Command & Conquer Renegade™

Command & Conquer Renegade™

110 avaliações
The Renegade Getting Started guide for 2024!
Por Learonys
Want to experience the game with the latest updates? Get a smooth ready-for-current-year experience with 20+ years worth of bugfixes, extra console commands, an in-game autodownloader for multiplayer servers and tons more?

Follow this guide and you'll be there in less than 5 minutes!

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Your starting point
  • PRESET GALORE! Go nuts exploring all of what renegade has to provide!
  • Changed a Note below the console commands list that's worth mentioning here, skip the ID part in the campaign if the console command asks for it!
  • Added a Youtube video to the guide if you desire a video format to follow, Courtesy of pwnCall from Renegadeforums! Go check it out!!

When starting the game for the first time, you're going to be presented with the main menu screen. The code at the bottom right shows the latest OFFICIAL version of the game which is version 1.037, This needs to be updated by installing the Tiberian Technologies fan patch.

Features of this patch includes, but are not limited to:
  • Bugfixes, including the infamous 'Bluehell' bug (if you know, you know!)
  • Additional graphics options, including MSAA anti-aliasing and VSync (additionally the game is now limited to 200FPS if you want to avoid game-breaking physics glitches at high FPS, but also avoid screen tearing caused by VSync)
  • Access to 4K resolution (including an option to double the HUD size to avoid the HUD from becoming unreadable)
  • Borderless Windowed mode
  • Additional Console commands
  • A (once again) functioning ingame server listing for Multiplayer
  • An ingame autodownloader for automatically downloading modded content when joining servers

...And much more!

Basically, updating the game from this point is not a STRICT requirement, but is highly recommended to both smoothen and enhance the singleplayer portion of the game, and gain access to the multiplayer section of the game in the first place (many multiplayer servers will deny you access if you do not install this patch).

Either way, I hope you enjoy the game in whatever state you decide to play it!
Downloading and Installing the Tiberian Technologies Fanpatch
To download:...
...The Tiberian Technologies fanpatch, click on this hyperlink. []

Then, proceed to 1) click on the Downloads Tab on the top of the screen, and then 2) downloading the Client Installer.

The downloaded file does not need to be placed in the installation folder.

To install:...
...The game, open the installer, and click next twice (after agreeing to the terms and conditions). The installer should automatically find the installation folder for you, but if it does not, it should in most cases be either:

  • C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Command & Conquer Renegade

    OR, if you have changed the drive to install Steam games,

  • Not-Drive-C:\...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\ common\Command & Conquer Renegade

Clicking next twice again brings you to a menu of options, where where you can choose to add the game to the start menu shortcuts, add a desktop shortcut and launch the game after the update is installed. Choose any of your liking and/or just click on the install button.

Installation should not take long - it should at some point open a command prompt window for a few seconds, let it run and after this window closes the installation should complete momentarily

IF after completing the install, the installer may ask you to enter a valid serial key...

...Despite the explainer the installer gives you, consider this a relic of the past, as (virtually) no servers block you entry without a serial key nowadays, nor does - outside of multiplayer - the game verify your serial key anyhow. You can simply keep the window empty, enter a bunch of zeroes (a serial key is either 20 or 22 digits long), or enter the serial key on the sticker on the backside of the paper sleeve your original CD was kept in! Or, just feel free to press the close button!
Remaining steps and Extra's
Changing your resolution
The first time you launch the game, the game will launch at 800x600 resolution in fullscreen. Check the bottom-right of the screen to see if the code has updated. If it has, congratulations!

You may understandably try to change the resolution to one of your liking. Start the game through steam and select the option 'Launch Renegade Config'. Alternatively you can open WWConfig.exe through the game's installation folder.

Use the slider to change your resolution, however two things to note here:
  • If you choose a resolution >1080p, the Double HUD option is highly recommended.
  • The game needs to be launched TWICE for the resolution changes to take effect!!!

The game also natively comes with a 300FPS framelimiter to avoid gamebreaking physics glitches. if you want to lower the FPS further to the refresh rate of your monitor, enable VSync or run the game through your dedicated graphics card and enable your frame limiter settings from there.

To check your ingame framerate, enter a map, and 1) press either the tilde OR F8 key, and then type 'fps', and then proceed to press Enter. You won't be able to move your cursor during this time. the FPS counter shows at 2) the top right of the screen.

