Slime Rancher 2

Slime Rancher 2

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Automatic Plort Collector
Tekijältä littlelotus13
This contraption will allow you to collect plorts from a corral automatically and send them to your refinery or market without player intervention.
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Important Note
As of patch 0.5.0, the gadget stacking bug has been fixed, so this contraption can no longer be built. You can still place a cannon inside corrals to extract plorts, but the plort collection system itself will need to be built differently.

Since this contraption works without player intervention, it removes the ability to manipulate the plort market. If you need to be able to control the plort market, consider building a semi-automatic plort collector instead.
To build this contraption, you will first need to know how to stack gadgets on top of each other.

It should also be noted that this contraption will only work if the slimes in the corral are largos.
Building Materials
To build this contraption, you will need...
  • 3 Accelerators
  • 1 Refinery Link
  • 1 Market Link
  • 9 Easy Breezy Fans
  • 13 Large Pinwheels
  • 1 Stunt Cannon
Building the Collection System
Placing the Cannon
Place a Large Pinwheel as close to the corral as possible, aligned with the center of the corral wall.
Place a Large Cannon inside the pinwheel, facing directly outwards from the corral.
Press "E" once on the cannon to make it aim slightly upwards.

Placing the Refinery Link
Align your cross-hair with the section of the cannon shown in the screenshot below.
With your cross-hair still in the same position, move backwards and place a Large Pinwheel as close to the cannon as possible.
Place an Accelerator inside of the pinwheel, facing directly to the right (parallel to the corral wall). Once you have placed the Accelerator, test it by shooting food into the cannon. The food should be redirected by the Accelerator. If the food is not being sent through the Accelerator, retry placing the pinwheel and Accelerator, and test it again.
Place a Refinery Link inside of the Accelerator, facing directly to the left (parallel to the corral wall).

Placing the Market Link
Place a Large Pinwheel as close to the Refinery Link as possible, aligned with the left edge of the base of the Refinery Link.
Place another Large Pinwheel as close to the corral wall as possible, aligned with the previous pinwheel.
Place an Accelerator inside the second pinwheel, facing towards the inside of the corral.
Place another Accelerator inside the first pinwheel, facing towards the corral. Once you have placed the Accelerator, test it by shooting food into the cannon. The food should be sent through the Accelerators and back into the corral.
Place a Market Link inside this Accelerator, facing directly away from you (perpendicular to the corral wall).

The Result
The final collection system should look something like this...
Placing the Fans
Placing the Pinwheels
The position of these pinwheels does not need to be exact, just make sure to place them as close to the corral walls as possible.

Across the corral wall opposite to the collection system you build previously, place five Large Pinwheels in roughly this orientation...
On the left and right corral walls, place two Large Pinwheels in roughly the following orientations...

Placing the Fans
The rotation of these fans does not need to be exact, just make sure to place them inside of the Large Pinwheels.

Across the corral wall opposite to the collection system, place five Easy Breezy Fans in this orientation...
On the left and right corral walls, place two Easy Breezy Fans in the following orientations...

Once you have placed all of the fans in the correct orientation, you can remove the Large Pinwheels and use them again later.
5 kommenttia
littlelotus13  [tekijä] 26.4. klo 23.53 
While the drones were certainly convenient, I actually like this approach to automation more because it allows for more creativity. However, it is unfortunate that we need to abuse bugs in order to actually achieve said automation in the first place.
Magnus Fatuus 26.4. klo 22.48 
Stuff like this makes me wish we had the drone automation system from Slime Rancher 1.
littlelotus13  [tekijä] 29.2. klo 15.47 
Thanks, I forgot to mention that.
luck 28.2. klo 18.36 
You also have to use largos or they'll get picked up by the cannon.
luck 28.2. klo 18.05 
Don't set this up with any flying slimes... especially if you decided to mix them with boom slimes...
(although if you do use a boom slime mix, forget the fans, the explosions will push the plorts in eventually)