for some feels, as this is a important part of the story. If you've read the notes and fully explored the previous levels (especially the Harbour) you'll have seen that Thomas and Jean buried their own little time capsule, near the school. A time capsule being letters and items put into a airtight box, and buried, to be opened or found years later. You'll also have figured out that Thomas is an artist. You have the paintbrush don't you? Use it?

- Hint 1 -
Is there anywhere to paint inside the school?
- Hint 2 -
What could the combination possibly be?
- Hint 3 -
Wasn't there quite a few notes regarding the time capsule in the Pinwheel Harbour, in ONE building?

Return to Pinwheel Harbour and search for the house in the picture below here. From there you can find the combination code in one of the downstairs rooms. Go back and enter it on the case to restore the last part of the projector, and read a lovely little note from Tom and Jean.
--- Church projector, and core memory
== Pinwheel Village Church Projector ==
This can only be done after you have done the school projector. As you get access to some sheet music in the secret room.

Inside the church, there’s a lovely piano. Try give it a play! Oh darn, its out of tune. Maybe someone in the village is fond of pianos and will be able to tune it in. Then you can maybe play that lovely sheet music you got when you solved the church projector?

- Hint 1 -
Look for a house near the cinema, you'll know it when you see it.
- Hint 2 -
There’s a tool in there that you need. INSPECT IT
- Hint 3 -
Don’t forget to give your sheet music a play when it's tuned!

Down somewhere around the cinema/doctors surgery is a house with a LOT of piano's in it. You need to find the tuning key in there (should be by the front door) and then use that on the piano in the church. Tune it in, then place the sheet music on the piano that you got from the school projector, and give it a play.

You may have noticed, on your adventures, that there are some bells around the place. And when you went into the exporters building down by the docks, did you hear a bell chime far off in the distance? Maybe you should look around, see if you can find any more bells that produce odd, distant noises. You'll know if you get them all, as there will be four bell ropes in the church bell tower.

- Hint 1 -
There are four of them altogether.
- Hint 2 -
They don't all look like CHURCH bells. Any type of bells.
- Hint 3 -
They are only in Pinwheel Village.

One above the door of the export office, by the dock. One is the bell on the receptionists desk in the surgery. Another is outside the door of the school. Another is next to the door in the cider house.

The last part is fairly simple. You have restored all the bell ropes, now you'll have to play a tune. Erm, what tune?

- Hint 1 -
You already played it recently
- Hint 2 -
On a different instrument.

Goto the church piano and grab the sheet music. Take it up the bell tower to the ropes. You can INSPECT the bell ropes to find out what note they are, and you can keep looking at the sheet music to see the notes. You only have to complete the first line, and then you're done!

Pinwheel Village Core Memory

Before going into this core memory, Phyllis will warn you that you can't return to re-do any parts of the earlier memories. However, this actually isn't true, you can reload your save at a later time (after completing the game) and continue solving things, finding projectors etc, you'll even still be able to get the extra ending!

You'll go into a core memory, much like any other. However, when you return to the case, things get a little strange...
>>>> Restorer plaque, Knocker and Answer Machine locations.
== Pinwheel Village Restoration Plaque ==

Its down by the docks, near the projector, keep walking along the edge and you'll see a boat with a red buoy in it, just around there is the cave entrance, and inside it, the plaque. Restore this and you'll get access to a red combination wheel for the safe in the case.

== Pinwheel Village Knocker locations ==

One knocker is obtained by completing the “Export” projector on this level.

The other is located in the safe in the Pinwheel Inn, however you need a combination wheel for the safe as its missing one. There is combination wheel in a small cupboard underneath a landing at the school, The combination is also found in the Inn written on a small object in a room.

== Pinwheel Village Answer Machine locations ==

You'll find an answer machine message located in one of the top rooms of the Pinwheel Inn hotel.

The second answer machine message is located in the secret room in the school (unlocked by doing the School projector). When you unlock the secret room, it is in one of the desks.

The third knocker is located in an orange house opposite the cinema, on a high shelf in a children's bedroom.
11 - The Lighthouse (and notes on the endings)

After completing the core memory for Pinwheel Village, its pretty much a one way path to the main ending, which is somewhat sad. However, don't rush and listen carefully to the exposition. And look at the rain! It looks realistic and isn't falling in slow motion like in most other games!