Setting a nickname
Before choosing to enjoy the multiplayer sections of the game, you need to set a username. If you don't set a username, you'll be appropiately named "Unnamed". If there's more than one person trying to do the same thing you just did, you'll get denied access to whatever server you're trying to join, as duplicate names are not accepted.

Select Options, then enter a username! No need to touch the port numbers.

Extra features worth mentioning

  • 'Botcount' console command (Multplayer practice or Multiplayer LAN servers only with a maximum playercount of 1):
    Want the Multiplayer experience, but you don't want to deal with real players? Use this command to add bots to the map!
    Type: 'Botcount <amount> <team>', and then press enter
    <amount>: amount of bots to add, bots are evenly split if team if only one number is added to the command (i.e. team section is not filled in).
    <team>: 0 for Nod, 1 for GDI

    EXAMPLE: F8 --> Botcount 30 ---> Press enter

    This will spawn 30 bots, divided evenly across both teams.
    You know the command has been entered if you see lines of "Bot has entered the game" appear at the message window at the top.

  • 'Spawnvehicle' console command (Multplayer practice or Multiplayer LAN servers only with a maximum playercount of 1):
    Want to try flying around the map but the map doesn't allow for aircraft? Just spawn one!


  • 'Spy' console command (Multplayer practice or Multiplayer LAN servers only with a maximum playercount of 1):
    Want to just explore all the multiplayer maps the game has to offer, but the bots you spawn keep shooting your brand new spawned orca? enter 'Spy 1' (as your player ID in this case is 1) to make yourself invisible to bots, including base defences!

    NOTE: If you use this command inside a vehicle, ONLY this vehicle will be "invisible", not you. Likewise if you use this command while on foot, only your character will be a spy. Want it to work on both? Use the command on both!

    (Look! I'm completely safe! I should avoid shooting them though or they get pissed off at me...)

  • 'Vis' console command: Disables/Enables VIS culling. Enabled by default. Good if you want to prevent random sections of the map from un-rendering because you stood at a specific spot where VIS was not properly calculated. Increases game's performance usage if disabled.

Example of incorrect VIS culling:
A portion of the floor and several rocks are not rendered here (can you guess which rocks?). This sometimes turns vehicles or infantry on it invisible too, so watch out!

Got any questions? Feel free to leave them here, with enough interest i can add a FAQ!

See you on the battlefield, commanders!
Extra Console Commands
The game's console command window allows for many inputs which may be useful for the player, mainly as either a server host or playing in multiplayer LAN/multiplayer practice, and some are even useful in the campaign!

Below is a list of useful commands:
  • BOTCOUNT <count> <team> - Changes the max. amount of bots. Team param is optional. Host only.
  • CHANGECHAR [id] <preset> - Changes specified player's character to the specified infantry preset. Host only.
  • CINEMATIC_CAMERA [id] <mouse smoothing: 0.0 - 1.0> <spectate smoothing: 0.0 - 1.0> - Smooths out camera and spectator motion for a cinematic experience. Useful in combination with HUD, SPECTATE, and/or BOTCOUNT.
  • DONATE <from player> <to player> <amount> - Move cash from one player to another on the same team.
  • EDIT_CAMERA - Edit the parameters of the currently active camera profile.
    [*javascript:BBCode_ItalicizeSelection();] EDIT_VEHICLE - Edit the parameters of the currently driven vehicle.
  • EXIT/QUIT - Exits renegade.
  • EXTRAS - enables the extra menu's at the Purchase Terminal menu's when holding Alt.
  • FLY [id] - Toggles fly mode of the specified player. Host only.
  • FPS - toggle FPS display. (fps)
  • GAMEOVER - end current game (server only).
  • GIVECREDITS <id> <amount> - Gives specified amount of credits to the specified player.
  • GIVEPOINTS <id> <amount> - Gives specified amount of points to the specified player.
  • GRANTWEAPON [id] <preset> - Grants specified weapon preset to the specified player.
  • HUD - toggle HUD display
  • NET_UPDATE_RATE - set the max. net update think rate (times per second).
  • SETSPEED [id] <speed> - Changes maximum speed of the specified player.
  • SPAWNVEHICLE [id] <zOffset> <preset> - Spawns the specified vehicle preset at specified player's location with a height offset, and forces the player in it.
  • SPECTATE [id] - Puts specified player into the spectator mode. If player is already spectator, they will be respawned.
  • SPY <id> - Toggles player or their vehicle's spy mode. Host only.
  • TIMESCALE - Set the timescale of the game.
  • VELOCITY - toggle display of velocity alongside FPS. (vel)
  • VIS - toggle VIS Culling. (vis)
  • VLIMIT <limit> - Changes the current vehicle limit. Host only.
  • whereamI - Shows current location on map.

