Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

"<3 Baby Trash Rat <3"
Josie  [author] Apr 25 @ 5:15pm 
Still crying I see. This is the appropriate response to losing a single match of DBD.
Habromania Apr 25 @ 4:13pm 
also the fact that you said "days" when in fact it was yesterday just shows your level of intelligence, you cant even count too LMFAO, so pathetic
Habromania Apr 25 @ 4:07pm 
"If you get this upset over 1 match maybe you need to seek other avenues of entertainment." werent you the one who -rep'ed just because a survivor DC-ed, so, you started it, and now youre whining and complaining when the other side fights back. Men are actually insane
Habromania Apr 25 @ 4:06pm 
btw honey buns, im not fighting on anyones behalf, she doesnt need help, you saw how she destroyed you. But if you want to see it that way instead of taking any accountability for your actions, go ahead "babyboy"
Josie  [author] Apr 24 @ 9:01pm 
My new biggest fan <3
Habromania Apr 24 @ 4:49pm 
Baby Trash Rat has some amazing takes, and i hope they have a lovely day <3 hope you get banned again Josie