Contrary to what Phyllis says about not being able to come back, you can. After the game ends, just reload your save! If you attempt to quit and reload before you get to the ending though, you'll just restart as though you'd just come out of the core memory again.

== The extra ending ==
If you complete the game, and then go back to the main menu, you can then choose to load the game again (it'll have been last saved a few minutes ago) and you can then get access to an extra ending, in case the main one hasn't already left you an emotional wreck. All you have to do is walk around the area of the house (which probably looks a little familiar doesn't it?).

When you have been round all the areas, you can go to the front door and leave. The only place I had difficulty here is a spot where you have to go and look at the records in the kitchen, but the “trigger area” isn't very big. Just go over to the records and it should play. You have to go to all of the areas to get the ending to play.

==Achieving the extra ending==
To achieve the extra ending, all you must do is:

- Collect all ribbons
- Solve all projectors

You don't HAVE to satisfy these requirements before going through to the ending. As mentioned above, you can reload the save file if you only got the ribbons, go back, do the projectors (and anything else), and then Phyllis will call you back to the case for the second ending.

In my opinion, the second ending is much better, its not sad!

== The safe in The Case ==

The safe in the case requires 6 red combination wheels. For every single restoration that you perform (on the plaques), you will open up an area that contains a red combination-wheel. Bring them back and attach them to the safe. The code is located inside the school at Pinwheel Village. Although you might need the right kind of light to find it :)
12 - Afterword (and credits)
I hope you have enjoyed this guide. I hope it has helped you in some way. I have done all this for free, and yes, it has been a bit of an effort.

When I started this, I was only going to have a descriptive list of projector solutions in text format, and it's grown quite a bit larger! If you have found this to be of great use, and really feel compelled to, feel free to buy me a game on steam if you see something I havent got (I do have a wishlist, and it's nearly christmas!), nothing more than that could be asked. I dont have much money, but I do not need more to make it through, and wouldnt want to deprive others of their sins!

I cannot complete this guide, of course, without giving some thanks, to the people and sources that helped me write this (and figure out puzzles every time I was stuck).

Giorgio Chatzi's - Ether One Walkthrough guide (Youtube playlist)

Wings_Of_Pink's Ether One walkthrough (on[]

And of course:
White Paper Games (Developer's website) for making Ether One.[]

I would also like to thank you for reading, and wish you the best of times ahead!
Personally, I found most of the ribbons very easy to find, all you really have to do is explore. However, if you're stuck for one, check out the images below which should help you. If a ribbon is difficult to find, or cant be found right from the start of the level, there will be a description below of how you get to it.

- NOTE - You can click on the below images to see the bigger pictures -



Only the first ribbon is accessible before descending the mine, and it can only be reached by solving Brimclif Mine's first projector puzzle. The rest are in the lower section.

NOTE : Certain ribbon locations are only available by altering the "Mining Depth" selector, in the lower mine. Where this is the case, the combination you must use to find that ribbon has been edited (badly) into the image.


This Level is very mazelike, I have therefore added comments in the images to help you find the right location.


If you have done all the previous levels, this will be the last lot of ribbon hunting you have to do in this game. When you have collected every single ribbon, your artefact (lamp) will change to have a red ribbon tied around it.

To complete the game, all you really need do (after completing Devlin Mine level, and finding "the artefact") is find and click on all of these. However, see the rest of the guide to go more in-depth into everything!
APPENDIX B - "Projector Cheat Sheet"
Extreme spoilers below! Don't expect any reasons or explanation here, all of that is above.

== Devlin Mine Spoilers==

- The door code is 1670
- Set pumps correctly (right, left, left right, left) and hit the switch.

- Grab the Glass bottle and crush it in the machine opposite
- Use the glass shard to cut pipes and open doors, until you come to the book (pick it up)
- Put the book down on the desk next to the note about it (by the projector)

== Pinwheel Harbour Spoilers ==

- Close the front door
- Use the knocker on any one of the bells.
- Input the code (left, middle, left, right)

- Input “JD TAYLOR” on the “Pinwheel Brew” poster.
- Grab a safe combination wheel from in this level (A.Bells house, Deserted house with broken safe, or your case) and place it on the safe, code is 1513.
- Use the key on the nearby door, grab the model boat from inside, head outside to the stream (behind A Bell's house) and put the model boat between the two others.

