A Living Room
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Hit the light switch 5 times ("Turn it of and on again")
Pick up the knife
Cut the flower
Use flower on yourself ("Smell the flowers")
Talk to the couch
First option x2

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Use knife on the couch ("Stabby solution")

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Use flower on the couch ("The Peacemaker")
Talk to the couch again and do theraphy session - any options ("Cure Your Head")
Use remote on TV
Third option ("The Entertainment")
Use lamp near exit door
Use knife on lemons
Put seed into vase
Use remote control on it
Use knife on tree branch
Use branch on chair
Use branch on TV ("Nexo Corporate")
Interact with the clock few times to see some scene
Use key on lock

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Touch the book
First option ("That's some good television")

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Touch the book
Fourth option ("Not a fan")
Any option
Touch the book ("Meet the Devil")
Turn on TV
Interact with body few times ("Finish the game")

9 comentarios
harlequen2 10 JUN a las 3:20 p. m. 
Thank You so much for the perfect guide :albedothumbsup:
Rubenjackson 11 MAY a las 8:56 a. m. 
Thank you very much.
JACKRJ 3 MAY a las 3:53 p. m. 
I completed all the achievements but they do not appear on my profile. Can someone please help me?
krana 28 ABR a las 8:27 a. m. 
Thank you!
JSoup 27 ABR a las 7:36 p. m. 
After poking the chair with the stick, I had to click on the lamp twice to become aware of the key being in the chair so as to get it with another stick poke.
Mado4SXT 25 ABR a las 8:17 p. m. 
Thanks for the guide!
Mado4SXT 25 ABR a las 8:17 p. m. 
@The Final Boss. you have to click at up of the screen I think.
The Final Boss. 25 ABR a las 3:43 p. m. 
if i click the flower and it says that thing one more time i will implode how do i get the knife out
FrozenShiver 25 ABR a las 7:20 a. m. 