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[ENG] Full Walkthrough
By pizza frita
Full walkthrough for key points in the game (english is not my first language, so forgive me for any mistakes) (also it's my first time creating a guide so I have no idea if I did this correctly lmao)
Full Walkthrough
First steps
  • Leave your room. If you check the cat in the corner, you will be able to save the game (note: all cats throughout the game can save it)
  • Go to the kitchen (at the TV room it's the door to the right) and click the far right cabinet. Grab the knife
  • Go back to your room and click the stuffed bear. You will get a key for the door to the left in the TV room and be led into a "park"
  • Inside the park, go to the door on the top. You will get to a yellow section

Yellow section
  • Go to the top door. There's a key to another room
  • Leave the yellow section (the bottom door there is locked, you will be able to unlock it later) and head back to the park. Then, go to the door on the bottom, where you will get to a blue section

Blue section
  • Use the key to open the door on top. There will be another key in the bottom left of the room (important note: count the amount of fish of each color)
  • Go to the room at the bottom of the blue section. There's a puzzle where you need to discover the correct rocks to move so you can pass. It's a really simple puzzle, just interacting with the rocks will lead you to the correct place
  • When finishing the rock puzzle there will be a safe with a code. The hint the game gives you is "colors", and looking at the safe you can notice a pattern of colors above (blue, red, orange, green). The answer is the amount of fish of each color in the previous room (answer: 3433). Then you will get a fishing rod
  • Head back to the room on the top and fish once. Once it's done, get back to the yellow section

Back in the yellow section
  • Unlock the bottom door and place the fish inside the cat bowl
  • Go to the door on top and grab the grey bear. Then, leave the yellow section

Back at the park
  • Put the bear on the swing. The door on the left will be opened
  • Have the dialog normally and go left. When given the chance, save the game. This will send you back to your bedroom

Next steps
  • Try to leave the bedroom. After the mysterious person talks to you, follow their instructions
  • When the man sends you to the maze, follow this path (made by another steam user and publised here on the community, thanks :)). After you go through the door the man will have a dialog with you

  • After the dialog you can select any of the four options, it won't matter
  • Walk all the way up until you get to a door. This will send you back to your bedroom
  • Try leaving a few times, then the mysterious person will tell you were the key is (inside the cabinet. Grab it and open the door
  • The next part is reeeeally frustrating, you will have to find the next door while running away from various of the man that are following you (and they are quick ;-;). The easiest path I could find was walking through the bottom on the thickest hallways (and if given the chance, always go right). Still, be careful, they can appear any time and catch you
  • Once it's done, go through the door. This next section is easier, you just have to find your path while the men move (if you talk to the cat it will give you a hint: pressing "Z" next to one of them makes them move). Just walk straight to the top. You will have to go through this type of section twice
  • Walk to the top and find a door. Go throught it
  • When given the option to choose an answer, choose whatever, it's meaningless
  • Go to the door on top. Talk to the mysterious person
  • Go to the door on top. Grab the gun (also if you desire you can finally eat the cake in the frigde)
  • After leaving the kitchen, follow the path normally. At the end there will be another door
  • After going through the door, walk straight up
  • The final choice is yours. Each answer leads to a different conclusion (and since you are obligated to save, you can come back and do both)

That is the end of my walkthrough! Good game y'all <33
bootybandit777 Apr 27 @ 3:19pm 
oh my bad i found it hehe
bootybandit777 Apr 27 @ 3:18pm 
i'm not able yo interact with the rocks in the blue room, it says something like "i told you i won't let you pass through" what to do