- Grab the yellow wheel-handle and place on the furnace, then turn.
- Lower the rope 3 turns on the floor above, then start the winding machine by the door.
- Before dropping into the basement, head upstairs to get the wires, then drop down, place wires on the broken corner area, and start the machine.

- Put stamp from drawer on envelope and write “Baldrics” and “1” as quantity, on order form.
- Post letter at nearby post office (blue post box outside)
- Pick up bells from post office and place in empty spot upstairs in morris dancers bedroom

== Brimclif Mine Spoilers==

- Grab Knocker Hammer from cupboard, Tap out GREY, RED, RED, RED, GREY on the pipes
- Grab pump-wheel-handle from the minecart, place on pump, set pumps correctly (right, left, left right, left) and hit the switch.
- Enter 380 on the “Mining Depth” combination switch puzzle.

- Enter code on locked door, 1403
- Hit switch on back of audio machine to make speech forwards.
- Collect reels and put on machine Fragments-Are-Torn-Help-Everyone-Remember

- Enter 1151 on the combination-switch.
- Place the bible from under the stairs on EVERY pedestal above (even if it restores before you have done them all)
- Light 23 Candles (including the centre ones).

- Enter 0314 on door for lower area
- Attach pipe handle to pipe that doesn’t have one (found at Depth 480)
- Activate pipes in order given in below picture:

- Return drill-bits to yellow drill from other projector puzzles, walk through newly opened cave near lift.
- Turn on Canary puzzle for the first time.
- Keep following the lit up canaries. The last one is the first one.

== Pinwheel Industrial Spoilers==


- Input the pressure control settings (300, 100, 100, 100, 200), open the cases on the equipment nearby to expose hooks, and get the cables hooked up, THEN turn the steam pressure wheel, then ride the lift up to the top level.
- Open barometer case, open drawer, attach paper to barometer, and click button to start.
- On the nearby blackboard, enter “NEW JERSEY”, and “on MON 16 MAY”

- Pressure control settings are 100, 100, 300, 200, 200, enter 2218 on MARIE Ps door.
- Grab one of the chemicals, to out to the main room, open the furnaces and turn the wheels to start the fires. Put the chemical on one of the fires.
- Go below to the grinder, set it two settings back from “FULL” and then go downstairs and hit the switch next to the minecart.

- Set Pressure control terminal (300, 100, 200, 300, 100), and enter 2910 on Sean Vs locker.
- Take coffee cup to kitchen, place cup on coffee machine. Open coffee machine side-drawer (black) and put in coffee granules found in nearby cupboard, press button to make coffee.
-Take hammer from Sean Vs locker and use on cracked wall in shower (appears after you have done the above), knock down wall, grab little arsenic bottle and dispose of, near projector.

- Set pressure control terminal (200, 200, 100, 300, 300), on blackboard near projector, enter “SEAN B” and weight as “75”.
- Head through back of Miner's Dry to area near artefact. Turn all handle-wheels on row 420F and flip switch. (See in main section if you get this wrong and break it).
-Get hammer from Ore Tramming office desk (combination 2803), go to pipes on lowest level and tap out code (GREY, GREY, RED, GREY)

(other projectors on level must have been solved first)
- Discover the pipe puzzle on the next level up from ground straight ahead as you come off the stairs.
- Input the codes (from top to bottom – 7/12, 12/12, 2/12, 12/12)
- On grid map at top of victory shaft tower, mark off A5, C3, D11, J4

== Pinwheel Village Spoilers==

- On the blackboard, enter “PLYMOUTH” on top “NEW JERSEY” on the bottom line.
- Smash a glass bottle (such as the one in the export office) up to get a glass shard and cut the pipe in the house next to the mine exit at the dock. A smasher is in the cider house.
- Use a KNOCKER hammer to tap out code on the pipes (GREYx4, REDx2, GREYx2)

- Open the Cider House with the key you found in the CROWS NEST basement. Go upstairs and use the grabber to grab some apples from outside, then wheel it across and drop them into the crusher. Then go downstairs and flip the switch next to the crusher.
- Flip the switch on the crusher to squash apples. Grab a bottle from either father wostenholme's schack near the brewery, or the export house in the dock, place it in the blue machine (in the cider house) and turn the wheel handle to pour out some cider.
- Put the new cider in the crate by the barn door.