NOTE: This is not a complete list of all available console commands, but they are the most useful ones for the average user. If a ID is requested;
  • In 1-player-max servers (including multiplayer practice): enter '1' as this will be your ID in a server you're the only person in. Most commands may not work in the singleplayer campaign.
  • In the singleplayer campaign: NO ID IS NEEDED! Just directly enter the preset name or type only the command. It'll work IF the console command is usable in the campaign!
Preset names (to be used with console commands)
  • CnC_GDI_Humm-vee
  • CnC_GDI_Medium_Tank
  • CnC_GDI_Mammoth_Tank
  • CnC_GDI_Orca
  • CnC_GDI_Transport
  • CnC_Nod_Buggy
  • CnC_Nod_APC
  • CnC_Nod_Mobile_Artillery
  • CnC_Nod_Flame_Tank
  • CnC_Nod_Light_Tank
  • CnC_Nod_Stealth_Tank
  • CnC_Nod_Apache
  • CnC_Nod_Transport
  • CnC_Nod_Recon_Bike
  • Nod_SSM_Launcher_Player
  • CnC_Nod_Truck_Player_Secret
  • CnC_Civilian_Sedan01_Secret
  • CnC_Civilian_Pickup01_Secret
  • CnC_NOD_Gun_Emplacement
  • Nod_Gun_Emplacement_Player


NOTE: Weapon presets listed like this also have a [...]_Nod version.

  • CnC_Weapon_AutoRifle_Player
  • Weapon_AutoRifle_Player (singleplayer version)
  • Weapon_Chaingun_Player
  • Weapon_GrenadeLauncher_Player
  • Weapon_Shotgun_Player
  • Weapon_RocketLauncher_Player
  • CnC_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Player (stronger version used by MP gunner)
  • Weapon_TiberiumAutoRifle_Player
  • Weapon_TiberiumFlechetteGun_Player
  • CNC_Weapon_ChemSprayer_Player
  • Weapon_ChemSprayer_Player (singleplayer version)
  • CNC_Weapon_Flamethrower_Player
  • Weapon_Flamethrower_Player (singleplayer version)
  • Weapon_LaserChaingun_Player
  • Weapon_LaserRifle_Player
  • Weapon_Railgun_Player
  • Weapon_PersonalIonCannon_Player
  • CnC_Weapon_SniperRifle_Player
  • Weapon_SniperRifle_Player (singleplayer version)
  • CnC_Weapon_RamjetRifle_Player
  • Weapon_RamjetRifle_Player (singleplayer version, 1 shot clip, less damage to light armour)
  • Weapon_VoltAutoRifle_Player
  • Weapon_VoltAutoRifle_Player
  • Weapon_RepairGun_Player
  • CnC_Weapon_RepairGun_Player_Special (stronger version used on MP hotwire and technicians)
  • CnC_Weapon_MineRemote_Player (1 ammo version, fun to toss like mad while spam-refilling!)
  • CnC_Weapon_MineRemote_Player_2Max
  • Weapon_MineRemote_Player (9 ammo)
  • CnC_Weapon_MineTimed_Player (1 ammo version, fun to toss like mad while spam-refilling!)
  • CnC_Weapon_MineTimed_Player_2Max
  • Weapon_MineTimed_Player (5 ammo)
  • Weapon_MineProximity_Player
  • CnC_Weapon_NukeBeacon_Player (~45 second version)
  • Weapon_NukeBeacon_Player (10 second version)
  • CnC_Weapon_IonCannonBeacon_Player (~45 second version)
  • Weapon_IonCannonBeacon_Player (10 second version)
  • Weapon_Obelisk
  • Weapon_AGT_Missile
  • Weapon_UltimateWeapon
  • Weapon_AGT_HMG
  • Weapon_AGT_Missile
  • Weapon_Ceiling_Gun_M11
  • Weapon_Emplacement_Cannon_Player
  • Weapon_Emplacement_Gun_Player
  • Weapon_Emplacement_Rocket_Player
  • Weapon_GDI_Tower_MachineGun
  • Weapon_Nod_ceiling_Gun_Las
  • Weapon_SAM_Site
  • Weapon_Turret_cannon
  • Weapon_comanche_rocket_ai
  • Weapon_APC_M60MG_Player
  • Weapon_FlameTank_Player
  • Weapon_SSM_Player
  • Weapon_StealthTank_Player
  • Weapon_MediumTank_Cannon_Player
  • Weapon_MobileArtillery_Cannon_Player
  • Weapon_Big_Gun_Cannon_M03
  • CNC_Weapon_Orca_Rocket
  • CnC_Weapon_Orca_HeavyMachinegun

NOTE:some of these weapons require you to be in first person mode to be fired normally.

