Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

67 ratings
Regarding Teamkilling
By Forester
This guide will investigate the subject of teamkilling in RO2 and Rising Storm. It will touch on what is teamkilling, why it happens and steps to take to reduce risk of teamkilling and what to do if you are teamkilled or have killed a fellow member of your team.
What is teamkilling?

Well I assume everyone knows what teamkilling is, but in the context of RO2 and RS, teamkilling is where a member of your team (most often) accidently kills a player on their own team. Yeah, it is that simple.

Remember, teamkilling happens to the best of us.

Why does teamkilling happen?

9 times out of 10 teamkilling happens because of an accident or mistake, the realism that RO2 and Rising Storm gives off towards the look of the soldier not only immerses the player, but trains the newcomer to notice small things that occur in-game, better sharpening their skills. This however leads to confusion as the often greyish atmosphere makes it hard to properly make out what team the person is on, especially in the heat of battle. Teamkilling happens for a couple of reasons, the first being a misfire, in the heat of battle, one may find it hard to distinguish friend from foe, so they will fire regardless in case it is an enemy, or that at first glance it looks like an enemy, like Booker Dewitt says "You either draw first, or you don't draw at all".

Another reason is most likely due to grenades, either because of bad throw or the grenade bouncing off a wall into your buddies. Grenade TK's happen almost always on accident, as it is tricky to get used to how grenades fly through the air.

How To Reduce Team Killing
Here are some tips to reduce teamkilling:
- Most importantly, go into a bot match and practice distinguishing between the different factions, try looking up on the internet the different models for the Axis and the Allies. For RO2, the Allies don't wear helmets except for one class that wears a green helmet and their uniforms are brownish yellow. The Axis almost all have helmets and they wear dark green-black uniforms. Also remember that Allied Heroes have a different uniform where they are in a kind of dark green coat, I can't find a good picture but if you are on the Allied side and see a person with a rank of 80 or above, then it is a good idea to observe their uniforms.

For Rising Storm it is harder to distinguish between friend and foe but you can see as Americans wear all green, except for Heroes and the Japanese wear beige uniforms with shrubs on them occasionally, it is much harder to distinguish and will take some time.

Remember that the Axis side run with their gun in one hand and and the Allied side run with their gun in both hands, this is one of the easiest ways to identify a friend or foe.

- Be aware of where your team is in that point of the match, and check your map to see where friendly forces are positioned, although there may be a few people who rush ahead and get behind enemy lines.

- Take a deep breath and focus, although sometimes taking a chance is life or death, other times you just need to calm down and put your finger away from that hair trigger.

- With grenades just be aware of where your team is and make sure you get adjusted to how grenades travel, perhaps go back into training mode and ♥♥♥♥ around throwing it at targets and see how they travel. Remember, if you are going to throw a grenade through a slit in a bunker eg; Iwo Jima, use the middle mouse button to underhand throw it in.
What To Do When You Have Been Teamkilled
Step 1: DO NOT get angry/mad, it is just a game and the person most likely did it on accident, don't get tied up about it.
Step 2: Identify who teamkilled you (you can see on the top right hand corner in the kill log) and wait for any message from them in chat. Also listen to VOIP and see if they say anything over there.
Step 3: If they say sorry, immediately go into team chat (U) and type 'np' then ENTER and continue with your day, don't hold grudges and don't take vengance.
Step 3b: If they say nothing, wait for a followup message and if none comes don't type anything, just leave it.

NOTE: Whatever you do, for the love of god DO NOT ignore the person if they say sorry, even if the TK was ridiculous. Don't be one of those ♥♥♥♥♥ that makes the RO2 and RS community look bad. everyone makes mistakes, even you. If you don't type 'np' then that person has lost 2 valuable points for a simple mistake.

Don't be that guy
What To Do If You Have Teamkilled
Step 1: Check if you actually killed a friendly or not.
Step 2: If you have then immediately go into team chat (U) and type 'Sorry' or better yet, type 'Sorry [players name]'
Step 3: Wait for a message saying [players name] has forgiven you and if none comes, repeat the message in Step 2, especially stating their name.
Step 4: If none comes after that then just go on, that person is a part of the toxic group of players in RO2 and RS and there is nothing you can do, they are one of those guys.
So that is a basic guide to what to do in regards to teamkilling, if you liked the guide then rate it up or favourite it so more people can see and make RO2 a better experience.

I know I may receive flak for talking about the toxic community in regards to TKing and those people will most likely come on and comment insults or even invalid rebuttals and that is the price you have to pay when you make your opinion on the internet.

This guide may be built upon as time goes on, but for now, thanks for reading!

moxi Aug 14, 2021 @ 8:56am 
thanks for the tip, it's my first time playing it so i got too stupid high figuring out they're the same
Mordecai Nov 19, 2020 @ 1:02am 
Atoka220 Nov 16, 2020 @ 8:56am 
Also check if you get teamkilled and you know it's your bad (bad timing, running in front of an mg or someone aiming, running into friendly arty) say np instantly.

And i just love when i kill a lower level player and say Sorry [player] and he calls me a f.ckin idiot instead lol
Has No Form May 22, 2020 @ 10:59am 
great guide. thanks for this
Josvia Sep 25, 2018 @ 12:36pm 
Katz Sep 23, 2018 @ 9:28pm 
sometimes i even say sorry when i get TK'd.

most of the time it is my fault for getting in a "Friendly's Line of Fire".
arrowtt33 Aug 15, 2017 @ 9:59pm 
Got TKed by a teammate once, didn't say sorry. I apologised anyway.
Kangaroo Aug 13, 2017 @ 4:19am 
Should be compulsory for all RO2 new players to read this & know the protocol, manners & common decency regarding TKs. I always forgive my TKs regardless of their apology or none. Thankfully the majority of players seem to adhere to these unwritten 'rules'. Cheers mate, Kangaroo, Australia.
EmotionallyBroken Jun 11, 2017 @ 6:36pm 
Sounds like someone who makes excuses to team kill
~{1E}~℟εįḉђȿ₣ϋḩřS Jul 21, 2016 @ 4:31am 
gG LOL\]:steamhappy: