Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

307 ratings
Ruby Rose
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3.664 MB
Mar 19, 2024 @ 10:34am
Feb 13 @ 3:45pm
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Ruby Rose

Ruby Rose, the protagonist of RWBY, bursts into battle!

Shot Reload:
Ruby has 3 moves that can shoot projectiles- her Neutral Special, Forward Strong (Second input), and Back Air. Depending on the projectile she last fired, she’ll have to wait a certain amount of time before being able to fire the next one.

Down Special: Dust Swap!
Ruby swaps her current Ammo Type, between either Gravity or Fire Ammo. This will change certain moves in her moveset. Gravity moves will generally propel ruby farther but are weaker, while Fire moves hit harder, but don’t have as much movement capabilities as Gravity moves.

Neutral Special: Gunblast!
Ruby switches Crescent Rose to “Gun Mode” and fires a projectile based on her current Ammo type. Gravity projectiles trap opponents in place, and are better for combos, while Fire Ammo hits harder, and is better for taking stocks.

Forward Special: Guillotine!
Ruby rockets herself forward and catches her opponent with her scythe, before swinging them around for a powerful slice! The air version is slightly different- Ruby launches herself at an upward angle, and drags her opponent with her, before finishing them off with a powerful slice!

Up Special: Petal Burst Ascent! Ruby uses her semblance to propel herself upwards. It can be angled slightly to the left or right and has a powerful hitbox at the peak of her ascension.

Forward Strong: By inputting any attack button after using Forward Strong, Ruby can fire a powerful & long-range sniper shot!

Down Strong: Ruby strikes a pose after completing a low sweep with the power of her semblance! The pose can be canceled before it is completed, so she isn’t open to counterattacks for too long.

Back Air: When using Back Air, Ruby automatically fires a projectile if her shot meter isn’t recharging. This move also can autocancel, so if you time it correctly, you can use the linker hit of the move when landing to combo into a grounded option!

It’s Time to Say Goodbye!
With the power inherent in all Silver-Eyed Warriors, Ruby stuns her opponent with a flash from her Silver Eyes! This gives the rest of Team RWBY the perfect opportunity to hop in for a team combo.

Miiverse (By Flophawk)
Final Smash Buddy (By LilacIsle)
Kirby (By Lunaluuu)

Lead Developer: Meganintenbro
Lead Pixel Artist: Bar-Kun
Stage & Final Strong Artist: SpriteStar
Lead Programmer: Harlequinn
Final Strong & CSS Programmer: SupersonicNK
Additional Pixel Artists: EquinoxDoodles & Krankees

Playtesters: Wattmelon, Kian V, gamerguy235, Crango, Jake McCarthy, ComeOnAndSam, Spider Boi, Landkon2, FantasticFungus, Jordan, Krankees, Slimepuffin, Harbige12, Soka, ar

Miiverse Artists: Jake McCarthy, Morlanrith, Xacrom, TripleHJedi, DigitalGameLand, d1g1talmess, Spritztomb, AG_Nonsuch, Dawn Divine, Ashley O'Handley, UnethicalPanda, Lesbianeo, Ph4nt0m_RM, CalmEnergy2125, Lierity, gamerguy235, JumJamz, RWBY:AmityArena, Zegner, ASDtronics, haxxorblue, calango_jovial, SchneeDoTTy, DelphaDesign, Sixtuple D, Random.Tatertot, Ari "Dudelings", nah<3, Oslad, EquinoxDoodles, Blue03, J.T, R3S0N4T3, & Sera.Raphin.

Sound Effects used from: RWBY: Grimm Eclipse, Blazblue: Crosstag Battle & RWBY: Ice Queendom
English Voice Clips-
Ruby: Lindsay Jones
Weiss: Kara Eberle
Blake: Arryn Zech
Yang: Barbara Dunkelman

Japanese Voice Clips-
Ruby: Saori Hayami
Weiss: Yōko Hikasa
Blake: Yū Shimamura
Yang: Ami Koshimizu

Ruby Rose and related characters/locations are the property of Viz Media.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Jun 3, 2024 @ 11:23pm
Ruby Rose Patch V1.1 notes!
D YellowMadness Feb 13 @ 4:21pm 
It'd be funny if she had a rare chance of accidentally killing a bird during her intro. "Birdy, no!"
themeganintenbro  [author] Feb 13 @ 3:54pm 
Yep that's not a problem please just credit the project/composer (And please send me a link to it on Twitter or Bluesky! Would love to see what it's used for)
orwinkler11 Feb 11 @ 3:22am 
Can I use the victory theme for something? I'll leave credit
themeganintenbro  [author] Jan 29 @ 5:27pm 
Thank you everyone for continuing to support this mod, I really appreciate everyone's enthusiasm! I wanted to drop into the comments to say there will be an update for Ruby launching at some point in February, so please keep an eye out for it.

And if I do ever get the chance to make Blake and Yang, I might have been planning to include a silly taunt along those lines ;P Time will tell!
Iris the Blind Jan 23 @ 2:20pm 
Please please please please P L E A S E do the rest of team RWBY, or at least one more member!!! I would prefer Blake or Yang, but admittedly Weiss probably has better moveset potential..... IDK POINT IS PLEASE DO THE OTHER 3 GIRLS AND MAKE THE TAUNT FOR BLAKE AND YANG THAT THEY MAKE O-
Riftley234 Jan 6 @ 4:16am 
Hey is it ok if you the rest of team RWBY?
Detective Pyro Dec 31, 2024 @ 4:21am 
no, there's only a joke Ruby called "roob" and a Ruby that's just sprites ported from Cross Tag.
Zaroc Dec 30, 2024 @ 5:36pm 
can anyone tell me if there are more rwby characters?
Mahakim Dec 26, 2024 @ 12:01pm 
Hey Bar, I was thinking. Think Neo could work? Been thinking about it since I remembered she was in Cross Tag Battle and I always loved her fighting style.
QuietNightRadiant Dec 7, 2024 @ 8:10pm 
I was wondering if I could rip these sprites for Smack Studio? (it's like rivals but with ledge and shielding)
You'd be credited of course. I'm a systems designer with no artistic ability or I'd do it myself