- In the surgery, write “VICKI” “30” and “12:15” on the appointment list.
- in the cinema projection room, feed the morsecode paper from a nearby folder into the morse code machine.
- Write “CHURCH YARD” on the blackboard by the cinema room entrance.

- See below image for playground game solution.
- Write “SPANNER” on item list and “THE GRUMPY KNOCKER” for the book.
- Use the paint brush you got in step one to paint on the big canvas in the art room (multiple times) A secret door will open leading to the chest. The code is 0911.

- Take the sheet music found in the secret room (of the school), and place on the piano in the curch. Get the tuning key from the piano filled house (its by the door), tune in the church piano with it, then play the notes.
- Hit the various bells throughout the level: One above the door of the export office, by the dock. One is the bell on the receptionists desk in the surgery. Another is outside the door of the school. Another is next to the door in the cider house. This makes ropes appear in the bell tower.
- Play the notes of the first line of music on the ropes (inspect them to see names), F, F, G, G#, A# G#, G, F
APPENDIX C - All Plaque, Knocker and Answer Machine Locations
Plaque Locations

You'll find a restorer plaque on Pinwheel Harbour Beach, go up to and past the boathouse, then turn around and it's in the boathouse, on the lower level.

The first is right where you pick up the Artefact.

The second restorer plaque is located in arsenic house. If you enter this from ground level, and take the stairs on the right which lead down, its by a river that flows under the walkways, which you'll have to restore.

Set the depth selector to 380. Turn right at the drill machine and go down the stairs and follow it round, it will be on a far wall away from your platform.

Its down by the docks, near the projector, keep walking along the edge and you'll see a boat with a red buoy in it, just around there is the cave entrance, and inside it, the plaque.

Knocker Locations

The first is located in the post office, behind the counter. You need to raise the pallet of boxes out of the way to get to it, and there's a level above that you can get to, with a winch to do exactly that.

The second is located in the safe in A. Bell's workshop, upstairs. However, just like the earlier safe in The Crows Nest, a number wheel is missing. There is also a number wheel downstairs in THE CASE when you first start the game, and theres also one in a broken safe in a deserted house in the upper harbour. The code is in A. Bell's HOUSE (not workshop)

The first knocker is located in the safe in the Warden's Office. The code for the safe is on the bottom of the warden's mug

The second knocker is located in the very visible safe on the top level of Mill Management, however you'll also need to find a combination wheel for this safe as well. There may be some around but did you have any spare from the Harbour level? The combination the year on the plaque on the balcony.

Restore the plaque in the mine (see restoration plaque section) to gain access to the first knocker statue.

Set the mining depth selector to 400, then go across the rope bridge. The second knocker is in one of the lockers in this area.

One knocker is obtained by completing the “Export” projector on this level.

The second is located in the safe in the Pinwheel Inn, however you need a combination wheel for the safe as its missing one. There is combination wheel in a small cupboard underneath a landing at the school, The combination is also found in the Inn written on a small object in a room.

The third knocker is located in an orange house opposite the cinema, on a high shelf in a children's bedroom.
Answer Machine Locations

This is easy, its literally in the attic of the house which you start this level in. Just look in the writing desk to find it.

This is easy to find, from the bottom of the Brimclif elevator, turn left immediately and go down that tunnel. After you pass the machine with a part spinning around, turn right and there is a desk. Inside the large cupboard is the answer machine.

The first answer machine is very easy to find from the HARBOUR entrance to the level (by the river). Go up the stairs and immediately turn right. Go between the sweeping brush and the machine, crouch down to get under the machine and it should be visible just around the corner.

The Second Answer Machine message is located above the kitchen at the far end of the Miner's Dry area. It's in a box.

You'll find an answer machine message located in one of the top rooms of the Pinwheel Inn hotel.

The second answer machine message is located in the secret room in the school (unlocked by doing the School projector). When you unlock the secret room, it is in one of the desks.
APPENDIX D - The Story of Ether One

All of the below information is mostly taken from notes/evidence found in the game, and a little is supposition of the author, the view outlined below is that of the author

The story starts by telling you it's focus is on Jean, and saving her. Although Jean is part of the story, you'll know by the ending that the "restorer" is Thomas Fletcher, and the memories he is wandering through are his own. Through the game we learn that Thomas is suffering from dementia and has a lot of trouble remembering things and recognising people. We also learn that he has apparently volunteered to take part in this experimental treatment. That experiment is the world in which you experience the game. However, much of the actual nature of it is never explored at all.

Thomas' Early Years
Thomas grew up living in Pinwheel, with his mother and father. Thomas meets Jean Thornton at a very early age (one of his birthday parties) and a friendship blossoms, however this does not go further for many years.

Late in the story we learn that Thomas' mother left at a very early age, presumably due to his dads drinking problem in a core memory moment, you experience Thomas huddled under a blanket whilst his parents argue downstairs. In another you see a car drive off from his bedroom window (which I believe is his mother). Thomas' dad has a hard time dealing with this and becomes more of an alcoholic, which eventually effects his health, and at some point he loses his job working in the mines of the town. These life changing circumstances do not help his drinking problem, but it does soften his attitude towards Thomas, as he struggles between being a good father, and losing himself to alcohol. At a subsequent birthday, he gives Thomas his old mining lamp (The Artefact), and a note in the game states "it meant everything to me". Another core memory moment shows the moment his dad falls downstairs, and presumably dies at the bottom of the stairs.

NOTE - There is argument to suggest that maybe it is his wife JEAN who falls downstairs to her death, however due to characters later referring to jean as having "passed away" (which doesn't seem tragic enough for these circumstances) I assume it is Thomas's Dad.

After this, Thomas is taken away to an Orphanage, and one core memory moment clearly shows an orphanage. We learn later that Jean looked after his dad's mining lamp whilst he was away.

Return to Pinwheel
At some point (perhaps around 16 or 17 years old) Thomas returns to Pinwheel as a young independent man. At some point after this, he starts a relationship with Jean, which from the notes you'll have seen in the game is very deep, and without arguments. Jean also gives Thomas the lamp back, and as you'll have heard in the game ending, is the reason why it is so significant for him. It is a present from two people.

At some point, Thomas goes to work in the mines (Devlin, Brimclif or both). How long this is for is unknown. I am not sure of what employment Jean had during this time, if any.

The Mining Incident
The reason why the story is so tied up in the mining incident is rather simple.

As you'll have seen in game, Sean V was desperate to have the 1st of May 1966 off work to be with his wife. Sean V and the Warden in the industrial level were not friends. The warden blamed missing drill pieces on him. At about the same time Sean also put in a request for holiday "my first in two years" to the warden which was denied. Whether the drill pieces were a factor or not, a note in the game states the holiday request was denied because Thomas Fletcher had already booked that day off.

A note in miners dry from Sean V after this states "Something needs to be done, and I'm thinking of doing that something on May 1st..."

Although it is not written in the game (I think) this clearly would have had an effect on Thomas, had he learned that this was the case. Think about it... Sean V obviously did something in the mine which caused the incident (whether he knew of the damage he would do or not) on 1st May. If Thomas had not booked this day off, the incident, in which so many miners died (including a G. Thornton - Jean's Dad?), then the incident would not have happened. Therefore, it is likely he would feel exceedingly guilty if this fact was ever brought to his attention.

After the incident, the pair journey to America to start a new life together, and whilst away, have a son (Jim). Some of the projector memories are based around Jim's early life. Including a base ball memory. However, as Phyllis herself mentions, not a lot of information could be found about their time in america.

At some point, Jean and/or Thomas is diagnosed as being in "the early stages of dementia". Potentially, Jean is diagnosed with a seperate illness, because there is a telephone conversation (after restoring the first plaque) where Thomas is talking about treatment ("The cost of treatment, its just too expensive"), however, seems very much in control of himself at that time. Jean may have developed a separate illness, as the starting house in Pinwheel Harbour contains "A lover's note" which is from either Jean or Thomas, and describes the other as "gone". As we play Thomas, I am assuming Jean died.

Return to pinwheel.
Things become fragmented upon the family's return to Pinwheel. Thomas seems to have quickly lost most faculties (including memory and recognition of people), as a memory experienced after the Industrial core memory, shows Jean caring for Thomas, even though Thomas can, at times, no longer recognise who she is.

One of the latest accounts we have of Jean is that she was involved in a car accident. Although I haven't found many details of this, or her death. Projector memories seem to indicate that Thomas was taken into care before she died.

At some point Thomas is moved into care, and eventually volunteers for an experimental kind of treatment to treat him. Jim was not terribly happy regarding this (see the answer machine messages), but according to the projector memories from Phyllis, when Jim came to the sessions, he seemed to enjoy participating.