  • GDI Soldier: CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_0
  • Nod Soldier: CnC_Nod_Minigunner_0
  • GDI Shotgun Trooper: CnC_GDI_RocketSoldier_0
  • Nod Shotgun Trooper: CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_0
  • Grenadier: CnC_GDI_Grenadier_0
  • Female Lieutenant: CnC_GDI_Grenadier_0_Secret
  • GDI Engineer: CnC_GDI_Engineer_0
  • Nod Engineer: CnC_Nod_Engineer_0
  • GDI Officer: CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_1Off
  • Nod Officer: CnC_Nod_Minigunner_1Off
  • GDI Rocket Soldier Officer: CnC_GDI_RocketSoldier_1Off
  • Nod Rocket Soldier Officer: CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_1Off
  • Tib Sydney: CnC_Sydney
  • PIC Sydney: CnC_Sydney_PowerSuit
  • PIC Sydney (Alternative): CnC_Sydney_PowerSuit_ALT2
  • Flamethrower: CnC_Nod_Flamethrower_0
  • Chem Trooper: CnC_Nod_Flamethrower_1Off
  • Deadeye: CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_2SF
  • Black Hand Sniper: CnC_Nod_Minigunner_2SF
  • Gunner: CnC_GDI_RocketSoldier_2SF
  • Patch: CnC_GDI_Grenadier_2SF
  • Black Hand LCG: CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_2SF
  • Stealth Black Hand: CnC_Nod_Flamethrower_2SF
  • Havoc: CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_3Boss
  • Havoc (Night Camo): CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_3Boss_ALT2
  • Havoc (Winter Camo): CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_3Boss_ALT3
  • Havoc (Desert Camo): CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_3Boss_ALT4
  • Sakura: CnC_Nod_Minigunner_3Boss
  • Sakura (Alternative): CnC_Nod_MiniGunner_3Boss_ALT2
  • Mobius: CnC_Ignatio_Mobius
  • Powersuit Mobius: CnC_Ignatio_Mobius_ALT2
  • Mendoza: CnC_Nod_Flamethrower_3Boss
  • Mendoza Flamesuit: CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_3Boss_ALT2
  • Raveshaw: CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_3Boss
  • Raveshaw Mutant: CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_3Boss_ALT2
  • Hotwire: CnC_GDI_Engineer_2SF
  • Technician: CnC_Nod_Technician_0
  • Locke: CnC_GDI_RocketSoldier_2SF_Secret
  • Logan: CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_2SF_Logan
  • Elena Petrova: CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_3Boss_Petrova
  • Kane: CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_3Boss_Secret
  • Kane Hologram: CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_3Boss_Secret2
  • Chef: CnC_Nod_Flamethrower_0_Secret
  • Mr. Tickles: CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_0_Secret

NOTE: This is not a complete list of all available presets.
Known issues
My Tiberian technologies patch tries to update to 4.8.2, but it gives an "A 1" error message!
The compability settings that the game are shipped help fix the game for some windows 11 users on the stock version, but both is unnecessary for the patched version of the game, and introduces new issues with compability settings.
In this case. the .NET 8.0.0 Desktop Installere refuses to work with the windows XP SP3 compability mode setting the game's shipped with. Thankfully it only happens when the patch updates itself. If you've applied the patch before, this is not a problem as previous versions of TT scripts that you may have used have already installed this for you and there is nothing else left to update after the TT installer reaches this point, so the installation has for all intents of purposes completed.
If, by the time you're reading this, you haven't installed the Tiberian Technologies fan patch yet, just download the new 4.8.2 version and the issue should not appear as it only applies on the launcher updating itself.

The Tiberian Technologies team is working around this issue, by having the next version of the patch move installscripts.vdf to a different folder within the game installation to prevent any interference with the TT installer.

My steam overlay doesn't work, what do I do?
Very simple! Launch Steam in admin mode and you're ready to make all the screenshots you like and share them on the community page ;)!
Community links and support
Before starting, I do want to give a special shout here to the Renegade mod community. Since around 2006, C&C Renegade has been continuously maintained, upgraded, and modded. A Path Beyond, formerly known as RenAlert, is a total conversion mod that turns C&C Red Alert into a first person shooter. Tiberian Sun Reborn, as the name implies, does the same but for a Tiberian Sun flavor. Interim Apex, possibly the most popular W3D mod, expands on Renegade by adding a larger variety of infantry and units, and further enhances gameplay with a veterancy system. Apocalypse Rising, the total conversion to Red Alert 2 flavor, recently had a public beta and looks to be closer to release than ever.

All of these mods, as well as an easy server list for C&C Renegade, are available on the W3D Hub launcher. While Renegade remains the most active, the community does host game nights--preplanned events where players fill a server for one of the mods. You can take part in these events by checking the calendar on

Got a question you want to ask, and you can't find the answer here on Steam? Or just want to see where the community hangs out? Here are some useful links and places!

[]The place of legends. One of the first places to look for archived content and nostalgia overload. Went mysteriously offline in 2019, and has been revived and restored in 2024! Now a helpful place for anyone to ask technical or gameplay questions, find tips, or just share content in general.

W3D hub:
[their website][] [discord invite link][]
The premiere spot for community discussion, memes, access to *many* standalone mods, including Red Alert: A Path Beyond, Tiberian Sun: Reborn, Red Alert: Apocalypse Rising, Interim apex, Battle for Dune: War of Assassins, Expansive Civilian Warfare (the most deranged and enjoyable GTA-like game you're gonna find, don't tell Jerad I said that though!), and more!

Renegade Communities:
[] [their website][] [discord invite link][]
One of the few long time but still standing servers for Renegade. The most vanilla public experience you're going to get with a lot of players! Rencorner also hosts Minecraft and Terraria servers amongst other games.

[] [their website][] [discord invite link][]
This server shares a similar story of that of Rencorner, except MultiPlayerForums is more exclusively Renegade oriented, is definitely the more modded experience. Tons of fanmaps, building revival, rebalanced units and vehicles, and more!

[] [discord invite link][]:
Feel like you've mastered the game and need a challenge? Join the discord and see if you make the cut for competitive renegade! Voice chat required to play, but if you can't play, you've got by far the best spectator feature the game has ever seen - available on this server - to observe the cutting-edge plays and learn from the best!
Renewars is affiliated with MultiPlayerForums.

Renegade X/Totem arts:
[their website][] [discord invite link][]:
A very honorable mention, Renegade in a completely new jacket, designed from the ground up with the UDK engine! Currently also developing Firestorm!

Got any community links you want to add here? Feel free to request them! Sorry if I missed anyone!
Previous changelists
11th of march:
  • Added a section on how to choose your own username.
  • Added a 'Console Commands' section, list of presets to follow later.

9th of march:
  • Scripts 4.8.2 Is released! The steam playtime is working again.
  • Updated the known issues list, the compability settings shipped with the game are causing a partial failure of the TT patch installion.
  • Added a small section on how to make the steam overlay work.

8th of march:
  • Changed guide title to better encompass the widened scope of the guide
  • Added community links and descriptions, expanded console command explanations,
  • Fixed an error in the 'Botcount' console command description
  • Changed incorrect information about the max FPS.
29 comentário(s)
Punky 30 de jun. às 9:10 
not sure how to spawn a vehicle ?
as i am using the command alongside with cnc_nod_apache for ex and nothing happens
Benji 6 de mai. às 1:23 
Does anyone know of how to do all this on Linux?
Eugdigo(Eater of Taquitos) 4 de mai. às 16:10 
this man making this guide is the reason why i still believe in older gaming communities :steamthumbsup:
Ahsoka Tano 3 de mai. às 2:09 
CthuluIsSpy 29 de abr. às 5:41 
I'm getting an internal error message all of a sudden. It was working fine yesterday but now it refuses to boot.
MaestroII 16 de abr. às 0:55 
Useful guide, finaly got Renegade working with Windows 10.:steamthumbsup:
Captain Pants 24 de mar. às 15:12 
Just a heads up, that issue I had on March 9th is fixed. I didn't have time to go in and look at it, but when I went back to look at it today I saw that there's a new version (Update 3) out, and that worked perfectly and didn't give me any issues. I was able to hop in a server and play some!
BramSlamBreakfast 15 de mar. às 17:06 
Anyone know how to install this on steamdeck?
QUAKE 14 de mar. às 5:58 