Dr Phyllis Edmunds
The character you hear most in the game, is also one of the most mysterious. Very little of her is revealed except her career studying dementia started after her sister was diagnosed with the disease at an earlier time. She has spent three years researching a possible new kind of treatment for the disease. We also know that her time of government funded research is nearly up, and she is pressing for positive results. Although, all of this could be fiction, as during the ending sequence, Phyllis says "I'm just a manifestation", so the voice that we have heard all along, may not even be a real person's.
APPENDIX E - Guide Revisions

R1.00 - Initial Release 20/11/2014
13 - Copyright and legal disclaimer.
  • All of the art used in the screenshots is from the original game, and thus belongs to them. Ask them if they mind you stealing their art for whatever purpose.
  • Don't copy this and pass it off as your own, it took ages for me to do.
  • In fact, don't copy it at all, just link people to this guide on steam (which may get updated!).
  • If you see any cretin trying to sell this guide in electronic, paper based or audio book format, please let me know and I will chase them with a sharpened pencil.
  • As mentioned at the start, any opinions of the game and its puzzles are the opinion of the author of this article, not the creators of this lovely game.

The text of this document was entirely written by the author of this guide, in November 2014.

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54 kommenttia
kalimandzari 6.3. klo 5.18 
Thanks. Good idea to give tips before puzzle solution. Some games have this implemented.
Crazy James 4.2. klo 0.58 
Some notes on the explanation of the ending: The person who fell down the stairs was Thomas' father. The memory takes place in his childhood home, which you visit in Pinwheel village (the rooms are the same, and there are notes from his father). Also all the core memories take place during Thomas' childhood, and Jean is shown to be caring for him after the onset of his dementia. On the mine incident: there are several newspapers / notes that mention a massive storm that flooded Pinwheel, and the miners are said to have drowned - it is most likely they were working extra due to the mines financial troubles, and were caught when the flood waters came in. Sean V's crime was planning to poison the Wardens coffee. Anyways, thanks for one of the best written guides I've ever read! It was open on second monitor from the first point I got stuck!
vandergledison 20.11.2022 klo 3.59 
Hi There. for the Sean´s "weight", its not meant to be his weight rather the weight of ore that will go to the Nr. 5 vessel. you just have to bring the ore using the machine upstairs to the Nr.5, go down and read the weight of Ore. thats why you never saw his "weight".
Psaxtiri 7.4.2022 klo 6.24 
I see now that Stel346 also mentions the vice at the export so thank you ^_^ I wanted to add: In Brimcliff mine, when you put the bible in each of the pedestals, a few miners' lanterns light up in the distance in different places, hinting at the number of candles you need.
Psaxtiri 6.4.2022 klo 5.01 
In Pinwheel Village, if you need a shard to cut the pipe at the docks, if you have not kept the shard from the first level, and if the cider smasher has apple pallets in, there is a vice on the ground floor of the wooden building at the other end of the dock, which you can use to break a bottle.
zaphodikus 29.1.2022 klo 14.15 
A brilliant game totally blighted by having too many puzzles, never managed to find the light bulb I needed.
oyvho 10.11.2021 klo 10.57 
uhm, why did I skip 09 Brimcliff Mine and go straight to the village? Is that the way it's supposed to be?
j-a-lind 14.5.2021 klo 12.49 
Excellent walkthrough. Regarding Sean's weight in the Ore Tramming part of the Industrial Centre . . . you can obtain it after sorting out how to use the clamshell to drop ore into his chute and then getting its weight . Took me a while to figure this out but once I did it was relatively easy to do.
Stel346 7.5.2021 klo 5.56 
Hey thanks for the guide by had a little correction/suggestion. Spoiler tags because well...spoilers: for section 10 dealing with the export projector, you say that to get broken glass you need to go to the cider press or have saved it. As well as being a little long-winded, the cider press isn't always accessible. But anyway, it's also not needed. Right there in the export centre is a vice and a bunch of empty cider bottles. If you place one in the vice, it breaks and there's the glass you need. thanks for this guide anyway and I love your approach. It's nice to be able to check and make sure I haven't missed things without becoming reliant in it. I wouldn't have worked that out if I had, so case in point !
Ultimoz 23.4.2021 klo 12.45 
This is an incredible guide, thank you sir for the time and effort you spent making this